
server/2024/9/25 17:22:23/


void wb_supervisor_node_add_force(WbNodeRef node, const double force[3], bool relative);
void wb_supervisor_node_add_force_with_offset(WbNodeRef node, const double force[3], const double offset[3], bool relative);
void wb_supervisor_node_add_torque(WbNodeRef node, const double torque[3], bool relative);


void addForce(const double force[3], bool relative);
void addForceWithOffset(const double force[3], const double offset[3], bool relative);
void addTorque(const double torque[3], bool relative);


typedef struct WbNodeStructPrivate *WbNodeRef;


typedef struct WbNodeStructPrivate {int id;WbNodeType type;char *model_name;char *def_name;char *content;int parent_id;double *position;                                  // double[3]double *orientation;                               // double[9]double *center_of_mass;                            // double[3]WbNodeWbContactPointListStruct contact_points[2];  // 0 -> without descendants, 1 -> with descendantsbool contact_points_include_descendants;           // TODO: Delete with `wb_supervisor_node_get_contact_point`bool static_balance;double *solid_velocity;  // double[6] (linear[3] + angular[3])bool is_proto;bool is_proto_internal;  // FALSE if the node is visible in the scene tree, otherwise TRUEWbNodeRef parent_proto;int tag;WbNodeRef next;
} WbNodeStruct;


The wb_supervisor_node_add_force function adds a force to the Solid node at its center of mass, the relative argument defines if the force is expressed in world coordinate system (relative set to false) or relatively to the node (relative set to true). The wb_supervisor_node_add_force_with_offset function adds a force to the Solid node at the location (expressed in the node coordinate system) defined by the offset argument. The wb_supervisor_node_add_torque function adds a torque to the Solid node.

注意要把Robot节点下面的Supervisor项由FALSE改为TRUE. 在某个零件上添加一个恒定的的示例代码如下:

webots::Supervisor* robot = webots::Supervisor::getSupervisorInstance();
webots::Node* BaseNode = robot->getFromDef("Base_link_00");
const double RopeForce[3] = { 500.0, 500.0, 500 };
const double RopeForceOffset[3] = { -30.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
//BaseNode->addForce(RopeForce, false);
BaseNode->addForceWithOffset(RopeForce, RopeForceOffset, false);


webots::Supervisor* robot = webots::Supervisor::getSupervisorInstance();
webots::Node* robotNode = robot->getSelf();
webots::Field* translationField = robotNode->getField("translation");
webots::Field* rotationField = robotNode->getField("rotation");
const double translationArray[3] = {-39, 0, 0.9};
const double rotationArray[4] = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, pi/2.0};


/*** @brief Add force at centre of mass of body in absolute coordinates.* @ingroup bodies*/
ODE_API void dBodyAddForce            (dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz);/*** @brief Add torque at centre of mass of body in absolute coordinates.* @ingroup bodies*/
ODE_API void dBodyAddTorque           (dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz);/*** @brief Add force at centre of mass of body in coordinates relative to body.* @ingroup bodies*/
ODE_API void dBodyAddRelForce         (dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz);/*** @brief Add torque at centre of mass of body in coordinates relative to body.* @ingroup bodies*/
ODE_API void dBodyAddRelTorque        (dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz);/*** @brief Add force at specified point in body in global coordinates.* @ingroup bodies*/
ODE_API void dBodyAddForceAtPos       (dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz,dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz);
/*** @brief Add force at specified point in body in local coordinates.* @ingroup bodies*/
ODE_API void dBodyAddForceAtRelPos    (dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz,dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz);
/*** @brief Add force at specified point in body in global coordinates.* @ingroup bodies*/
ODE_API void dBodyAddRelForceAtPos    (dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz,dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz);
/*** @brief Add force at specified point in body in local coordinates.* @ingroup bodies*/
ODE_API void dBodyAddRelForceAtRelPos (dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz,dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz);


Add forces to bodies (absolute or relative coordinates). The forces are accumulated on to each body, and the accumulators are zeroed after each time step.

The ...RelForce and ...RelTorque functions take force vectors that are relative to the body's own frame of reference.

The ...ForceAtPos and ...ForceAtRelPos functions take an extra position vector (in global or body-relative coordinates respectively) that specifies the point at which the force is applied. All other functions apply the force at the center of mass.

还有一招,Help > How do I apply a force or a torque to an object? 这样加上去的似乎也只在一个时间步生效,立刻就会消失。

友情提示:有道词典的“取词”功能会导致webots卡死,在我的电脑(Win 11, Webots R2023b,有道10.2.4)上可以100%复现。




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