Android 内存优化(这是一篇完全由chatGPT编写的技术文章)

news/2024/10/25 17:30:31/

0. 导语


1. OnLowMemory

Q: Can you introduce ‘onLowMemory’ in Android?

A: onLowMemory is a callback that is triggered when the system is running low on memory. This callback is generally used to clean up any unnecessary resources that may be taking up memory in an Android app. For example, if an app is using a lot of bitmaps, it could release some of them in the onLowMemory callback to free up memory.

Q:Can you make an example, show ‘onLowMemory’ override by Application class in kotlin, Android?

A:Sure! Here is an example of how you could override the onLowMemory callback in a Application class in Kotlin:

class MyApplication: Application() {override fun onLowMemory() {// Release any unnecessary resources here.super.onLowMemory()}}

In this example, the onLowMemory callback is overridden in the MyApplication class, which extends the Application class. In the onLowMemory method, you can add any code that you want to execute when the system is running low on memory. In this case, the method simply releases any unnecessary resources that may be taking up memory.

Remember to add the MyApplication class to your AndroidManifest.xml file so that it gets used by the system. You can do this by adding the following line inside the <application> element:

<applicationandroid:name=".MyApplication"... >...</application>

This will tell the system to use the MyApplication class as the application class, and the onLowMemory callback will be triggered when the system is running low on memory.

Q:Can you make some example in ‘onLowMemory’ callback, show how to release unnecessary resources?

A:Here is an example of how you could release unnecessary resources in the onLowMemory callback:

class MyApplication: Application() {override fun onLowMemory() {// Release any unnecessary resources here.if (myBitmap != null) {myBitmap.recycle()myBitmap = null}super.onLowMemory()}}

In this example, the onLowMemory callback checks if a bitmap named myBitmap is being used by the app. If it is, the bitmap is recycled and set to null to free up the memory that it was using. This is just one example of how you could release unnecessary resources in the onLowMemory callback. You can add any code that you need to clean up resources in your app here.

Remember to always call the super.onLowMemory() method at the end of the onLowMemory callback to ensure that the system’s default behavior is also executed.

Q:Should I release Glide resource in ‘onLowMemory’ callback?

A:It is generally not necessary to release Glide resources in the onLowMemory callback. Glide already has its own system for managing memory and will automatically release unused resources when the system is running low on memory.

However, if you are using Glide in a way that is not recommended, or if you are using a lot of large images in your app, it may be necessary to release Glide resources in the onLowMemory callback. In this case, you can use the Glide.with(context).onLowMemory() method to tell Glide to release any unused resources.

Here is an example of how you could use the onLowMemory method in Glide:

class MyApplication: Application() {override fun onLowMemory() {// Release Glide resources here.Glide.with(this).onLowMemory()super.onLowMemory()}}

In this example, the onLowMemory callback is overridden in the MyApplication class, which extends the Application class. In the onLowMemory method, the onLowMemory method of Glide is called to release any unused resources. This will help to reduce the amount of memory that Glide is using in your app.

Remember that calling the onLowMemory method in Glide is only necessary in certain cases. In most cases, Glide will automatically manage its own memory usage and there is no need to release its resources in the onLowMemory callback.

2. MemoryLeak

**Q:Can you introduce what is MemoryLeak? Why some languages like Java and Kotlin, which garbage collector can automatically release memory, but it still possible to create memory leak? **

A:A memory leak is a type of software bug where a program continues to hold onto memory that it is no longer using. This can cause the program to use an excessive amount of memory, which can lead to poor performance or even crashes.

Memory leaks are particularly common in languages like C and C++, where memory management is the responsibility of the programmer. In these languages, it is easy to accidentally create a memory leak by not properly releasing memory when it is no longer needed.

However, memory leaks can also occur in other languages, such as Java and Kotlin, that have a garbage collector. In these languages, the garbage collector is responsible for automatically releasing memory that is no longer in use. However, it is still possible to create memory leaks if objects are not properly released.

For example, if an object is referenced by another object, it may not be eligible for garbage collection even if it is no longer needed. In this case, the object will continue to take up memory, even though it is no longer being used by the program. This is an example of a memory leak.

Memory leaks can be difficult to diagnose and fix, but they are important to address because they can lead to poor app performance and instability. To prevent memory leaks, it is important to carefully manage memory usage in your app and release any unnecessary objects when they are no longer needed.

Q:Can you make an example, show MemoryLeak in Kotlin, Android?

A:Sure! Here is an example of a simple memory leak in Kotlin:

class MainActivity : Activity() {// This is a potential source of memory leak because the Runnable is holding// a reference to the MainActivity, which is a non-static inner class of// MainActivity. This means that as long as the Runnable is alive, it will// hold a reference to the MainActivity, preventing it from being garbage// collected even if the user navigates away from the MainActivity.private val mLeakyRunnable = Runnable {// ...}override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)// ...// Here, we are posting the Runnable to a Handler, which will keep it// alive until it is executed or removed from the message queue.val handler = Handler()}}

In this example, the MainActivity class is creating a Runnable that is held by a Handler and posted to a message queue. This is a potential source of memory leak because the Runnable is holding a reference to the MainActivity, which is a non-static inner class of MainActivity. This means that as long as the Runnable is alive, it will hold a reference to the MainActivity, preventing it from being garbage collected even if the user navigates away from the MainActivity. To avoid this, we should either make the Runnable a static inner class of MainActivity, or use a weak reference to the MainActivity in the Runnable.

Q:Can you show both approach to avoid memory leak?

A: Sure, here are two approaches to avoid the memory leak in the example I provided earlier:

  1. Make the Runnable a static inner class of MainActivity:

class MainActivity : Activity() {private val mLeakyRunnable = LeakyRunnable()// The Runnable is now a static inner class of MainActivity, which means// that it no longer holds a reference to the MainActivity. This means// that the MainActivity can be garbage collected even if the Runnable// is still alive.private class LeakyRunnable : Runnable {override fun run() {// ...}}override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)// ...val handler = Handler()}}

2.Use a weak reference to the MainActivity in the Runnable:

class MainActivity : Activity() {// This is a potential source of memory leak because the Runnable is holding// a reference to the MainActivity, which is a non-static inner class of// MainActivity. This means that as long as the Runnable is alive, it will// hold a reference to the MainActivity, preventing it from being garbage// collected even if the user navigates away from the MainActivity.private val mLeakyRunnable = Runnable {// ...}override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)// ...// Here, we are using a weak reference to the MainActivity in the// Runnable. This means that the Runnable will not prevent the// MainActivity from being garbage collected if the user navigates// away from the MainActivity.val weakReference = WeakReference(this)val runnable = Runnable {val mainActivity = weakReference.get()if (mainActivity != null) {// ...}}val handler = Handler()}}

In the second approach, we are using a WeakReference to the MainActivity in the Runnable. This means that the Runnable will not prevent the MainActivity from being garbage collected if the user navigates away from the MainActivity. This avoids the potential memory leak.

Q:Can you make an example, show memory leak when using coroutine in Kotlin, Android?

A:Sure, here is an example of a potential memory leak when using coroutines in Kotlin for an Android app:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)// ...// Here, we are launching a coroutine in the GlobalScope. This means// that the coroutine will not be cancelled when the MainActivity is// destroyed, which can potentially lead to a memory leak if the// coroutine is holding a reference to the MainActivity.GlobalScope.launch {// ...}}}

In this example, the MainActivity is launching a coroutine in the GlobalScope. This means that the coroutine will not be cancelled when the MainActivity is destroyed, which can potentially lead to a memory leak if the coroutine is holding a reference to the MainActivity. To avoid this, we should either use a CoroutineScope that is tied to the lifecycle of the MainActivity and cancel it in the onDestroy() method of the MainActivity, or use the viewModelScope provided by the AndroidViewModel class to launch our coroutines.

Q:Can you make an example, show ‘viewModelScope’ avoid memory leak in Kotlin, Android?

A:Sure, here is an example of using viewModelScope to avoid a potential memory leak when using coroutines in Kotlin for an Android app:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {private val viewModel = MainViewModel(this.application)override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)// ...// Here, we are calling a method on the ViewModel that launches a// coroutine using the viewModelScope provided by the AndroidViewModel// class. This will automatically cancel the coroutine when the// ViewModel is cleared, which occurs when the MainActivity is// destroyed.viewModel.doWork()}}class MainViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {// Here, we are using the viewModelScope provided by the AndroidViewModel// class to launch our coroutine. This will automatically cancel the// coroutine when the ViewModel is cleared, which occurs when the// MainActivity is doWork() {viewModelScope.launch {// ...}}}

In this example, we are using the viewModelScope provided by the AndroidViewModel class to launch our coroutine. This will automatically cancel the coroutine when the ViewModel is cleared, which occurs when the Activity is destroyed, avoiding any potential memory leaks. This is a safer and more convenient approach than using MainScope or GlobalScope and manually cancelling the coroutines when the Activity is destroyed.

Q:Can you make an example, show RxJava memory leak in Kotlin, Android?

A:Sure, here is an example of a potential memory leak when using RxJava in Kotlin for an Android app:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {// This is a potential source of memory leak because the Observable is// holding a reference to the MainActivity, which is a non-static inner// class of MainActivity. This means that as long as the Observable is// alive, it will hold a reference to the MainActivity, preventing it from// being garbage collected even if the user navigates away from the// MainActivity.private val observable = Observable.create<Int> { emitter ->emitter.onNext(1)emitter.onNext(2)emitter.onNext(3)emitter.onComplete()}override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)// ...// Here, we are subscribing to the Observable. This will cause the// Observable to hold a reference to the MainActivity, which can// prevent it from being garbage collected even if the user navigates// away from the MainActivity.observable.subscribeOn( { value ->// ...}}}

In this example, the MainActivity is creating an Observable that is holding a reference to the MainActivity, which is a non-static inner class of MainActivity. This means that as long as the Observable is alive, it will hold a reference to the MainActivity, preventing it from being garbage collected even if the user navigates away from the MainActivity. To avoid this, we should either make the Observable a static inner class of MainActivity, or use a weak reference to the MainActivity in the Observable.

Q:Can you make an example, show how to use ‘lifecycle’ to avoid memory leak when using RxJava, in Kotlin?

A:Sure, here is an example of using the lifecycle API to avoid a potential memory leak when using RxJava in Kotlin for an Android app:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {private val observable = Observable.create<Int> { emitter ->emitter.onNext(1)emitter.onNext(2)emitter.onNext(3)emitter.onComplete()}override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)// ...// Here, we are subscribing to the Observable using the lifecycle API.// This will automatically dispose the subscription when the// MainActivity is destroyed, avoiding any potential memory leaks.observable.subscribeOn( { value ->// ...}.disposeBy(this)}}

In this example, we are using the lifecycle API to subscribe to the Observable. This will automatically dispose the subscription when the MainActivity is destroyed, avoiding any potential memory leaks. This is a safer and more convenient approach than using a weak reference or a static inner class, as I described in my previous response.

3. Image Manager

Q:Can you make an example, show how to create a RGB565 imageView instead of RGB888 imageView by using Glide, in Kotlin, Android

A:Sure, here is an example of using Glide to create an ImageView that uses the RGB565 pixel format instead of the default RGB888 pixel format in an Android app written in Kotlin:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)// ...// Here, we are creating an ImageView that uses the RGB565 pixel// format instead of the default RGB888 pixel format.val imageView = ImageView(this)Glide.with(this).asBitmap().load(R.drawable.my_image).format(DecodeFormat.PREFER_RGB_565).into(imageView)}}

In this example, we are using Glide to load an image and display it in an ImageView. We are specifying that we want to use the RGB565 pixel format by calling the format() method and passing in DecodeFormat.PREFER_RGB_565 as the argument. This will cause Glide to create an ImageView that uses the RGB565 pixel format instead of the default RGB888 pixel format.

Q:Can you make an example, show how to use Glide scaling and resizing techniques to reduce this size of image?

A:Sure, here is an example of using Glide’s scaling and resizing techniques to reduce the size of an image in an Android app written in Kotlin:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)// ...// Here, we are using Glide to load an image and apply a scaling// transformation to it. The scale factor we are using here will// reduce the size of the image by half, which will in turn reduce// the amount of memory required to store the image.val imageView = ImageView(this)Glide.with(this).asBitmap().load(R.drawable.my_image).override(100, 100).into(imageView)}}

In this example, we are using Glide to load an image and apply a scaling transformation to it using the override() method. This method takes the desired width and height of the image as arguments, and will cause Glide to scale the image to those dimensions. In this case, we are specifying that we want the image to be 100 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall, which will reduce the size of the image by half. This will reduce the amount of memory required to store the image and improve the performance of your app.

Alternatively, you can use the centerCrop() or fitCenter() methods to apply different resizing techniques to the image. These methods will automatically resize the image to fit within the specified dimensions while maintaining the aspect ratio of the image, so the resulting image may not be exactly the size you specified. For example:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)// ...// Here, we are using Glide to load an image and apply a fitCenter// transformation to it. This will cause Glide to resize the image// to fit within the specified dimensions while maintaining the// aspect ratio of the image.val imageView = ImageView(this)Glide.with(this).asBitmap().load(R.drawable.my_image).fitCenter().into(imageView)}}

You can experiment with different scaling and resizing techniques to find the one that works best for your images and your app.

Q:Can you make an example, show how to limit memory size in 100MB when using Glide, In Kotlin, Android?

A:Sure, here is an example of using Glide to limit the memory size of an image in an Android app written in Kotlin:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)// ...// Here, we are using Glide to load an image and limit the memory// size of the image to 100MB. If the image exceeds this size,// Glide will automatically scale it down to fit within the// specified limit.val imageView = ImageView(this)Glide.with(this).asBitmap().load(R.drawable.my_image).setMemoryCache(LruResourceCache(100 * 1024 * 1024)).into(imageView)}}

In this example, we are using Glide to load an image and limit the memory size of the image to 100MB using the setMemoryCache() method. This method takes a MemoryCache object as an argument, and we are using the LruResourceCache class to create a memory cache with a size limit of 100MB. If the image exceeds this size, Glide will automatically scale it down to fit within the specified limit. This can help to improve the performance and reduce the memory footprint of your app.

You can adjust the size limit of the memory cache to suit your specific needs. For example, if you want to limit the memory size to 50MB, you can use the following code:

Glide.with(this).asBitmap().load(R.drawable.my_image).setMemoryCache(LruResourceCache(50 * 1024 * 1024)).into(imageView)

Alternatively, you can use a different MemoryCache implementation, such as the LimitedAgeMemoryCache class, to limit the age of the entries in the memory cache instead of the size. This can be useful if you want to avoid caching very large images that may not be used often. For example:


Q:Can you set this limit to all Images?

A:Yes, you can set the memory size limit for all images loaded by Glide by configuring the default MemoryCache implementation used by Glide. This can be done using the GlideBuilder class, which allows you to customize the default settings for Glide.

Here is an example of using the GlideBuilder class to set the memory size limit for all images loaded by Glide:

class MyApplication : Application() {override fun onCreate() {super.onCreate()// ...// Here, we are using the GlideBuilder class to set the memory size// limit for all images loaded by Glide to 100MB. If an image// exceeds this size, Glide will automatically scale it down to// fit within the specified limit.Glide.init(Glide.Builder(this).setMemoryCache(LruResourceCache(100 * 1024 * 1024)))}}

In this example, we are using the GlideBuilder class to create a new instance of Glide with custom settings. We are calling the setMemoryCache() method to set the memory size limit for all images loaded by Glide to 100MB using the LruResourceCache class. This will cause Glide to automatically scale down any images that exceed this size limit to fit within the specified limit.

Once you have configured the default MemoryCache implementation, you can use Glide as you normally would without having to specify the memory size limit for each image. For example:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)// ...// Here, we are using Glide to load an image without specifying// the memory size limit. The default memory size limit that we// set using the GlideBuilder class will be used instead.val imageView = ImageView(this)Glide.with(this).asBitmap().load(R.drawable.my_image).into(imageView)}}

In this example, we are using Glide to load an image without specifying the memory size limit. Because we have configured the default MemoryCache implementation using the GlideBuilder class, the memory size limit that we set will be used automatically for all images loaded by Glide. This can make it easier to manage the memory usage of your app and ensure that it performs well.

Q:How to make callback if the image is out of limit?

A:To make a callback if an image is out of the memory size limit when using Glide, you can use the RequestListener interface and implement the onLoadFailed() method. This method will be called whenever an error occurs while loading an image, including when the image exceeds the memory size limit.

Here is an example of using the RequestListener interface to make a callback if an image is out of the memory size limit when using Glide:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)// ...// Here, we are using Glide to load an image and specifying a// RequestListener that will be called if the image is out of the// memory size limit.val imageView = ImageView(this)Glide.with(this).asBitmap().load(R.drawable.my_image).listener(object : RequestListener<Bitmap> {override fun onLoadFailed(e: GlideException?,model: Any?,target: Target<Bitmap>?,isFirstResource: Boolean): Boolean {// This method will be called if the image is out of// the memory size limit. You can use this method to// make a callback or perform some other action.return false}override fun onResourceReady(resource: Bitmap?,model: Any?,target: Target<Bitmap>?,dataSource: DataSource?,isFirstResource: Boolean): Boolean {// This method will be called if the image is loaded// successfully. You can ignore this method if you are// only interested in handling errors.return false}}).into(imageView)}}

In this example, we are using Glide to load an image and specifying a RequestListener that will be called if the image is out of the memory size limit. The onLoadFailed() method of the RequestListener will be called if the image is out of the memory size limit, and you can use this method to make a callback or perform some other action. This can be useful for handling errors and ensuring that your app continues to function properly even if an image exceeds the memory size limit.

Q: Can you set this callback for all image loader?

A: Yes, you can set the callback for all image loads using Glide by configuring the default RequestListener implementation used by Glide. This can be done using the GlideBuilder class, which allows you to customize the default settings for Glide.

Here is an example of using the GlideBuilder class to set the callback for all image loads using Glide:

class MyApplication : Application() {override fun onCreate() {super.onCreate()// ...// Here, we are using the GlideBuilder class to set the callback// for all image loads using Glide. The callback will be called// if the image is out of the memory size limit.Glide.init(Glide.Builder(this).setDefaultRequestListeners(object : RequestListener<Any> {override fun onLoadFailed(e: GlideException?,model: Any?,target: Target<Any>?,isFirstResource: Boolean): Boolean {// This method will be called if the image is out// of the memory size limit. You can use this method// to make a callback or perform some other action.return false}override fun onResourceReady(resource: Any?,model: Any?,target: Target<Any>?,dataSource: DataSource?,isFirstResource: Boolean): Boolean {// This method will be called if the image is// loaded successfully. You can ignore this method// if you are only interested in handling errors.return false}}))}}

In this example, we are using the GlideBuilder class to create a new instance of Glide with custom settings. We are calling the setDefaultRequestListeners() method to set the default RequestListener implementation for all image loads using Glide. This RequestListener will be called if the image is out of the memory size limit, and you can use this method to make a callback or perform some other action.

Once you have configured the default RequestListener implementation, you can use Glide as you normally would without having to specify a RequestListener for each image load. For example:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)// ...// Here, we are using Glide to load an image without specifying// the RequestListener. The default RequestListener that we set// using the GlideBuilder class will be used instead.val imageView = ImageView(this)Glide.with(this).asBitmap().load(R.drawable.my_image).into(imageView)}}

In this example, we are using Glide to load an image without specifying a RequestListener. Because we have configured the default RequestListener implementation using the GlideBuilder class, the callback that we set will be used automatically for all image loads using Glide. This can make it easier to handle errors and ensure that your app continues to function properly even if an image exceeds the memory size limit.





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