
news/2024/9/23 6:31:58/



then,  how to?



 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
 2 <html lang="en">
 3 <head>
 4   <meta charset="UTF-8">
 5   <title>西南石油大学电子邮件系统</title>
 6   <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/style.css">
 7   <script>
 8     var checkForm = () => {
 9       let acount = document.querySelector('#acount')
10       let password = document.querySelector('#password')
11       if ('' == acount.value) {
12         alert('请填写账号')
13         return 
14       }
15       if ('' == password.value) {
16         alert('请填写密码')
17         return 
18       }
19       if ('admin' != acount.value) {
20         window.alert('不存在此账号')
21         acount.value = ''
22         password.value = ''
23         acount.focus()
24         acount.select()
25       } else if ('admin' != password.value) {
26         window.alert('密码错误')
27         password.value = ''
28         password.focus()
29       } else if ('admin' == acount.value && 'admin' == password.value){
30         window.alert('登陆成功')
31         window.location.href = 'main.htm'
32       }
33     }
34   </script>
35 </head>
36 <body>
37   <header class="head">
38     <img src="./img/login_logo.png" class="logo">
39     <span class="help">帮助</span>
40   </header>
41   <div class="content-wrapper">
42     <div class="login-wrapper">
43       <form action="#">
44         <div class="form-head">
45           <span class="form-title">账号登录</span>
46           <img src="./img/dragbar.png" class="dragbar">
47         </div>
48         <div class="form-content">
49           <span class="b-block-text">用户登录</span>
50           <input type="text" id="acount" class="info-item" placeholder="用户名" required>
51           <input type="password" id="password" class="info-item" placeholder="密码" required>
52           <div class="footer-info">
53             <span class="warning-info">学生选择@stu.swpu.edu.cn</span>
54             <a href="#" class="forget-psd">忘记密码</a>
55           </div>
56           <input class="submit" type="submit" value="登录" onclick="checkForm();return false;">
57         </div>
58       </form>
59     </div>
60     <div class="footer">西南石油大学</div>
61   </div>
62 </body>
63 </html>
  1 * {
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  5 .head {
  6   width: 100%;
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  8   background: #f5f5f5;
  9   background-size: cover;
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 11 .logo {
 12   position: absolute;
 13   top: 15px;
 14   left: 10px;
 15 }
 16 .help {
 17   position: absolute;
 18   top: 40px;
 19   right: 35px;
 20   font-weight: 700;
 21   font-size: 15px;
 22   color: #b3b3b3;
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 24 .content-wrapper {
 25   position: absolute;
 26   top: 92px;
 27   left: 50%;
 28   margin-left: -475px;
 29   width: 950px;
 30   height: 520px;
 31   background: url(../img/login_bg_05.jpg)
 32 }
 33 .login-wrapper {
 34   position: absolute;
 35   top: 50%;
 36   margin-top: -200px;
 37   right: 35px;
 38   width: 380px;
 39   height: 360px;
 40   background: #fff;
 41 }
 42 .login-wrapper > form {
 43   width: 300px;
 44   height: 340px;
 45   top: 15px;
 46 }
 47 .form-head {
 48   width: 360px;
 49   height: 35px;
 50   background: url(../img/c.png);
 51   font-size: 15px;
 52   color: #eee;
 53   text-align: center;
 54   line-height: 35px;
 55   opacity: .8;
 56   cursor: pointer;
 57 }
 58 .form-content {
 59   margin: 10px 0 10px 0;
 60 }
 61 .dragbar {
 62   position: absolute;
 63   right: 0;
 64   width: 20px;
 65   height: 35px;
 66   cursor: move;
 67 }
 68 .b-block-text {
 69   display: block;
 70   font-weight: 600;
 71   height: 22px;
 72   padding-top: 10px;
 73   text-indent: 30px;
 74 }
 75 .info-item {
 76   width: 300px;
 77   height: 40px;
 78   margin: 15px 0 12px 30px;
 79   padding-left: 8px;
 80   font-size: 18px;
 81   background-color: #f5f5f5;
 82 }
 83 .footer-info {
 84   margin-top: 20px;
 85 }
 86 .warning-info {
 87   color: red;
 88   margin-left: 30px;
 89 }
 90 .forget-psd {
 91   position: absolute;
 92   right: 30px;
 93   color: #c5c5c5;
 94   text-decoration: none;
 95 }
 96 .forget-psd:hover {
 97   color: #a5a5a5;
 98   text-decoration-line: underline;
 99   text-decoration-color: #c5c5c5;
100 }
101 .submit {
102   position: absolute;
103   right: 35px;
104   bottom: 25px;
105   width: 140px;
106   height: 40px;
107   background: #76f;
108   font-size: 15px;
109   color: #fff;
110   letter-spacing: 10px;
111   text-align: center;
112   cursor: pointer;
113 }
114 .footer {
115   width: 100%;
116   height: 60px;
117   background: #f1f1f1;
118   color: #bbb;
119   font-size: 14px;
120   text-align: center;
121   line-height: 60px;
122   position: absolute;
123   bottom: 0;
124 }
 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
 2 <html lang="en">
 4 <head>
 5   <meta charset="UTF-8">
 6   <title>Welcome to SWPU</title>
 7 </head>
 9 <body>
10   <div class="welcome">
11     Welcome to SWPU
12   </div>
13   <style>
14     @keyframes r {
15       0% {
16         transform: scale(0.8) translateX(-20);
17         font-size: 32px;
18       }
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22         font-size: 15px;
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25       24% {
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27         font-size: 1px;
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31         transform: scale(-1) translateX(150);
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36         transform: scale(-0.3) translateX(0);
37         font-size: 8px;
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41         transform: scale(0.4) translateX(-150);
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46     .welcome {
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48       left: 50%;
49       top: 50%;
50       margin-left: -250px;
51       margin-top: -30px;
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60 </body>
62 </html>






  • 由于需要在客户端进行登录验证,就需要设置onclick事件,检查,然后跳转。但是,由于没有设置表单的提交action,在这里进行本页面跳转是不成功的,至于为什么,这就是个问题了,戳这里看详情
  • 第一个很好解决,但是问题来了,拦截了事件冒泡之后,form表单中表项默认的required就不会进行检查了。。。WTF?这么好的东西就没啦?于是又多了一串检查空表项的代码







点击文末的阅读原文或者公众号界面左下角的调剂信息或者公众号回复“调剂”是计算机/软件等专业的所有调剂信息集合&#xff0c;会一直更新的。 一、复试基本分数线 1、2021年第一志愿报考东北石油大学油气储运工程专业&#xff08;082003&#xff09;复试分数线为&#xff1a;…


登录界面 文本框中在输入前要显示相应的背景图片和悬浮字&#xff0c;鼠标移上去之后就消失。在输入框内会进行检查&#xff0c;利用正则化方程判断输入是否符合要求&#xff0c;其中验证码区分大小写。点击验证码可以实现换一张验证码。点击免费注册按钮跳转到注册页面。点击…


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