
news/2025/1/8 7:33:21/

1 AutoCAD中的坐标系种类

  1. WCS
    World Coordinate System. The “reference” coordinate system. All other coordinate systems are defined relative to the WCS, which never changes. Values measured relative to the WCS are stable across changes to other coordinate systems.

  2. UCS
    User Coordinate System. The “working” coordinate system. All points passed to AutoCAD commands, including those returned from AutoLISP routines and external functions, are points in the current UCS (unless the user precedes them with a * at the Command prompt). If you want your application to send coordinates in the WCS, ECS, or DCS to AutoCAD commands, you must first convert them to the UCS by calling acedTrans().
    用户坐标系统(UCS),即“工作”坐标系。所有传到AutoCAD命令的点坐标——包括那些从ObjectArx程序和外部功能返回的——都是当前UCS坐标系统下的值(除了在命令提示符后用户在前面加了个*的点)。因此,当你想给AutoCAD命令发送坐标值时,请将WCS, ECS 或者 DCS 下的坐标值转换为UCS下坐标值。

  3. ECS
    Entity Coordinate System. Point values returned by acdbEntGet() are expressed in this coordinate system relative to the entity itself. Such points are useless until they are converted into the WCS, current UCS, or current DCS, according to the intended use of the entity. Conversely, points must be translated into an ECS before they are written to the database by means of acdbEntMod() or acdbEntMake().

  4. DCS
    Display Coordinate System. The coordinate system into which objects are transformed before they are displayed. The origin of the DCS is the point stored in the AutoCAD TARGET system variable, and its Z axis is the viewing direction. In other words, a viewport is always a plan view of its DCS. These coordinates can be used to determine where something appears to the AutoCAD user.
    When the from and to integer codes are 2 and 3, in either order, 2 indicates the DCS for the current model space viewport, and 3 indicates the DCS for paper space (PSDCS). When the 2 code is used with an integer code other than 3 (or another means of specifying the coordinate system), it is assumed to indicate the DCS of the current space (paper space or model space), and the other argument is assumed to indicate a coordinate system in the current space.

  5. PSDCS
    Paper Space DCS. This coordinate system can be transformed only to or from the DCS of the currently active model space viewport. This is essentially a 2D transformation, where the X and Y coordinates are always scaled and are offset if the disp argument is 0. The Z coordinate is scaled but is never translated; it can be used to find the scale factor between the two coordinate systems. The PSDCS (integer code 2) can be transformed only into the current model space viewport: if the from argument equals 3, the to argument must equal 2, and vice versa.

2 坐标转换


int acedTrans(const ads_point pt, const struct resbuf * from, const struct resbuf * to, int disp, ads_point result


  • 整数值(restype == RTSHORT),指定了WCS,UCS或者DCS。 整数值包含几下几种:

    • 0——World (WCS)
    • 1——User (current UCS)
    • 2——Display:DCS of current viewport when used with code 0 or 1.DCS of current model space viewport when used with code 3
    • 3——Paper space DCS (PSDCS; used only with code 2)
  • 实体名 (restype == RTENAME),该方式指定了实体的ECS。对平面实体来说,ECS可能和WCS不同。如果相同,在ECS与WCS的转换是相同的。

  • 三维拉伸向量(restype==RT3DPOINT),这是指定实体ECS的另一种方法。拉伸矢量始终以世界坐标表示;(0,0,1)的拉伸向量指定WCS本身。


ads_point pt, result; 
struct resbuf fromrb, torb; pt[X] = 1.0; 
pt[Y] = 2.0; 
pt[Z] = 3.0; fromrb.restype = RTSHORT; 
fromrb.resval.rint = 0; // WCS  torb.restype = RTSHORT; 
torb.resval.rint = 1; // UCS  // disp == 0 indicates that pt is a point:  
acedTrans(pt, &fromrb, &torb, FALSE, result);

3 关于DCS的特殊说明

3.1 DCS的详细说明


  1. Eye Coordinate System
    Every viewport has a vantage point, tilt, aim, and a field of view on the WCS. This is summed up in one transform, the viewport’s view transform. This transform converts world coordinate geometry into view coordinate geometry where the viewport’s view is down its Z-axis looking toward more negative values of Z. Eye coordinates do not contain the perspective transform.
  2. Display Coordinate System
    The Display Coordinate System (DCS) is the coordinate system into which objects are transformed before they are displayed. If not in perspective mode, the DCS is equivalent to the eye coordinate system. If perspective mode is active, the perspective transform must be performed on the eye coordinates to get display coordinates. The perspective transform gives the effect of geometry getting smaller the farther away it is from the camera.


3.2 视图的摆动角度是什么





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