BERT-CRF 微调中文 NER 模型

server/2024/9/19 6:37:36/ 标签: bert, CRF, NER


  • 数据集
  • 模型定义
  • 数据集预处理
    • BIO 标签转换
    • 自定义Dataset
    • 拆分训练、测试集
  • 训练
  • 验证、测试
  • 指标计算
  • 推理
  • 其它
    • 相关参数
    • CRF 模块


  • CLUE-NER数据集:


import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from pytorch_crf import CRF
from transformers import BertPreTrainedModel, BertModelclass BertCrfForNer(BertPreTrainedModel):def __init__(self, config):super(BertCrfForNer, self).__init__(config)self.bert = BertModel(config)self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.hidden_dropout_prob)self.classifier = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.num_labels)self.crf = CRF(num_tags=config.num_labels, batch_first=True)self.num_labels = config.num_labelsself.init_weights()def forward(self, input_ids, token_type_ids=None, attention_mask=None,labels=None,input_lens=None):outputs =self.bert(input_ids = input_ids,attention_mask=attention_mask,token_type_ids=token_type_ids)sequence_output = outputs[0]sequence_output = self.dropout(sequence_output)logits = self.classifier(sequence_output)outputs = (logits,)if labels is not None:loss = self.crf(emissions = logits, tags=labels, mask=attention_mask)outputs =(-1*loss,)+outputsreturn outputs # (loss), scores

其中 CRF 模块 见后文。


BIO 标签转换

ALLOW_LABEL = ["name", "organization", "address","company","government"]def generate_bio_tags(tokenizer, text_json, allowed_type = ALLOW_LABEL):def tokenize_with_location(tokenizer, input_data):encoded_input = tokenizer.encode_plus(input_data, return_offsets_mapping=True)return list(zip([tokenizer.decode(i) for i in  encoded_input.input_ids],encoded_input.offset_mapping))def get_bio_tag(labels, token_start, token_end):if token_start >= token_end:return "O"for entity_type, entities in labels.items():if entity_type in allowed_type:for entity_name, positions in entities.items():for position in positions:start, end = positionif token_start >= start and token_end <= end+1:if token_start == start:return f"B-{entity_type}"else:return f"I-{entity_type}"return "O"text = text_json["text"]labels = text_json["label"]# 使用BERT分词器进行分词tokenized_text = tokenize_with_location(tokenizer, text)tokens, bio_tags = [], []for token, loc in tokenized_text:loc_s, loc_e = locbio_tag = get_bio_tag(labels, loc_s, loc_e)bio_tags.append(bio_tag)tokens.append(token)return tokens, bio_tags# 输入JSON数据
input_json = {"text": "你们是最棒的!#英雄联盟d学sanchez创作的原声王", "label": {"game": {"英雄联盟": [[8, 11]]}}}
generate_bio_tags(tokenizer, input_json)


from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import json
import pickle
import oscached_dataset = 'train.dataset.pkl'
train_file = 'train.json'
if not os.path.exists(cached_dataset):dataset = []with open(train_file, 'r') as file:for line in tqdm(file.readlines()):data = json.loads(line.strip())tokens, bio_tags = generate_bio_tags(tokenizer, data)if len(set(bio_tags)) > 1:dataset.append({"text": data["text"], "tokens": tokens, "tags": bio_tags})with open(cached_dataset, 'wb') as f:pickle.dump(dataset, f)else:with open(cached_dataset, 'rb') as f:dataset = pickle.load(f)

先把原始数据 {“text”: …, “label”: … } 转换成 {“text”: … , “tokens”: …, “tags”: …}

from itertools import product
from import Dataset, DataLoaderlabels = ["O"] + [f"{i}-{j}" for i,j in product(['B','I'], ALLOW_LABEL)]
label2id = {k: v for v, k in enumerate(labels)}
id2label = {v: k for v, k in enumerate(labels)}class BertDataset(Dataset):def __init__(self, dataset, tokenizer, max_len):self.len = len(dataset) = datasetself.tokenizer = tokenizerself.max_len = max_lendef __getitem__(self, index):# step 1: tokenize (and adapt corresponding labels)item =[index]# step 2: add special tokens (and corresponding labels)tokenized_sentence = item["tokens"]labels = item["tags"] # add outside label for [CLS] token# step 3: truncating/paddingmaxlen = self.max_lenif (len(tokenized_sentence) > maxlen):# truncatetokenized_sentence = tokenized_sentence[:maxlen]labels = labels[:maxlen]else:# padtokenized_sentence = tokenized_sentence + ['[PAD]'for _ in range(maxlen - len(tokenized_sentence))]labels = labels + ["O" for _ in range(maxlen - len(labels))]# step 4: obtain the attention maskattn_mask = [1 if tok != '[PAD]' else 0 for tok in tokenized_sentence]# step 5: convert tokens to input idsids = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokenized_sentence)label_ids = [label2id[label] for label in labels]# the following line is deprecated#label_ids = [label if label != 0 else -100 for label in label_ids]return {'ids': torch.tensor(ids, dtype=torch.long),'mask': torch.tensor(attn_mask, dtype=torch.long),#'token_type_ids': torch.tensor(token_ids, dtype=torch.long),'targets': torch.tensor(label_ids, dtype=torch.long)} def __len__(self):return self.len


import numpy as np
import random
def split_train_test_valid(dataset, train_size=0.9, test_size=0.1):dataset = np.array(dataset)total_size = len(dataset)# define the ratiostrain_len = int(total_size * train_size)test_len = int(total_size * test_size)# split the dataframeidx = list(range(total_size))random.shuffle(idx)  # 将index列表打乱data_train = dataset[idx[:train_len]]data_test = dataset[idx[train_len:train_len+test_len]]data_valid = dataset[idx[train_len+test_len:]]  # 剩下的就是validreturn data_train, data_test, data_validdata_train, data_test, data_valid = split_train_test_valid(dataset)
print("FULL Dataset: {}".format(len(dataset)))
print("TRAIN Dataset: {}".format(data_train.shape))
print("TEST Dataset: {}".format(data_test.shape))training_set = BertDataset(data_train, tokenizer, MAX_LEN)
testing_set = BertDataset(data_test, tokenizer, MAX_LEN)
train_params = {'batch_size': TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE,'shuffle': True,'num_workers': 0}test_params = {'batch_size': VALID_BATCH_SIZE,'shuffle': True,'num_workers': 0}
training_loader = DataLoader(training_set, **train_params)
testing_loader = DataLoader(testing_set, **test_params)


model = BertCrfForNer.from_pretrained('models/bert-base-chinese',
# model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained('save_model',num_labels=len(id2label),id2label=id2label,label2id=label2id)
if MULTI_GPU:model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model, )
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=model.parameters(), lr=LEARNING_RATE)
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')def train(epoch):tr_loss, tr_accuracy = 0, 0nb_tr_examples, nb_tr_steps = 0, 0tr_preds, tr_labels = [], []# put model in training modemodel.train()for idx, batch in enumerate(training_loader):ids = batch['ids'].to(device, dtype = torch.long)mask = batch['mask'].to(device, dtype = torch.long)targets = batch['targets'].to(device, dtype = torch.long)outputs = model(input_ids=ids, attention_mask=mask, labels=targets)
#         loss, tr_logits = outputs.loss, outputs.logitsloss, tr_logits = outputs[0], outputs[1]if MULTI_GPU:loss = loss.mean()tr_loss += loss.item()nb_tr_steps += 1nb_tr_examples += targets.size(0)if idx % 100==0:loss_step = tr_loss/nb_tr_stepsprint(f"Training loss per 100 training steps: {loss_step}")# compute training accuracyflattened_targets = targets.view(-1) # shape (batch_size * seq_len,)num_labels = model.module.num_labels if MULTI_GPU else model.num_labelsactive_logits = tr_logits.view(-1, num_labels) # shape (batch_size * seq_len, num_labels)flattened_predictions = torch.argmax(active_logits, axis=1) # shape (batch_size * seq_len,)# now, use mask to determine where we should compare predictions with targets (includes [CLS] and [SEP] token predictions)active_accuracy = mask.view(-1) == 1 # active accuracy is also of shape (batch_size * seq_len,)targets = torch.masked_select(flattened_targets, active_accuracy)predictions = torch.masked_select(flattened_predictions, active_accuracy)tr_preds.extend(predictions)tr_labels.extend(targets)tmp_tr_accuracy = accuracy_score(targets.cpu().numpy(), predictions.cpu().numpy())tr_accuracy += tmp_tr_accuracy# gradient clippingtorch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(parameters=model.parameters(), max_norm=MAX_GRAD_NORM)# backward passoptimizer.zero_grad()loss.backward()optimizer.step()epoch_loss = tr_loss / nb_tr_stepstr_accuracy = tr_accuracy / nb_tr_stepsprint(f"Training loss epoch: {epoch_loss}")print(f"Training accuracy epoch: {tr_accuracy}")for epoch in range(EPOCHS):print(f"Training epoch: {epoch + 1}")train(epoch)
Training epoch: 1
Training loss per 100 training steps: 76.82186126708984
Training loss per 100 training steps: 26.512494955912675
Training loss per 100 training steps: 18.23713019356799
Training loss per 100 training steps: 14.71561597431221
Training loss per 100 training steps: 12.793566083075698
Training loss epoch: 12.138352865534845
Training accuracy epoch: 0.9093487211512798


def valid(model, testing_loader):# put model in evaluation modemodel.eval()eval_loss, eval_accuracy = 0, 0nb_eval_examples, nb_eval_steps = 0, 0eval_preds, eval_labels = [], []with torch.no_grad():for idx, batch in enumerate(testing_loader):ids = batch['ids'].to(device, dtype = torch.long)mask = batch['mask'].to(device, dtype = torch.long)targets = batch['targets'].to(device, dtype = torch.long)outputs = model(input_ids=ids, attention_mask=mask, labels=targets)loss, eval_logits = outputs[0], outputs[1]if MULTI_GPU:loss = loss.mean()eval_loss += loss.item()nb_eval_steps += 1nb_eval_examples += targets.size(0)if idx % 100==0:loss_step = eval_loss/nb_eval_stepsprint(f"Validation loss per 100 evaluation steps: {loss_step}")# compute evaluation accuracyflattened_targets = targets.view(-1) # shape (batch_size * seq_len,)num_labels = model.module.num_labels if MULTI_GPU else model.num_labelsactive_logits = eval_logits.view(-1, num_labels) # shape (batch_size * seq_len, num_labels)flattened_predictions = torch.argmax(active_logits, axis=1) # shape (batch_size * seq_len,)# now, use mask to determine where we should compare predictions with targets (includes [CLS] and [SEP] token predictions)active_accuracy = mask.view(-1) == 1 # active accuracy is also of shape (batch_size * seq_len,)targets = torch.masked_select(flattened_targets, active_accuracy)predictions = torch.masked_select(flattened_predictions, active_accuracy)eval_labels.extend(targets)eval_preds.extend(predictions)tmp_eval_accuracy = accuracy_score(targets.cpu().numpy(), predictions.cpu().numpy())eval_accuracy += tmp_eval_accuracy#print(eval_labels)#print(eval_preds)labels = [id2label[id.item()] for id in eval_labels]predictions = [id2label[id.item()] for id in eval_preds]#print(labels)#print(predictions)eval_loss = eval_loss / nb_eval_stepseval_accuracy = eval_accuracy / nb_eval_stepsprint(f"Validation Loss: {eval_loss}")print(f"Validation Accuracy: {eval_accuracy}")return labels, predictionslabels, predictions = valid(model, testing_loader)
Validation loss per 100 evaluation steps: 5.371463775634766
Validation Loss: 5.623965330123902
Validation Accuracy: 0.9547014622783095


from seqeval.metrics import classification_reportprint(classification_report([labels], [predictions]))
"""precision    recall  f1-score   supportaddress       0.50      0.62      0.55       316company       0.65      0.77      0.70       270government       0.69      0.85      0.76       208name       0.87      0.87      0.87       374
organization       0.76      0.82      0.79       343micro avg       0.69      0.79      0.74      1511macro avg       0.69      0.79      0.73      1511
weighted avg       0.70      0.79      0.74      1511


from transformers import pipelinemodel_to_test = (model.module if hasattr(model, "module") else model
pipe = pipeline(task="token-classification","cpu"), tokenizer=tokenizer, aggregation_strategy="simple")pipe("我的名字是michal johnson,我的手机号是13425456344,我家住在东北松花江上8幢7单元6楼5号房")
[{'entity_group': 'name','score': 0.83746755,'word': 'michal johnson','start': 5,'end': 19},{'entity_group': 'address','score': 0.924768,'word': '东 北 松 花 江 上 8 幢 7 单 元 6 楼 5 号 房','start': 42,'end': 58}]



import torch
import os
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '1,3'
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')MAX_LEN = 128
ALLOW_LABEL = ["name", "organization", "address","company","government"]

CRF__476">CRF 模块


import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from typing import List, Optionalclass CRF(nn.Module):"""Conditional random field.This module implements a conditional random field [LMP01]_. The forward computationof this class computes the log likelihood of the given sequence of tags andemission score tensor. This class also has `~CRF.decode` method which findsthe best tag sequence given an emission score tensor using `Viterbi algorithm`_.Args:num_tags: Number of tags.batch_first: Whether the first dimension corresponds to the size of a minibatch.Attributes:start_transitions (`~torch.nn.Parameter`): Start transition score tensor of size``(num_tags,)``.end_transitions (`~torch.nn.Parameter`): End transition score tensor of size``(num_tags,)``.transitions (`~torch.nn.Parameter`): Transition score tensor of size``(num_tags, num_tags)``... [LMP01] Lafferty, J., McCallum, A., Pereira, F. (2001)."Conditional random fields: Probabilistic models for segmenting andlabeling sequence data". *Proc. 18th International Conf. on MachineLearning*. Morgan Kaufmann. pp. 282–289... _Viterbi algorithm:"""def __init__(self, num_tags: int, batch_first: bool = False) -> None:if num_tags <= 0:raise ValueError(f'invalid number of tags: {num_tags}')super().__init__()self.num_tags = num_tagsself.batch_first = batch_firstself.start_transitions = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_tags))self.end_transitions = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_tags))self.transitions = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_tags, num_tags))self.reset_parameters()def reset_parameters(self) -> None:"""Initialize the transition parameters.The parameters will be initialized randomly from a uniform distributionbetween -0.1 and 0.1."""nn.init.uniform_(self.start_transitions, -0.1, 0.1)nn.init.uniform_(self.end_transitions, -0.1, 0.1)nn.init.uniform_(self.transitions, -0.1, 0.1)def __repr__(self) -> str:return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(num_tags={self.num_tags})'def forward(self, emissions: torch.Tensor,tags: torch.LongTensor,mask: Optional[torch.ByteTensor] = None,reduction: str = 'mean') -> torch.Tensor:"""Compute the conditional log likelihood of a sequence of tags given emission scores.Args:emissions (`~torch.Tensor`): Emission score tensor of size``(seq_length, batch_size, num_tags)`` if ``batch_first`` is ``False``,``(batch_size, seq_length, num_tags)`` otherwise.tags (`~torch.LongTensor`): Sequence of tags tensor of size``(seq_length, batch_size)`` if ``batch_first`` is ``False``,``(batch_size, seq_length)`` otherwise.mask (`~torch.ByteTensor`): Mask tensor of size ``(seq_length, batch_size)``if ``batch_first`` is ``False``, ``(batch_size, seq_length)`` otherwise.reduction: Specifies  the reduction to apply to the output:``none|sum|mean|token_mean``. ``none``: no reduction will be applied.``sum``: the output will be summed over batches. ``mean``: the output will beaveraged over batches. ``token_mean``: the output will be averaged over tokens.Returns:`~torch.Tensor`: The log likelihood. This will have size ``(batch_size,)`` ifreduction is ``none``, ``()`` otherwise."""if reduction not in ('none', 'sum', 'mean', 'token_mean'):raise ValueError(f'invalid reduction: {reduction}')if mask is None:mask = torch.ones_like(tags, dtype=torch.uint8, device=tags.device)if mask.dtype != torch.uint8:mask = mask.byte()self._validate(emissions, tags=tags, mask=mask)if self.batch_first:emissions = emissions.transpose(0, 1)tags = tags.transpose(0, 1)mask = mask.transpose(0, 1)# shape: (batch_size,)numerator = self._compute_score(emissions, tags, mask)# shape: (batch_size,)denominator = self._compute_normalizer(emissions, mask)# shape: (batch_size,)llh = numerator - denominatorif reduction == 'none':return llhif reduction == 'sum':return llh.sum()if reduction == 'mean':return llh.mean()return llh.sum() / mask.float().sum()def decode(self, emissions: torch.Tensor,mask: Optional[torch.ByteTensor] = None,nbest: Optional[int] = None,pad_tag: Optional[int] = None) -> List[List[List[int]]]:"""Find the most likely tag sequence using Viterbi algorithm.Args:emissions (`~torch.Tensor`): Emission score tensor of size``(seq_length, batch_size, num_tags)`` if ``batch_first`` is ``False``,``(batch_size, seq_length, num_tags)`` otherwise.mask (`~torch.ByteTensor`): Mask tensor of size ``(seq_length, batch_size)``if ``batch_first`` is ``False``, ``(batch_size, seq_length)`` otherwise.nbest (`int`): Number of most probable paths for each sequencepad_tag (`int`): Tag at padded positions. Often input varies in length andthe length will be padded to the maximum length in the batch. Tags atthe padded positions will be assigned with a padding tag, i.e. `pad_tag`Returns:A PyTorch tensor of the best tag sequence for each batch of shape(nbest, batch_size, seq_length)"""if nbest is None:nbest = 1if mask is None:mask = torch.ones(emissions.shape[:2], dtype=torch.uint8,device=emissions.device)if mask.dtype != torch.uint8:mask = mask.byte()self._validate(emissions, mask=mask)if self.batch_first:emissions = emissions.transpose(0, 1)mask = mask.transpose(0, 1)if nbest == 1:return self._viterbi_decode(emissions, mask, pad_tag).unsqueeze(0)return self._viterbi_decode_nbest(emissions, mask, nbest, pad_tag)def _validate(self, emissions: torch.Tensor,tags: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None,mask: Optional[torch.ByteTensor] = None) -> None:if emissions.dim() != 3:raise ValueError(f'emissions must have dimension of 3, got {emissions.dim()}')if emissions.size(2) != self.num_tags:raise ValueError(f'expected last dimension of emissions is {self.num_tags}, 'f'got {emissions.size(2)}')if tags is not None:if emissions.shape[:2] != tags.shape:raise ValueError('the first two dimensions of emissions and tags must match, 'f'got {tuple(emissions.shape[:2])} and {tuple(tags.shape)}')if mask is not None:if emissions.shape[:2] != mask.shape:raise ValueError('the first two dimensions of emissions and mask must match, 'f'got {tuple(emissions.shape[:2])} and {tuple(mask.shape)}')no_empty_seq = not self.batch_first and mask[0].all()no_empty_seq_bf = self.batch_first and mask[:, 0].all()if not no_empty_seq and not no_empty_seq_bf:raise ValueError('mask of the first timestep must all be on')def _compute_score(self, emissions: torch.Tensor,tags: torch.LongTensor,mask: torch.ByteTensor) -> torch.Tensor:# emissions: (seq_length, batch_size, num_tags)# tags: (seq_length, batch_size)# mask: (seq_length, batch_size)seq_length, batch_size = tags.shapemask = mask.float()# Start transition score and first emission# shape: (batch_size,)score = self.start_transitions[tags[0]]score += emissions[0, torch.arange(batch_size), tags[0]]for i in range(1, seq_length):# Transition score to next tag, only added if next timestep is valid (mask == 1)# shape: (batch_size,)score += self.transitions[tags[i - 1], tags[i]] * mask[i]# Emission score for next tag, only added if next timestep is valid (mask == 1)# shape: (batch_size,)score += emissions[i, torch.arange(batch_size), tags[i]] * mask[i]# End transition score# shape: (batch_size,)seq_ends = mask.long().sum(dim=0) - 1# shape: (batch_size,)last_tags = tags[seq_ends, torch.arange(batch_size)]# shape: (batch_size,)score += self.end_transitions[last_tags]return scoredef _compute_normalizer(self, emissions: torch.Tensor,mask: torch.ByteTensor) -> torch.Tensor:# emissions: (seq_length, batch_size, num_tags)# mask: (seq_length, batch_size)seq_length = emissions.size(0)# Start transition score and first emission; score has size of# (batch_size, num_tags) where for each batch, the j-th column stores# the score that the first timestep has tag j# shape: (batch_size, num_tags)score = self.start_transitions + emissions[0]for i in range(1, seq_length):# Broadcast score for every possible next tag# shape: (batch_size, num_tags, 1)broadcast_score = score.unsqueeze(2)# Broadcast emission score for every possible current tag# shape: (batch_size, 1, num_tags)broadcast_emissions = emissions[i].unsqueeze(1)# Compute the score tensor of size (batch_size, num_tags, num_tags) where# for each sample, entry at row i and column j stores the sum of scores of all# possible tag sequences so far that end with transitioning from tag i to tag j# and emitting# shape: (batch_size, num_tags, num_tags)next_score = broadcast_score + self.transitions + broadcast_emissions# Sum over all possible current tags, but we're in score space, so a sum# becomes a log-sum-exp: for each sample, entry i stores the sum of scores of# all possible tag sequences so far, that end in tag i# shape: (batch_size, num_tags)next_score = torch.logsumexp(next_score, dim=1)# Set score to the next score if this timestep is valid (mask == 1)# shape: (batch_size, num_tags)score = torch.where(mask[i].unsqueeze(1), next_score, score)# End transition score# shape: (batch_size, num_tags)score += self.end_transitions# Sum (log-sum-exp) over all possible tags# shape: (batch_size,)return torch.logsumexp(score, dim=1)def _viterbi_decode(self, emissions: torch.FloatTensor,mask: torch.ByteTensor,pad_tag: Optional[int] = None) -> List[List[int]]:# emissions: (seq_length, batch_size, num_tags)# mask: (seq_length, batch_size)# return: (batch_size, seq_length)if pad_tag is None:pad_tag = 0device = emissions.deviceseq_length, batch_size = mask.shape# Start transition and first emission# shape: (batch_size, num_tags)score = self.start_transitions + emissions[0]history_idx = torch.zeros((seq_length, batch_size, self.num_tags),dtype=torch.long, device=device)oor_idx = torch.zeros((batch_size, self.num_tags),dtype=torch.long, device=device)oor_tag = torch.full((seq_length, batch_size), pad_tag,dtype=torch.long, device=device)# - score is a tensor of size (batch_size, num_tags) where for every batch,#   value at column j stores the score of the best tag sequence so far that ends#   with tag j# - history_idx saves where the best tags candidate transitioned from; this is used#   when we trace back the best tag sequence# - oor_idx saves the best tags candidate transitioned from at the positions#   where mask is 0, i.e. out of range (oor)# Viterbi algorithm recursive case: we compute the score of the best tag sequence# for every possible next tagfor i in range(1, seq_length):# Broadcast viterbi score for every possible next tag# shape: (batch_size, num_tags, 1)broadcast_score = score.unsqueeze(2)# Broadcast emission score for every possible current tag# shape: (batch_size, 1, num_tags)broadcast_emission = emissions[i].unsqueeze(1)# Compute the score tensor of size (batch_size, num_tags, num_tags) where# for each sample, entry at row i and column j stores the score of the best# tag sequence so far that ends with transitioning from tag i to tag j and emitting# shape: (batch_size, num_tags, num_tags)next_score = broadcast_score + self.transitions + broadcast_emission# Find the maximum score over all possible current tag# shape: (batch_size, num_tags)next_score, indices = next_score.max(dim=1)# Set score to the next score if this timestep is valid (mask == 1)# and save the index that produces the next score# shape: (batch_size, num_tags)score = torch.where(mask[i].unsqueeze(-1), next_score, score)indices = torch.where(mask[i].unsqueeze(-1), indices, oor_idx)history_idx[i - 1] = indices# End transition score# shape: (batch_size, num_tags)end_score = score + self.end_transitions_, end_tag = end_score.max(dim=1)# shape: (batch_size,)seq_ends = mask.long().sum(dim=0) - 1# insert the best tag at each sequence end (last position with mask == 1)history_idx = history_idx.transpose(1, 0).contiguous()history_idx.scatter_(1, seq_ends.view(-1, 1, 1).expand(-1, 1, self.num_tags),end_tag.view(-1, 1, 1).expand(-1, 1, self.num_tags))history_idx = history_idx.transpose(1, 0).contiguous()# The most probable path for each sequencebest_tags_arr = torch.zeros((seq_length, batch_size),dtype=torch.long, device=device)best_tags = torch.zeros(batch_size, 1, dtype=torch.long, device=device)for idx in range(seq_length - 1, -1, -1):best_tags = torch.gather(history_idx[idx], 1, best_tags)best_tags_arr[idx] = torch.where(mask, best_tags_arr, oor_tag).transpose(0, 1)def _viterbi_decode_nbest(self, emissions: torch.FloatTensor,mask: torch.ByteTensor,nbest: int,pad_tag: Optional[int] = None) -> List[List[List[int]]]:# emissions: (seq_length, batch_size, num_tags)# mask: (seq_length, batch_size)# return: (nbest, batch_size, seq_length)if pad_tag is None:pad_tag = 0device = emissions.deviceseq_length, batch_size = mask.shape# Start transition and first emission# shape: (batch_size, num_tags)score = self.start_transitions + emissions[0]history_idx = torch.zeros((seq_length, batch_size, self.num_tags, nbest),dtype=torch.long, device=device)oor_idx = torch.zeros((batch_size, self.num_tags, nbest),dtype=torch.long, device=device)oor_tag = torch.full((seq_length, batch_size, nbest), pad_tag,dtype=torch.long, device=device)# + score is a tensor of size (batch_size, num_tags) where for every batch,#   value at column j stores the score of the best tag sequence so far that ends#   with tag j# + history_idx saves where the best tags candidate transitioned from; this is used#   when we trace back the best tag sequence# - oor_idx saves the best tags candidate transitioned from at the positions#   where mask is 0, i.e. out of range (oor)# Viterbi algorithm recursive case: we compute the score of the best tag sequence# for every possible next tagfor i in range(1, seq_length):if i == 1:broadcast_score = score.unsqueeze(-1)broadcast_emission = emissions[i].unsqueeze(1)# shape: (batch_size, num_tags, num_tags)next_score = broadcast_score + self.transitions + broadcast_emissionelse:broadcast_score = score.unsqueeze(-1)broadcast_emission = emissions[i].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)# shape: (batch_size, num_tags, nbest, num_tags)next_score = broadcast_score + self.transitions.unsqueeze(1) + broadcast_emission# Find the top `nbest` maximum score over all possible current tag# shape: (batch_size, nbest, num_tags)next_score, indices = next_score.view(batch_size, -1, self.num_tags).topk(nbest, dim=1)if i == 1:score = score.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, nbest)indices = indices * nbest# convert to shape: (batch_size, num_tags, nbest)next_score = next_score.transpose(2, 1)indices = indices.transpose(2, 1)# Set score to the next score if this timestep is valid (mask == 1)# and save the index that produces the next score# shape: (batch_size, num_tags, nbest)score = torch.where(mask[i].unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1), next_score, score)indices = torch.where(mask[i].unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1), indices, oor_idx)history_idx[i - 1] = indices# End transition score shape: (batch_size, num_tags, nbest)end_score = score + self.end_transitions.unsqueeze(-1)_, end_tag = end_score.view(batch_size, -1).topk(nbest, dim=1)# shape: (batch_size,)seq_ends = mask.long().sum(dim=0) - 1# insert the best tag at each sequence end (last position with mask == 1)history_idx = history_idx.transpose(1, 0).contiguous()history_idx.scatter_(1, seq_ends.view(-1, 1, 1, 1).expand(-1, 1, self.num_tags, nbest),end_tag.view(-1, 1, 1, nbest).expand(-1, 1, self.num_tags, nbest))history_idx = history_idx.transpose(1, 0).contiguous()# The most probable path for each sequencebest_tags_arr = torch.zeros((seq_length, batch_size, nbest),dtype=torch.long, device=device)best_tags = torch.arange(nbest, dtype=torch.long, device=device) \.view(1, -1).expand(batch_size, -1)for idx in range(seq_length - 1, -1, -1):best_tags = torch.gather(history_idx[idx].view(batch_size, -1), 1, best_tags)best_tags_arr[idx] =, -1) // nbestreturn torch.where(mask.unsqueeze(-1), best_tags_arr, oor_tag).permute(2, 1, 0)


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