.Net WebAPI(一)

server/2024/12/18 2:07:29/


  • 项目地址
  • 一、WebAPI基础
    • 1. 项目初始化
      • 1.1 创建简单的API
        • 1.1.1 get请求
        • 1.1.2 post请求
        • 1.1.3 put请求
        • 1.1.4 Delete请求
      • 1.2 webapi的流程
    • 2.Controllers
      • 2.1 创建一个shirts的Controller
    • 3. Routing
      • 3.1 使用和创建MapControllers
      • 3.2 使用Routing的模板语言
    • 4. Mould Binding
      • 4.1 指定数据的来源
        • 4.1.1 给Request请求添加
          • 1. FromRoute
          • 2. FromQuery
          • 3. FromHeader
        • 4.1.2 给Post请求添加
          • 1. FromBody
          • 2. FromForm
    • 5. Mould Validation
      • 5.1 添加Model Validation
      • 5.2 添加自定义的Validation
    • 6. WebApi Return Types
      • 6.1 直接返回对象
      • 6.2 返回多类型
    • 7. Action filter
      • 7.1 创建filter


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1. 项目初始化

  1. 创建一个一个项目文件夹,并且在控制台输入
dotnew webapi -n Restaurants.API --noopenapi -controllers
  1. 但是此时的项目是没有sln文件的,创建sln文件,但是这时候打开vs显示的是空项目
dotnet new sln
  1. 将项目添加到vs里
 dotnet sln add ./Restaurants.API

1.1 创建简单的API

  • 在program.cs里使用routing中间件配置路由
1.1.1 get请求
  • 获取所有的shirts
app.MapGet("/shirts", () =>
{return "Reading all the shirts";
  • 根据ID获取一个
//2.get shirt by id 
app.MapGet("/shirts/{id}", (int id) =>
{return $"Reading shirt with ID: {id}";
1.1.2 post请求
app.MapPost("/shirts", () =>
{return "Creating a new shirt.";
1.1.3 put请求


app.MapPut("/shirts/{id}", (int id) =>
{return $"Updating shirt with ID: {id}";
1.1.4 Delete请求


app.MapDelete("/shirts/{id}", (int id) =>
{return $"Deleting shirt with ID: {id}";

1.2 webapi的流程



2.1 创建一个shirts的Controller

  • 创建Controllers文件夹,在该文件夹下创建ShirtsController.cs文件
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;namespace WebAPIDemo.Controllers
{[ApiController]public class ShirtsController : ControllerBase{public string GetShirts(){return "Reading all the shirts";   }public string GetShirtById(int id){return $"Reading shirt with ID: {id}";}public string CreateShirt(){return "Creating a new shirt.";}public string UpdateShirt() {return "Updating shirt with ID: {id}";}public string DeleteShirt(int id){return $"Deleting shirt with ID: {id}";}}

3. Routing

3.1 使用和创建MapControllers

  1. Program.cs里添加rout的中间件


  1. 在Controller里,直接使用特性标记routing
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;namespace WebAPIDemo.Controllers
{[ApiController]public class ShirtsController : ControllerBase{[HttpGet("/shirts")]public string GetShirts(){return "Reading all the shirts";   }[HttpGet("/shirts/{id}")]public string GetShirtById(int id){return $"Reading shirt with ID: {id}";}[HttpPost("/shirts")]public string CreateShirt(){return "Creating a new shirt.";}[HttpPut("/shirts/{id}")]public string UpdateShirt() {return "Updating shirt with ID: {id}";}[HttpDelete("/shirts/{id}")]public string DeleteShirt(int id){return $"Deleting shirt with ID: {id}";}}

3.2 使用Routing的模板语言

  1. 在上面我们给每个Controller都使用一个路由,这样代码冗余,我们可以使用模板来指定rout;


  • 这样我们可以直接用过https://localhost:7232/shirts 进行访问shirts就是控制器的名称
  1. 如果我们想通过https://localhost:7232/api/shirts进行访问的话,修改模板routing


4. Mould Binding

将Http request和 Controller里的 parameter绑定起来

4.1 指定数据的来源

4.1.1 给Request请求添加
1. FromRoute
  • 指定这个参数必须是从https://localhost:7232/api/shirts/2/red从路由里来,如果不是,则报错
public string GetShirtById(int id,[FromRoute]string color)
{return $"Reading shirt with ID: {id},color is {color}";
2. FromQuery
  • 必须通过QueryString的形式提供:https://localhost:7232/api/shirts/2?color=red
 [HttpGet("{id}/{color}")]public string GetShirtById(int id,[FromQuery]string color){return $"Reading shirt with ID: {id},color is {color}";}
3. FromHeader
  • 必须通过请求头来传递,且Key是Name
public string GetShirtById(int id,[FromHeader(Name="color")]string color)
{return $"Reading shirt with ID: {id},color is {color}";


4.1.2 给Post请求添加
  • 在webapp里创建一个新的文件夹Models,并且添加一个Shirts,cs
namespace WebAPIDemo.Models
{public class Shirt{public int ShirtId { get; set; }public string? Brand { get; set; }   public string? Color { get; set; }public int Size { get; set; }public string? Gender { get; set; }public double Price { get; set; }}
1. FromBody
  • 从请求体里来
public string CreateShirt([FromBody]Shirt shirt)
{return "Creating a new shirt.";


2. FromForm
  • 通过表格形式传递
public string CreateShirt([FromForm]Shirt shirt)
{return "Creating a new shirt.";


5. Mould Validation

5.1 添加Model Validation

  • Models/Shirts.cs类里添加验证,如果没有给出必须的参数,请求会报错400
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;namespace WebAPIDemo.Models
{public class Shirt{[Required]public int ShirtId { get; set; }[Required]public string? Brand { get; set; }   public string? Color { get; set; }public int Size { get; set; }[Required]public string? Gender { get; set; }public double Price { get; set; }}

5.2 添加自定义的Validation

  1. Models文件夹里,添加Validations文件夹,并且添加文件Shirt_EnsureCorrectSizingAttribute.cs
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using WebAPIDemo.Models;namespace WebApp.Models.Validations
{public class Shirt_EnsureCorrectSizingAttribute : ValidationAttribute{protected override ValidationResult? IsValid(object? value, ValidationContext validationContext){var shirt = validationContext.ObjectInstance as Shirt;if (shirt != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(shirt.Gender)){if (shirt.Gender.Equals("men", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && shirt.Size < 8){return new ValidationResult("For men's shirts, the size has to be greater or equal to 8.");}else if (shirt.Gender.Equals("women", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && shirt.Size < 6){return new ValidationResult("For women's shirts, the size has to be greater or equal to 6.");}}return ValidationResult.Success;}}
  1. 我们验证的是Size,所以在Model里的Size添加我们自定义的Attribute
public int Size { get; set; }

6. WebApi Return Types

6.1 直接返回对象

  • 创建一个List,存放所有的Shirt实例,返回一个Shirt类型
  • 通过id访问https://localhost:7232/api/shirts/1, 返回一个json
{shirtId: 1,brand: "My Brand",color: "Blue",size: 10,gender: "Men",price: 30

6.2 返回多类型

  • 如果返回多类型,就不能指定具体返回的类型,需要返回一个IActionResult
public IActionResult GetShirtById(int id)
{if (id <= 0){return BadRequest("Invalid shirt ID");}var shirt = shirts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ShirtId == id);if( shirt == null){return NotFound();}return Ok(shirt);

7. Action filter

  • 使用Action filter进行data validation

7.1 创建filter

  1. 创建Filters文件夹,并且创建Shirt_ValidateShirtId.cs类,并且添加对ShortId的验证
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;
using WebAPIDemo.Models.Repositories;namespace WebAPIDemo.Filters
{public class Shirt_ValidateShirtIdFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute{public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context){base.OnActionExecuting(context);var shirtId = context.ActionArguments["id"] as int?;if (shirtId.HasValue){if (shirtId.Value <= 0){context.ModelState.AddModelError("ShirtId", "ShirtId is invalid.");var problemDetails = new ValidationProblemDetails(context.ModelState){Status = StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest};context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult(problemDetails);}else if (!ShirtRepository.ShirtExists(shirtId.Value)){context.ModelState.AddModelError("ShirtId", "Shirt doesn't exist.");var problemDetails = new ValidationProblemDetails(context.ModelState){Status = StatusCodes.Status404NotFound};context.Result = new NotFoundObjectResult(problemDetails);}}}}
  1. 使用添加的filter,对 id进行验证
public IActionResult GetShirtById(int id)
{return Ok(ShirtRepository.GetShirtById(id));




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