
server/2024/9/22 13:46:30/


A company hosts an application on AWS Lambda functions that are invoked by an Amazon API Gateway API. The Lambda functions save customer data to an Amazon Aurora MySQL database Whenever the company upgrades the database, the Lambda functions fail to establish database connections until the upgrade is complete. The result is that customer data is not recorded for some of the event. A solutions architect needs to design a solution that stores customerdata that is created during database upgrades Which solution will meet these requirements?

A  :    Provision an Amazon RDS proxy to sit between the Lambda functions and the database. Configure the Lambda functions to connect to the RDS proxy.

B  :   Increase the run time of the Lambda functions to the maximum. Create are try mechanism in the code that stores the customer data in the database.

C  :   Persist the customer data to Lambda local  storage. Configure new Lambda functions to scan the local storage to save the customer data to the database.

D  :    Store the customer data in an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) FIFO queue Create anew Lambda function that polls the queue and stores the customer data in the database.


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