Navicat 导出表结构后运行查询失败ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax;

ops/2025/1/23 21:51:07/

本文主要介绍了在使用 Navicat 导出 MySQL 表后新建查询时出现报错的问题及解决方案。


Navicat导出MySql中的表,在新建数据库新建查询时通常会报错You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ……





这些都试过了,但我正常运行导出的sql文件都没问题,而用Navicat 新建查询处理就不行,原因是这里的查询只能处理简单操作,直接执行sql需要在Navicat的命令列界面中。




MySQL defined
MySQL is an open source relational database management system. As with other relational databases, MySQL stores data in tables made up of rows and columns. Users can define, manipulate, control, and query data using Structured Query Language, more commonly known as SQL. Since MySQL is open source, it includes numerous features developed in close cooperation with users for more than 25 years.

MySQL software is open source
MySQL is open source, which means that it is available to use free of cost under the GNU General Public License terms. This also means that anyone is free to modify the source code of the software for their own use. This has led to the forking of MySQL to other variants of the database like MariaDB and Percona Server for MySQL MySQL are also available under other licenses for commercial use.

Relational database
MySQL belongs to a category of databases, called relational database management systems (RDBMS). A relational database is a collection of information that organizes data in predefined relationships where data is stored in one or more tables (or “relations”) of columns and rows, making it easy to see and understand how different data structures relate to each other. Relationships are a logical connection between different tables, established on the basis of interaction among these tables.

MySQL was created as an extension to the commercial programming language, SQL, which was based on the relational model described in Edgar F. Codd’s paper. The Swedish company MySQL AB, founded by David Axmark, Allan Larsson, and Michael Widenius, developed and released MySQL in 1995. The name “MySQL” is a combination of Michael Wildenius’ daughter’s name “My” and “SQL,” which refers to Structure Query Language (SQL). Sun Microsystems acquired MySQL AB in 2008. MySQL is currently under the ownership of Oracle Corporation after the acquisition of Sun Microsystems in 2010.

MySQL was originally developed in C and C++ programming languages and has enjoyed lots of popularity for its many versions over the years because of its availability on many open source and proprietary operating systems. The latest version of the database, MySQL version 8.0, was released in 2018.



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