
ops/2024/12/16 12:33:50/





运行时(runtime)和编译时(compile time)是编程中两个重要的时间概念:

  1. 编译时:代码在被转换为可执行文件或机器代码的过程中。静态语言如 C++ 通常在编译时检查语法错误、类型匹配等问题。所有方法调用和属性访问都需要在编译阶段明确。
  2. 运行时:程序执行时的状态,代码已经被编译为可执行文件,程序被加载到内存并运行。动态语言如 Python 支持在运行时根据实际情况动态调用方法、修改属性甚至生成新代码。


  • 编译时是程序准备好“如何运行”的阶段。
  • 运行时是程序真正“执行”的阶段。

Python 动态调用的示例

python">class Calculator:def add(self, x, y):return x + ydef subtract(self, x, y):return x - y# 创建对象
calc = Calculator()# 方法名称以字符串形式提供
method_name = "add"# 动态调用方法
result = getattr(calc, method_name)(10, 5)
print(f"Result of {method_name}: {result}")  # 输出: Result of add: 15


  • getattr(calc, method_name) 会根据 method_name 的值,在 calc 对象上查找对应的方法。
  • 如果 method_name"add"getattr 返回 calc.add,进而调用此方法。
  • 这一查找和调用过程是在程序运行时动态决定的,而非在代码编写和编译阶段。

C++ 静态调用的示例

在 C++ 中,方法的调用必须在编译时确定:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>class Calculator {
public:int add(int x, int y) {return x + y;}int subtract(int x, int y) {return x - y;}
};int main() {Calculator calc;// 静态确定的方法调用std::string method_name = "add";if (method_name == "add") {std::cout << "Result of add: " << calc.add(10, 5) << std::endl;} else if (method_name == "subtract") {std::cout << "Result of subtract: " << calc.subtract(10, 5) << std::endl;}return 0;


Result of add: 15


  • C++ 中的 method_name 只是一个普通字符串,不能直接用来动态调用方法。
  • 我们需要通过 if-elseswitch-case 语句手动确定调用的方法。
  • 方法调用是明确写死的,必须在编译时确定,无法直接根据字符串动态查找。

Python 和 C++ 的区别

灵活性高,可动态修改对象属性或方法,甚至动态生成代码。低,需手动通过 if-else 选择调用的代码块。

为什么 Python 支持动态调用?

Python 是动态语言,其设计初衷是提升开发者的生产力,减少代码冗余。动态调用带来的好处包括:

  1. 代码灵活性:允许根据外部数据(如用户输入)动态改变行为。
  2. 框架设计:Web 框架(如 Flask)通过动态路由匹配请求,减少硬编码。
  3. 插件支持:支持动态加载模块或插件,例如读取配置文件后加载对应功能。
  4. 元编程能力:可以编写更抽象、更通用的代码。



  1. 策略模式:动态调用不同策略方法。
  2. 工厂模式:根据名称动态实例化对象。
  3. 反射机制:结合元编程动态发现和调用方法。


  • 动态语言的核心:Python 将一切视为对象,包括函数和类,因此方法可以动态查找和调用。
  • 降低开发难度:动态调用减少了硬编码条件的需求,使代码更简洁。
  • 运行时 vs. 编译时权衡
    • 动态调用增加了运行时灵活性,但降低了性能。
    • 静态调用性能更高,但代码冗长且不灵活。


动态调用方法体现了 Python 的灵活性和开发效率,它允许程序在运行时根据需求灵活调整行为。而像 C++ 这样的静态语言,虽然性能更高,但在灵活性上有所限制。动态调用是动态语言与静态语言在设计理念上的核心区别之一,这种特性为开发者提供了更多的编程自由,同时也需要谨慎处理以避免潜在的运行时错误。


What Does “Dynamic Method Invocation” Mean?

Dynamic method invocation refers to the ability to call an object’s method based on its name (usually provided as a string) at runtime, rather than specifying the method explicitly during code compilation. This is a hallmark of dynamic languages like Python, which allows developers to write more flexible and adaptable code.

Understanding “Runtime” vs. “Compile Time”

  • Compile Time: The phase where the code is checked, translated into machine-readable instructions, and prepared for execution. Errors such as type mismatches are caught here.

    • Example: In C++, method calls and types are strictly resolved during compilation.
  • Runtime: The phase where the compiled code is executed. During this stage, the program can make decisions, interact with users, and dynamically adjust behavior.

    • Example: In Python, dynamic method invocation occurs when a program decides which method to call based on a string or other runtime data.

Analogy: Compile time is like drafting a flight plan, where all destinations and routes must be predefined. Runtime is like piloting the plane, where adjustments might be made in real-time based on weather conditions or other dynamic inputs.

Dynamic Invocation in Python: An Example

Python’s getattr() enables dynamic method invocation:

python">class Calculator:def add(self, x, y):return x + ydef subtract(self, x, y):return x - y# Create an object
calc = Calculator()# Method name as a string
method_name = "add"# Dynamically invoke the method
result = getattr(calc, method_name)(10, 5)
print(f"Result of {method_name}: {result}")  # Output: Result of add: 15

How It Works:

  • getattr(calc, method_name) fetches the method add from the calc object.
  • The fetched method is then invoked with arguments (10, 5).
  • This entire process happens at runtime, making the code flexible.

Static Method Invocation in C++: An Example

In C++, all method calls must be explicitly resolved at compile time. Here’s the equivalent code in C++:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>class Calculator {
public:int add(int x, int y) {return x + y;}int subtract(int x, int y) {return x - y;}
};int main() {Calculator calc;std::string method_name = "add";// Static invocationif (method_name == "add") {std::cout << "Result of add: " << calc.add(10, 5) << std::endl;} else if (method_name == "subtract") {std::cout << "Result of subtract: " << calc.subtract(10, 5) << std::endl;}return 0;

How It Works:

  • C++ does not allow runtime method lookup using strings. Instead, if-else statements or switch blocks manually determine which method to call.
  • This makes the method resolution rigid and predefined during compilation.

Key Differences Between Python and C++

FeaturePython (Dynamic)C++ (Static)
Method ResolutionDone at runtime using tools like getattr().Done at compile time; methods must be explicit.
FlexibilityHigh, supports runtime behavior changes.Low, behavior is predefined in the code.
Error CheckingErrors (e.g., missing methods) occur at runtime.Compile-time errors reduce runtime issues.
PerformanceSlower due to runtime resolution overhead.Faster due to compile-time optimizations.

Why Python Supports Dynamic Method Invocation

Python’s design prioritizes developer productivity and flexibility over strict performance. This flexibility is essential for:

  1. Dynamic Frameworks: Web frameworks like Django or Flask dynamically route requests to methods based on strings.
  2. Plugins and Extensions: Dynamically load and invoke methods in plugins or external modules.
  3. Reflection and Introspection: Enable runtime exploration and modification of objects and methods.

Is Dynamic Method Invocation a Design Pattern?

While dynamic method invocation isn’t a standalone design pattern, it is used in conjunction with various patterns:

  1. Strategy Pattern: Dynamically select and invoke the appropriate method or algorithm.
  2. Factory Pattern: Dynamically instantiate classes or methods based on runtime data.
  3. Reflection and Introspection: Central to frameworks that rely on inspecting and invoking code dynamically.

Deep Design Considerations

Dynamic method invocation in Python is made possible by its core philosophy:

  1. Everything is an Object: Classes, methods, and even functions are objects that can be manipulated at runtime.
  2. Duck Typing: Focus on behavior rather than strict type definitions.
  3. Runtime Flexibility: Support for dynamic applications, frameworks, and scripting capabilities.

In contrast, languages like C++ enforce stricter type systems and compile-time checks to optimize performance and catch errors early.


Dynamic method invocation illustrates the fundamental difference between Python and static languages like C++. While Python provides unmatched flexibility and ease of use, C++ offers performance and compile-time safety. The choice between these paradigms depends on the application’s needs: flexibility for dynamic, evolving systems versus strict performance and predictability for resource-intensive tasks.





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