
ops/2024/10/18 5:39:59/




摘 要

关键词:学生综合测评系统; springboot;MySql数据库;Tomcat;

With the coming of information era, all tend to be intelligent, systematic management system, students’ comprehensive evaluation system is no exception, but at present domestic still use manual management, school size bigger and bigger, at the same time, the amount of information is becoming more and more big, the artificial management has clearly unable to cope with the changes of The Times, and the students’ comprehensive evaluation system can well solve the problem, It can not only improve human and material resources and financial resources, but also speed up the efficiency of work. It is an inevitable trend to replace manual management.

The student comprehensive evaluation system uses Springboot as the framework, B/S mode and MySql as the background database, and Tomcat as the server of the system. This system mainly includes home page, personal center, student management, test information management, assessment test management, administrator management, comprehensive assessment management, system management, comprehensive examination management and other functions, through the realization of these functions can basically meet the daily operation of comprehensive assessment management of students.

This paper focuses on the analysis, design and implementation of the student comprehensive evaluation system. First, it introduces the development system and environment configuration, the design of the database, and then explains the detailed implementation of the functional modules. Finally, it summarizes.

Key words: Student comprehensive assessment system; springboot; MySql database; Tomcat;




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