
news/2025/3/6 6:42:13/





Y = 0.2990R + 0.5870G + 0.1140B;

U = -0.1684R - 0.3316G + 0.5B + 128;

V = 0.5R - 0.4187G - 0.083B + 128;

R = Y + 1.4075( V - 128);

G = Y - 0.3455( U - 128) - 0.7169( V - 128);

B = Y + 1.779( U - 128);



int RGB2YUV (int x_dim, int y_dim, void *bmp, void *y_out, void *u_out, void *v_out, int flip);void InitLookupTable();


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "rgb2yuv.h"#define u_int8_t	unsigned __int8
#define u_int		unsigned __int32
#define u_int32_t	unsigned __int32
#define FALSE		false
#define TRUE		true/** rgb2yuv* required arg1 should be the input RAW RGB24 file* required arg2 should be the output RAW YUV12 file*/ 
int main(int argc, char** argv)
{/* variables controlable from command line */u_int frameWidth = 352;			/* --width=<uint> */u_int frameHeight = 240;		/* --height=<uint> */bool flip = TRUE;				/* --flip */unsigned int i;/* internal variables */char* rgbFileName = NULL;char* yuvFileName = NULL;FILE* rgbFile = NULL;FILE* yuvFile = NULL;u_int8_t* rgbBuf = NULL;u_int8_t* yBuf = NULL;u_int8_t* uBuf = NULL;u_int8_t* vBuf = NULL;u_int32_t videoFramesWritten = 0;/* begin process command line *//* point to the specified file names */rgbFileName = argv[1];yuvFileName = argv[2];frameWidth = atoi(argv[3]);frameHeight = atoi(argv[4]);/* open the RGB file */rgbFile = fopen(rgbFileName,"rb");if (rgbFile == NULL){printf("cannot find rgb file\n");exit(1);}else{printf("The input rgb file is %s\n", rgbFileName);}/* open the RAW file */yuvFile = fopen(yuvFileName, "wb");if (yuvFile == NULL){printf("cannot find yuv file\n");exit(1);}else{printf("The output yuv file is %s\n", yuvFileName);}/* get an input buffer for a frame */rgbBuf = (u_int8_t*)malloc(frameWidth * frameHeight * 3);/* get the output buffers for a frame */yBuf = (u_int8_t*)malloc(frameWidth * frameHeight);uBuf = (u_int8_t*)malloc((frameWidth * frameHeight) / 4);vBuf = (u_int8_t*)malloc((frameWidth * frameHeight) / 4);if (rgbBuf == NULL || yBuf == NULL || uBuf == NULL || vBuf == NULL){printf("no enought memory\n");exit(1);}while (fread(rgbBuf, 1, frameWidth * frameHeight * 3, rgbFile)) {if(RGB2YUV(frameWidth, frameHeight, rgbBuf, yBuf, uBuf, vBuf, flip)){printf("error");return 0;}for (i = 0; i < frameWidth*frameHeight; i++){if (yBuf[i] < 16) yBuf[i] = 16;if (yBuf[i] > 235) yBuf[i] = 235;}for (i = 0; i < frameWidth*frameHeight/4; i++){if (uBuf[i] < 16) uBuf[i] = 16;if (uBuf[i] > 240) uBuf[i] = 240;if (vBuf[i] < 16) vBuf[i] = 16;if (vBuf[i] > 240) vBuf[i] = 240;}fwrite(yBuf, 1, frameWidth * frameHeight, yuvFile);fwrite(uBuf, 1, (frameWidth * frameHeight) / 4, yuvFile);fwrite(vBuf, 1, (frameWidth * frameHeight) / 4, yuvFile);printf("\r...%d", ++videoFramesWritten);}printf("\n%u %ux%u video frames written\n", videoFramesWritten, frameWidth, frameHeight);/* cleanup */fclose(rgbFile);fclose(yuvFile);return(0);


/***************************************************************************                                                                        ** This code is developed by Adam Li.  This software is an                ** implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools as          ** specified in ISO/IEC 14496-2 standard.  Those intending to use this    ** software module in hardware or software products are advised that its  ** use may infringe existing patents or copyrights, and any such use      ** would be at such party's own risk.  The original developer of this     ** software module and his/her company, and subsequent editors and their  ** companies (including Project Mayo), will have no liability for use of  ** this software or modifications or derivatives thereof.                 **                                                                        ** Project Mayo gives users of the Codec a license to this software       ** module or modifications thereof for use in hardware or software        ** products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video Standard as          ** described in the Open DivX license.                                    **                                                                        ** The complete Open DivX license can be found at                         ** http://www.projectmayo.com/opendivx/license.php .                      **                                                                        ***************************************************************************//****************************************************************************  rgb2yuv.c, 24-bit RGB bitmap to YUV converter**  Copyright (C) 2001  Project Mayo**  Adam Li**  DivX Advance Research Center <darc@projectmayo.com>***************************************************************************//* This file contains RGB to YUV transformation functions.                */#include "stdlib.h"
#include "rgb2yuv.h"static float RGBYUV02990[256], RGBYUV05870[256], RGBYUV01140[256];
static float RGBYUV01684[256], RGBYUV03316[256];
static float RGBYUV04187[256], RGBYUV00813[256];/**************************************************************************  int RGB2YUV (int x_dim, int y_dim, void *bmp, YUV *yuv)**	Purpose :	It takes a 24-bit RGB bitmap and convert it into*				YUV (4:2:0) format**  Input :		x_dim	the x dimension of the bitmap*				y_dim	the y dimension of the bitmap*				bmp		pointer to the buffer of the bitmap*				yuv		pointer to the YUV structure**  Output :	0		OK*				1		wrong dimension*				2		memory allocation error**	Side Effect :*				None**	Date :		09/28/2000**  Contacts:**  Adam Li**  DivX Advance Research Center <darc@projectmayo.com>*************************************************************************/int RGB2YUV (int x_dim, int y_dim, void *bmp, void *y_out, void *u_out, void *v_out, int flip)
{static int init_done = 0;long i, j, size;unsigned char *r, *g, *b;unsigned char *y, *u, *v;unsigned char *pu1, *pu2, *pv1, *pv2, *psu, *psv;unsigned char *y_buffer, *u_buffer, *v_buffer;unsigned char *sub_u_buf, *sub_v_buf;if (init_done == 0){InitLookupTable();init_done = 1;}// check to see if x_dim and y_dim are divisible by 2if ((x_dim % 2) || (y_dim % 2)) return 1;size = x_dim * y_dim;// allocate memoryy_buffer = (unsigned char *)y_out;sub_u_buf = (unsigned char *)u_out;sub_v_buf = (unsigned char *)v_out;u_buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(size * sizeof(unsigned char));v_buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(size * sizeof(unsigned char));if (!(u_buffer && v_buffer)){if (u_buffer) free(u_buffer);if (v_buffer) free(v_buffer);return 2;}b = (unsigned char *)bmp;y = y_buffer;u = u_buffer;v = v_buffer;// convert RGB to YUVif (!flip) {for (j = 0; j < y_dim; j ++){y = y_buffer + (y_dim - j - 1) * x_dim;u = u_buffer + (y_dim - j - 1) * x_dim;v = v_buffer + (y_dim - j - 1) * x_dim;for (i = 0; i < x_dim; i ++) {g = b + 1;r = b + 2;*y = (unsigned char)(  RGBYUV02990[*r] + RGBYUV05870[*g] + RGBYUV01140[*b]);*u = (unsigned char)(- RGBYUV01684[*r] - RGBYUV03316[*g] + (*b)/2          + 128);*v = (unsigned char)(  (*r)/2          - RGBYUV04187[*g] - RGBYUV00813[*b] + 128);b += 3;y ++;u ++;v ++;}}} else {for (i = 0; i < size; i++){g = b + 1;r = b + 2;*y = (unsigned char)(  RGBYUV02990[*r] + RGBYUV05870[*g] + RGBYUV01140[*b]);*u = (unsigned char)(- RGBYUV01684[*r] - RGBYUV03316[*g] + (*b)/2          + 128);*v = (unsigned char)(  (*r)/2          - RGBYUV04187[*g] - RGBYUV00813[*b] + 128);b += 3;y ++;u ++;v ++;}}// subsample UVfor (j = 0; j < y_dim/2; j ++){psu = sub_u_buf + j * x_dim / 2;psv = sub_v_buf + j * x_dim / 2;pu1 = u_buffer + 2 * j * x_dim;pu2 = u_buffer + (2 * j + 1) * x_dim;pv1 = v_buffer + 2 * j * x_dim;pv2 = v_buffer + (2 * j + 1) * x_dim;for (i = 0; i < x_dim/2; i ++){*psu = (*pu1 + *(pu1+1) + *pu2 + *(pu2+1)) / 4;*psv = (*pv1 + *(pv1+1) + *pv2 + *(pv2+1)) / 4;psu ++;psv ++;pu1 += 2;pu2 += 2;pv1 += 2;pv2 += 2;}}free(u_buffer);free(v_buffer);return 0;
}void InitLookupTable()
{int i;for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) RGBYUV02990[i] = (float)0.2990 * i;for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) RGBYUV05870[i] = (float)0.5870 * i;for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) RGBYUV01140[i] = (float)0.1140 * i;for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) RGBYUV01684[i] = (float)0.1684 * i;for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) RGBYUV03316[i] = (float)0.3316 * i;for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) RGBYUV04187[i] = (float)0.4187 * i;for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) RGBYUV00813[i] = (float)0.0813 * i;


int YUV2RGB (int x_dim, int y_dim, void *bmp, void *y_out, void *u_out, void *v_out, int flip);void InitLookupTable();


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>  
#include <malloc.h>
#include "yuv2rgb.h"#define u_int8_t	unsigned __int8  
#define u_int		unsigned __int32  
#define u_int32_t	unsigned __int32
#define FALSE		false
#define TRUE		trueint main(int argc, char* argv[])
{/* variables controlable from command line */u_int frameWidth = 352;			/* --width=<uint> */u_int frameHeight = 240;		/* --height=<uint> */bool flip = TRUE;				/* --flip */unsigned int i;/* internal variables */char* rgbFileName = NULL;char* yuvFileName = NULL;FILE* rgbFile = NULL;FILE* yuvFile = NULL;u_int8_t* rgbBuf = NULL;u_int8_t* yBuf = NULL;u_int8_t* uBuf = NULL;u_int8_t* vBuf = NULL;u_int32_t videoFramesWritten = 0;/* begin process command line *//* point to the specified file names */yuvFileName = argv[1];rgbFileName = argv[2];frameWidth = atoi(argv[3]);   frameHeight = atoi(argv[4]);/* open the YUV file */yuvFile = fopen(yuvFileName, "rb");if (yuvFile == NULL){printf("cannot find yuv file\n");exit(1);}else{printf("The input yuv file is %s\n", yuvFileName);}/* open the RGB file */rgbFile = fopen(rgbFileName, "wb");if (rgbFile == NULL){printf("cannot find rgb file\n");exit(1);}else{printf("The output rgb file is %s\n", rgbFileName);}/* get an output buffer for a frame */rgbBuf = (u_int8_t*)malloc(frameWidth * frameHeight * 3);  /* get the input buffers for a frame */yBuf = (u_int8_t*)malloc(frameWidth * frameHeight);uBuf = (u_int8_t*)malloc((frameWidth * frameHeight) / 4);vBuf = (u_int8_t*)malloc((frameWidth * frameHeight) / 4);if (rgbBuf == NULL || yBuf == NULL || uBuf == NULL || vBuf == NULL) {printf("no enought memory\n");exit(1);}while (fread(yBuf, 1, frameWidth * frameHeight, yuvFile)&& fread(uBuf, 1, frameWidth * frameHeight / 4, yuvFile)&& fread(vBuf, 1, frameWidth * frameHeight / 4, yuvFile)){if (YUV2RGB(frameWidth, frameHeight, rgbBuf, yBuf, uBuf, vBuf, flip)){printf("error");return 0;}fwrite(rgbBuf, 1, frameWidth * frameHeight * 3, rgbFile);printf("\r...%d", ++videoFramesWritten);}printf("\n%u %ux%u video frames written\n",videoFramesWritten, frameWidth, frameHeight);fclose(rgbFile);fclose(yuvFile);if (rgbBuf != NULL) free(rgbBuf);if (yBuf != NULL)free(yBuf);if (uBuf != NULL)free(uBuf);if (vBuf != NULL)free(vBuf);return(0);


#include "stdlib.h"
#include "yuv2rgb.h"static float YUVRGB14075[256];
static float YUVRGB03455[256], YUVRGB07169[256];
static float YUVRGB1779[256];int YUV2RGB(int width, int height, void* rgb_out, void* y_in, void* u_in, void* v_in, int flip)
{static int init_done = 0;long i, j, size;float tempr,tempg, tempb;unsigned char* bgr;unsigned char* y, * u, * v;unsigned char* y_buffer, * u_buffer, * v_buffer;unsigned char* sub_u_buf, * sub_v_buf;if (init_done == 0){InitLookupTable();init_done = 1;}if ((width % 2) || (height % 2)) return 1;size = width * height;y_buffer = (unsigned char*)y_in;u_buffer = (unsigned char*)u_in;v_buffer = (unsigned char*)v_in;bgr = (unsigned char*)rgb_out;sub_u_buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(size);sub_v_buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(size);//上采样for (i = 0; i < height; i++){for (j = 0; j < width; j++){*(sub_u_buf + i * width + j) = *(u_buffer + (i / 2) * (width / 2) + j / 2);*(sub_v_buf + i * width + j) = *(v_buffer + (i / 2) * (width / 2) + j / 2);}}y = y_buffer;u = sub_u_buf;v = sub_v_buf;for(i=0;i<size;i++){tempr = *y + YUVRGB14075[*v];tempg = *y - YUVRGB03455[*u] - YUVRGB07169[*v];tempb = *y + YUVRGB1779[*u];*bgr = ( (tempr > 255) ? 255 : ( tempr < 0 ? 0 : (unsigned char)tempr) );*(bgr+1) = ( (tempg > 255) ? 255 : ( tempg < 0 ? 0 : (unsigned char)tempg) );*(bgr+2) = ( (tempb > 255) ? 255 : ( tempb < 0 ? 0 : (unsigned char)tempb) );bgr=bgr+3;y++;u++;v++;}if (sub_u_buf != NULL) free(sub_u_buf);if (sub_v_buf != NULL) free(sub_v_buf);return 0;
}void InitLookupTable()
{int i;for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) YUVRGB14075[i] = (float)1.4075 * (i - 128);for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) YUVRGB03455[i] = (float)0.3455 * (i - 128);for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) YUVRGB07169[i] = (float)0.7169 * (i - 128);for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) YUVRGB1779[i] = (float)1.779 * (i - 128);}









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