Up in the Air-2

news/2024/10/18 8:37:36/

Speech on trip.

  • How much does your life weigh(多重)? Imagine for a second that you’re carrying a backpack(背一个包). I want you to feel the straps(肩带) on your shoulders. Feel them?

  • I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life. You start with the little things, things on shelves(架子), in drawers(抽屉), and knickknacks(小家具),collectibles(收藏品). Feel the weight as that adds up.

  • You start adding larger stuff, clothes, tabletop appliances, lamps, linens, your TV. The backpack should be getting pretty heavy now.

  • And now you go bigger. Your couch, bed, your kitchen table. Stuff it all in there. Your car, get it in there. Your home, whether it’s a studio apartment(单人公寓) or a two-bedroom house.

  • I want you to stuff it all into that backpack. Now try to walk. It’s kind of hard, isn’t it? This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis(每天). We weigh ourselves down(给自己增加负担) until we can’t even move. And make no mistake, moving is living.

  • Now, I’m gonna set that backpack on fire. What do you want to take out of it? Photos? Photos are for people who can’t remember. Drink some ginkgo and let the photos burn.

  • In fact, let everything burn and imagine waking up tomorrow with nothing. It’s kind of exhilarating(振奋人心), isn’t it?

  • You put me in a Dodge Stratus in Kansas City.

  • They were completely out of(卖光) all full-size sedans.(轿车)

  • Yes. I reminded them of your remarkable No.1 Gold Club status and years in the program. They are literally(确实) moving mountains to see you in a Sebring.

  • Fair enough(好吧). Any other messages?

  • Your sister Kara called. Needs to speak urgently about your sister’s wedding. I told her you were mid-air(半空中), not even I knew your final destination.

  • And you got an invitation(邀请) to speak at Goalquest in Vegas.

  • Goalquest 20? Every once in a while, I do speak in engagements(参与), motivational kind of stuff. But Goalquest? We’re talking Major Tony Robbins shit.

  • It’s got a hologram(全息图) on it. They’re calling it Dos Equis.

  • All right, I’ll check in.

  • Hey, 20 minutes from boarding into a world of bliss(幸福的世界).

  • Real good numbers out of Phoenix(凤凰城), Ry guy. Hey, you know that Big Auto is about to cut(裁员) another 10K before the end of the month?

  • No kidding.

  • Yeah. Christmas came early. I wish I could have you in about five places at once, but I do need you back here in Omaha by the end of week. All right?

  • I thought you needed me everywhere.

  • Well, you know, we got something real big(重要) here, a real game changer.(格局改变者)

  • You’ll see. Today I took my first crap in two weeks, hallelujah.

  • That’s me hanging up on you.(我要挂了你的电话)




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