个人在学习5G标准3GPP TS 23501-g51过程中,也发现google的机器翻译实在晦涩难懂,所以个人在借助百度翻译(中国人更懂中文)的同时,人工对每句话进行了校对。
4.3.2 Roaming architecture
Figure 4.3.2-1 represents the Roaming architecture with local breakout and Figure 4.3.2-2 represents the Roaming architecture with home-routed traffic for interworking between 5GS and EPC/E-UTRAN.
Figure 4.3.2-1: Local breakout roaming architecture for interworking between 5GS and EPC/E-UTRAN
NOTE 1: There can be another UPF (not shown in the figure above) between the NG-RAN and the UPF + PGW-U, i.e. the UPF + PGW-U can support N9 towards the additional UPF, if needed.
NOTE 2: S9 interface from EPC is not required since no known deployment exists.
Figure 4.3.2-2: Home-routed roaming architecture for interworking between 5GS and EPC/E-UTRAN