3GPP TS 23501-g51 中英文对照 | 4.2.1 General

news/2025/2/7 0:45:03/

个人在学习5G标准3GPP TS 23501-g51过程中,也发现google的机器翻译实在晦涩难懂,所以个人在借助百度翻译(中国人更懂中文)的同时,人工对每句话进行了校对。


4.2.1 General

This specification describes the architecture for the 5G System. The 5G architecture is defined as service-based and the interaction between network functions is represented in two ways.


- A service-based representation, where network functions (e.g. AMF) within the Control Plane enables other authorized network functions to access their services. This representation also includes point-to-point reference points where necessary.

-一种service-based的表示,其中Control Plane内的网络功能(如AMF)允许其他授权网络功能访问其服务。如有必要,此表示还包括点对点参考点。

- A reference point representation, shows the interaction exist between the NF services in the network functions described by point-to-point reference point (e.g. N11) between any two network functions (e.g. AMF and SMF).


Service-based interfaces are listed in clause 4.2.6. Reference points are listed in clause 4.2.7.

Network functions within the 5GC Control Plane shall only use service-based interfaces for their interactions.

5GC Control Plane的网络功能只能使用service-based的接口进行交互。

NOTE 1: The interactions between NF services within one NF are not specified in this Release of the specification.


NOTE 2: UPF does not provide any services in this Release of the specification, but can consume services provided by 5GC Control Plane NFs.

注2:UPF在此Release的规范中不提供任何服务,但可以使用5GC Control Plane NFs提供的服务。

NFs and NF services can communicate directly, referred to as Direct Communication, or indirectly via the SCP, referred to as Indirect Communication. For more information on communication options, see Annex E and clauses under 6.3.1 and 7.1.2.

NFs和NF服务可以直接通信(称为Direct Communication),也可以通过SCP间接通信(称为Indirect Communication)。



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