今天重装了系统,进行自动更新的时,总是有6个更新无法成功安装!系统日志中显示:安装失败: Windows 安装下列更新失败,错误为 0x80070003!打开C:/WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log文件给出了如下错误提示(只给出一个更新失败时的日志):
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 afc AU #############
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 afc AU ## START ## AU: Install updates
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 afc AU #########
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 afc AU # Initiating manual install
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 afc AU # Approved updates = 6
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 afc AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Install updates / installing updates [CallId = {68703620-2C44-4064-88EA-A3DEC999732E}]
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent *************
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent ** START ** Agent: Installing updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent *********
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * Updates to install = 6
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * Title = <NULL>
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * UpdateId = {DD167F04-69E8-46A0-83DA-D4A5143EDBF1}.100
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * {9E8255A2-3634-4B33-B1A6-2E792ED06D32}.100
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * Title = <NULL>
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * UpdateId = {5E7DD70B-B694-4D0C-9146-14C08F4BAE3B}.100
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * {162D21B4-2C39-4507-9FF1-35767803E731}.100
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * Title = <NULL>
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * UpdateId = {53EC4E2B-A6FD-42F3-936A-936B93C0136B}.11
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * {973B4A27-E566-4059-9055-A42FE589469F}.11
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * Title = <NULL>
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * UpdateId = {6917A042-BA50-4723-A0C3-3783A8DDC28B}.10
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * {3D03775F-139B-4EC5-A87F-07C3E8DE4F1C}.10
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * Title = <NULL>
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * UpdateId = {58313F8C-4976-48AA-9537-79E4C1BFEBE0}.101
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * {9DFB2F14-234D-461E-A3AE-B3ADE30E8E1F}.101
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * Title = <NULL>
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * UpdateId = {88ECB294-6967-4250-BCB7-8C37B83915A8}.101
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2006-03-28 10:05:02 1032 474 Agent * {FFFD8E46-1D49-4FAE-8101-579D9D922BAC}.101
2006-03-28 10:05:17 1032 474 Handler Attempting to create remote handler process as TENCENT/springsu in session 0
2006-03-28 10:05:17 1032 474 DnldMgr Preparing update for install, updateId = {9E8255A2-3634-4B33-B1A6-2E792ED06D32}.100.
2006-03-28 10:05:17 3640 e48 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build:, tz: +0800) ===========
2006-03-28 10:05:17 3640 e48 Misc = Process: C:/WINDOWS/system32/wuauclt.exe
2006-03-28 10:05:17 3640 e48 Misc = Module: C:/WINDOWS/system32/wuaueng.dll
2006-03-28 10:05:17 3640 e48 Handler :::::::::::::
2006-03-28 10:05:17 3640 e48 Handler :: START :: Handler: Windows Patch Install
2006-03-28 10:05:17 3640 e48 Handler :::::::::
2006-03-28 10:05:17 3640 e48 Handler : Updates to install = 1
2006-03-28 10:05:17 3640 e48 Handler : Installing update {9E8255A2-3634-4B33-B1A6-2E792ED06D32}.100
2006-03-28 10:05:17 3640 aa8 Handler Installing with parameters=-q -z -er, sandbox=C:/WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution/Download/b0d85704174aa9c1b1e76540b179a520.
2006-03-28 10:05:17 3640 aa8 Handler Updateci: OpenFileForScan( C:/WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution/Download/b0d85704174aa9c1b1e76540b179a520/update/update.exe ): failed (3)
2006-03-28 10:05:17 3640 aa8 Handler Updateci: WinSEUpdateHandler::_LaunchInstaller: Failed opening C:/WINDOWS/SoftwareDistribution/Download/b0d85704174aa9c1b1e76540b179a520/update/update.exe (3)
2006-03-28 10:05:17 3640 aa8 Handler Install completed with 0x80070003.
2006-03-28 10:05:17 3640 e48 Handler FATAL: UH: 0x80070003: InstallOrUninstallThread failed
2006-03-28 10:05:17 3640 e48 Handler : WARNING: Install completed: result type = 0x0, installer error = True, error = 0x80070003, disabled until reboot = No, reboot required = No
2006-03-28 10:05:17 3640 e48 Handler FATAL: UH: 0x8024200b: HandleSingleUpdate failed