
news/2024/11/8 14:57:04/

陨铁,稀有金属陨石Rare metal meteorite,主要成份为铁、镍、锰、砷、钼、锆、铌、钌、铑、银、镉、铟、锡、锑过度金属的陨石。主要由铁纹石和镍纹石两种矿物组成,其次含有少量的石墨、陨磷铁镍矿、陨硫铬矿、陨碳铁、铬铁矿和陨硫铁等。在化学成分上除Ni和Fe外,还含有As、Mo、Mn、Zr、Nb、Ru、Rh、Ag、Cd、In、Sn、和Ir等元素。有少数铁陨石还含有硅酸盐包体。稀有金属陨石的分类主要根据Fe、和Zr、Nb、Ru、Rh、Agr的含量及其构造特征,分为13个群。

Rare metal meteorite, mainly composed of iron, nickel, manganese, arsenic, molybdenum, zirconium, niobium, ruthenium, rhodium, silver, cadmium, indium, tin and antimony. It is mainly composed of two minerals: ferrites and nickel, followed by a small amount of graphite, chondrite, chondrite, chromite and pyrite. In addition to Ni and Fe, there are also as, Mo, Mn, Zr, Nb, Ru, Rh, Ag, CD, in, Sn and IR. A few iron meteorites also contain silicate inclusions. According to the contents of Fe, Zr, Nb, Ru, Rh, agr and their tectonic characteristics, the rare metal meteorites can be divided into 13 groups.


According to the content of iron and nickel in meteorites, they are usually divided into three categories: meteorites, iron meteorites and iron meteorites. Rare metal meteorites. The content of iron and nickel in meteorites is less than or equal to 30%; the content of iron and nickel in iron meteorites ranges from 30% to 65%; the content of iron and nickel in iron meteorites is greater than or equal to 95%. Iron meteorites contain 90% iron and 8% nickel. Rare metal meteorites contain about 50% iron, less than 2% nickel, and rich in other metals. Its surface is covered with a black or brown 1 mm thick oxide layer, and there are many large and small pits on the surface called air marks. In addition, there are grooves of various shapes, which are called weld grooves. These are due to their severe friction and combustion with the atmosphere in the process of falling. The section of iron meteorite is as bright as pure iron. Meteorite is the beauty scattered by nature, a silent poem, an immortal painting and a gift from the universe. It may be older than human history, or older than the earth. It is a "distinguished guest" with a mysterious identity. In general, rare and exotic stones will attract people's attention. What's more, with the rise of meteorite market in recent years, it has attracted more and more attention. Its value in the market is high and it is very popular.



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搞了半天&#xff0c;还以为ie中毒了~ 各种杀毒&#xff0c;各种查问题。。 最后是网卡坏掉了~ 换了一块新的网卡。。 好了。。




原标题&#xff1a;鉴定陨石真伪的简单测试方法 鉴定陨石真伪的简单测试方法 1&#xff0e;外表熔壳&#xff1a;陨石在陨落地面以前要穿越稠密的大气层&#xff0c;陨石在降落过程中与大气发生磨擦产生高温&#xff0c;使其表面发生熔融而形成一层薄薄的熔壳。因此&#xff0c…

