电邮地址_电子邮件| 电子邮件| 第2部分

news/2025/3/4 12:44:26/


电子邮件/电子邮件:正文和附件 (Electronic Mail / e-mail: Body and Attachments)

The message body is composed of content that the sender wants to communicate to the recipients.


It was originally composed of plain text. Was subsequently introduced the possibility to include files in an e-mail (attachments), such as sending images or documents. To do this the sender’s mail client uses MIME encoding (uuencode or more obsolete).

它最初由纯文本组成。 随后引入了将文件包含在电子邮件中的可能性(附件),例如发送图像或文档。 为此,发件人的邮件客户端使用MIME编码(uuencode或更旧的)。

Attachments are also used to compose an e-mail in HTML format, usually to get a nicer view of it. This practice is not very appreciated by the purists of the Internet, increasing significantly the size of messages and, furthermore, not all email clients are able to interpret HTML.

附件还用于撰写HTML格式的电子邮件,通常是为了更好地查看它。 Internet的纯粹主义者对这种做法不是很满意,这大大增加了邮件的大小,而且,并非所有电子邮件客户端都能够解释HTML。

Since the channel bandwidth (Internet) and the size of the inbox (server) are not unlimited, it is considered bad manners to send large messages. According to an e-mail etiquette is expected to remain below 50-100 Kb. To reduce the size of a message with large attachments, you can simply send the URI of attachments, making it available in other ways, for example. FTP or HTTP. Furthermore, many servers impose limits on the size of the message to be transmitted, which must be taken into consideration if you send large messages.

由于通道带宽(Internet)和收件箱(服务器)的大小不是无限的,因此发送大型邮件被认为是不好的方式。 根据一封电子邮件,礼节预计将保持在50-100 Kb以下。 要减小带有大附件的邮件的大小,您可以简单地发送附件的URI,例如以其他方式使它可用。 FTP或HTTP。 此外,许多服务器对要传输的消息的大小施加了限制,如果您发送大消息,则必须考虑这些限制。

It is considered bad manners even the practice of sending messages to a large number of recipients and, in a particular manner if they contain attachments in proprietary formats that not all recipients may be able to read, such as Microsoft Word.

即使将消息发送给大量收件人的做法也被认为是不良的方式,并且如果它们包含并非所有收件人都可能能够读取的专有格式的附件(例如Microsoft Word),则是一种特殊的方式。

由邮件的管理字段引起的相互关系 (Interrelation arising from the management field of the mail message)

The creation of an email message involves creating a report based on the type of communication that the sender wishes to establish with others. Others referred to in this case are the recipients that the sender enters the message in the To: CC: BCC:. If everything looks easy when you have only one recipient in the fields of e-mail, things get complicated when the message is sent to multiple recipients. In this case, the sender defines the relationship between the target report as a whole and among the recipients included in specific fields and the e-mail, although it might not be aware.

电子邮件的创建涉及基于发送者希望与他人建立的通信类型来创建报告。 在这种情况下提到的其他收件人是发件人在“收件人:抄送:密件抄送:”中输入邮件的收件人。 如果在电子邮件字段中只有一个收件人的情况下一切看起来都很轻松,那么当邮件发送给多个收件人时,事情就会变得复杂起来。 在这种情况下,尽管发件人可能不知道,但它定义了整体目标报告与特定字段中包含的收件人和电子邮件之间的关系。

E ‘ be considered established rule that all who are entered in the field: and all that are included in the CC field: they are able to communicate with each other at par on the e-mail, assuming the same role with respect to it . This means that individuals in the field: should “work” the message and respond if requested or granted, being able to contact other group members. Those in the CC field: must be aware of the contents of the message and can comment on each other and act as they see fit, without being required to do so. Other users may be included in the BCC: not seeing your email address in the To: or CC:, properly construed its role as a receiver hidden if only communicate on the message with the sender. Otherwise, they end up “coming into the open,” making clear that they have received a copy of the message, revealing the secret of the sender and placing it in a condition that can be highly embarrassing.

E'被认为是已建立的规则,即在该字段中输入的所有电子邮件以及在CC字段中包括的所有电子邮件:他们能够以相同的价格在电子邮件上相互通信,并承担相同的角色。 这意味着该领域的个人:应该“处理”该消息并在请求或授权时做出响应,并能够联系其他组成员。 “抄送”字段中的人员:必须了解消息的内容,并且可以相互评论并按自己认为合适的方式行事,而无需这样做。 其他用户可能包括在“密件抄送”中:在“收件人:”或“抄送:”中看不到您的电子邮件地址,如果仅与发件人进行邮件通信,则将其正确解释为隐藏的收件人。 否则,他们最终会“公开露面”,明确表示他们已收到邮件的副本,从而揭示了发件人的秘密,并将其置于极度尴尬的境地。

报告类型 (Report Types)

The report that the sender creates with the target is a “one to many” (from one to many), on the To: and CC:, and a relationship such as “one to one” (from one to one ) towards users in the fields BCC:, each of which does not see the other recipients. This implies that the sender also creates reports such as “many to many” (from many to many) included among the recipients in the To: field recipients and CC. These reports are comparable to those that created the teacher with a class of students: to questions asked by the teacher to the class, students typically respond to the presence of their classmates who are so aware of their intervention and its contents, as the recipients of the To: and CC: What can / should answer at least to all the addresses of all where they belong. In developing the proposed example, the CC field: may contain e-mail from the Dean of the institute, taking as example the case of disciplinary relationships to be brought to its attention. The recipient BBC can be understood as one who listens without being visible to others, by choice of the teacher, and whose existence is not revealed itself to others.

发件人与目标创建的报告是To:和CC:上的“一对多”(一对一),以及针对以下用户的“一对一”(从一对一)关系密件抄送:字段,每个字段都看不到其他收件人。 这意味着发件人还会在“收件人:”字段收件人和抄送中创建报告,例如“多对多”(多对多)。 这些报告可与创建具有一班学生的老师的报告相比较:对于老师向班级提出的问题,学生通常会响应同学的存在,他们非常了解自己的干预及其内容,作为接受者。收件人:和抄送:至少/应该回答他们所属的所有地址的所有内容。 在开发建议的示例时,“抄送”字段:可能包含研究所所长的电子邮件,以纪律关系案例为例。 接收者BBC可以理解为一种听者,通过老师的选择而不会被他人看到,并且其存在不会被他人发现。

The sender of the message, which builds relationships between the target differentiating groups as we have just seen, must make his choices carefully when assigning recipients to one or another field of the e-mail. Who claims to have received the message by using the BCC field: not having your address in the message field, it draws the appropriate conclusions, contact, about the fact and content of the message, if necessary, only the sender . Imagine for example that no employees should be blamed to be incurred in the same misconduct against the employer. Clearly in this case is not legitimate and it is absolutely wrong (as well as detrimental to the employee) to enter the email addresses so they are visible to others and is therefore unacceptable that you know who else has his equal breached contractual rules. Should then enter the addresses of all employees of our example in BCC:.

正如我们已经看到的,在目标区分组之间建立关系的邮件发件人,在将收件人分配给电子邮件的一个或另一个字段时,必须谨慎选择。 谁声称已使用“密件抄送”字段接收了该消息:在消息字段中没有您的地址,它将根据消息的事实和内容得出适当的结论,联系方式,必要时仅发送者。 例如,想象一下,不应责怪任何雇员因对雇主的不当行为而招致责任。 显然,在这种情况下这是不合法的,输入电子邮件地址是绝对错误的(对员工有害),这样其他人才能看到它们,因此,您知道还有谁同样违反他的合同规则是不可接受的。 然后应在“密件抄送:”中输入示例中所有员工的地址。

Obviously, nothing prevents the secretary of the Chief of Staff to enter the field of Carbon Copy the personnel director. Nothing forbids that the message is sent using the field: the official who must initiate the process to contest the charge to employees. Finally, nothing prevents the sender wants to document the successful transaction with the server, and then, without paying attention to the copy stored in a sent mail, enter your postal address in BBC: To receive and store the copy as the recipient, documenting that transaction was successful. Therefore concludes that the e-mail message is defined by the sender and the behavior of individual recipients must be consistent with the field in which the address was entered. If the field: it has not been populated with addresses in that field by default, appear the words “Undisclosed-Recipient.”

显然,没有任何事情可以阻止参谋长秘书进入Carbon Copy人事主管领域。 没有禁止使用该字段发送消息的人:必须启动流程向员工提出异议的官员。 最后,没有什么可以阻止发件人想要记录与服务器的成功交易,然后在不关注存储在已发送邮件中的副本的情况下,在BBC中输入您的邮政地址:要以收件人的身份接收和存储副本,请记录以下内容:交易成功。 因此得出结论,电子邮件是由发件人定义的,各个收件人的行为必须与输入地址的字段一致。 如果该字段:默认情况下尚未在该字段中填充地址,则显示“未公开的收件人”字样。



翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/electronic-mail-e-mail-part-2/




电邮地址_电子邮件| 电子邮件| 第三部分

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