Hadoop与Hbase 版本兼容(官网)

news/2024/11/8 9:02:28/


Hadoop 与  Hbase 版本兼容问题:

打对号的 兼容。http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#replication



Hadoop Pre-2.6.1 and JDK 1.8 Kerberos

When using pre-2.6.1 Hadoop versions and JDK 1.8 in a Kerberos environment, HBase server can fail and abort due to Kerberos keytab relogin error. Late version of JDK 1.7 (1.7.0_80) has the problem too. Refer to HADOOP-10786 for additional details. Consider upgrading to Hadoop 2.6.1+ in this case.


Hadoop 2.6.x

Hadoop distributions based on the 2.6.x line must have HADOOP-11710 applied if you plan to run HBase on top of an HDFS Encryption Zone. Failure to do so will result in cluster failure and data loss. This patch is present in Apache Hadoop releases 2.6.1+.


Hadoop 2.y.0 Releases

Starting around the time of Hadoop version 2.7.0, the Hadoop PMC got into the habit of calling out new minor releases on their major version 2 release line as not stable / production ready. As such, HBase expressly advises downstream users to avoid running on top of these releases. Note that additionally the 2.8.1 release was given the same caveat by the Hadoop PMC. For reference, see the release announcements for Apache Hadoop 2.7.0, Apache Hadoop 2.8.0, Apache Hadoop 2.8.1, and Apache Hadoop 2.9.0.


Hadoop 3.0.x Releases

Hadoop distributions that include the Application Timeline Service feature may cause unexpected versions of HBase classes to be present in the application classpath. Users planning on running MapReduce applications with HBase should make sure that YARN-7190 is present in their YARN service (currently fixed in 2.9.1+ and 3.1.0+).


Hadoop 3.1.0 Release

The Hadoop PMC called out the 3.1.0 release as not stable / production ready. As such, HBase expressly advises downstream users to avoid running on top of this release. For reference, see the release announcement for Hadoop 3.1.0.


Replace the Hadoop Bundled With HBase!

Because HBase depends on Hadoop, it bundles Hadoop jars under its lib directory. The bundled jars are ONLY for use in standalone mode. In distributed mode, it is critical that the version of Hadoop that is out on your cluster match what is under HBase. Replace the hadoop jars found in the HBase lib directory with the equivalent hadoop jars from the version you are running on your cluster to avoid version mismatch issues. Make sure you replace the jars under HBase across your whole cluster. Hadoop version mismatch issues have various manifestations. Check for mismatch if HBase appears hung.




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