
news/2024/11/7 18:42:41/

把下面代码随意放到tp的项目里 注意下命名空间就可以

<?php//namespace app\authenticator;
//上面是你的命名空间class authenticator
{protected $_codeLength = 6;/*** Create new secret.* 16 characters, randomly chosen from the allowed base32 characters.** @param int $secretLength** @return string*/public function createSecret($secretLength = 16){$validChars = $this->_getBase32LookupTable();// Valid secret lengths are 80 to 640 bitsif ($secretLength < 16 || $secretLength > 128) {throw new Exception('Bad secret length');}$secret = '';$rnd = false;if (function_exists('random_bytes')) {$rnd = random_bytes($secretLength);} elseif (function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv')) {$rnd = mcrypt_create_iv($secretLength, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);} elseif (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) {$rnd = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($secretLength, $cryptoStrong);if (!$cryptoStrong) {$rnd = false;}}if ($rnd !== false) {for ($i = 0; $i < $secretLength; ++$i) {$secret .= $validChars[ord($rnd[$i]) & 31];}} else {throw new Exception('No source of secure random');}return $secret;}/*** Calculate the code, with given secret and point in time.** @param string $secret* @param int|null $timeSlice** @return string*/public function getCode($secret, $timeSlice = null){if ($timeSlice === null) {$timeSlice = floor(time() / 30);}$secretkey = $this->_base32Decode($secret);// Pack time into binary string$time = chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . pack('N*', $timeSlice);// Hash it with users secret key$hm = hash_hmac('SHA1', $time, $secretkey, true);// Use last nipple of result as index/offset$offset = ord(substr($hm, -1)) & 0x0F;// grab 4 bytes of the result$hashpart = substr($hm, $offset, 4);// Unpak binary value$value = unpack('N', $hashpart);$value = $value[1];// Only 32 bits$value = $value & 0x7FFFFFFF;$modulo = pow(10, $this->_codeLength);return str_pad($value % $modulo, $this->_codeLength, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);}/*** Get QR-Code URL for image, from google charts.** @param string $name* @param string $secret* @param string $title* @param array $params** @return string*/public function getQRCodeGoogleUrl($name, $secret, $title = null, $params = array()){$width = !empty($params['width']) && (int)$params['width'] > 0 ? (int)$params['width'] : 200;$height = !empty($params['height']) && (int)$params['height'] > 0 ? (int)$params['height'] : 200;$level = !empty($params['level']) && array_search($params['level'], array('L', 'M', 'Q', 'H')) !== false ? $params['level'] : 'M';$urlencoded = urlencode('otpauth://totp/' . $name . '?secret=' . $secret . '');if (isset($title)) {$urlencoded .= urlencode('&issuer=' . urlencode($title));}return "https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?data=$urlencoded&size=${width}x${height}&ecc=$level";}/*** Check if the code is correct. This will accept codes starting from $discrepancy*30sec ago to $discrepancy*30sec from now.** @param string $secret* @param string $code* @param int $discrepancy This is the allowed time drift in 30 second units (8 means 4 minutes before or after)* @param int|null $currentTimeSlice time slice if we want use other that time()** @return bool*/public function verifyCode($secret, $code, $discrepancy = 1, $currentTimeSlice = null){if ($currentTimeSlice === null) {$currentTimeSlice = floor(time() / 30);}if (strlen($code) != 6) {return false;}for ($i = -$discrepancy; $i <= $discrepancy; ++$i) {$calculatedCode = $this->getCode($secret, $currentTimeSlice + $i);if ($this->timingSafeEquals($calculatedCode, $code)) {return true;}}return false;}/*** Set the code length, should be >=6.** @param int $length** @return PHPGangsta_GoogleAuthenticator*/public function setCodeLength($length){$this->_codeLength = $length;return $this;}/*** Helper class to decode base32.** @param $secret** @return bool|string*/protected function _base32Decode($secret){if (empty($secret)) {return '';}$base32chars = $this->_getBase32LookupTable();$base32charsFlipped = array_flip($base32chars);$paddingCharCount = substr_count($secret, $base32chars[32]);$allowedValues = array(6, 4, 3, 1, 0);if (!in_array($paddingCharCount, $allowedValues)) {return false;}for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) {if ($paddingCharCount == $allowedValues[$i] &&substr($secret, -($allowedValues[$i])) != str_repeat($base32chars[32], $allowedValues[$i])) {return false;}}$secret = str_replace('=', '', $secret);$secret = str_split($secret);$binaryString = '';for ($i = 0; $i < count($secret); $i = $i + 8) {$x = '';if (!in_array($secret[$i], $base32chars)) {return false;}for ($j = 0; $j < 8; ++$j) {$x .= str_pad(base_convert(@$base32charsFlipped[@$secret[$i + $j]], 10, 2), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);}$eightBits = str_split($x, 8);for ($z = 0; $z < count($eightBits); ++$z) {$binaryString .= (($y = chr(base_convert($eightBits[$z], 2, 10))) || ord($y) == 48) ? $y : '';}}return $binaryString;}/*** Get array with all 32 characters for decoding from/encoding to base32.** @return array*/protected function _getBase32LookupTable(){return array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', //  7'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', // 15'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', // 23'Y', 'Z', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', // 31'=',  // padding char);}/*** A timing safe equals comparison* more info here: http://blog.ircmaxell.com/2014/11/its-all-about-time.html.** @param string $safeString The internal (safe) value to be checked* @param string $userString The user submitted (unsafe) value** @return bool True if the two strings are identical*/private function timingSafeEquals($safeString, $userString){if (function_exists('hash_equals')) {return hash_equals($safeString, $userString);}$safeLen = strlen($safeString);$userLen = strlen($userString);if ($userLen != $safeLen) {return false;}$result = 0;for ($i = 0; $i < $userLen; ++$i) {$result |= (ord($safeString[$i]) ^ ord($userString[$i]));}// They are only identical strings if $result is exactly 0...return $result === 0;}


        $authenticator = new authenticator();$secret = $autheticator->createSecret();//这里的secret 是要写进数据库 验证的时候用的$username = "123456";//随便写个用户名测试 $qrCodeUrl = $authenticator->getQRCodeGoogleUrl($username, $secret);//这里就直接生成二维码//如果不想第三方生成的话也可以自己生成,格式例如:otpauth://totp/123456?secret=ZKKCM47ECZTUQ77S$secret = "ZKKCM47ECZTUQ77S";//这里的secret是类模块createSecret()方法生成的$code="737045";//这里的数字就是绑定后生成的动态令牌$checkResult = $authenticator->verifyCode($secret, $code, 4);//验证code的合法性if (!$checkResult) {echo('谷歌验证码错误');die();}

插件安装地址 https://authenticator.cc/



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