- 1.FAL组件
- 1.1什么是FAL
- 1.2 使用ENV配置FAL
- 1.3 FAL SFUD 移植
- 1.4 FAL SFUD 测试用例
- 1.5 测试结果
- 2.DFS文件系统
- 2.1 什么是DFS
- 2.2 DFS架构
- 2.3 使用ENV配置DFS
- 2.4 DFS挂载到FAL分区测试
- 2.5 测试结果
- 3.Easyflash移植到FAL分区
- 3.1 简述EasyFlash
- 3.2EasyFlash软件包使用
- 3.3 移植easyflash
- 3.4 编写Easyflash测试用例
- 3.5 测试结果
- 4.结语
- 5.联系
FAL (Flash Abstraction Layer) Flash 抽象层,是对 Flash 及基于 Flash 的分区进行管理、操作的抽象层,对上层统一了 Flash 及 分区操作的 API (框架图如下所示),并具有以下特性:
- 支持静态可配置的分区表,并可关联多个 Flash 设备;
- 分区表支持 自动装载 。避免在多固件项目,分区表被多次定义的问题;
- 代码精简,对操作系统 无依赖 ,可运行于裸机平台,比如对资源有一定要求的 Bootloader;
- 统一的操作接口。保证了文件系统、OTA、NVM(例如:EasyFlash) 等对 Flash 有一定依赖的组件,底层 Flash 驱动的可重用性;
- 自带基于 Finsh/MSH 的测试命令,可以通过 Shell 按字节寻址的方式操作(读写擦) Flash 或分区,方便开发者进行调试、测试;
注:非易失性存储器 (NVM):在芯片电源关闭期间保存存储在其中的数据。 因此,它被用于没有磁盘的便携式设备中的内存,以及用于可移动存储卡等用途。 主要类型有:非易失性半导体存储器 (Non-volatile semiconductor memory, NVSM) 将数据存储在浮栅存储单元中,每个单元都由一个浮栅(floating-gate) MOSFET 组成。
1.2 使用ENV配置FAL
在RT-Thread v4.1.0之前,FAL是作为软件包形式对用户开放使用的,而v4.1.0之后,FAL被RT-Thread官方重新定义为RTT组件的一部分,这样也能更加方便用户的开发。
首先打开ENV工具,根据以下路径打开FAL使能RT-Thread Components->[*]FAL: flash abstraction layer
,由于我们后面会用到SFUD,所以这里把FAL uses SFUD drivers
完成上述操作后保存退出,并使用scons --target=mdk5
1.3 FAL SFUD 移植
为了提供示例,我们选用W25Q128 spi flash
作为测试模块,并且使用SFUD框架对spi flash设备进行管理和驱动。
// fal.cfg.h/** Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team** SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0** Change Logs:* Date Author Notes* 2023-04-21 Wangyuqiang the first version*/
#ifndef _FAL_CFG_H_
#define _FAL_CFG_H_#include <rtthread.h>
#include <board.h>#ifndef FAL_USING_NOR_FLASH_DEV_NAME
#define NOR_FLASH_DEV_NAME "norflash0"
#endif/* Flash device Configuration */extern struct fal_flash_dev nor_flash0;/* flash device table */#define FAL_FLASH_DEV_TABLE \
{ \&nor_flash0, \
}/* Partition Configuration */#ifdef FAL_PART_HAS_TABLE_CFG/* partition table */#define FAL_PART_TABLE \
{ \{FAL_PART_MAGIC_WROD, "easyflash", NOR_FLASH_DEV_NAME, 0, 512 * 1024, 0}, \{FAL_PART_MAGIC_WROD, "download", NOR_FLASH_DEV_NAME, 512 * 1024, 1024 * 1024, 0}, \{FAL_PART_MAGIC_WROD, "wifi_image", NOR_FLASH_DEV_NAME, (512 + 1024) * 1024, 512 * 1024, 0}, \{FAL_PART_MAGIC_WROD, "font", NOR_FLASH_DEV_NAME, (512 + 1024 + 512) * 1024, 7 * 1024 * 1024, 0}, \{FAL_PART_MAGIC_WROD, "filesystem", NOR_FLASH_DEV_NAME, (512 + 1024 + 512 + 7 * 1024) * 1024, 7 * 1024 * 1024, 0}, \
#endif /* FAL_PART_HAS_TABLE_CFG */#endif /* _FAL_CFG_H_ */
在RTT FAL组件中的SFUD提供的fal_flash_dev
文件中对struct fal_flash_dev nor_flash0
struct fal_flash_dev nor_flash0 =
{.name = FAL_USING_NOR_FLASH_DEV_NAME,.addr = 0,.len = 16 * 1024 * 1024,.blk_size = 4096,.ops = {init, read, write, erase},.write_gran = 1
同时我们需要开启SFUD框架支持,打开ENV工具,由于SFUD的使用需要指定一个spi设备,这里我选择使用最近移植好的软件spi,路径Hardware Drivers Config->On-chip Peripheral Drivers->[*] Enable soft SPI BUS-> [*] Enable soft SPI1 BUS (software simulation)
此时我们回到ENV主界面,进入RT-Thread Components->Device Drivers->Using Serial Flash Universal Driver
1.4 FAL SFUD 测试用例
/** Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team** SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0** Change Logs:* Date Author Notes* 2023-04-21 Wangyuqiang the first version*/#include <rtthread.h>
#include "spi_flash.h"
#include "spi_flash_sfud.h"
#include "drv_soft_spi.h"
#include "drv_pin.h"
#include "rtconfig.h"#define cs_pin GET_PINS(1,9)static int rt_soft_spi_flash_init(void)
{int result = -1;result = rt_hw_softspi_device_attach("sspi1", "sspi10", cs_pin);rt_kprintf("value is %d\n",result);if(result == RT_EOK){rt_kprintf("rt_hw_softspi_device_attach successful!\n");}if (RT_NULL == rt_sfud_flash_probe("W25Q128", "sspi10")){return -RT_ERROR;}return RT_EOK;
,后续我会专门上传一个通用GPIO作为片选引脚,到时候就不会产生问题了。然后软件spi设备的挂载使用的是sspi1 bus
及sspi10 device
//fal_sample.c/** Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team** SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0** Change Logs:* Date Author Notes* 2023-04-21 Wangyuqiang the first version*/#include "rtthread.h"
#include "rtdevice.h"
#include "board.h"
#include "fal.h"#define BUF_SIZE 1024static int fal_test(const char *partiton_name)
{int ret;int i, j, len;uint8_t buf[BUF_SIZE];const struct fal_flash_dev *flash_dev = RT_NULL;const struct fal_partition *partition = RT_NULL;if (!partiton_name){rt_kprintf("Input param partition name is null!\n");return -1;}partition = fal_partition_find(partiton_name);if (partition == RT_NULL){rt_kprintf("Find partition (%s) failed!\n", partiton_name);ret = -1;return ret;}flash_dev = fal_flash_device_find(partition->flash_name);if (flash_dev == RT_NULL){rt_kprintf("Find flash device (%s) failed!\n", partition->flash_name);ret = -1;return ret;}rt_kprintf("Flash device : %s ""Flash size : %dK \n""Partition : %s ""Partition size: %dK\n", partition->flash_name, flash_dev->len/1024,partition->name,partition->len/1024);/* erase all partition */ret = fal_partition_erase_all(partition);if (ret < 0){rt_kprintf("Partition (%s) erase failed!\n", partition->name);ret = -1;return ret;}rt_kprintf("Erase (%s) partition finish!\n", partiton_name);/* read the specified partition and check data */for (i = 0; i < partition->len;){rt_memset(buf, 0x00, BUF_SIZE);len = (partition->len - i) > BUF_SIZE ? BUF_SIZE : (partition->len - i);ret = fal_partition_read(partition, i, buf, len);if (ret < 0){rt_kprintf("Partition (%s) read failed!\n", partition->name);ret = -1;return ret;}for(j = 0; j < len; j++){if (buf[j] != 0xFF){rt_kprintf("The erase operation did not really succeed!\n");ret = -1;return ret;}}i += len;}/* write 0x00 to the specified partition */for (i = 0; i < partition->len;){rt_memset(buf, 0x00, BUF_SIZE);len = (partition->len - i) > BUF_SIZE ? BUF_SIZE : (partition->len - i);ret = fal_partition_write(partition, i, buf, len);if (ret < 0){rt_kprintf("Partition (%s) write failed!\n", partition->name);ret = -1;return ret;}i += len;}rt_kprintf("Write (%s) partition finish! Write size %d(%dK).\n", partiton_name, i, i/1024);/* read the specified partition and check data */for (i = 0; i < partition->len;){rt_memset(buf, 0xFF, BUF_SIZE);len = (partition->len - i) > BUF_SIZE ? BUF_SIZE : (partition->len - i);ret = fal_partition_read(partition, i, buf, len);if (ret < 0){rt_kprintf("Partition (%s) read failed!\n", partition->name);ret = -1;return ret;}for(j = 0; j < len; j++){if (buf[j] != 0x00){rt_kprintf("The write operation did not really succeed!\n");ret = -1;return ret;}}i += len;}ret = 0;return ret;
}static void fal_sample(void)
{/* 1- init */fal_init();if (fal_test("font") == 0){rt_kprintf("Fal partition (%s) test success!\n", "font");}else{rt_kprintf("Fal partition (%s) test failed!\n", "font");}if (fal_test("download") == 0){rt_kprintf("Fal partition (%s) test success!\n", "download");}else{rt_kprintf("Fal partition (%s) test failed!\n", "download");}
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(fal_sample, fal sample);
1.5 测试结果
2.1 什么是DFS
DFS 是 RT-Thread 提供的虚拟文件系统组件,全称为 Device File System,即设备虚拟文件系统,文件系统的名称使用类似 UNIX 文件、文件夹的风格,目录结构如下图所示:
在 RT-Thread DFS 中,文件系统有统一的根目录,使用 /
来表示。而在根目录下的 f1.bin 文件则使用 /f1.bin
来表示,2018 目录下的 f1.bin
目录则使用 /data/2018/f1.bin
来表示。即目录的分割符号是 /
,这与 UNIX/Linux 完全相同,与 Windows 则不相同(Windows 操作系统上使用 \
2.2 DFS架构
RT-Thread DFS 组件的主要功能特点有:
- 为应用程序提供统一的 POSIX 文件和目录操作接口:read、write、poll/select 等。
- 支持多种类型的文件系统,如 FatFS、RomFS、DevFS 等,并提供普通文件、设备文件、网络文件描述符的管理。
- 支持多种类型的存储设备,如 SD Card、SPI Flash、Nand Flash 等。
DFS 的层次架构如下图所示,主要分为 POSIX 接口层、虚拟文件系统层和设备抽象层。
2.3 使用ENV配置DFS
打开ENV,进入路径RT-Thread Components → DFS: device virtual file system
,使能[*] DFS: device virtual file system
由于DFS使用的是POSIX接口,而dfs_posix.h已经在新版本中被移除了,如果想要兼容老版本,可以在menuconfig中使能RT-Thread Components->[*] Support legacy version for compatibility
的Flash扇区大小为4096,为了将elmfat文件系统挂载到W25Q128上,这里的Maximum sector size
需要和W25Q128扇区大小保持一致,修改为4096,路径:RT-Thread Components → DFS: device virtual file system → [*] Enable elm-chan fatfs / elm-chan's FatFs, Generic FAT Filesystem Module
保存退出后使用scons --target=mdk5
2.4 DFS挂载到FAL分区测试
这里增加FAL flash抽象层,我们将elmfat文件系统挂载到W25Q128 flash设备的filesystem分区上,由于FAL管理的filesystem分区不是块设备,需要先使用FAL分区转BLK设备接口函数将filesystem分区转换为块设备,然后再将DFS elmfat文件系统挂载到filesystem块设备上。
/** Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team** SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0** Change Logs:* Date Author Notes* 2023-04-21 Wangyuqiang the first version*/#include "rtthread.h"
#include "rtdevice.h"
#include "board.h"
#include "fal.h"#include <dfs_posix.h>#define FS_PARTITION_NAME "filesystem"#define BUF_SIZE 1024static int fal_test(const char *partiton_name)
{int ret;int i, j, len;uint8_t buf[BUF_SIZE];const struct fal_flash_dev *flash_dev = RT_NULL;const struct fal_partition *partition = RT_NULL;if (!partiton_name){rt_kprintf("Input param partition name is null!\n");return -1;}partition = fal_partition_find(partiton_name);if (partition == RT_NULL){rt_kprintf("Find partition (%s) failed!\n", partiton_name);ret = -1;return ret;}flash_dev = fal_flash_device_find(partition->flash_name);if (flash_dev == RT_NULL){rt_kprintf("Find flash device (%s) failed!\n", partition->flash_name);ret = -1;return ret;}rt_kprintf("Flash device : %s ""Flash size : %dK \n""Partition : %s ""Partition size: %dK\n", partition->flash_name, flash_dev->len/1024,partition->name,partition->len/1024);/* erase all partition */ret = fal_partition_erase_all(partition);if (ret < 0){rt_kprintf("Partition (%s) erase failed!\n", partition->name);ret = -1;return ret;}rt_kprintf("Erase (%s) partition finish!\n", partiton_name);/* read the specified partition and check data */for (i = 0; i < partition->len;){rt_memset(buf, 0x00, BUF_SIZE);len = (partition->len - i) > BUF_SIZE ? BUF_SIZE : (partition->len - i);ret = fal_partition_read(partition, i, buf, len);if (ret < 0){rt_kprintf("Partition (%s) read failed!\n", partition->name);ret = -1;return ret;}for(j = 0; j < len; j++){if (buf[j] != 0xFF){rt_kprintf("The erase operation did not really succeed!\n");ret = -1;return ret;}}i += len;}/* write 0x00 to the specified partition */for (i = 0; i < partition->len;){rt_memset(buf, 0x00, BUF_SIZE);len = (partition->len - i) > BUF_SIZE ? BUF_SIZE : (partition->len - i);ret = fal_partition_write(partition, i, buf, len);if (ret < 0){rt_kprintf("Partition (%s) write failed!\n", partition->name);ret = -1;return ret;}i += len;}rt_kprintf("Write (%s) partition finish! Write size %d(%dK).\n", partiton_name, i, i/1024);/* read the specified partition and check data */for (i = 0; i < partition->len;){rt_memset(buf, 0xFF, BUF_SIZE);len = (partition->len - i) > BUF_SIZE ? BUF_SIZE : (partition->len - i);ret = fal_partition_read(partition, i, buf, len);if (ret < 0){rt_kprintf("Partition (%s) read failed!\n", partition->name);ret = -1;return ret;}for(j = 0; j < len; j++){if (buf[j] != 0x00){rt_kprintf("The write operation did not really succeed!\n");ret = -1;return ret;}}i += len;}ret = 0;return ret;
}static void fal_sample(void)
{/* 1- init */fal_init();if (fal_test("font") == 0){rt_kprintf("Fal partition (%s) test success!\n", "font");}else{rt_kprintf("Fal partition (%s) test failed!\n", "font");}if (fal_test("download") == 0){rt_kprintf("Fal partition (%s) test success!\n", "download");}else{rt_kprintf("Fal partition (%s) test failed!\n", "download");}
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(fal_sample, fal sample);static void fal_elmfat_sample(void)
{int fd, size;struct statfs elm_stat;struct fal_blk_device *blk_dev;char str[] = "elmfat mount to W25Q flash.", buf[80];/* fal init */fal_init();/* create block device */blk_dev = (struct fal_blk_device *)fal_blk_device_create(FS_PARTITION_NAME);if(blk_dev == RT_NULL)rt_kprintf("Can't create a block device on '%s' partition.\n", FS_PARTITION_NAME);elsert_kprintf("Create a block device on the %s partition of flash successful.\n", FS_PARTITION_NAME);/* make a elmfat format filesystem */if(dfs_mkfs("elm", FS_PARTITION_NAME) == 0)rt_kprintf("make elmfat filesystem success.\n");/* mount elmfat file system to FS_PARTITION_NAME */if(dfs_mount(FS_PARTITION_NAME, "/", "elm", 0, 0) == 0)rt_kprintf("elmfat filesystem mount success.\n");/* Get elmfat file system statistics */if(statfs("/", &elm_stat) == 0)rt_kprintf("elmfat filesystem block size: %d, total blocks: %d, free blocks: %d.\n", elm_stat.f_bsize, elm_stat.f_blocks, elm_stat.f_bfree);if(mkdir("/user", 0x777) == 0)rt_kprintf("make a directory: '/user'.\n");rt_kprintf("Write string '%s' to /user/test.txt.\n", str);/* Open the file in create and read-write mode, create the file if it does not exist*/fd = open("/user/test.txt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);if (fd >= 0){if(write(fd, str, sizeof(str)) == sizeof(str))rt_kprintf("Write data done.\n");close(fd); }/* Open file in read-only mode */fd = open("/user/test.txt", O_RDONLY);if (fd >= 0){size = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));close(fd);if(size == sizeof(str))rt_kprintf("Read data from file test.txt(size: %d): %s \n", size, buf);}
MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(fal_elmfat_sample, fal_elmfat,fal elmfat sample);
2.5 测试结果
3.1 简述EasyFlash
关于EasyFlash的来源我们已经讲过了,此处不再赘述。EasyFlash是一款开源的轻量级嵌入式Flash存储器库,方便开发者更加轻松的实现基于Flash存储器的常见应用开发。非常适合智能家居、可穿戴、工控、医疗、物联网等需要断电存储功能的产品,资源占用极低,支持各种 MCU 片上存储器。
EasyFlash不仅能够实现对产品的 设定参数 或 运行日志 等信息的掉电保存功能,还封装了简洁的 增加、删除、修改及查询 方法, 降低了开发者对产品参数的处理难度,也保证了产品在后期升级时拥有更好的扩展性。让Flash变为NoSQL(非关系型数据库)模型的小型键值(Key-Value)存储数据库。
打开ENV进入路径:RT-Thread online packages → tools packages → EasyFlash: Lightweight embedded flash memory library.
配置后退出ENV,同时使用pkgs --update
下载软件包,然后再使用scons --target=mdk5
3.3 移植easyflash
// 修改 FAL_EF_PART_NAME 为 easyflash #define FAL_EF_PART_NAME "easyflash"
// 修改环境变量内容为 {"boot_times", "0"},这里我们先只设置一个开机次数 static const ef_env default_env_set[] = {{"boot_times", "0"}, };
3.4 编写Easyflash测试用例
/** Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team** SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0** Change Logs:* Date Author Notes* 2023-04-21 Wangyuqiang the first version*/#include "rtthread.h"
#include "rtdevice.h"
#include "board.h"
#include "fal.h"#include <dfs_posix.h>#include "easyflash.h"
#include <stdlib.h>#define FS_PARTITION_NAME "filesystem"#define BUF_SIZE 1024static int fal_test(const char *partiton_name)
{int ret;int i, j, len;uint8_t buf[BUF_SIZE];const struct fal_flash_dev *flash_dev = RT_NULL;const struct fal_partition *partition = RT_NULL;if (!partiton_name){rt_kprintf("Input param partition name is null!\n");return -1;}partition = fal_partition_find(partiton_name);if (partition == RT_NULL){rt_kprintf("Find partition (%s) failed!\n", partiton_name);ret = -1;return ret;}flash_dev = fal_flash_device_find(partition->flash_name);if (flash_dev == RT_NULL){rt_kprintf("Find flash device (%s) failed!\n", partition->flash_name);ret = -1;return ret;}rt_kprintf("Flash device : %s ""Flash size : %dK \n""Partition : %s ""Partition size: %dK\n", partition->flash_name, flash_dev->len/1024,partition->name,partition->len/1024);/* erase all partition */ret = fal_partition_erase_all(partition);if (ret < 0){rt_kprintf("Partition (%s) erase failed!\n", partition->name);ret = -1;return ret;}rt_kprintf("Erase (%s) partition finish!\n", partiton_name);/* read the specified partition and check data */for (i = 0; i < partition->len;){rt_memset(buf, 0x00, BUF_SIZE);len = (partition->len - i) > BUF_SIZE ? BUF_SIZE : (partition->len - i);ret = fal_partition_read(partition, i, buf, len);if (ret < 0){rt_kprintf("Partition (%s) read failed!\n", partition->name);ret = -1;return ret;}for(j = 0; j < len; j++){if (buf[j] != 0xFF){rt_kprintf("The erase operation did not really succeed!\n");ret = -1;return ret;}}i += len;}/* write 0x00 to the specified partition */for (i = 0; i < partition->len;){rt_memset(buf, 0x00, BUF_SIZE);len = (partition->len - i) > BUF_SIZE ? BUF_SIZE : (partition->len - i);ret = fal_partition_write(partition, i, buf, len);if (ret < 0){rt_kprintf("Partition (%s) write failed!\n", partition->name);ret = -1;return ret;}i += len;}rt_kprintf("Write (%s) partition finish! Write size %d(%dK).\n", partiton_name, i, i/1024);/* read the specified partition and check data */for (i = 0; i < partition->len;){rt_memset(buf, 0xFF, BUF_SIZE);len = (partition->len - i) > BUF_SIZE ? BUF_SIZE : (partition->len - i);ret = fal_partition_read(partition, i, buf, len);if (ret < 0){rt_kprintf("Partition (%s) read failed!\n", partition->name);ret = -1;return ret;}for(j = 0; j < len; j++){if (buf[j] != 0x00){rt_kprintf("The write operation did not really succeed!\n");ret = -1;return ret;}}i += len;}ret = 0;return ret;
}static void fal_sample(void)
{/* 1- init */fal_init();if (fal_test("font") == 0){rt_kprintf("Fal partition (%s) test success!\n", "font");}else{rt_kprintf("Fal partition (%s) test failed!\n", "font");}if (fal_test("download") == 0){rt_kprintf("Fal partition (%s) test success!\n", "download");}else{rt_kprintf("Fal partition (%s) test failed!\n", "download");}
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(fal_sample, fal sample);static void fal_elmfat_sample(void)
{int fd, size;struct statfs elm_stat;struct fal_blk_device *blk_dev;char str[] = "elmfat mount to W25Q flash.", buf[80];/* fal init */fal_init();/* create block device */blk_dev = (struct fal_blk_device *)fal_blk_device_create(FS_PARTITION_NAME);if(blk_dev == RT_NULL)rt_kprintf("Can't create a block device on '%s' partition.\n", FS_PARTITION_NAME);elsert_kprintf("Create a block device on the %s partition of flash successful.\n", FS_PARTITION_NAME);/* make a elmfat format filesystem */if(dfs_mkfs("elm", FS_PARTITION_NAME) == 0)rt_kprintf("make elmfat filesystem success.\n");/* mount elmfat file system to FS_PARTITION_NAME */if(dfs_mount(FS_PARTITION_NAME, "/", "elm", 0, 0) == 0)rt_kprintf("elmfat filesystem mount success.\n");/* Get elmfat file system statistics */if(statfs("/", &elm_stat) == 0)rt_kprintf("elmfat filesystem block size: %d, total blocks: %d, free blocks: %d.\n", elm_stat.f_bsize, elm_stat.f_blocks, elm_stat.f_bfree);if(mkdir("/user", 0x777) == 0)rt_kprintf("make a directory: '/user'.\n");rt_kprintf("Write string '%s' to /user/test.txt.\n", str);/* Open the file in create and read-write mode, create the file if it does not exist*/fd = open("/user/test.txt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);if (fd >= 0){if(write(fd, str, sizeof(str)) == sizeof(str))rt_kprintf("Write data done.\n");close(fd); }/* Open file in read-only mode */fd = open("/user/test.txt", O_RDONLY);if (fd >= 0){size = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));close(fd);if(size == sizeof(str))rt_kprintf("Read data from file test.txt(size: %d): %s \n", size, buf);}
MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(fal_elmfat_sample, fal_elmfat,fal elmfat sample);static void easyflash_sample(void)
{/* fal init */fal_init();/* easyflash init */if(easyflash_init() == EF_NO_ERR){uint32_t i_boot_times = NULL;char *c_old_boot_times, c_new_boot_times[11] = {0};/* get the boot count number from Env */c_old_boot_times = ef_get_env("boot_times");/* get the boot count number failed */if (c_old_boot_times == RT_NULL)c_old_boot_times[0] = '0';i_boot_times = atol(c_old_boot_times);/* boot count +1 */i_boot_times ++;rt_kprintf("===============================================\n");rt_kprintf("The system now boot %d times\n", i_boot_times);rt_kprintf("===============================================\n");/* interger to string */sprintf(c_new_boot_times, "%d", i_boot_times);/* set and store the boot count number to Env */ef_set_env("boot_times", c_new_boot_times);ef_save_env();}
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(easyflash_sample, easyflash sample);
3.5 测试结果
msh />easyflash_sample
- IOT-OS之RT-Thread(十一)— FAL分区管理与easyflash变量管理
- RT-Thread文档中心:FAL组件
- Email :yifang.wangyq@foxmail.com
- Github Address :https://github.com/kurisaW
- My Website :https://kurisaw.github.io