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一图看懂 xlwt 模块:读写 Excel 文件的数据和格式信息, 资料整理+笔记(大全)
- 摘要
- 模块图
- 类关系图
- 模块全展开
- 【xlwt】
- 统计
- 常量
- 模块
- 1 xlwt.compat
- 2 xlwt.UnicodeUtils
- 3 xlwt.BIFFRecords
- 4 xlwt.Formatting
- 5 xlwt.Style
- 6 xlwt.Bitmap
- 7 xlwt.Cell
- 8 xlwt.antlr
- 9 xlwt.ExcelMagic
- 10 xlwt.Utils
- 11 xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser
- 12 xlwt.ExcelFormulaLexer
- 13 xlwt.ExcelFormula
- 14 struct
- 函数
- 15 easyxf(strg_to_parse='', num_format_str=None, field_sep=',', line_sep=';', intro_sep=':', esc_char='\\', debug=False)
- 16 easyfont(strg_to_parse='', field_sep=',', esc_char='\\', debug=False)
- 17 add_palette_colour(colour_str, colour_index)
- 类
- 18 xlwt.Workbook.Workbook
- property
- method
- 21 add_font()
- 22 add_rt()
- 23 add_sheet()
- 24 add_sheet_reference()
- 25 add_str()
- 26 add_style()
- 27 convert_sheetindex()
- 28 del_str()
- 29 get_active_sheet()
- 30 get_backup_on_save()
- 31 get_biff_data()
- 32 get_country_code()
- 33 get_dates_1904()
- 34 get_default_style()
- 35 get_height()
- 36 get_hpos()
- 37 get_hscroll_visible()
- 38 get_obj_protect()
- 39 get_owner()
- 40 get_protect()
- 41 get_sheet()
- 42 get_style_stats()
- 43 get_tab_width()
- 44 get_tabs_visible()
- 45 get_use_cell_values()
- 46 get_vpos()
- 47 get_vscroll_visible()
- 48 get_width()
- 49 get_wnd_mini()
- 50 get_wnd_protect()
- 51 get_wnd_visible()
- 52 raise_bad_sheetname()
- 53 rt_index()
- 54 save()
- 55 set_active_sheet()
- 56 set_backup_on_save()
- 57 set_colour_RGB()
- 58 set_country_code()
- 59 set_dates_1904()
- 60 set_height()
- 61 set_hpos()
- 62 set_hscroll_visible()
- 63 set_obj_protect()
- 64 set_owner()
- 65 set_protect()
- 66 set_tab_width()
- 67 set_tabs_visible()
- 68 set_use_cell_values()
- 69 set_vpos()
- 70 set_vscroll_visible()
- 71 set_width()
- 72 set_wnd_mini()
- 73 set_wnd_protect()
- 74 set_wnd_visible()
- 75 setup_ownbook()
- 76 setup_xcall()
- 77 sheet_index()
- 78 str_index()
- 19 xlwt.Row.Row
- data
- method
- 9 get_cells_biff_data()
- 10 get_cells_count()
- 11 get_height_in_pixels()
- 12 get_index()
- 13 get_max_col()
- 14 get_min_col()
- 15 get_row_biff_data()
- 16 get_xf_index()
- 17 insert_cell()
- 18 insert_mulcells()
- 19 set_cell_blank()
- 20 set_cell_boolean()
- 21 set_cell_date()
- 22 set_cell_error()
- 23 set_cell_formula()
- 24 set_cell_mulblanks()
- 25 set_cell_number()
- 26 set_cell_rich_text()
- 27 set_cell_text()
- 28 set_style()
- 29 write()
- 30 write_blanks()
- 31 write_rich_text()
- 20 xlwt.Column.Column
- property
- method
- 2 get_biff_record()
- 3 get_width()
- 4 set_style()
- 5 set_width()
- 6 width_in_pixels()
- 21 xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet
- data
- property
- method
- 81 col()
- 82 col_width()
- 83 flush_row_data()
- 84 get_RC_ref_mode()
- 85 get_alt_expr_eval()
- 86 get_alt_formula_entries()
- 87 get_auto_colour_grid()
- 88 get_auto_style_outline()
- 89 get_biff_data()
- 90 get_bmp_rec()
- 91 get_bottom_margin()
- 92 get_calc_count()
- 93 get_calc_mode()
- 94 get_col_default_width()
- 95 get_cols()
- 96 get_cols_right_to_left()
- 97 get_copies_num()
- 98 get_delta()
- 99 get_dialogue_sheet()
- 100 get_first_visible_col()
- 101 get_first_visible_row()
- 102 get_fit_height_to_pages()
- 103 get_fit_num_pages()
- 104 get_fit_width_to_pages()
- 105 get_footer_margin()
- 106 get_footer_str()
- 107 get_grid_colour()
- 108 get_header_margin()
- 109 get_header_str()
- 110 get_horz_page_breaks()
- 111 get_horz_split_first_visible()
- 112 get_horz_split_pos()
- 113 get_iterations_on()
- 114 get_left_margin()
- 115 get_merged_ranges()
- 116 get_name()
- 117 get_normal_magn()
- 118 get_obj_protect()
- 119 get_outline_below()
- 120 get_outline_right()
- 121 get_page_preview()
- 122 get_panes_frozen()
- 123 get_paper_size_code()
- 124 get_parent()
- 125 get_password()
- 126 get_portrait()
- 127 get_preview_magn()
- 128 get_print_centered_horz()
- 129 get_print_centered_vert()
- 130 get_print_colour()
- 131 get_print_draft()
- 132 get_print_grid()
- 133 get_print_headers()
- 134 get_print_hres()
- 135 get_print_in_rows()
- 136 get_print_notes()
- 137 get_print_notes_at_end()
- 138 get_print_omit_errors()
- 139 get_print_scaling()
- 140 get_print_vres()
- 141 get_protect()
- 142 get_remove_splits()
- 143 get_right_margin()
- 144 get_row_default_height()
- 145 get_rows()
- 146 get_save_recalc()
- 147 get_scen_protect()
- 148 get_scl_magn()
- 149 get_selected()
- 150 get_sheet_visible()
- 151 get_show_auto_page_breaks()
- 152 get_show_col_outline()
- 153 get_show_formulas()
- 154 get_show_grid()
- 155 get_show_headers()
- 156 get_show_outline()
- 157 get_show_row_outline()
- 158 get_start_page_number()
- 159 get_top_margin()
- 160 get_vert_page_breaks()
- 161 get_vert_split_first_visible()
- 162 get_vert_split_pos()
- 163 get_wnd_protect()
- 164 insert_bitmap()
- 165 insert_bitmap_data()
- 166 merge()
- 167 row()
- 168 row_height()
- 169 set_RC_ref_mode()
- 170 set_alt_expr_eval()
- 171 set_alt_formula_entries()
- 172 set_auto_colour_grid()
- 173 set_auto_style_outline()
- 174 set_bottom_margin()
- 175 set_calc_count()
- 176 set_calc_mode()
- 177 set_col_default_width()
- 178 set_cols_right_to_left()
- 179 set_copies_num()
- 180 set_delta()
- 181 set_dialogue_sheet()
- 182 set_first_visible_col()
- 183 set_first_visible_row()
- 184 set_fit_height_to_pages()
- 185 set_fit_num_pages()
- 186 set_fit_width_to_pages()
- 187 set_footer_margin()
- 188 set_footer_str()
- 189 set_grid_colour()
- 190 set_header_margin()
- 191 set_header_str()
- 192 set_horz_page_breaks()
- 193 set_horz_split_first_visible()
- 194 set_horz_split_pos()
- 195 set_iterations_on()
- 196 set_left_margin()
- 197 set_name()
- 198 set_normal_magn()
- 199 set_obj_protect()
- 200 set_outline_below()
- 201 set_outline_right()
- 202 set_page_preview()
- 203 set_panes_frozen()
- 204 set_paper_size_code()
- 205 set_password()
- 206 set_portrait()
- 207 set_preview_magn()
- 208 set_print_centered_horz()
- 209 set_print_centered_vert()
- 210 set_print_colour()
- 211 set_print_draft()
- 212 set_print_grid()
- 213 set_print_headers()
- 214 set_print_hres()
- 215 set_print_in_rows()
- 216 set_print_notes()
- 217 set_print_notes_at_end()
- 218 set_print_omit_errors()
- 219 set_print_scaling()
- 220 set_print_vres()
- 221 set_protect()
- 222 set_remove_splits()
- 223 set_right_margin()
- 224 set_row_default_height()
- 225 set_save_recalc()
- 226 set_scen_protect()
- 227 set_scl_magn()
- 228 set_selected()
- 229 set_sheet_visible()
- 230 set_show_auto_page_breaks()
- 231 set_show_col_outline()
- 232 set_show_formulas()
- 233 set_show_grid()
- 234 set_show_headers()
- 235 set_show_outline()
- 236 set_show_row_outline()
- 237 set_start_page_number()
- 238 set_top_margin()
- 239 set_vert_page_breaks()
- 240 set_vert_split_first_visible()
- 241 set_vert_split_pos()
- 242 set_wnd_protect()
- 243 write()
- 244 write_merge()
- 245 write_rich_text()
- 22 xlwt.Formatting.Font
- data
- method
- 34 get_biff_record()
- 23 xlwt.Formatting.Alignment
- data
- 24 xlwt.Formatting.Borders
- data
- 25 xlwt.Formatting.Pattern
- data
- 26 xlwt.Formatting.Protection
- 27 xlwt.Style.XFStyle
- 28 xlwt.antlr.ANTLRException
- 29 xlwt.ExcelFormula.Formula
- method
- 1 get_references()
- 2 patch_references()
- 3 rpn()
- 4 text()
- 【xlwt.compat】
- 统计
- 常量
- bool
- tuple
- 模块
- 3 sys
- 函数
- 4 iteritems(d)
- 5 itervalues(d)
- 类
- 6 str
- 7 str
- 8 range
- 9 int
- 剩余
- 【xlwt.UnicodeUtils】
- 统计
- 常量
- 函数
- 1 upack2(s, encoding='ascii')
- 2 upack2rt(rt, encoding='ascii')
- 3 upack1(s, encoding='ascii')
- 类
- 4 str
- 内嵌函数或方法
- 剩余
- 【xlwt.BIFFRecords】
- 统计
- 常量
- int
- 函数
- 2 upack1(s, encoding='ascii')
- 3 upack2(s, encoding='ascii')
- 4 upack2rt(rt, encoding='ascii')
- 5 iteritems(d)
- 类
- 6 str
- 7 str
- 8 range
- 9 xlwt.BIFFRecords.SharedStringTable
- method
- 1 add_rt()
- 2 add_str()
- 3 del_str()
- 4 get_biff_record()
- 5 rt_index()
- 6 str_index()
- 10 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BiffRecord
- method
- 1 get()
- 2 get_rec_header()
- 11 xlwt.BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord
- data
- 12 xlwt.BIFFRecords.InteraceHdrRecord
- 13 xlwt.BIFFRecords.InteraceEndRecord
- 14 xlwt.BIFFRecords.MMSRecord
- 15 xlwt.BIFFRecords.WriteAccessRecord
- 16 xlwt.BIFFRecords.DSFRecord
- 17 xlwt.BIFFRecords.TabIDRecord
- 18 xlwt.BIFFRecords.FnGroupCountRecord
- 19 xlwt.BIFFRecords.WindowProtectRecord
- 20 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ObjectProtectRecord
- 21 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ScenProtectRecord
- 22 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ProtectRecord
- 23 xlwt.BIFFRecords.PasswordRecord
- method
- 1 passwd_hash()
- 24 xlwt.BIFFRecords.Prot4RevRecord
- 25 xlwt.BIFFRecords.Prot4RevPassRecord
- 26 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BackupRecord
- 27 xlwt.BIFFRecords.HideObjRecord
- 28 xlwt.BIFFRecords.RefreshAllRecord
- 29 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BookBoolRecord
- 30 xlwt.BIFFRecords.CountryRecord
- 31 xlwt.BIFFRecords.UseSelfsRecord
- 32 xlwt.BIFFRecords.EOFRecord
- 33 xlwt.BIFFRecords.DateModeRecord
- 34 xlwt.BIFFRecords.PrecisionRecord
- 35 xlwt.BIFFRecords.CodepageBiff8Record
- data
- 36 xlwt.BIFFRecords.Window1Record
- 37 xlwt.BIFFRecords.FontRecord
- 38 xlwt.BIFFRecords.NumberFormatRecord
- 39 xlwt.BIFFRecords.XFRecord
- 40 xlwt.BIFFRecords.StyleRecord
- 41 xlwt.BIFFRecords.PaletteRecord
- 42 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BoundSheetRecord
- 43 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ContinueRecord
- 44 xlwt.BIFFRecords.SSTRecord
- 45 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ExtSSTRecord
- 46 xlwt.BIFFRecords.DimensionsRecord
- 47 xlwt.BIFFRecords.Window2Record
- method
- 1 get()
- 48 xlwt.BIFFRecords.PanesRecord
- data
- 49 xlwt.BIFFRecords.RowRecord
- 50 xlwt.BIFFRecords.LabelSSTRecord
- 51 xlwt.BIFFRecords.MergedCellsRecord
- method
- 1 get()
- 52 xlwt.BIFFRecords.MulBlankRecord
- 53 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BlankRecord
- 54 xlwt.BIFFRecords.RKRecord
- 55 xlwt.BIFFRecords.NumberRecord
- 56 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BoolErrRecord
- 57 xlwt.BIFFRecords.FormulaRecord
- 58 xlwt.BIFFRecords.GutsRecord
- 59 xlwt.BIFFRecords.WSBoolRecord
- 60 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ColInfoRecord
- 61 xlwt.BIFFRecords.CalcModeRecord
- 62 xlwt.BIFFRecords.CalcCountRecord
- 63 xlwt.BIFFRecords.RefModeRecord
- 64 xlwt.BIFFRecords.IterationRecord
- 65 xlwt.BIFFRecords.DeltaRecord
- 66 xlwt.BIFFRecords.SaveRecalcRecord
- 67 xlwt.BIFFRecords.PrintHeadersRecord
- 68 xlwt.BIFFRecords.PrintGridLinesRecord
- 69 xlwt.BIFFRecords.GridSetRecord
- 70 xlwt.BIFFRecords.DefaultRowHeightRecord
- 71 xlwt.BIFFRecords.DefColWidthRecord
- 72 xlwt.BIFFRecords.HorizontalPageBreaksRecord
- 73 xlwt.BIFFRecords.VerticalPageBreaksRecord
- 74 xlwt.BIFFRecords.HeaderRecord
- 75 xlwt.BIFFRecords.FooterRecord
- 76 xlwt.BIFFRecords.HCenterRecord
- 77 xlwt.BIFFRecords.VCenterRecord
- 78 xlwt.BIFFRecords.LeftMarginRecord
- 79 xlwt.BIFFRecords.RightMarginRecord
- 80 xlwt.BIFFRecords.TopMarginRecord
- 81 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BottomMarginRecord
- 82 xlwt.BIFFRecords.SetupPageRecord
- 83 xlwt.BIFFRecords.NameRecord
- 84 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ExternSheetRecord
- method
- 1 get()
- 85 xlwt.BIFFRecords.SupBookRecord
- 86 xlwt.BIFFRecords.InternalReferenceSupBookRecord
- 87 xlwt.BIFFRecords.XcallSupBookRecord
- 88 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ExternnameRecord
- 内嵌函数或方法
- 私有或局部
- 剩余
- 【xlwt.Formatting】
- 【xlwt.Style】
- 统计
- 常量
- int
- tuple
- dict
- 模块
- 9 xlwt.Formatting
- 函数
- 10 add_palette_colour(colour_str, colour_index)
- 11 any_str_func(s)
- 12 colour_index_func(s, maxval=127)
- 13 colour_index_func(s, maxval=127)
- 14 colour_index_func_15(s)
- 15 rotation_func(s)
- 16 _esplit(s, split_char, esc_char='\\')
- 17 _parse_strg_to_obj(strg, obj, parse_dict, field_sep=',', line_sep=';', intro_sep=':', esc_char='\\', debug=False)
- 18 easyxf(strg_to_parse='', num_format_str=None, field_sep=',', line_sep=';', intro_sep=':', esc_char='\\', debug=False)
- 19 easyfont(strg_to_parse='', field_sep=',', esc_char='\\', debug=False)
- 类
- 20 xlwt.BIFFRecords.NumberFormatRecord
- 21 xlwt.BIFFRecords.XFRecord
- 22 xlwt.BIFFRecords.StyleRecord
- 23 str
- 24 range
- 25 xlwt.Style.XFStyle
- 26 xlwt.Style.StyleCollection
- method
- 1 add()
- 2 add_font()
- 3 get_biff_data()
- 27 xlwt.Style.EasyXFException
- 28 xlwt.Style.EasyXFCallerError
- 29 xlwt.Style.EasyXFAuthorError
- 30 xlwt.Style.IntULim
- 私有或局部
- 剩余
- 【xlwt.Bitmap】
- 统计
- 常量
- 函数
- 1 _size_col(sheet, col)
- 2 _size_row(sheet, row)
- 3 _position_image(sheet, row_start, col_start, x1, y1, width, height)
- 4 _process_bitmap(bitmap)
- 5 _process_bitmap_data(data)
- 类
- 6 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BiffRecord
- method
- 1 get()
- 2 get_rec_header()
- 7 xlwt.Bitmap.ObjBmpRecord
- 8 xlwt.Bitmap.ImRawDataBmpRecord
- 9 xlwt.Bitmap.ImDataBmpRecord
- 内嵌函数或方法
- 私有或局部
- 【xlwt.Cell】
- 统计
- 常量
- dict
- 模块
- 2 xlwt.BIFFRecords
- 函数
- 3 _get_cells_biff_data_mul(rowx, cell_items)
- 类
- 4 range
- 5 xlwt.Cell.StrCell
- data
- method
- 5 get_biff_data()
- 6 xlwt.Cell.BlankCell
- data
- method
- 4 get_biff_data()
- 7 xlwt.Cell.MulBlankCell
- data
- method
- 5 get_biff_data()
- 8 xlwt.Cell.NumberCell
- data
- method
- 5 get_biff_data()
- 6 get_encoded_data()
- 9 xlwt.Cell.BooleanCell
- data
- method
- 5 get_biff_data()
- 10 xlwt.Cell.ErrorCell
- data
- method
- 5 get_biff_data()
- 11 xlwt.Cell.FormulaCell
- data
- method
- 6 get_biff_data()
- 内嵌函数或方法
- 私有或局部
- 【xlwt.antlr】
- 统计
- 常量
- int
- str
- tuple
- 模块
- 9 sys
- 函数
- 10 version()
- 11 error(fmt, *args)
- 12 ifelse(cond, _then, _else)
- 13 is_string_type(x)
- 14 assert_string_type(x)
- 15 illegalarg_ex(func)
- 16 runtime_ex(func)
- 17 rightmost(ast)
- 18 cmptree(s, t, partial)
- 19 make(*nodes)
- 20 dup(t, factory)
- 21 dupList(t, factory)
- 22 dupTree(t, factory)
- 类
- 23 int
- 24 str
- 25 range
- 26 xlwt.antlr.ANTLRException
- 27 xlwt.antlr.RecognitionException
- 28 xlwt.antlr.NoViableAltException
- 29 xlwt.antlr.NoViableAltForCharException
- 30 xlwt.antlr.SemanticException
- 31 xlwt.antlr.MismatchedCharException
- data
- method
- 8 appendCharName()
- 32 xlwt.antlr.MismatchedTokenException
- data
- method
- 8 appendTokenName()
- 33 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamException
- 34 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamIOException
- 35 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException
- 36 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamRetryException
- 37 xlwt.antlr.CharStreamException
- 38 xlwt.antlr.CharStreamIOException
- 39 xlwt.antlr.TryAgain
- 40 xlwt.antlr.Token
- data
- method
- 8 getColumn()
- 9 getFilename()
- 10 getLine()
- 11 getText()
- 12 getType()
- 13 isEOF()
- 14 setColumn()
- 15 setFilename()
- 16 setLine()
- 17 setText()
- 18 setType()
- 19 toString()
- 41 xlwt.antlr.CommonToken
- method
- 1 getColumn()
- 2 getLine()
- 3 getText()
- 4 setColumn()
- 5 setLine()
- 6 setText()
- 7 toString()
- 42 xlwt.antlr.CommonHiddenStreamToken
- method
- 1 getHiddenAfter()
- 2 getHiddenBefore()
- 3 setHiddenAfter()
- 4 setHiddenBefore()
- 43 xlwt.antlr.Queue
- method
- 1 append()
- 2 elementAt()
- 3 length()
- 4 removeFirst()
- 5 reset()
- 44 xlwt.antlr.InputBuffer
- method
- 1 LA()
- 2 commit()
- 3 consume()
- 4 fill()
- 5 getLAChars()
- 6 getMarkedChars()
- 7 isMarked()
- 8 mark()
- 9 reset()
- 10 rewind()
- 11 syncConsume()
- 45 xlwt.antlr.CharBuffer
- method
- 1 fill()
- 46 xlwt.antlr.LexerSharedInputState
- method
- 1 LA()
- 2 reset()
- 47 xlwt.antlr.TokenStream
- method
- 1 nextToken()
- 48 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamIterator
- method
- 1 next()
- 49 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamSelector
- method
- 1 addInputStream()
- 2 getCurrentStream()
- 3 getStream()
- 4 nextToken()
- 5 pop()
- 6 push()
- 7 retry()
- 8 select()
- 50 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamBasicFilter
- method
- 1 discard()
- 2 nextToken()
- 51 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter
- method
- 1 LA()
- 2 consume()
- 3 consumeFirst()
- 4 getDiscardMask()
- 5 getHiddenAfter()
- 6 getHiddenBefore()
- 7 getHideMask()
- 8 getInitialHiddenToken()
- 9 hide()
- 10 nextToken()
- 52 xlwt.antlr.StringBuffer
- method
- 1 append()
- 2 getString()
- 3 length()
- 4 setLength()
- 5 toString()
- 53 xlwt.antlr.Reader
- method
- 1 read()
- 54 xlwt.antlr.CharScanner
- data
- method
- 3 LA()
- 4 append()
- 5 commit()
- 6 consume()
- 7 consumeUntil_bitset()
- 8 consumeUntil_char()
- 9 default()
- 10 filterdefault()
- 11 getCaseSensitive()
- 12 getCaseSensitiveLiterals()
- 13 getColumn()
- 14 getCommitToPath()
- 15 getFilename()
- 16 getInputBuffer()
- 17 getInputState()
- 18 getLine()
- 19 getTabSize()
- 20 getText()
- 21 getTokenObject()
- 22 makeToken()
- 23 mark()
- 24 match()
- 25 matchNot()
- 26 matchRange()
- 27 newline()
- 28 panic()
- 29 raise_NoViableAlt()
- 30 reportError()
- 31 reportWarning()
- 32 resetText()
- 33 rewind()
- 34 setCaseSensitive()
- 35 setColumn()
- 36 setCommitToPath()
- 37 setFilename()
- 38 setInput()
- 39 setInputState()
- 40 setLine()
- 41 setTabSize()
- 42 setText()
- 43 setTokenObjectClass()
- 44 set_return_token()
- 45 tab()
- 46 testForLiteral()
- 47 testLiteralsTable()
- 48 toLower()
- 49 traceIn()
- 50 traceIndent()
- 51 traceOut()
- 52 uponEOF()
- 55 xlwt.antlr.CharScannerIterator
- method
- 1 next()
- 56 xlwt.antlr.BitSet
- data
- method
- 5 add()
- 6 at()
- 7 bitMask()
- 8 member()
- 9 off()
- 10 set()
- 11 wordNumber()
- 57 xlwt.antlr.TokenBuffer
- method
- 1 LA()
- 2 LT()
- 3 consume()
- 4 fill()
- 5 getInput()
- 6 mark()
- 7 reset()
- 8 rewind()
- 9 syncConsume()
- 58 xlwt.antlr.ParserSharedInputState
- method
- 1 reset()
- 59 xlwt.antlr.Parser
- method
- 1 LA()
- 2 LT()
- 3 addASTChild()
- 4 addMessageListener()
- 5 addParserListener()
- 6 addParserMatchListener()
- 7 addParserTokenListener()
- 8 addSemanticPredicateListener()
- 9 addSyntacticPredicateListener()
- 10 addTraceListener()
- 11 consume()
- 12 consumeUntil()
- 13 defaultDebuggingSetup()
- 14 getAST()
- 15 getASTFactory()
- 16 getFilename()
- 17 getInputState()
- 18 getTokenName()
- 19 getTokenNames()
- 20 getTokenTypeToASTClassMap()
- 21 isDebugMode()
- 22 makeASTRoot()
- 23 mark()
- 24 match()
- 25 matchNot()
- 26 removeMessageListener()
- 27 removeParserListener()
- 28 removeParserMatchListener()
- 29 removeParserTokenListener()
- 30 removeSemanticPredicateListener()
- 31 removeSyntacticPredicateListener()
- 32 removeTraceListener()
- 33 reportError()
- 34 reportWarning()
- 35 rewind()
- 36 setASTFactory()
- 37 setASTNodeClass()
- 38 setASTNodeType()
- 39 setDebugMode()
- 40 setFilename()
- 41 setIgnoreInvalidDebugCalls()
- 42 setInputState()
- 43 setTokenBuffer()
- 44 traceIn()
- 45 traceIndent()
- 46 traceOut()
- 60 xlwt.antlr.LLkParser
- method
- 1 LA()
- 2 LT()
- 3 consume()
- 4 set_k()
- 5 trace()
- 6 traceIn()
- 7 traceOut()
- 61 xlwt.antlr.TreeParserSharedInputState
- 62 xlwt.antlr.TreeParser
- method
- 1 addASTChild()
- 2 getAST()
- 3 getASTFactory()
- 4 getTokenName()
- 5 getTokenNames()
- 6 makeASTRoot()
- 7 match()
- 8 matchNot()
- 9 reportError()
- 10 reportWarning()
- 11 setASTFactory()
- 12 setASTNodeClass()
- 13 setASTNodeType()
- 14 traceIn()
- 15 traceIndent()
- 16 traceOut()
- 63 xlwt.antlr.AST
- method
- 1 addChild()
- 2 equals()
- 3 equalsList()
- 4 equalsListPartial()
- 5 equalsTree()
- 6 equalsTreePartial()
- 7 findAll()
- 8 findAllPartial()
- 9 getColumn()
- 10 getFirstChild()
- 11 getLine()
- 12 getNextSibling()
- 13 getNumberOfChildren()
- 14 getText()
- 15 getType()
- 16 initialize()
- 17 setFirstChild()
- 18 setNextSibling()
- 19 setText()
- 20 setType()
- 21 toString()
- 22 toStringList()
- 23 toStringTree()
- 64 xlwt.antlr.ASTNULLType
- method
- 1 getText()
- 2 getType()
- 65 xlwt.antlr.BaseAST
- data
- method
- 3 addChild()
- 4 doWorkForFindAll()
- 5 equals()
- 6 equalsList()
- 7 equalsListPartial()
- 8 equalsTree()
- 9 equalsTreePartial()
- 10 findAll()
- 11 findAllPartial()
- 12 getColumn()
- 13 getFirstChild()
- 14 getLine()
- 15 getNextSibling()
- 16 getNumberOfChildren()
- 17 getText()
- 18 getTokenNames()
- 19 getType()
- 20 removeChildren()
- 21 setFirstChild()
- 22 setNextSibling()
- 23 setText()
- 24 setType()
- 25 toString()
- 26 toStringList()
- 27 toStringTree()
- static method
- 28 setVerboseStringConversion()
- 66 xlwt.antlr.CommonAST
- method
- 1 getColumn()
- 2 getLine()
- 3 getText()
- 4 getType()
- 5 initialize()
- 6 setText()
- 7 setType()
- 67 xlwt.antlr.CommonASTWithHiddenTokens
- method
- 1 getHiddenAfter()
- 2 getHiddenBefore()
- 3 initialize()
- 68 xlwt.antlr.ASTPair
- method
- 1 advanceChildToEnd()
- 2 copy()
- 3 toString()
- 69 xlwt.antlr.ASTFactory
- method
- 1 create()
- 2 dup()
- 3 dupList()
- 4 dupTree()
- 5 error()
- 6 getASTNodeClass()
- 7 getASTNodeType()
- 8 getTokenTypeToASTClassMap()
- 9 maptype()
- 10 setASTNodeClass()
- 11 setASTNodeType()
- 12 setTokenTypeASTNodeType()
- 13 setTokenTypeToASTClassMap()
- 70 xlwt.antlr.ASTVisitor
- method
- 1 visit()
- 剩余
- 【xlwt.ExcelMagic】
- 统计
- 常量
- int
- dict
- 【xlwt.Utils】
- 统计
- 常量
- int
- 模块
- 3 re
- 函数
- 4 col_by_name(colname)
- 5 cell_to_rowcol(cell)
- 6 cell_to_rowcol2(cell)
- 7 rowcol_to_cell(row, col, row_abs=False, col_abs=False)
- 8 rowcol_pair_to_cellrange(row1, col1, row2, col2, row1_abs=False, col1_abs=False, row2_abs=False, col2_abs=False)
- 9 cellrange_to_rowcol_pair(cellrange)
- 10 cell_to_packed_rowcol(cell)
全文介绍系统内置 xlwt 模块、函数、类及类的方法和属性。
xlwt, fullname=xlwt, file=xlwt_init_.py
序号 | 类别 | 数量 |
4 | str | 5 |
6 | list | 1 |
8 | dict | 1 |
9 | module | 14 |
10 | class | 12 |
11 | function | 3 |
13 | residual | 3 |
14 | system | 10 |
16 | all | 39 |
1 xlwt.compat
compat, fullname=xlwt.compat, file=xlwt\compat.py
2 xlwt.UnicodeUtils
UnicodeUtils, fullname=xlwt.UnicodeUtils, file=xlwt\UnicodeUtils.py
偏移量 大小 内容
0 1 或 2 字符串长度 (字符数, ln)
1 或 2 1 选项 标志:位 掩码内容0 01H 字符压缩 (ccompr):0 = 压缩(8位字符)1 = 未压缩(16位字符)2 04H 亚洲语音设置(phonetic):0 = 不包含亚洲语音设置1 = 包含亚洲语音设置3 08H 富文本设置(richtext):0 = 不包含富文本设置1 = 包含富文本设置
[2 或 3] 2 (可选,仅当richtext=1时)富文本格式化运行次数(rt)
[var.] 4 (可选,仅当phonetic=1时)亚洲语音设置块大小(以字节为单位,sz)
var. ln 或 2·ln 字符数组(8位字符或16位字符,取决于ccompr)
[var.] 4·rt (可选,仅当richtext=1时)rt格式列表起作用
[var.] sz (可选,仅当phonetic=1时)亚洲语音设置块
3 xlwt.BIFFRecords
BIFFRecords, fullname=xlwt.BIFFRecords, file=xlwt\BIFFRecords.py
4 xlwt.Formatting
Formatting, fullname=xlwt.Formatting, file=xlwt\Formatting.py
============= ==========================================================
组 属性
============= ==========================================================
Number format 数字格式索引(索引到format记录)
Font 字体索引(索引到Font记录)
Alignment 水平和垂直对齐,文本换行,缩进,方向/旋转,文本方向
Border 边框线条样式和颜色
Background 背景区域样式和颜色
Protection 单元格锁定,公式隐藏
============= ==========================================================
5 xlwt.Style
Style, fullname=xlwt.Style, file=xlwt\Style.py
6 xlwt.Bitmap
Bitmap, fullname=xlwt.Bitmap, file=xlwt\Bitmap.py
7 xlwt.Cell
Cell, fullname=xlwt.Cell, file=xlwt\Cell.py
8 xlwt.antlr
antlr, fullname=xlwt.antlr, file=xlwt\antlr.py
9 xlwt.ExcelMagic
ExcelMagic, fullname=xlwt.ExcelMagic, file=xlwt\ExcelMagic.py
10 xlwt.Utils
Utils, fullname=xlwt.Utils, file=xlwt\Utils.py
11 xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser
ExcelFormulaParser, fullname=xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser, file=xlwt\ExcelFormulaParser.py
12 xlwt.ExcelFormulaLexer
ExcelFormulaLexer, fullname=xlwt.ExcelFormulaLexer, file=xlwt\ExcelFormulaLexer.py
13 xlwt.ExcelFormula
ExcelFormula, fullname=xlwt.ExcelFormula, file=xlwt\ExcelFormula.py
14 struct
struct, fullname=struct, file=struct.py
15 easyxf(strg_to_parse=‘’, num_format_str=None, field_sep=‘,’, line_sep=‘;’, intro_sep=‘:’, esc_char=‘\’, debug=False)
easyxf(strg_to_parse=‘’, num_format_str=None, field_sep=‘,’, line_sep=‘;’, intro_sep=‘:’, esc_char=‘\’, debug=False), module=xlwt.Style, line:697 at site-packages\xlwt\Style.py
它接受一个字符串来解析::class:`Alignment`, :class:`Borders`, :class:`Font`, :class:`Pattern` ,:class:`Protection`对象的属性值。
可以使用各种同义词,包括color/colour、center/centre 和 gray/grey。大小写无关紧要(除了字体名)。``-``可以代替``_``。
示例: ``font: bold on; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center``:param num_format_str:要获得你想要复制的格式的现有单元格的“数字格式字符串”,选择单元格并单击Format/Cells/Number/Custom。否则,请参考Excel帮助。示例: ``"#,##0.00"``, ``"dd/mm/yyyy"``:return: :class:`XFstyle` 对象.
16 easyfont(strg_to_parse=‘’, field_sep=‘,’, esc_char=‘\’, debug=False)
easyfont(strg_to_parse=‘’, field_sep=‘,’, esc_char=‘\’, debug=False), module=xlwt.Style, line:736 at site-packages\xlwt\Style.py
17 add_palette_colour(colour_str, colour_index)
add_palette_colour(colour_str, colour_index), module=xlwt.Style, line:374 at site-packages\xlwt\Style.py
18 xlwt.Workbook.Workbook
Workbook, xlwt.Workbook.Workbook, module=xlwt.Workbook
1 active_sheet=<property object at 0x00000000029843B8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
2 backup_on_save=<property object at 0x0000000002984228> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
3 country_code=<property object at 0x0000000002935C28> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
4 dates_1904=<property object at 0x00000000029845E8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
5 default_style=<property object at 0x0000000002984688> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
6 height=<property object at 0x0000000002984368> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
7 hpos=<property object at 0x0000000002984278> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
8 hscroll_visible=<property object at 0x00000000029844F8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
9 obj_protect=<property object at 0x0000000002984188> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
10 owner=<property object at 0x0000000002935B88> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
11 protect=<property object at 0x00000000029841D8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
12 tab_width=<property object at 0x0000000002984408> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
13 tabs_visible=<property object at 0x0000000002984598> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
14 use_cell_values=<property object at 0x0000000002984638> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
15 vpos=<property object at 0x00000000029842C8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
16 vscroll_visible=<property object at 0x0000000002984548> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
17 width=<property object at 0x0000000002984318> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
18 wnd_mini=<property object at 0x00000000029844A8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
19 wnd_protect=<property object at 0x000000000296D6D8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
20 wnd_visible=<property object at 0x0000000002984458> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Workbook.Workbook’>
21 add_font()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
22 add_rt()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
23 add_sheet()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
此方法用于在工作簿中创建工作表。:param sheetname:用于此表的名称,因为它将出现在Excel应用程序底部的选项卡中。:param cell overwrite ok:如果``True``,则添加的工作表中的单元格在被写入多次时不会引发异常。:返回: 返回添加的类 :class:`~xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet`
24 add_sheet_reference()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
25 add_str()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
26 add_style()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
27 convert_sheetindex()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
28 del_str()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
29 get_active_sheet()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
30 get_backup_on_save()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
31 get_biff_data()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
32 get_country_code()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
33 get_dates_1904()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
34 get_default_style()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
35 get_height()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
36 get_hpos()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
37 get_hscroll_visible()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
38 get_obj_protect()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
39 get_owner()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
40 get_protect()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
41 get_sheet()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
42 get_style_stats()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
43 get_tab_width()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
44 get_tabs_visible()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
45 get_use_cell_values()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
46 get_vpos()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
47 get_vscroll_visible()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
48 get_width()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
49 get_wnd_mini()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
50 get_wnd_protect()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
51 get_wnd_visible()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
52 raise_bad_sheetname()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
53 rt_index()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
54 save()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
此方法用于将工作簿保存为本地Excel格式的文件。:param filename_or_stream:这可以是一个包含文件文件名的字符串,在这种情况下,excel文件将使用提供的名称保存到磁盘。它也可以是一个带有写方法的流对象,例如 :class:`~io.StringIO`,在这种情况下,excel文件的数据被写入流。
55 set_active_sheet()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
56 set_backup_on_save()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
57 set_colour_RGB()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
58 set_country_code()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
59 set_dates_1904()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
60 set_height()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
61 set_hpos()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
62 set_hscroll_visible()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
63 set_obj_protect()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
64 set_owner()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
65 set_protect()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
66 set_tab_width()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
67 set_tabs_visible()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
68 set_use_cell_values()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
69 set_vpos()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
70 set_vscroll_visible()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
71 set_width()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
72 set_wnd_mini()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
73 set_wnd_protect()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
74 set_wnd_visible()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
75 setup_ownbook()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
76 setup_xcall()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
77 sheet_index()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
78 str_index()
kind=method class=Workbook objtype=function
19 xlwt.Row.Row
Row, xlwt.Row.Row, module=xlwt.Row
1 collapse=<member ‘collapse’ of ‘Row’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Row.Row’>
2 has_default_height=<member ‘has_default_height’ of ‘Row’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Row.Row’>
3 height=<member ‘height’ of ‘Row’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Row.Row’>
4 height_mismatch=<member ‘height_mismatch’ of ‘Row’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Row.Row’>
5 hidden=<member ‘hidden’ of ‘Row’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Row.Row’>
6 level=<member ‘level’ of ‘Row’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Row.Row’>
7 space_above=<member ‘space_above’ of ‘Row’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Row.Row’>
8 space_below=<member ‘space_below’ of ‘Row’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Row.Row’>
9 get_cells_biff_data()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
10 get_cells_count()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
11 get_height_in_pixels()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
12 get_index()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
13 get_max_col()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
14 get_min_col()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
15 get_row_biff_data()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
16 get_xf_index()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
17 insert_cell()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
18 insert_mulcells()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
19 set_cell_blank()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
20 set_cell_boolean()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
21 set_cell_date()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
22 set_cell_error()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
23 set_cell_formula()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
24 set_cell_mulblanks()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
25 set_cell_number()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
26 set_cell_rich_text()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
27 set_cell_text()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
28 set_style()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
29 write()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
30 write_blanks()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
31 write_rich_text()
kind=method class=Row objtype=function
20 xlwt.Column.Column
Column, xlwt.Column.Column, module=xlwt.Column
1 width=<property object at 0x0000000002E63778> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Column.Column’>
2 get_biff_record()
kind=method class=Column objtype=function
3 get_width()
kind=method class=Column objtype=function
4 set_style()
kind=method class=Column objtype=function
5 set_width()
kind=method class=Column objtype=function
6 width_in_pixels()
kind=method class=Column objtype=function
21 xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet
Worksheet, xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet, module=xlwt.Worksheet
警告:你通常不会自己创建这个类的实例。它们从对:meth:`~xlwt.Workbook.Workbook.add_sheet` k的调用中返回。
1 active_pane=3 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
2 RC_ref_mode=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A688> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
3 alt_expr_eval=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A4A8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
4 alt_formula_entries=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A4F8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
5 auto_colour_grid=<property object at 0x0000000002F24C78> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
6 auto_style_outline=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A2C8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
7 bmp_rec=<property object at 0x0000000002F24AE8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
8 bottom_margin=<property object at 0x0000000002F2AB38> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
9 calc_count=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A638> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
10 calc_mode=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A5E8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
11 col_default_width=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A598> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
12 cols=<property object at 0x0000000002E99278> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
13 cols_right_to_left=<property object at 0x0000000002F24CC8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
14 copies_num=<property object at 0x0000000002F2E0E8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
15 delta=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A728> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
16 dialogue_sheet=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A278> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
17 first_visible_col=<property object at 0x0000000002F24EF8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
18 first_visible_row=<property object at 0x0000000002F24EA8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
19 fit_height_to_pages=<property object at 0x0000000002F2ACC8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
20 fit_num_pages=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A3B8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
21 fit_width_to_pages=<property object at 0x0000000002F2AC78> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
22 footer_margin=<property object at 0x0000000002F2E098> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
23 footer_str=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A958> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
24 grid_colour=<property object at 0x0000000002F24F48> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
25 header_margin=<property object at 0x0000000002F2E048> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
26 header_str=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A908> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
27 horz_page_breaks=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A8B8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
28 horz_split_first_visible=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A1D8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
29 horz_split_pos=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A138> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
30 iterations_on=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A6D8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
31 left_margin=<property object at 0x0000000002F2AA48> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
32 merged_ranges=<property object at 0x0000000002F24A98> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
33 name=<property object at 0x00000000029A48B8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
34 normal_magn=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A048> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
35 obj_protect=<property object at 0x0000000002F2E188> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
36 outline_below=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A318> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
37 outline_right=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A368> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
38 page_preview=<property object at 0x0000000002F24E58> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
39 panes_frozen=<property object at 0x0000000002F24C28> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
40 paper_size_code=<property object at 0x0000000002F2AB88> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
41 parent=<property object at 0x00000000029A4958> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
42 password=<property object at 0x0000000002F2E278> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
43 portrait=<property object at 0x0000000002F2AD68> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
44 preview_magn=<property object at 0x0000000002F24F98> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
45 print_centered_horz=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A9F8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
46 print_centered_vert=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A9A8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
47 print_colour=<property object at 0x0000000002F2ADB8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
48 print_draft=<property object at 0x0000000002F2AE08> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
49 print_grid=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A818> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
50 print_headers=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A7C8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
51 print_hres=<property object at 0x0000000002F2AF48> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
52 print_in_rows=<property object at 0x0000000002F2AD18> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
53 print_notes=<property object at 0x0000000002F2AE58> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
54 print_notes_at_end=<property object at 0x0000000002F2AEA8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
55 print_omit_errors=<property object at 0x0000000002F2AEF8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
56 print_scaling=<property object at 0x0000000002F2ABD8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
57 print_vres=<property object at 0x0000000002F2AF98> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
58 protect=<property object at 0x0000000002F2E1D8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
59 remove_splits=<property object at 0x0000000002F24D68> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
60 right_margin=<property object at 0x0000000002F2AA98> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
61 row_default_height=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A548> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
62 rows=<property object at 0x0000000002E99638> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
63 save_recalc=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A778> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
64 scen_protect=<property object at 0x0000000002F2E228> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
65 scl_magn=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A098> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
66 selected=<property object at 0x0000000002F24DB8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
67 sheet_visible=<property object at 0x0000000002F24E08> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
68 show_auto_page_breaks=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A228> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
69 show_col_outline=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A458> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
70 show_formulas=<property object at 0x0000000002F24B38> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
71 show_grid=<property object at 0x0000000002F24B88> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
72 show_headers=<property object at 0x0000000002F24BD8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
73 show_outline=<property object at 0x0000000002F24D18> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
74 show_row_outline=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A408> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
75 start_page_number=<property object at 0x0000000002F2AC28> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
76 top_margin=<property object at 0x0000000002F2AAE8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
77 vert_page_breaks=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A868> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
78 vert_split_first_visible=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A188> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
79 vert_split_pos=<property object at 0x0000000002F2A0E8> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
80 wnd_protect=<property object at 0x0000000002F2E138> kind:property type:property class:<class ‘xlwt.Worksheet.Worksheet’>
81 col()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
82 col_width()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
83 flush_row_data()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
84 get_RC_ref_mode()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
85 get_alt_expr_eval()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
86 get_alt_formula_entries()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
87 get_auto_colour_grid()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
88 get_auto_style_outline()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
89 get_biff_data()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
90 get_bmp_rec()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
91 get_bottom_margin()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
92 get_calc_count()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
93 get_calc_mode()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
94 get_col_default_width()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
95 get_cols()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
96 get_cols_right_to_left()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
97 get_copies_num()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
98 get_delta()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
99 get_dialogue_sheet()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
100 get_first_visible_col()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
101 get_first_visible_row()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
102 get_fit_height_to_pages()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
103 get_fit_num_pages()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
104 get_fit_width_to_pages()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
105 get_footer_margin()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
106 get_footer_str()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
107 get_grid_colour()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
108 get_header_margin()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
109 get_header_str()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
110 get_horz_page_breaks()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
111 get_horz_split_first_visible()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
112 get_horz_split_pos()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
113 get_iterations_on()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
114 get_left_margin()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
115 get_merged_ranges()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
116 get_name()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
117 get_normal_magn()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
118 get_obj_protect()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
119 get_outline_below()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
120 get_outline_right()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
121 get_page_preview()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
122 get_panes_frozen()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
123 get_paper_size_code()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
124 get_parent()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
125 get_password()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
126 get_portrait()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
127 get_preview_magn()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
128 get_print_centered_horz()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
129 get_print_centered_vert()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
130 get_print_colour()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
131 get_print_draft()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
132 get_print_grid()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
133 get_print_headers()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
134 get_print_hres()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
135 get_print_in_rows()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
136 get_print_notes()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
137 get_print_notes_at_end()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
138 get_print_omit_errors()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
139 get_print_scaling()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
140 get_print_vres()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
141 get_protect()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
142 get_remove_splits()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
143 get_right_margin()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
144 get_row_default_height()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
145 get_rows()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
146 get_save_recalc()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
147 get_scen_protect()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
148 get_scl_magn()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
149 get_selected()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
150 get_sheet_visible()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
151 get_show_auto_page_breaks()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
152 get_show_col_outline()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
153 get_show_formulas()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
154 get_show_grid()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
155 get_show_headers()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
156 get_show_outline()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
157 get_show_row_outline()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
158 get_start_page_number()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
159 get_top_margin()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
160 get_vert_page_breaks()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
161 get_vert_split_first_visible()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
162 get_vert_split_pos()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
163 get_wnd_protect()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
164 insert_bitmap()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
165 insert_bitmap_data()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
166 merge()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
167 row()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
168 row_height()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
169 set_RC_ref_mode()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
170 set_alt_expr_eval()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
171 set_alt_formula_entries()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
172 set_auto_colour_grid()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
173 set_auto_style_outline()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
174 set_bottom_margin()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
175 set_calc_count()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
176 set_calc_mode()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
177 set_col_default_width()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
178 set_cols_right_to_left()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
179 set_copies_num()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
180 set_delta()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
181 set_dialogue_sheet()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
182 set_first_visible_col()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
183 set_first_visible_row()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
184 set_fit_height_to_pages()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
185 set_fit_num_pages()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
186 set_fit_width_to_pages()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
187 set_footer_margin()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
188 set_footer_str()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
189 set_grid_colour()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
190 set_header_margin()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
191 set_header_str()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
192 set_horz_page_breaks()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
193 set_horz_split_first_visible()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
194 set_horz_split_pos()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
195 set_iterations_on()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
196 set_left_margin()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
197 set_name()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
198 set_normal_magn()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
199 set_obj_protect()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
200 set_outline_below()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
201 set_outline_right()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
202 set_page_preview()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
203 set_panes_frozen()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
204 set_paper_size_code()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
205 set_password()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
206 set_portrait()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
207 set_preview_magn()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
208 set_print_centered_horz()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
209 set_print_centered_vert()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
210 set_print_colour()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
211 set_print_draft()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
212 set_print_grid()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
213 set_print_headers()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
214 set_print_hres()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
215 set_print_in_rows()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
216 set_print_notes()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
217 set_print_notes_at_end()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
218 set_print_omit_errors()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
219 set_print_scaling()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
220 set_print_vres()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
221 set_protect()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
222 set_remove_splits()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
223 set_right_margin()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
224 set_row_default_height()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
225 set_save_recalc()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
226 set_scen_protect()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
227 set_scl_magn()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
228 set_selected()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
229 set_sheet_visible()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
230 set_show_auto_page_breaks()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
231 set_show_col_outline()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
232 set_show_formulas()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
233 set_show_grid()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
234 set_show_headers()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
235 set_show_outline()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
236 set_show_row_outline()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
237 set_start_page_number()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
238 set_top_margin()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
239 set_vert_page_breaks()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
240 set_vert_split_first_visible()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
241 set_vert_split_pos()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
242 set_wnd_protect()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
243 write()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
此方法用于向:class: `Worksheet`中写入单元格。:param r:工作表中应写入单元格的行的相对零号。:param c:工作表中应写入单元格的列的相对零号。:param label:要写入的数据值。:class: `int`,:class: `long`,或:class: ' ~decimal.Decimal`实例被转换为:class:`float`:class: `unicode`实例按原样编写。类:“字节”
instance使用:class: `Workbook`实例创建时指定的encoding(默认为`ascii`)转换为:class: `unicode`。答:类:“~ datetime。datetime:类:~ datetime。Date `或:class:`~datetime。time '实例被转换为Excel日期格式(一个浮点数,表示自(通常)' 1899-12-31T00:00:00 ' ',借口1900年是闰年)。A:class: bool实例将在Excel中显示为“TRUE”或“FALSE”。
`None`导致单元格为空白:没有数据,只有格式化。一个:类:“xlwt。公式实例导致Excel公式被写入。:param style:样式,也称为XF(扩展格式),是:class:`~xlwt.Style。对象,它封装应用于单元格及其内容的格式。:类:“~ xlwt.Style。XFStyle的对象最好使用
: func:“~ xlwt.Style。easyxf”功能。它们也可以通过设置:class: `align`,:class: `Borders`,:class: `Pattern`,:class: `Font`和:class: `Protection`对象中的属性来设置,然后将这些对象和格式字符串设置为:class: ' ~xlwt.Style的属性。XFStyle”对象。:param label:The data value to be written.An :class:`int`, :class:`long`, or:class:`~decimal.Decimal` instance is converted to :class:`float`.A :class:`unicode` instance is written as is.A :class:`bytes`instance is converted to :class:`unicode` using theencoding, which defaults to ``ascii``, specified when the:class:`Workbook` instance was created.A :class:`~datetime.datetime`, :class:`~datetime.date` or:class:`~datetime.time` instance is converted into Excel date format(a float representing the number of days since (typically)``1899-12-31T00:00:00``, under the pretence that1900 was a leap year).A :class:`bool` instance will show up as ``TRUE`` or ``FALSE`` inExcel.``None`` causes the cell to be blank: no data, only formatting.An :class:`xlwt.Formula` instance causes an Excel formula to bewritten.:param style:A style, also known as an XF (extended format), is an:class:`~xlwt.Style.XFStyle` object, which encapsulates theformatting applied to the cell and its contents.:class:`~xlwt.Style.XFStyle` objects are best set up using the:func:`~xlwt.Style.easyxf` function. They may also be set up bysetting attributes in :class:`Alignment`, :class:`Borders`,:class:`Pattern`, :class:`Font` and :class:`Protection` objects thensetting those objects and a format string as attributes of an:class:`~xlwt.Style.XFStyle` object.』
244 write_merge()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
245 write_rich_text()
kind=method class=Worksheet objtype=function
22 xlwt.Formatting.Font
Font, xlwt.Formatting.Font, module=xlwt.Formatting
1 CHARSET_ANSI_ARABIC=178 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
2 CHARSET_ANSI_BALTIC=186 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
3 CHARSET_ANSI_CHINESE_BIG5=136 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
4 CHARSET_ANSI_CHINESE_GBK=134 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
5 CHARSET_ANSI_CYRILLIC=204 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
6 CHARSET_ANSI_GREEK=161 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
7 CHARSET_ANSI_HEBREW=177 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
8 CHARSET_ANSI_JAP_SHIFT_JIS=128 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
9 CHARSET_ANSI_KOR_HANGUL=129 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
10 CHARSET_ANSI_KOR_JOHAB=130 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
11 CHARSET_ANSI_LATIN=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
12 CHARSET_ANSI_LATIN_II=238 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
13 CHARSET_ANSI_THAI=222 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
14 CHARSET_ANSI_TURKISH=162 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
15 CHARSET_ANSI_VIETNAMESE=163 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
16 CHARSET_APPLE_ROMAN=77 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
17 CHARSET_OEM_LATIN_I=255 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
18 CHARSET_SYMBOL=2 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
19 CHARSET_SYS_DEFAULT=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
20 ESCAPEMENT_NONE=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
21 ESCAPEMENT_SUBSCRIPT=2 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
22 ESCAPEMENT_SUPERSCRIPT=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
23 FAMILY_DECORATIVE=5 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
24 FAMILY_MODERN=3 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
25 FAMILY_NONE=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
26 FAMILY_ROMAN=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
27 FAMILY_SCRIPT=4 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
28 FAMILY_SWISS=2 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
29 UNDERLINE_DOUBLE=2 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
30 UNDERLINE_DOUBLE_ACC=34 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
31 UNDERLINE_NONE=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
32 UNDERLINE_SINGLE=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
33 UNDERLINE_SINGLE_ACC=33 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Font’>
34 get_biff_record()
kind=method class=Font objtype=function
23 xlwt.Formatting.Alignment
Alignment, xlwt.Formatting.Alignment, module=xlwt.Formatting
1 DIRECTION_GENERAL=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
2 DIRECTION_LR=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
3 DIRECTION_RL=2 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
4 HORZ_CENTER=2 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
5 HORZ_CENTER_ACROSS_SEL=6 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
6 HORZ_DISTRIBUTED=7 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
7 HORZ_FILLED=4 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
8 HORZ_GENERAL=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
9 HORZ_JUSTIFIED=5 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
10 HORZ_LEFT=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
11 HORZ_RIGHT=3 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
12 NOT_SHRINK_TO_FIT=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
13 NOT_WRAP_AT_RIGHT=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
14 ORIENTATION_90_CC=2 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
15 ORIENTATION_90_CW=3 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
16 ORIENTATION_NOT_ROTATED=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
17 ORIENTATION_STACKED=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
18 ROTATION_0_ANGLE=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
19 ROTATION_STACKED=255 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
20 SHRINK_TO_FIT=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
21 VERT_BOTTOM=2 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
22 VERT_CENTER=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
23 VERT_DISTRIBUTED=4 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
24 VERT_JUSTIFIED=3 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
25 VERT_TOP=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
26 WRAP_AT_RIGHT=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Alignment’>
24 xlwt.Formatting.Borders
Borders, xlwt.Formatting.Borders, module=xlwt.Formatting
1 DASHED=3 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
2 DOTTED=4 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
3 DOUBLE=6 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
4 HAIR=7 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
5 MEDIUM=2 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
6 MEDIUM_DASHED=8 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
7 MEDIUM_DASH_DOTTED=10 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
8 MEDIUM_DASH_DOT_DOTTED=12 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
9 NEED_DIAG1=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
10 NEED_DIAG2=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
11 NO_LINE=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
12 NO_NEED_DIAG1=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
13 NO_NEED_DIAG2=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
14 SLANTED_MEDIUM_DASH_DOTTED=13 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
15 THICK=5 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
16 THIN=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
17 THIN_DASH_DOTTED=9 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
18 THIN_DASH_DOT_DOTTED=11 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Borders’>
25 xlwt.Formatting.Pattern
Pattern, xlwt.Formatting.Pattern, module=xlwt.Formatting
1 NO_PATTERN=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Pattern’>
2 SOLID_PATTERN=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.Formatting.Pattern’>
26 xlwt.Formatting.Protection
Protection, xlwt.Formatting.Protection, module=xlwt.Formatting
27 xlwt.Style.XFStyle
XFStyle, xlwt.Style.XFStyle, module=xlwt.Style
28 xlwt.antlr.ANTLRException
ANTLRException, xlwt.antlr.ANTLRException, module=xlwt.antlr
29 xlwt.ExcelFormula.Formula
Formula, xlwt.ExcelFormula.Formula, module=xlwt.ExcelFormula
1 get_references()
kind=method class=Formula objtype=function
2 patch_references()
kind=method class=Formula objtype=function
3 rpn()
kind=method class=Formula objtype=function
偏移量 大小 内容0 2 公式数据(sz)的大小2 sz 公式数据(RPN令牌数组)[2+sz] var. (可选)指定令牌的附加数据
4 text()
kind=method class=Formula objtype=function
compat, fullname=xlwt.compat, file=xlwt\compat.py
序号 | 类别 | 数量 |
2 | bool | 1 |
4 | str | 4 |
5 | tuple | 1 |
8 | dict | 1 |
9 | module | 1 |
10 | class | 4 |
11 | function | 2 |
13 | residual | 4 |
14 | system | 8 |
16 | all | 18 |
1 PY3 True
2 int_types (<class ‘int’>,)
3 sys
sys, fullname=sys, file=
4 iteritems(d)
iteritems(d), module=xlwt.compat, line:13 at site-packages\xlwt\compat.py
5 itervalues(d)
itervalues(d), module=xlwt.compat, line:15 at site-packages\xlwt\compat.py
6 str
str, str, module=builtins
7 str
str, str, module=builtins
8 range
range, range, module=builtins
9 int
int, int, module=builtins
10 doc None
11 loader <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x000000000295BDC8>
12 spec ModuleSpec(name=‘xlwt.compat’, loader=<_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x000000000295BDC8>, origin=‘…\lib\site-packages\xlwt\compat.py’)
13 unicode <method ‘decode’ of ‘bytes’ objects>
UnicodeUtils, fullname=xlwt.UnicodeUtils, file=xlwt\UnicodeUtils.py
序号 | 类别 | 数量 |
4 | str | 5 |
8 | dict | 1 |
10 | class | 1 |
11 | function | 3 |
12 | builtin_function_or_method | 1 |
13 | residual | 3 |
14 | system | 8 |
16 | all | 14 |
1 upack2(s, encoding=‘ascii’)
upack2(s, encoding=‘ascii’), module=xlwt.UnicodeUtils, line:45 at site-packages\xlwt\UnicodeUtils.py
2 upack2rt(rt, encoding=‘ascii’)
upack2rt(rt, encoding=‘ascii’), module=xlwt.UnicodeUtils, line:73 at site-packages\xlwt\UnicodeUtils.py
3 upack1(s, encoding=‘ascii’)
upack1(s, encoding=‘ascii’), module=xlwt.UnicodeUtils, line:105 at site-packages\xlwt\UnicodeUtils.py
4 str
str, str, module=builtins
5 pack
6 loader <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x000000000295B848>
7 spec ModuleSpec(name=‘xlwt.UnicodeUtils’, loader=<_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x000000000295B848>, origin=‘…\lib\site-packages\xlwt\UnicodeUtils.py’)
8 unicode <method ‘decode’ of ‘bytes’ objects>
BIFFRecords, fullname=xlwt.BIFFRecords, file=xlwt\BIFFRecords.py
序号 | 类别 | 数量 |
1 | int | 1 |
4 | str | 4 |
8 | dict | 1 |
10 | class | 83 |
11 | function | 4 |
12 | builtin_function_or_method | 1 |
13 | residual | 4 |
14 | system | 8 |
15 | private | 1 |
16 | all | 98 |
1 _maxRefPerRecord 1370
2 upack1(s, encoding=‘ascii’)
upack1(s, encoding=‘ascii’), module=xlwt.UnicodeUtils, line:105 at site-packages\xlwt\UnicodeUtils.py
3 upack2(s, encoding=‘ascii’)
upack2(s, encoding=‘ascii’), module=xlwt.UnicodeUtils, line:45 at site-packages\xlwt\UnicodeUtils.py
4 upack2rt(rt, encoding=‘ascii’)
upack2rt(rt, encoding=‘ascii’), module=xlwt.UnicodeUtils, line:73 at site-packages\xlwt\UnicodeUtils.py
5 iteritems(d)
iteritems(d), module=xlwt.compat, line:13 at site-packages\xlwt\compat.py
6 str
str, str, module=builtins
7 str
str, str, module=builtins
8 range
range, range, module=builtins
9 xlwt.BIFFRecords.SharedStringTable
SharedStringTable, xlwt.BIFFRecords.SharedStringTable, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
1 add_rt()
kind=method class=SharedStringTable objtype=function
2 add_str()
kind=method class=SharedStringTable objtype=function
3 del_str()
kind=method class=SharedStringTable objtype=function
4 get_biff_record()
kind=method class=SharedStringTable objtype=function
5 rt_index()
kind=method class=SharedStringTable objtype=function
6 str_index()
kind=method class=SharedStringTable objtype=function
10 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BiffRecord
BiffRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.BiffRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
1 get()
kind=method class=BiffRecord objtype=function
2 get_rec_header()
kind=method class=BiffRecord objtype=function
11 xlwt.BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord
Biff8BOFRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
偏移量 大小 内容0 2 Version, contains 0600H for BIFF8 and BIFF8X2 2 Type of the following data:0005H = Workbook globals0006H = Visual Basic module0010H = Worksheet0020H = Chart0040H = Macro sheet0100H = Workspace file4 2 构建标识符6 2 构建年8 4 文件历史标志12 4 可以读取该文件中所有记录的最低Excel版本
1 BOOK_GLOBAL=5 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord’>
2 CHART=32 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord’>
3 MACROSHEET=64 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord’>
4 VB_MODULE=6 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord’>
5 WORKSHEET=16 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord’>
6 WORKSPACE=256 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord’>
12 xlwt.BIFFRecords.InteraceHdrRecord
InteraceHdrRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.InteraceHdrRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
13 xlwt.BIFFRecords.InteraceEndRecord
InteraceEndRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.InteraceEndRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
14 xlwt.BIFFRecords.MMSRecord
MMSRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.MMSRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
15 xlwt.BIFFRecords.WriteAccessRecord
WriteAccessRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.WriteAccessRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
16 xlwt.BIFFRecords.DSFRecord
DSFRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.DSFRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
此记录指定文件是否包含额外的BIFF5/BIFF7工作簿流。Record DSF, BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 0 = 只存在BIFF8工作簿流1 = 文件中有额外的BIFF5/BIFF7 BOOK 流双流文件可以通过Excel 5.0和Excel 95读取,仍然包含所有添加到BIFF8的新功能(在BIFF5/BIFF7图书流中被省略)。
17 xlwt.BIFFRecords.TabIDRecord
TabIDRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.TabIDRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
18 xlwt.BIFFRecords.FnGroupCountRecord
FnGroupCountRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.FnGroupCountRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
19 xlwt.BIFFRecords.WindowProtectRecord
WindowProtectRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.WindowProtectRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
20 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ObjectProtectRecord
ObjectProtectRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.ObjectProtectRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
21 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ScenProtectRecord
ScenProtectRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.ScenProtectRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
22 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ProtectRecord
ProtectRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.ProtectRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
23 xlwt.BIFFRecords.PasswordRecord
PasswordRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.PasswordRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
1 passwd_hash()
kind=method class=PasswordRecord objtype=function
基于OpenOffice的Daniel Rentz提供的算法。
24 xlwt.BIFFRecords.Prot4RevRecord
Prot4RevRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.Prot4RevRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
25 xlwt.BIFFRecords.Prot4RevPassRecord
Prot4RevPassRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.Prot4RevPassRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
26 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BackupRecord
BackupRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.BackupRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
27 xlwt.BIFFRecords.HideObjRecord
HideObjRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.HideObjRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
Record HIDEOBJ, BIFF3-BIFF8: 偏移量 大小 内容 0 20 =1 =2 =
此记录指定是否以及如何在工作簿中显示对象。Record HIDEOBJ, BIFF3-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 对象的查看模式:0 = 显示所有对象1 = 显示占位符2 = 不显示对象
28 xlwt.BIFFRecords.RefreshAllRecord
RefreshAllRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.RefreshAllRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
29 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BookBoolRecord
BookBoolRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.BookBoolRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
在BIFF3和BIFF4中,这个选项存储在WSBOOL记录中。Record BOOKBOOL, BIFF5-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 0 = 保存外部链接值;1 = 不要保存外部链接值
30 xlwt.BIFFRecords.CountryRecord
CountryRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.CountryRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
第一个表示保存文件的Excel版本的用户界面语言,第二个表示保存文件时的系统区域设置。Record COUNTRY, BIFF3-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 Excel用户界面语言的Windows国家标识符2 2 系统区域设置的Windows国家标识符主要使用的国家标识符如下表所示。这些标识符中的大多数等于国际国家呼叫代码。1 USA2 Canada7 Russia
31 xlwt.BIFFRecords.UseSelfsRecord
UseSelfsRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.UseSelfsRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
记录USESELFS, BIFF8:偏移量大小内容0 2 0 =1 =偏移量 大小 内容0 2 0 = 不使用自然语言公式1 = 使用自然语言公式
32 xlwt.BIFFRecords.EOFRecord
EOFRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.EOFRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
33 xlwt.BIFFRecords.DateModeRecord
DateModeRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.DateModeRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
在BIFF2-BIFF4中,该记录是计算设置块的一部分。在BIFF5-BIFF8中,它存储在工作簿全局子流中。偏移量 大小 内容0 2 0 = 基准 1899-Dec-31 (单元格 = 1 表示 1900-Jan-01)1 = 基准 1904-Jan-01 (单元格 = 1 表示 1904-Jan-02)
34 xlwt.BIFFRecords.PrecisionRecord
PrecisionRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.PrecisionRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
在BIFF2- BIFF4中,该记录是计算设置块的一部分。
在BIFF5-BIFF8中,它存储在工作簿全局子流中。偏移量 大小 内容0 2 0 = 使用显示值;1 = 使用实际单元格值
35 xlwt.BIFFRecords.CodepageBiff8Record
CodepageBiff8Record, xlwt.BIFFRecords.CodepageBiff8Record, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
此记录存储用于写入字节字符串的文本编码,存储为MS Windows代码页标识符。
BIFF8中的CODEPAGE记录总是包含代码页1200 (UTF-16)。因此,不可能获得用于保护密码的编码(不是UTF-16)。Record CODEPAGE, BIFF2-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 用于字节字符串文本编码的代码页标识符:016FH = 367 = ASCII01B5H = 437 = IBM PC CP-437 (US)02D0H = 720 = IBM PC CP-720 (OEM Arabic阿拉伯语)02E1H = 737 = IBM PC CP-737 (Greek希腊)0307H = 775 = IBM PC CP-775 (Baltic波罗的海)0352H = 850 = IBM PC CP-850 (Latin I拉丁)0354H = 852 = IBM PC CP-852 (Latin II 拉丁(Central European中欧))0357H = 855 = IBM PC CP-855 (Cyrillic西里尔)0359H = 857 = IBM PC CP-857 (Turkish土耳其))035AH = 858 = IBM PC CP-858 (Multilingual Latin I with Euro 多语种拉丁I和欧洲)035CH = 860 = IBM PC CP-860 (Portuguese葡萄牙)035DH = 861 = IBM PC CP-861 (Icelandic冰岛)035EH = 862 = IBM PC CP-862 (Hebrew希伯来文)035FH = 863 = IBM PC CP-863 (Canadian (French)加拿大(法国))0360H = 864 = IBM PC CP-864 (Arabic阿拉伯语)0361H = 865 = IBM PC CP-865 (Nordic北欧)0362H = 866 = IBM PC CP-866 (Cyrillic (Russian)西里尔(俄罗斯))0365H = 869 = IBM PC CP-869 (Greek (Modern)希腊(现代))036AH = 874 = Windows CP-874 (Thai泰国)03A4H = 932 = Windows CP-932 (Japanese Shift-JIS日本)03A8H = 936 = Windows CP-936 (Chinese Simplified GBK简体中文GBK)03B5H = 949 = Windows CP-949 (Korean (Wansung)韩国(Wansung))03B6H = 950 = Windows CP-950 (Chinese Traditional BIG5中国传统繁体)04B0H = 1200 = UTF-16 (BIFF8)04E2H = 1250 = Windows CP-1250 (Latin II) (Central European)04E3H = 1251 = Windows CP-1251 (Cyrillic西里尔)04E4H = 1252 = Windows CP-1252 (Latin I拉丁I) (BIFF4-BIFF7)04E5H = 1253 = Windows CP-1253 (Greek希腊)04E6H = 1254 = Windows CP-1254 (Turkish土耳其)04E7H = 1255 = Windows CP-1255 (Hebrew希伯来文)04E8H = 1256 = Windows CP-1256 (Arabic阿拉伯语)04E9H = 1257 = Windows CP-1257 (Baltic波罗的海)04EAH = 1258 = Windows CP-1258 (Vietnamese越南)0551H = 1361 = Windows CP-1361 (Korean (Johab)韩国)2710H = 10000 = Apple Roman 苹果罗马8000H = 32768 = Apple Roman8001H = 32769 = Windows CP-1252 (Latin I) (BIFF2-BIFF3)
1 UTF_16=1200 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.BIFFRecords.CodepageBiff8Record’>
36 xlwt.BIFFRecords.Window1Record
Window1Record, xlwt.BIFFRecords.Window1Record, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
文档窗口的大小偏移量 大小 内容0 2 文档窗口的水平位置 (in twips = 1/20 of a point)2 2 文档窗口的垂直位置 (in twips = 1/20 of a point)4 2 文档窗口的宽度 (in twips = 1/20 of a point)6 2 文档窗口的高度 (in twips = 1/20 of a point)8 2 Option flags:Bits Mask Contents0 0001H 0 = 窗口可见 1 = 窗口隐藏1 0002H 0 = 窗口打开 1 = 窗口最小化3 0008H 0 = 水平滚动条隐藏 1 = 水平滚动条可见4 0010H 0 = 垂直滚动条隐藏 1 = 垂直滚动条可见5 0020H 0 = 工作表选项卡隐藏 1 = 工作表选项卡可见10 2 活动(显示)工作表索引12 2 工作表选项卡中第一个可见选项卡的索引14 2 所选工作表的数量(在工作表选项卡中高亮显示)16 2 工作表标签栏的宽度(在窗口宽度的1/1000)。剩余空间由水平滚动条使用。
37 xlwt.BIFFRecords.FontRecord
FontRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.FontRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
这意味着前四种字体有从零开始的索引,而第五种字体和所有后面的字体都使用基于一的索引引用。偏移量 大小 内容0 2 字体高度 (in twips = 1/20 of a point)2 2 Option flags:Bit Mask Contents0 0001H 1 = 粗体字符(冗余,见下文)1 0002H 1 = 斜体字符2 0004H 1 = 下划线字符(冗余,见下文)3 0008H 1 = 删去字符0010H 1 =大纲0020H 1 =阴影4 2 颜色指数 Colour index6 2 字体粗细(100-1000)。标准值为普通文本的0190H(400)和02BCH(700)为粗体文本。8 2 Escapement type:0000H =无0001H =上标 Superscript0002H =下标 Subscript10 1 下划线类型:00H =无01H =单一 Single21H =单一会计 Single accounting02H =双划线 Double22H =双重会计 Double accounting11 1 字体: Font family:00H =无(未知或不关心)01H =罗马(可变宽度,衬线) Roman (variable width, serifed)02H =瑞士(可变宽度,无衬线) Swiss (variable width, sans-serifed)03H =现代(固定宽度,有衬线或无衬线) Modern (fixed width, serifed or sans-serifed)04H =脚本(草书) Script (cursive)05H =装饰性的(专门的,即古英语,德国尖角字体) Decorative (specialised, i.e. Old English, Fraktur)12 1 字符集: Character set:00H = 0 = ANSI拉丁 ANSI Latin01H = 1 =系统默认值 System default02H = 2 =符号 Symbol4DH = 77 =苹果罗马 Apple Roman80H = 128 = ANSI日本Shift-JIS ANSI Japanese Shift-JIS81H = 129 = ANSI韩语(韩文) ANSI Korean (Hangul)82H = 130 = ANSI韩语(Johab) ANSI Korean (Johab)86H = 134 = ANSI中文简体GBK ANSI Chinese Simplified GBK88H = 136 = ANSI中文繁体BIG5 ANSI Chinese Traditional BIG5A1H = 161 = ANSI希腊文 ANSI GreekA2H = 162 = ANSI土耳其 ANSI TurkishA3H = 163 = ANSI越南语 ANSI VietnameseB1H = 177 = ANSI希伯来语 ANSI HebrewB2H = 178 = ANSI阿拉伯语 ANSI ArabicBAH = 186 = ANSI波罗的海 ANSI BalticCCH = 204 = ANSI西里尔字母 ANSI CyrillicDEH = 222 = ANSI Thai ANSI ThaiEEH = 238 = ANSI Latin II(中欧) ANSI Latin II (Central European)FFH = 255 = OEM拉丁文 OEM Latin I13 1 不习惯 Not used14 var. 字体名称: Font name:BIFF5/BIFF7:字节字符串,8位字符串长度 BIFF5/BIFF7: Byte string, 8-bit string lengthBIFF8: Unicode字符串,8位字符串长度 BIFF8: Unicode string, 8-bit string length粗体和下划线标志仍然设置在选项字段中,但不用于读取字体。字体粗细和下划线类型在单独的字段中指定。
38 xlwt.BIFFRecords.NumberFormatRecord
NumberFormatRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.NumberFormatRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
Record FORMAT, BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 其他记录使用的格式索引2 var. 数字格式字符串(Unicode字符串,16位字符串长度)从BIFF5开始,内置的数字格式将被省略。内置格式取决于操作系统的当前区域设置。下表显示了在美式英语环境中默认使用的数字格式。所有从0到163的索引都为内置格式保留。第一个用户定义格式从164开始。内置数字格式,BIFF5-BIFF8索引类型格式字符串索引 类型 格式字串0 General General1 Decimal 02 Decimal 0.003 Decimal #,##04 Decimal #,##0.005 Currency "$"#,##0_);("$"#,##6 Currency "$"#,##0_);[Red]("$"#,##7 Currency "$"#,##0.00_);("$"#,##8 Currency "$"#,##0.00_);[Red]("$"#,##9 Percent 0%10 Percent 0.00%11 Scientific 0.00E+0012 Fraction # ?/?13 Fraction # ??/??14 Date M/D/YY15 Date D-MMM-YY16 Date D-MMM17 Date MMM-YY18 Time h:mm AM/PM19 Time h:mm:ss AM/PM20 Time h:mm21 Time h:mm:ss22 Date/Time M/D/YY h:mm37 Account _(#,##0_);(#,##0)38 Account _(#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)39 Account _(#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)40 Account _(#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)41 Currency _("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* (#,##0);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_)42 Currency _(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"_);_(@_)43 Currency _("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* (#,##0.00);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)44 Currency _(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)45 Time mm:ss46 Time [h]:mm:ss47 Time mm:ss.048 Scientific ##0.0E+049 Text @
39 xlwt.BIFFRecords.XFRecord
XFRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.XFRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
XF Substructures-------------------------------------------------------------------------XF_TYPE_PROT XF Type,Cell Protection (3 Bits), BIFF3-BIFF8 这3位是特定数据字节的一部分。位 掩码 内容0 01H 1 = Cell is locked1 02H 1 = Formula is hidden2 04H 0 = Cell XF; 1 = Style XFXF_USED_ATTRIB 从父样式 XF (6 Bits) 中使用的属性, BIFF3-BIFF8每个比特描述了一个特定组的有效性的属性。在单元格XFs中,清除的位表示使用父样式XF(但仅当属性在那里有效时),设置位表示使用该XF的属性。样式 XF 清除位表示属性设置有效,设置位表示属性设置无效属性应被忽略。位 掩码 内容0 01H Flag for number format1 02H Flag for font2 04H 用于水平和垂直对齐、文本换行、缩进、方向、旋转和文本方向3 08H Flag for border lines4 10H Flag for background area style5 20H Flag for cell protection (cell locked and formula hidden)XF_HOR_ALIGN Horizontal Alignment (3 Bits), BIFF2-BIFF8 水平对齐由3位组成,是特定数据字节的一部分。值 水平对齐00H General01H Left02H Centred03H Right04H Filled05H Justified (BIFF4-BIFF8X)06H Centred across selection (BIFF4-BIFF8X)07H Distributed (BIFF8X)XF_VERT_ALIGN Vertical Alignment (2 or 3 Bits), BIFF4-BIFF8垂直对齐由2位(BIFF4)或3位(BIFF5-BIFF8)组成并且是特定数据字节的一部分。垂直对齐不可用在BIFF2和BIFF3。值 垂直对齐00H Top01H Centred02H Bottom03H Justified (BIFF5-BIFF8X)04H Distributed (BIFF8X)XF_ORIENTATION Text Orientation (2 Bits), BIFF4-BIFF7在BIFF版本BIFF4-BIFF7,文本可以在90度的步骤旋转或堆放。定向模式由2位组成,是一个特定的数据字节。在BIFF8中,旋转角度取代了这些标志。Value Text orientation00H Not rotated01H Letters are stacked top-to-bottom, but not rotated02H Text is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise03H Text is rotated 90 degrees clockwiseXF_ROTATION Text Rotation Angle (1 Byte), BIFF8Value Text rotation0 Not rotated1-90 1 to 90 degrees counterclockwise91-180 1 to 90 degrees clockwise255 Letters are stacked top-to-bottom, but not rotatedXF_BORDER_34 Cell Border Style (4 Bytes), BIFF3-BIFF4 单元格边界包含边框每一行的线条样式和线条颜色。Bit Mask Contents2-0 00000007H Top line style7-3 000000F8H Colour index for top line colour10-8 00000700H Left line style15-11 0000F800H Colour index for left line colour18-16 00070000H Bottom line style23-19 00F80000H Colour index for bottom line colour26-24 07000000H Right line style31-27 F8000000H Colour index for right line colourXF_AREA_34 Cell Background Area Style (2 Bytes), BIFF3-BIFF4 一个单元格背景区域样式包含区域图案和前景和背景颜色。Bit Mask Contents5-0 003FH Fill pattern10-6 07C0H Colour index for pattern colour15-11 F800H Colour index for pattern background---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record XF, BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 Index to FONT record2 2 Index to FORMAT record4 2 Bit Mask Contents2-0 0007H XF_TYPE_PROT . XF type, cell protection (see above)15-4 FFF0H Index to parent style XF (always FFFH in style XFs)6 1 Bit Mask Contents2-0 07H XF_HOR_ALIGN . Horizontal alignment (see above)3 08H 1 = Text is wrapped at right border6-4 70H XF_VERT_ALIGN . Vertical alignment (see above)7 1 XF_ROTATION: Text rotation angle (see above)8 1 Bit Mask Contents3-0 0FH Indent level4 10H 1 = Shrink content to fit into cell5 merge7-6 C0H Text direction (BIFF8X only)00b = According to context01b = Left-to-right10b = Right-to-left9 1 Bit Mask Contents7-2 FCH XF_USED_ATTRIB . Used attributes (see above)10 4 Cell border lines and background area:Bit Mask Contents3-0 0000000FH Left line style7-4 000000F0H Right line style11-8 00000F00H Top line style15-12 0000F000H Bottom line style22-16 007F0000H Colour index for left line colour29-23 3F800000H Colour index for right line colour30 40000000H 1 = Diagonal line from top left to right bottom31 80000000H 1 = Diagonal line from bottom left to right top14 4 Bit Mask Contents6-0 0000007FH Colour index for top line colour13-7 00003F80H Colour index for bottom line colour20-14 001FC000H Colour index for diagonal line colour24-21 01E00000H Diagonal line style31-26 FC000000H Fill pattern18 2 Bit Mask Contents6-0 007FH Colour index for pattern colour13-7 3F80H Colour index for pattern background
40 xlwt.BIFFRecords.StyleRecord
StyleRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.StyleRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
用户定义单元格样式的STYLE记录,BIFF3-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 Bit Mask Contents11-0 0FFFH Index to style XF record15 8000H Always 0 for user-defined styles2 var. BIFF2-BIFF7: Non-empty byte string, 8-bit string lengthBIFF8: Non-empty Unicode string, 16-bit string lengthSTYLE record for built-in cell styles, BIFF3-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 Bit Mask Contents11-0 0FFFH Index to style XF record15 8000H Always 1 for built-in styles2 1 Identifier of the built-in cell style:00H = Normal01H = RowLevel_lv (see next field)02H = ColLevel_lv (see next field)03H = Comma04H = Currency05H = Percent06H = Comma [0] (BIFF4-BIFF8)07H = Currency [0] (BIFF4-BIFF8)08H = Hyperlink (BIFF8)09H = Followed Hyperlink (BIFF8)3 1 Level for RowLevel or ColLevel style(zero-based, lv), FFH otherwiseRowLevel和ColLevel样式指定小计的格式特定轮廓层中的单元格。级别由最后一个指定字段的样式记录。1 - 7 轮廓级别的有效值为0-6 。
41 xlwt.BIFFRecords.PaletteRecord
PaletteRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.PaletteRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
此记录包含所有用户定义的用于单元格和对象格式化的颜色的定义。Record PALETTE, BIFF3-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 以下颜色的数量(nm)。BIFF3-BIFF4包含16种,BIFF5-BIFF8包含56种。2 4*nm List of nm RGB colours下表显示了其他记录如何使用颜色索引:Colour index 结果颜色或内部列表索引00H Built-in Black (R = 00H, G = 00H, B = 00H)01H Built-in White (R = FFH, G = FFH, B = FFH)02H Built-in Red (R = FFH, G = 00H, B = 00H)03H Built-in Green (R = 00H, G = FFH, B = 00H)04H Built-in Blue (R = 00H, G = 00H, B = FFH)05H Built-in Yellow (R = FFH, G = FFH, B = 00H)06H Built-in Magenta (R = FFH, G = 00H, B = FFH)07H Built-in Cyan (R = 00H, G = FFH, B = FFH)08H PALETTE记录中的第一个用户定义颜色(记录颜色列表中的条目0).........................17H (BIFF3-BIFF4) 来自PALETTE记录的最后一个用户定义颜色(来自记录颜色列表的条目15或55)3FH (BIFF5-BIFF8)18H (BIFF3-BIFF4) 系统窗口边框的文本颜色(用于记录XF, CF和40H (BIFF5-BIFF8) WINDOW2(仅限BIFF8))19H (BIFF3-BIFF4) 模式背景的系统窗口背景色(用于记录XF和CF)41H (BIFF5-BIFF8)43H 系统面色(对话框背景色)4DH 系统窗口文本颜色的图表边框线4EH 图表区域的系统窗口背景颜色4FH 自动颜色的图表边界线(似乎总是黑色)50H 系统工具提示背景颜色(用于笔记对象)51H 系统工具提示文本颜色(用于注释对象)7FFFH 字体的系统窗口文本颜色(用于记录FONT, EFONT和CF)
42 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BoundSheetRecord
BoundSheetRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.BoundSheetRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
此记录位于工作簿全局区域中,表示工作簿内部的工作表。对于每个工作表都写入一个BOUNDSHEET记录。它存储工作簿流中BOF记录的表名和流偏移量。该记录也称为BUNDLESHEET。Record BOUNDSHEET, BIFF5-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 4 由该记录表示的薄板的转炉记录的绝对流位置。这字段在受保护的文件中从不加密。4 1 Visibility:00H = Visible01H = Hidden02H = Strong hidden5 1 Sheet type:00H = Worksheet02H = Chart06H = Visual Basic module6 var. Sheet name:BIFF5/BIFF7: Byte string, 8-bit string lengthBIFF8: Unicode string, 8-bit string length
43 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ContinueRecord
ContinueRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.ContinueRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
每当记录的内容超过给定的限制(见表),就必须分割该记录。包含额外数据的几个CONTINUE记录被添加到父记录之后。BIFF version Maximum data size of a recordBIFF2-BIFF7 2080 bytes (2084 bytes including record header)BIFF8 8224 bytes (8228 bytes including record header) (0x2020)Record CONTINUE, BIFF2-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 var. 之前记录的数据延续Unicode字符串以一种特殊的方式分割。在每个CONTINUE记录的开头,选项标志字节被重复。只有字符大小标志将被设置在这个标志字节,富文本标志和远东标志将被设置为零。在每个CONTINUE记录中,字符大小可能从8位字符更改为16位字符,反之亦然。Unicode字符串在包含第一个字符之前从不被分割。这意味着,所有报头字段(字符串长度、选项标志、可选的富文本大小和可选的远东数据大小)和字符串的第一个字符必须一起出现在前导记录中,或者必须完全移动到CONTINUE记录中。格式化运行不能在它们的组件(字符索引和字体记录索引)之间分割。如果一个字符串在两次格式化运行中被分割,选项标志字段将不会在CONTINUE记录中重复。
44 xlwt.BIFFRecords.SSTRecord
SSTRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.SSTRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
此记录包含工作簿中任何地方使用的所有字符串的列表。每个字符串只出现一次。工作簿使用列表中的索引来引用字符串。Record SST, BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 4 工作簿中字符串的总数(见下文)4 4 以下字符串的数量(nm)8 var. Unicode字符串,16位字符串长度SST记录的第一个字段统计工作簿中字符串的总出现次数。例如,使用字符串AAA 3次,绳子BBB用了2次。第一个字段包含5,第二个字段包含2,后面跟着两个字符串。
45 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ExtSSTRecord
ExtSSTRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.ExtSSTRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录与SST记录一起出现。Excel使用它创建一个哈希表,其中流偏移到SST记录,以优化字符串搜索操作。如果从共享字符串表中删除字符串,Excel可能不会缩短此记录,因此最后一部分可能包含无效数据。该记录中的流索引将SST分成包含常量字符串的部分。Record EXTSST, BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 一个部分中的字符串数量,这个数字是>=82 var. 所有部分的OFFSET结构的列表。每个OFFSET包含以下数据:偏移量 大小 内容0 4 部分第一个字符串的绝对流位置4 2 当前记录中部分的第一个字符串的位置,包括记录头。如果使用CONTINUE记录继续SST记录,则该计数器在0处重新启动。6 2 未使用
46 xlwt.BIFFRecords.DimensionsRecord
DimensionsRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.DimensionsRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
Record DIMENSIONS, BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 4 第一次使用的行索引4 4 最后一次使用的行索引,增加18 2 第一次使用的列索引10 2 最后一次使用的列索引,增加112 2 未使用
47 xlwt.BIFFRecords.Window2Record
Window2Record, xlwt.BIFFRecords.Window2Record, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
Record WINDOW2, BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 选项标志(见下文)2 2 索引到第一个可见行4 2 第一个可见列的索引6 2 网格线颜色的颜色指数。注意,在BIFF2-BIFF7中,RGB颜色是用RGB代替的。8 2 未使用10 2 分页预览中的缓存放大系数(百分比);0 =默认值(60%)12 2 在正常视图中缓存的放大系数(百分比);0 =默认值(100%)14 4 未使用在BIFF8中,该记录存储使用放大因子进行分页预览和正常视图。这些值用于恢复放大,当视图改变时。当前活动视图的真实放大倍数存储在SCL记录中。活动视图的类型存储在选项标志字段中(见下文)。0 0001H 0 = Show formula results 1 = Show formulas1 0002H 0 = Do not show grid lines 1 = Show grid lines2 0004H 0 = Do not show sheet headers 1 = Show sheet headers3 0008H 0 = Panes are not frozen 1 = Panes are frozen (freeze)4 0010H 0 = Show zero values as empty cells 1 = Show zero values5 0020H 0 = Manual grid line colour 1 = Automatic grid line colour6 0040H 0 = Columns from left to right 1 = Columns from right to left7 0080H 0 = Do not show outline symbols 1 = Show outline symbols8 0100H 0 = Keep splits if pane freeze is removed 1 = Remove splits if pane freeze is removed9 0200H 0 = Sheet not selected 1 = Sheet selected (BIFF5-BIFF8)10 0400H 0 = Sheet not visible 1 = Sheet visible (BIFF5-BIFF8)11 0800H 0 = Show in normal view 1 = Show in page break preview (BIFF8)冻结标志指定下面的PANE记录描述的是未冻结的窗格还是冻结的窗格。此记录存储当前工作表的活动视图的放大。在BIFF8中,这可以是普通视图或分页预览。这在WINDOW2记录中确定。标准及校正实验所的记录是表格的一部分***该类附加可选的SCL记录***记录 SCL, BIFF4-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 视图放大分数的分子(num)2 2 视图放大分数的分母(den)放大倍率被存储为减少的分数。放大倍数由num/den计算。SJM注:Excel以简化形式表示(例如)25%,即1/4。原因不明。这段代码写25/100,Excel很满意。
1 get()
kind=method class=Window2Record objtype=function
48 xlwt.BIFFRecords.PanesRecord
PanesRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.PanesRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录存储窗玻璃的位置。它是工作表视图设置块的一部分。如果工作表不包含任何分割,则不会出现此记录。一个表可以用两种不同的方式分开,用未冻结的窗格或用冻结的窗格。WINDOW2记录中的一个标志指定,如果窗格被冻结,将影响该记录的内容。Record PANE, BIFF2-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 Position of the vertical split(px, 0 = No vertical split):Unfrozen pane: Width of the left pane(s)(in twips = 1/20 of a point)Frozen pane: Number of visible columns in left pane(s)2 2 Position of the horizontal split(py, 0 = No horizontal split):Unfrozen pane: Height of the top pane(s)(in twips = 1/20 of a point)Frozen pane: Number of visible rows in top pane(s)4 2 Index to first visible row in bottom pane(s)6 2 Index to first visible column in right pane(s)8 1 Identifier of pane with active cell cursor[9] 1 Not used (BIFF5-BIFF8 only, not written in BIFF2-BIFF4)如果窗格被冻结,那么无论如何,窗格0始终是活动的光标位置的。所有可能的正确标识符可见窗格的组合如下图所示。px = 0, py = 0 px = 0, py > 0-------------------------- ------------|-------------| | | || | | 3 || | | |- 3 - --------------------------| | | || | | 2 || | | |-------------------------- ------------|-------------px > 0, py = 0 px > 0, py > 0------------|------------- ------------|-------------| | | | | || | | | 3 | 2 || | | | | |- 3 | 1 - --------------------------| | | | | || | | | 1 | 0 || | | | | |------------|------------- ------------|-------------
1 valid_active_pane={(0, 0): (3,), (0, 1): (2, 3), (1, 0): (1, 3), (1, 1): (0, 1, 2, 3)} kind:data type:dict class:<class ‘xlwt.BIFFRecords.PanesRecord’>
49 xlwt.BIFFRecords.RowRecord
RowRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.RowRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
此记录包含工作表中单行的属性。工作表中的行和单元格被划分为32行的块。Record ROW, BIFF3-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 本行索引2 2 每个单元格记录描述的第一个单元格的列索引4 2 每个单元格记录描述的最后一个单元格的列索引,增加16 2 位 掩码 内容14-0 7FFFH 行高,以次为单位=点的1/2015 8000H 0 =行具有自定义高度;1 =行具有默认高度8 2 未使用10 2 在BIFF3-BIFF4中,这个字段包含一个相对偏移量计算第一个单元记录的流位置对于这一行。在BIFF5-BIFF8中该字段不使用而是DBCELL记录。12 4 选项标志和默认行格式:Bit Mask Contents2-0 00000007H 列的轮廓水平4 00000010H 1 =大纲组在这里开始或结束(取决于大纲按钮的位置,参见WSBOOL记录),并折叠5 00000020H 1 =隐藏行(手动,或通过过滤器或大纲组)6 00000040H 1 =行高和默认字体高度不匹配7 00000080H 1 =行具有显式默认格式(fl)8 00000100H 总127-16 0FFF0000H 如果fl=1:默认XF记录的索引28 10000000H 1 =行上方的额外空间。如果该行中至少一个单元格的上边框或上面行中至少一个单元格的下边框使用粗线条样式格式化,则设置此标志。细线和中线款式不考虑在内。29 20000000H 1 =行下面的额外空间。这个标志已经设置好了,如果本行中至少一个单元格的下界或者行中至少一个单元格的上边界下图为中粗线条样式。细线条款式不被考虑在内。
50 xlwt.BIFFRecords.LabelSSTRecord
LabelSSTRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.LabelSSTRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
51 xlwt.BIFFRecords.MergedCellsRecord
MergedCellsRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.MergedCellsRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
此记录包含当前工作表的所有合并单元格范围。Record MERGEDCELLS, BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 var. 包含所有合并范围的单元格范围地址列表------------------------------------------------------------------包含所有合并范围的单元格范围地址列表单元格范围地址列表由包含范围数量的字段和范围地址列表组成。Cell range address list, BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 以下单元格范围地址个数(nm)2 8*nm 单元格范围地址列表---------------------------------------------------------------------Cell range address, BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 第一行索引2 2 最后一行的索引4 2 到第一列的索引6 2 最后一列的索引
1 get()
kind=method class=MergedCellsRecord objtype=function
52 xlwt.BIFFRecords.MulBlankRecord
MulBlankRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.MulBlankRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录表示空单元格的单元格范围。所有细胞都是位于同一行的。Record MULBLANK, BIFF5-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 Index to row2 2 Index to first column (fc)4 2*nc List of nc=lc-fc+1 16-bit indexes to XF records4+2*nc 2 Index to last column (lc)
53 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BlankRecord
BlankRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.BlankRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录表示一个空单元格。Record BLANK, BIFF5-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 行索引2 2 第一列索引(fc)4 2 XF记录的索引
54 xlwt.BIFFRecords.RKRecord
RKRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.RKRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
55 xlwt.BIFFRecords.NumberRecord
NumberRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.NumberRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
56 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BoolErrRecord
BoolErrRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.BoolErrRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
57 xlwt.BIFFRecords.FormulaRecord
FormulaRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.FormulaRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
偏移量 大小 内容0 2 行索引2 2 列的索引4 2 索引到XF记录6 8 公式结果14 2 选项标记:位掩码内容0 0001H 1 =总是重新计算1 0002h 1 =计算开3 0008H 1 =共享公式的一部分16 4 未使用20 var. 公式数据(RPN令牌数组)
58 xlwt.BIFFRecords.GutsRecord
GutsRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.GutsRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
此记录包含关于轮廓符号布局的信息。Record GUTS, BIFF3-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 显示行轮廓的区域宽度(工作表左侧),以像素为单位2 2 要显示列轮廓的区域的高度(在工作表上方),以像素为单位4 2 可见行轮廓级别的数量(使用的行级别+ 1;如果未使用,则为0)6 2 可见列轮廓级别的数量(使用的列级别+ 1;如果未使用,则为0)
59 xlwt.BIFFRecords.WSBoolRecord
WSBoolRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.WSBoolRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
此记录为当前工作表存储一个带布尔选项的16位值。从BIFF5上的“保存外部链接值”选项移动到记录BOOKBOOL。Option 记录WSBOOL的标志, BIFF3-BIFF8:Bit Mask Contents0 0001H 0 = 不显示自动换页1 = 显示自动换页4 0010H 0 = 标准表1 = 对话表(BIFF5-BIFF8)5 0020H 0 = 轮廓中没有自动样式1 = 为大纲应用自动样式6 0040H 0 = 大纲组上方的大纲按钮1 = 大纲组下面的大纲按钮7 0080H 0 = 大纲组左侧的大纲按钮1 = 大纲组右侧的大纲按钮8 0100H 0 = 按百分比缩放打印输出1 = 适合打印的页数9 0200H 0 = 保存外部链接值(BIFF3?BIFF4唯一的)1 = 不保存外部链接值(BIFF3?BIFF4唯一的)10 0400H 0 = 不显示行轮廓符号1 = 显示行轮廓符号11 0800H 0 = 不显示列轮廓符号1 = 显示列轮廓符号13-12 3000H 这些标志指定窗口的排列。它们仅存储在BIFF4中。00 = 窗户平铺01 = 水平排列窗口平铺10 = 排列窗口级联平铺The following flags are valid for BIFF4-BIFF8 only:14 4000H 0 = 标准表达式评估1 = 替代表达式求值15 8000H 0 = 标准公式条目1 = 替代公式条目
60 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ColInfoRecord
ColInfoRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.ColInfoRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录指定给定列范围的宽度。如果列没有相应的COLINFO记录,则使用记录STANDARDWIDTH中指定的宽度。如果该记录也不存在,则使用记录DEFCOLWIDTH的内容。该记录还指定了一个默认XF记录,用于未被任何单元格记录(包含该单元格的XF索引)描述的列中的单元格。此外,选项标志字段包含应用在列上的隐藏、大纲和折叠选项。Record COLINFO, BIFF3-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 索引到范围的第一列2 2 索引到范围中的最后一列4 2 列的宽度为零字符宽度的1/256,使用默认字体(文件中的第一条字体记录)6 2 索引到默认列格式的XF记录8 2 Option flags:Bits Mask 内容0 0001H 1 =列被隐藏10-8 0700H 列的轮廓级别(0 =无轮廓)12 1000H 1 =列被折叠10 2 未使用。
61 xlwt.BIFFRecords.CalcModeRecord
CalcModeRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.CalcModeRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
它指定除了多个表操作外,是手动、自动还是自动计算公式。Record CALCMODE, BIFF2-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 FFFFH = 自动除多表操作0000H = 手动0001H = 自动(默认)
62 xlwt.BIFFRecords.CalcCountRecord
CalcCountRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.CalcCountRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是计算设置块的一部分。它指定了公式应迭代计算的最大次数。这是防止相互递归公式锁定电子表格应用程序的故障保险。Record CALCCOUNT, BIFF2-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 循环引用中允许的最大迭代次数
63 xlwt.BIFFRecords.RefModeRecord
RefModeRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.RefModeRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是计算设置块的一部分。它存储用于在公式中显示单元格地址的方法。“RC”模式对行和列使用数字索引,即“R(1)C(-1)”或“R1C1:R2C2”。“A1”模式使用字符表示列,使用数字表示行,即“B1”,或“$A$1:$B$2”。Record REFMODE, BIFF2-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 0 = RC mode; 1 = A1 mode
64 xlwt.BIFFRecords.IterationRecord
IterationRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.IterationRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是计算设置块的一部分。它存储在计算递归公式时是否允许迭代。记Record ITERATION, BIFF2-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 0 = Iterations off; 1 = Iterations on
65 xlwt.BIFFRecords.DeltaRecord
DeltaRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.DeltaRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是计算设置块的一部分。它存储退出迭代时对结果的最大更改。Record DELTA, BIFF2-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 8 迭代的最大变化(IEEE 754浮点值,64位双精度)
66 xlwt.BIFFRecords.SaveRecalcRecord
SaveRecalcRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.SaveRecalcRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是计算设置块的一部分。它包含Excel的计算设置对话框中的“保存前重新计算”选项。偏移量 大小 内容0 2 0 = 不重新计算1 = 在保存文档之前重新计算
67 xlwt.BIFFRecords.PrintHeadersRecord
PrintHeadersRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.PrintHeadersRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录存储是否打印行标头和列标头(具有行号和列字母的区域)。Record PRINTHEADERS, BIFF2-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 0 = 不打印行/列标题;1 = 打印行/列标头
68 xlwt.BIFFRecords.PrintGridLinesRecord
PrintGridLinesRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.PrintGridLinesRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
此记录存储是否打印表网格线。Record PRINTGRIDLINES, BIFF2-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 0 = 不打印纸张网格线;1 = 打印纸张网格线
69 xlwt.BIFFRecords.GridSetRecord
GridSetRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.GridSetRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录指定打印表格网格线的选项(记录PRINTGRIDLINES)是否曾经被更改过。Record GRIDSET, BIFF3-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 0 = 打印网格线选项从未更改1 = 打印网格线选项更改
70 xlwt.BIFFRecords.DefaultRowHeightRecord
DefaultRowHeightRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.DefaultRowHeightRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录为没有相应ROW记录的行指定默认高度和默认标志。Record DEFAULTROWHEIGHT, BIFF3-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 Option flags:Bit Mask Contents0 0001H 1 = 行高与默认字体高度不匹配1 0002H 1 = 行被隐藏2 0004H 1 = 行上方的额外空间3 0008H 1 = 行下方的额外空间2 2 未使用行的默认高度,单位为twips =点的1/20
71 xlwt.BIFFRecords.DefColWidthRecord
DefColWidthRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.DefColWidthRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
此记录为没有使用记录COLINFO或COLWIDTH设置特定宽度的列指定默认列宽。如果文件中存在STANDARDWIDTH记录,则此记录无效。Record DEFCOLWIDTH, BIFF2-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 列的字符宽度,使用默认字体的零字符宽度(文件中的第一个字体记录)
72 xlwt.BIFFRecords.HorizontalPageBreaksRecord
HorizontalPageBreaksRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.HorizontalPageBreaksRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是页面设置块的一部分。它包含所有水平手动换页符。Record HORIZONTALPAGEBREAKS, BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 以下行索引结构个数(nm)2 6nm 行索引结构列表。每个行索引结构包括:偏移量大小内容偏移量 大小 内容0 2 索引到分页符下面的第一行2 2 索引到此分页符的第一列4 2 索引到此分页符的最后一列列表中的行索引必须按升序排列。如果在BIFF8中,一行包含多个分页符,则必须对它们进行排序按起始列索引升序。
73 xlwt.BIFFRecords.VerticalPageBreaksRecord
VerticalPageBreaksRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.VerticalPageBreaksRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是页面设置块的一部分。它包含所有垂直手动换页符。Record VERTICALPAGEBREAKS, BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 以下列索引结构的数量(nm)2 6nm nm列索引结构的列表。每个列索引结构包含:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 到换页符后第一列的索引2 2 索引到此分页符的第一行4 2 索引到此分页符的最后一行列表中的列索引必须按升序排列。如果在BIFF8中,一列包含几个换行符,它们必须按起始行索引升序排列。
74 xlwt.BIFFRecords.HeaderRecord
HeaderRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.HeaderRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是页面设置块的一部分。它指定当前工作表的页标题字符串。如果该记录不存在或完全为空(记录大小为0),则工作表不包含页头。Record 页眉为非空页眉, BIFF2-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 var. 页头字符串BIFF2-BIFF7:非空字节字符串,8位字符串长度BIFF8:非空Unicode字符串,16位字符串长度头字符串可能包含特殊的命令,例如占位符页码、当前日期或文本格式属性。这些字段由单个字母表示(例外:字体名称和大小,见下文),前面加一个&号(“&”)。如果是&是常规标题文本的一部分,它将被复制(“&&”)的页头分为3个部分:左侧,居中,和正确的部分。每个部分由一个特殊的命令引入。所有文本和后面的所有命令都是所选部分的一部分。每一个节以默认字体指定的文本格式开始(文件中的第一个FONT记录)。活动格式化属性上一节不进入下一节。可执行的所有命令如下表所示:Command Contents&& The "&" character itself&L Start of the left section&C Start of the centred section&R Start of the right section&P Current page number&N Page count&D Current date&T Current time&A Sheet name (BIFF5-BIFF8)&F File name without path&Z File path without file name (BIFF8X)&G Picture (BIFF8X)&B Bold on/off (BIFF2-BIFF4)&I Italic on/off (BIFF2-BIFF4)&U Underlining on/off&E Double underlining on/off (BIFF5-BIFF8)&S Strikeout on/off&X Superscript on/off (BIFF5-BIFF8)&Y Subscript on/off (BIFF5-BIFF8)&"<fontname>" Set new font <fontname>&"<fontname>,<fontstyle>"设置指定样式的新字体<fontstyle>。style <fontstyle>在大多数情况下是其中之一“常规”、“粗体”、“斜体”或“粗体斜体”。但是这个设置取决于使用的字体,它可能会有所不同(本地化的样式名称,或“标准”,“斜体”,……)。(BIFF5-BIFF8)&<fontheight> 以点为单位设置字体高度(<fontheight>是一个十进制值)。如果此命令后面跟着要打印的普通数字在标题中,它将与字体高度分开用空格字符。
75 xlwt.BIFFRecords.FooterRecord
FooterRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.FooterRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
76 xlwt.BIFFRecords.HCenterRecord
HCenterRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.HCenterRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是页面设置块的一部分。它指定打印时工作表是否水平居中。Record HCENTER, BIFF3-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 0 = 打印页左对齐1 = 打印页水平居中
77 xlwt.BIFFRecords.VCenterRecord
VCenterRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.VCenterRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是页面设置块的一部分。它指定打印时工作表是否垂直居中。偏移量 大小 内容0 2 0 = 打印页对齐在首页边框1 = 打印页垂直居中
78 xlwt.BIFFRecords.LeftMarginRecord
LeftMarginRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.LeftMarginRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是页面设置块的一部分。它包含当前工作表的左页边距。Record LEFTMARGIN, BIFF2-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 8 左页空白,单位为英寸(IEEE 754浮点值,64位双精度)
79 xlwt.BIFFRecords.RightMarginRecord
RightMarginRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.RightMarginRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是页面设置块的一部分。它包含了权利当前工作表的页边距。偏移量 大小 内容0 8 右页边距以英寸为单位(IEEE 754浮点值,64?位双精度)
80 xlwt.BIFFRecords.TopMarginRecord
TopMarginRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.TopMarginRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是页面设置块的一部分。它包含了顶部当前工作表的页边距。偏移量 大小 内容0 8 上页边距以英寸为单位(IEEE 754浮点值,64?位双精度)
81 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BottomMarginRecord
BottomMarginRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.BottomMarginRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是页面设置块的一部分。它包含了底部当前工作表的页边距。偏移量 大小 内容0 8 下一页边距以英寸为单位(IEEE 754浮点值,64?位双精度)
82 xlwt.BIFFRecords.SetupPageRecord
SetupPageRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.SetupPageRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是页面设置块的一部分。它存储当前工作表的页面格式设置。页面可以按百分比缩放,也可以使用页面的绝对数量。该设置位于WSBOOL记录中。如果页面按百分比缩放,则使用此记录中的缩放因子,否则使用“适合页面”值。其中一个“适合页面”值可能是0。在这种情况下,工作表被缩放到只适合另一个值。Record SETUP, BIFF5-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 纸张尺寸(见下文)2 2 百分比比例系数4 2 起始页码6 2 使工作表宽度适合此页数(0 =使用所需的页数)8 2 使工作表的高度适合此页数(0 =使用所需的页数)10 2 Option flags:Bit Mask Contents0 0001H 0 =按列打印页面1 =按行打印页面1 0002H 0 =景观1 =肖像2 0004H 1 =纸张尺寸,缩放系数,纸张朝向(纵向/横向),未初始化打印分辨率和副本数量3 0008H 0 =彩色打印1 =打印黑白4 0010H 0 =默认打印质量1 =初稿质量5 0020H 0 =不打印单元格笔记1 =打印单元格笔记6 0040H 0 =纸张方向设置有效1 =纸张方向设置不初始化7 0080H 0 =自动页码1 =使用起始页码以下标志仅对BIFF8有效:9 0200H 0 =打印提示1 =在纸张的末尾打印注释11-10 0C00H 00 =打印错误01 =不打印错误10 =打印错误为“--”11 =打印错误为“#N/A!”12 2 打印分辨率在dpi14 2 垂直打印分辨率在dpi16 8 标头边距(IEEE 754浮点值,64位双精度)24 8 页脚边距(IEEE 754浮点值,64位双精度)32 2 需要打印的拷贝数PAPER TYPES:Index Paper type Paper size0 Undefined1 Letter 8 1/2" x 11"2 Letter small 8 1/2" x 11"3 Tabloid 11" x 17"4 Ledger 17" x 11"5 Legal 8 1/2" x 14"6 Statement 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"7 Executive 7 1/4" x 10 1/2"8 A3 297mm x 420mm9 A4 210mm x 297mm10 A4 small 210mm x 297mm11 A5 148mm x 210mm12 B4 (JIS) 257mm x 364mm13 B5 (JIS) 182mm x 257mm14 Folio 8 1/2" x 13"15 Quarto 215mm x 275mm16 10x14 10" x 14"17 11x17 11" x 17"18 Note 8 1/2" x 11"19 Envelope #9 3 7/8" x 8 7/8"20 Envelope #10 4 1/8" x 9 1/2"21 Envelope #11 4 1/2" x 10 3/8"22 Envelope #12 4 3/4" x 11"23 Envelope #14 5" x 11 1/2"24 C 17" x 22"25 D 22" x 34"26 E 34" x 44"27 Envelope DL 110mm x 220mm28 Envelope C5 162mm x 229mm29 Envelope C3 324mm x 458mm30 Envelope C4 229mm x 324mm31 Envelope C6 114mm x 162mm32 Envelope C6/C5 114mm x 229mm33 B4 (ISO) 250mm x 353mm34 B5 (ISO) 176mm x 250mm35 B6 (ISO) 125mm x 176mm36 Envelope Italy 110mm x 230mm37 Envelope Monarch 3 7/8" x 7 1/2"38 63/4 Envelope 3 5/8" x 6 1/2"39 US Standard Fanfold 14 7/8" x 11"40 German Std. Fanfold 8 1/2" x 12"41 German Legal Fanfold 8 1/2" x 13"42 B4 (ISO) 250mm x 353mm43 Japanese Postcard 100mm x 148mm44 9x11 9" x 11"45 10x11 10" x 11"46 15x11 15" x 11"47 Envelope Invite 220mm x 220mm48 Undefined49 Undefined50 Letter Extra 9 1/2" x 12"51 Legal Extra 9 1/2" x 15"52 Tabloid Extra 11 11/16" x 18"53 A4 Extra 235mm x 322mm54 Letter Transverse 8 1/2" x 11"55 A4 Transverse 210mm x 297mm56 Letter Extra Transv. 9 1/2" x 12"57 Super A/A4 227mm x 356mm58 Super B/A3 305mm x 487mm59 Letter Plus 8 1/2" x 12 11/16"60 A4 Plus 210mm x 330mm61 A5 Transverse 148mm x 210mm62 B5 (JIS) Transverse 182mm x 257mm63 A3 Extra 322mm x 445mm64 A5 Extra 174mm x 235mm65 B5 (ISO) Extra 201mm x 276mm66 A2 420mm x 594mm67 A3 Transverse 297mm x 420mm68 A3 Extra Transverse 322mm x 445mm69 Dbl. Japanese Postcard 200mm x 148mm70 A6 105mm x 148mm7172737475 Letter Rotated 11" x 8 1/2"76 A3 Rotated 420mm x 297mm77 A4 Rotated 297mm x 210mm78 A5 Rotated 210mm x 148mm79 B4 (JIS) Rotated 364mm x 257mm80 B5 (JIS) Rotated 257mm x 182mm81 Japanese Postcard Rot. 148mm x 100mm82 Dbl. Jap. Postcard Rot. 148mm x 200mm83 A6 Rotated 148mm x 105mm8485868788 B6 (JIS) 128mm x 182mm89 B6 (JIS) Rotated 182mm x 128mm90 12x11 12" x 11"
83 xlwt.BIFFRecords.NameRecord
NameRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.NameRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
该记录是链接表的一部分。它包含内部定义名称的名称和令牌数组。已定义名称的令牌数组包含具有异常令牌类的令牌。Record NAME, BIFF5/BIFF7:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 选项标志,见下文2 1 键盘快捷键(仅适用于命令宏名称,见下文)3 1 名称的长度(字符数,ln)4 2 公式数据大小(sz)6 2 0 =全局名称,否则为EXTERNSHEET记录的索引(基于1)8 2 0 =全局名称,否则索引到表(基于1)10 1 菜单文本长度(字符数,lm)11 1 描述文本的长度(字符数,ld)12 1 帮助主题文本长度(字符数,lh)13 1 状态栏文本长度(字符数,ls)14 ln 名称的字符数组14+ln sz 公式数据(RPN令牌数组,无大小字段,4)14+ln+sz lm 菜单文本的字符数组var. ld 描述文本的字符数组var. lh 帮助主题文本的字符数组var. ls 状态栏文本的字符数组Record NAME, BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 选项标志,见下文2 1 键盘快捷键(仅适用于命令宏名称,见下文)3 1 名称的长度(字符数,ln)4 2 公式数据大小(sz)6 2 不习惯8 2 0 =全局名称,否则索引到表(基于1)10 1 菜单文本长度(字符数,lm)11 1 描述文本的长度(字符数,ld)12 1 帮助主题文本长度(字符数,lh)13 1 状态栏文本长度(字符数,ls)14 var. 名称(无长度字段的Unicode字符串,3.4)var. sz 公式数据(RPN令牌数组,无大小字段,4)[var.] var. (可选,仅当lm > 0时)菜单文本(无长度字段的Unicode字符串,3.4)[var.] var. (可选,仅当ld > 0时)描述文本(没有长度字段的Unicode字符串,3.4)[var.] var. (可选,仅当lh > 0)帮助主题文本(Unicode字符串没有长度字段,3.4)[var.] var. (可选,仅当ls > 0时)状态栏文本(无长度字段的Unicode字符串,3.4)
84 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ExternSheetRecord
ExternSheetRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.ExternSheetRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
在BIFF8中,记录存储了一个包含SUPBOOK记录索引的列表(REF结构的列表,6.100)。BIFF8中关于外部引用的详细信息请参见5.10.3。Record EXTERNSHEET, BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 以下REF结构数(nm)2 6nm nm REF结构列表。每个REF包含以下数据:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 索引到SUPBOOK记录2 2 索引到第一个SUPBOOK表4 2 索引到最后SUPBOOK页
1 get()
kind=method class=ExternSheetRecord objtype=function
85 xlwt.BIFFRecords.SupBookRecord
SupBookRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.SupBookRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
86 xlwt.BIFFRecords.InternalReferenceSupBookRecord
InternalReferenceSupBookRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.InternalReferenceSupBookRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
每个文件中都有一个SUPBOOK,用于内部3D引用。它存储自己文档的页数。记录SUPBOOK用于3D引用, BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 本文档的页数2 2 01H 04H (BIFF5/BIFF7的残余,字节字符串“<04H>”,参见3.9.1)
87 xlwt.BIFFRecords.XcallSupBookRecord
XcallSupBookRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.XcallSupBookRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
外接程序函数名存储在该记录后面的EXTERNNAME记录中。偏移量 大小 内容0 2 0001H2 2 01H 3AH (BIFF5的剩余,字节字符串':',见EXTERNSHEET记录,5.41)
88 xlwt.BIFFRecords.ExternnameRecord
ExternnameRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.ExternnameRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
记录外部名称和分析加载项函数的EXTERNNAME, BIFF5-BIFF8:偏移量 大小 内容0 2 选项标志(见下文)2 2 0表示全局名称,或者:BIFF5:对包含表名的EXTERNSHEET记录的基于一个的索引,BIFF8:基于1的索引到之前EXTERNALBOOK记录中的表列表。4 2 不习惯6 var. BIFF5:名称(字节字符串,8位字符串长度,?2.5.2)。BIFF8:名称(Unicode字符串,8位字符串长度,?2.5.3)。如果设置了内置标志,请参阅DEFINEDNAME记录(?5.33)获得内置名称列表在上面的选项标志中。var. var. 公式数据(RPN令牌数组,?3)外部名称的选项标志(BIFF5-BIFF8)Bit Mask Contents0 0001H 0 = 标准名称;1 =内置名称1 0002H 0 = 手动链接;1 =自动链接(仅限DDE链接和OLE链接)2 0004H 1 = 图片链接(仅限DDE链接和OLE链接)3 0008H 1 = 这是“StdDocumentName”标识符(仅限DDE链接)4 0010H 1 = OLE链接14-5 7FE0H 上次成功更新的剪贴板格式(仅限DDE链接和OLE链接)15 8000H 1 = 图标化图片链接(仅限BIFF8 OLE链接)
89 pack
90 _maxRefPerRecord 1370
91 doc None
92 loader <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x0000000002934DC8>
93 spec ModuleSpec(name=‘xlwt.BIFFRecords’, loader=<_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x0000000002934DC8>, origin=‘…\lib\site-packages\xlwt\BIFFRecords.py’)
94 unicode <method ‘decode’ of ‘bytes’ objects>
Formatting, fullname=xlwt.Formatting, file=xlwt\Formatting.py
Style, fullname=xlwt.Style, file=xlwt\Style.py
序号 | 类别 | 数量 |
1 | int | 1 |
4 | str | 4 |
5 | tuple | 1 |
8 | dict | 7 |
9 | module | 1 |
10 | class | 11 |
11 | function | 10 |
13 | residual | 5 |
14 | system | 8 |
15 | private | 2 |
16 | all | 40 |
2 excel_default_palette_b8 (0, 4294967040, 4278190080, 16711680, 65280, 4294901760, 4278255360, 16776960, 2147483648, 8388608, 32768, 2155872256, 2…
3 bool_map {‘1’: 1, ‘yes’: 1, ‘true’: 1, ‘on’: 1, ‘0’: 0, ‘no’: 0, ‘false’: 0, ‘off’: 0}
4 border_line_map {‘no_line’: 0, ‘thin’: 1, ‘medium’: 2, ‘dashed’: 3, ‘dotted’: 4, ‘thick’: 5, ‘double’: 6, ‘hair’: 7, ‘medium_dashed’: 8,…
5 charset_map {‘ansi_latin’: 0, ‘sys_default’: 1, ‘symbol’: 2, ‘apple_roman’: 77, ‘ansi_jap_shift_jis’: 128, ‘ansi_kor_hangul’: 129, '…
6 colour_map {‘aqua’: 49, ‘black’: 8, ‘blue’: 12, ‘blue_gray’: 54, ‘blue_grey’: 54, ‘bright_green’: 11, ‘brown’: 60, ‘coral’: 29, 'cy…
7 pattern_map {‘no_fill’: 0, ‘none’: 0, ‘solid’: 1, ‘solid_fill’: 1, ‘solid_pattern’: 1, ‘fine_dots’: 2, ‘alt_bars’: 3, ‘sparse_dots’:…
8 xf_dict {‘align’: ‘alignment’, ‘alignment’: {‘dire’: {‘general’: 0, ‘lr’: 1, ‘rl’: 2}, ‘direction’: ‘dire’, ‘horiz’: ‘horz’, 'ho…
9 xlwt.Formatting
Formatting, fullname=xlwt.Formatting, file=xlwt\Formatting.py
10 add_palette_colour(colour_str, colour_index)
add_palette_colour(colour_str, colour_index), module=xlwt.Style, line:374 at site-packages\xlwt\Style.py
11 any_str_func(s)
any_str_func(s), module=xlwt.Style, line:486 at site-packages\xlwt\Style.py
12 colour_index_func(s, maxval=127)
colour_index_func(s, maxval=127), module=xlwt.Style, line:489 at site-packages\xlwt\Style.py
13 colour_index_func(s, maxval=127)
colour_index_func(s, maxval=127), module=xlwt.Style, line:489 at site-packages\xlwt\Style.py
14 colour_index_func_15(s)
colour_index_func_15(s), module=xlwt.Style, line:500 at site-packages\xlwt\Style.py
15 rotation_func(s)
rotation_func(s), module=xlwt.Style, line:503 at site-packages\xlwt\Style.py
16 _esplit(s, split_char, esc_char=‘\’)
_esplit(s, split_char, esc_char=‘\’), module=xlwt.Style, line:609 at site-packages\xlwt\Style.py
17 _parse_strg_to_obj(strg, obj, parse_dict, field_sep=‘,’, line_sep=‘;’, intro_sep=‘:’, esc_char=‘\’, debug=False)
_parse_strg_to_obj(strg, obj, parse_dict, field_sep=‘,’, line_sep=‘;’, intro_sep=‘:’, esc_char=‘\’, debug=False), module=xlwt.Style, line:624 at site-packages\xlwt\Style.py
18 easyxf(strg_to_parse=‘’, num_format_str=None, field_sep=‘,’, line_sep=‘;’, intro_sep=‘:’, esc_char=‘\’, debug=False)
easyxf(strg_to_parse=‘’, num_format_str=None, field_sep=‘,’, line_sep=‘;’, intro_sep=‘:’, esc_char=‘\’, debug=False), module=xlwt.Style, line:697 at site-packages\xlwt\Style.py
19 easyfont(strg_to_parse=‘’, field_sep=‘,’, esc_char=‘\’, debug=False)
easyfont(strg_to_parse=‘’, field_sep=‘,’, esc_char=‘\’, debug=False), module=xlwt.Style, line:736 at site-packages\xlwt\Style.py
20 xlwt.BIFFRecords.NumberFormatRecord
NumberFormatRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.NumberFormatRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
21 xlwt.BIFFRecords.XFRecord
XFRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.XFRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
22 xlwt.BIFFRecords.StyleRecord
StyleRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.StyleRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
23 str
str, str, module=builtins
24 range
range, range, module=builtins
25 xlwt.Style.XFStyle
XFStyle, xlwt.Style.XFStyle, module=xlwt.Style
26 xlwt.Style.StyleCollection
StyleCollection, xlwt.Style.StyleCollection, module=xlwt.Style
1 add()
kind=method class=StyleCollection objtype=function
2 add_font()
kind=method class=StyleCollection objtype=function
3 get_biff_data()
kind=method class=StyleCollection objtype=function
27 xlwt.Style.EasyXFException
EasyXFException, xlwt.Style.EasyXFException, module=xlwt.Style
28 xlwt.Style.EasyXFCallerError
EasyXFCallerError, xlwt.Style.EasyXFCallerError, module=xlwt.Style
29 xlwt.Style.EasyXFAuthorError
EasyXFAuthorError, xlwt.Style.EasyXFAuthorError, module=xlwt.Style
30 xlwt.Style.IntULim
IntULim, xlwt.Style.IntULim, module=xlwt.Style
31 _esplit <function _esplit at 0x0000000002978948>
32 _parse_strg_to_obj <function _parse_strg_to_obj at 0x00000000029789D8>
33 doc None
34 loader <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x000000000293C688>
35 spec ModuleSpec(name=‘xlwt.Style’, loader=<_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x000000000293C688>, origin=‘…\lib\site-packages\xlwt\Style.py’)
36 print_function _Feature((2, 6, 0, ‘alpha’, 2), (3, 0, 0, ‘alpha’, 0), 65536)
37 default_style <xlwt.Style.XFStyle object at 0x0000000002974B48>
Bitmap, fullname=xlwt.Bitmap, file=xlwt\Bitmap.py
序号 | 类别 | 数量 |
4 | str | 4 |
8 | dict | 1 |
10 | class | 4 |
11 | function | 5 |
12 | builtin_function_or_method | 2 |
13 | residual | 3 |
14 | system | 8 |
15 | private | 5 |
16 | all | 19 |
1 _size_col(sheet, col)
_size_col(sheet, col), module=xlwt.Bitmap, line:11 at site-packages\xlwt\Bitmap.py
2 _size_row(sheet, row)
_size_row(sheet, row), module=xlwt.Bitmap, line:15 at site-packages\xlwt\Bitmap.py
3 _position_image(sheet, row_start, col_start, x1, y1, width, height)
_position_image(sheet, row_start, col_start, x1, y1, width, height), module=xlwt.Bitmap, line:19 at site-packages\xlwt\Bitmap.py
根据OBJ记录的要求计算定义图像位置的顶点。+------------+------------+| A | B |+-----+------------+------------+| |(x1,y1) | || 1 |(A1)._______|______ || | | | || | | | |+-----+----| BITMAP |-----+| | | | || 2 | |______________. || | | (B2)|| | | (x2,y2)|+---- +------------+------------+一个位图的例子,它覆盖了从单元格A1到单元格B2的部分区域。基于位图的宽度和高度,我们需要计算8个变量:col起始值,行起始值,col结束值,行结束值,x1, y1, x2, y2。单元格的宽度和高度也是可变的,必须加以考虑。col_start和row_start的值是从调用函数传入的。通过从底层单元格的宽度和高度中减去位图的宽度和高度,计算出col端和行端值。顶点表示为基础单元格宽度的百分比(rhs值以像素为单位):x1 = X / W *1024y1 = Y / H *256x2 = (X-1) / W *1024y2 = (Y-1) / H *256式中:X是到底层单元格左侧的距离Y是到底层单元格顶部的距离W是单元格宽度H是单元格高度注:SDK错误地将高度表示为1024的百分比。其中:col_start -包含对象左上角的列colrow_start -包含对象左上角的行Rowx1 -到对象左侧的距离y1 -到对象顶部的距离width -图像帧的宽度height -图像帧的高度
4 _process_bitmap(bitmap)
_process_bitmap(bitmap), module=xlwt.Bitmap, line:188 at site-packages\xlwt\Bitmap.py
将24位位图转换为Windows使用的修改后的内部格式。这在MSDN库中的 BITMAPCOREHEADER 和 BITMAPCOREINFO 结构中描述。
5 _process_bitmap_data(data)
_process_bitmap_data(data), module=xlwt.Bitmap, line:200 at site-packages\xlwt\Bitmap.py
6 xlwt.BIFFRecords.BiffRecord
BiffRecord, xlwt.BIFFRecords.BiffRecord, module=xlwt.BIFFRecords
1 get()
kind=method class=BiffRecord objtype=function
2 get_rec_header()
kind=method class=BiffRecord objtype=function
7 xlwt.Bitmap.ObjBmpRecord
ObjBmpRecord, xlwt.Bitmap.ObjBmpRecord, module=xlwt.Bitmap
8 xlwt.Bitmap.ImRawDataBmpRecord
ImRawDataBmpRecord, xlwt.Bitmap.ImRawDataBmpRecord, module=xlwt.Bitmap
9 xlwt.Bitmap.ImDataBmpRecord
ImDataBmpRecord, xlwt.Bitmap.ImDataBmpRecord, module=xlwt.Bitmap
10 pack
11 unpack
12 _size_col <function _size_col at 0x00000000029A3AF8>
13 _size_row <function _size_row at 0x00000000029A93A8>
14 _position_image <function _position_image at 0x00000000029A9438>
15 _process_bitmap <function _process_bitmap at 0x00000000029A94C8>
16 _process_bitmap_data <function _process_bitmap_data at 0x00000000029A95E8>
Cell, fullname=xlwt.Cell, file=xlwt\Cell.py
序号 | 类别 | 数量 |
4 | str | 4 |
8 | dict | 2 |
9 | module | 1 |
10 | class | 8 |
11 | function | 1 |
12 | builtin_function_or_method | 2 |
13 | residual | 3 |
14 | system | 8 |
15 | private | 1 |
16 | all | 21 |
1 error_code_map {0: 0, 7: 7, 15: 15, 23: 23, 29: 29, 36: 36, 42: 42, ‘#NULL!’: 0, ‘#DIV/0!’: 7, ‘#VALUE!’: 36, ‘#REF!’: 23, ‘#NAME?’: 29…
2 xlwt.BIFFRecords
BIFFRecords, fullname=xlwt.BIFFRecords, file=xlwt\BIFFRecords.py
3 _get_cells_biff_data_mul(rowx, cell_items)
_get_cells_biff_data_mul(rowx, cell_items), module=xlwt.Cell, line:172 at site-packages\xlwt\Cell.py
4 range
range, range, module=builtins
5 xlwt.Cell.StrCell
StrCell, xlwt.Cell.StrCell, module=xlwt.Cell
1 colx=<member ‘colx’ of ‘StrCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.StrCell’>
2 rowx=<member ‘rowx’ of ‘StrCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.StrCell’>
3 sst_idx=<member ‘sst_idx’ of ‘StrCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.StrCell’>
4 xf_idx=<member ‘xf_idx’ of ‘StrCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.StrCell’>
5 get_biff_data()
kind=method class=StrCell objtype=function
6 xlwt.Cell.BlankCell
BlankCell, xlwt.Cell.BlankCell, module=xlwt.Cell
1 colx=<member ‘colx’ of ‘BlankCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.BlankCell’>
2 rowx=<member ‘rowx’ of ‘BlankCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.BlankCell’>
3 xf_idx=<member ‘xf_idx’ of ‘BlankCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.BlankCell’>
4 get_biff_data()
kind=method class=BlankCell objtype=function
7 xlwt.Cell.MulBlankCell
MulBlankCell, xlwt.Cell.MulBlankCell, module=xlwt.Cell
1 colx1=<member ‘colx1’ of ‘MulBlankCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.MulBlankCell’>
2 colx2=<member ‘colx2’ of ‘MulBlankCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.MulBlankCell’>
3 rowx=<member ‘rowx’ of ‘MulBlankCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.MulBlankCell’>
4 xf_idx=<member ‘xf_idx’ of ‘MulBlankCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.MulBlankCell’>
5 get_biff_data()
kind=method class=MulBlankCell objtype=function
8 xlwt.Cell.NumberCell
NumberCell, xlwt.Cell.NumberCell, module=xlwt.Cell
1 colx=<member ‘colx’ of ‘NumberCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.NumberCell’>
2 number=<member ‘number’ of ‘NumberCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.NumberCell’>
3 rowx=<member ‘rowx’ of ‘NumberCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.NumberCell’>
4 xf_idx=<member ‘xf_idx’ of ‘NumberCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.NumberCell’>
5 get_biff_data()
kind=method class=NumberCell objtype=function
6 get_encoded_data()
kind=method class=NumberCell objtype=function
9 xlwt.Cell.BooleanCell
BooleanCell, xlwt.Cell.BooleanCell, module=xlwt.Cell
1 colx=<member ‘colx’ of ‘BooleanCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.BooleanCell’>
2 number=<member ‘number’ of ‘BooleanCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.BooleanCell’>
3 rowx=<member ‘rowx’ of ‘BooleanCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.BooleanCell’>
4 xf_idx=<member ‘xf_idx’ of ‘BooleanCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.BooleanCell’>
5 get_biff_data()
kind=method class=BooleanCell objtype=function
10 xlwt.Cell.ErrorCell
ErrorCell, xlwt.Cell.ErrorCell, module=xlwt.Cell
1 colx=<member ‘colx’ of ‘ErrorCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.ErrorCell’>
2 number=<member ‘number’ of ‘ErrorCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.ErrorCell’>
3 rowx=<member ‘rowx’ of ‘ErrorCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.ErrorCell’>
4 xf_idx=<member ‘xf_idx’ of ‘ErrorCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.ErrorCell’>
5 get_biff_data()
kind=method class=ErrorCell objtype=function
11 xlwt.Cell.FormulaCell
FormulaCell, xlwt.Cell.FormulaCell, module=xlwt.Cell
1 calc_flags=<member ‘calc_flags’ of ‘FormulaCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.FormulaCell’>
2 colx=<member ‘colx’ of ‘FormulaCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.FormulaCell’>
3 frmla=<member ‘frmla’ of ‘FormulaCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.FormulaCell’>
4 rowx=<member ‘rowx’ of ‘FormulaCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.FormulaCell’>
5 xf_idx=<member ‘xf_idx’ of ‘FormulaCell’ objects> kind:data type:member_descriptor class:<class ‘xlwt.Cell.FormulaCell’>
6 get_biff_data()
kind=method class=FormulaCell objtype=function
12 unpack
13 pack
14 _get_cells_biff_data_mul <function _get_cells_biff_data_mul at 0x00000000029A3E58>
antlr, fullname=xlwt.antlr, file=xlwt\antlr.py
序号 | 类别 | 数量 |
1 | int | 6 |
4 | str | 5 |
5 | tuple | 1 |
8 | dict | 1 |
9 | module | 1 |
10 | class | 48 |
11 | function | 13 |
13 | residual | 5 |
14 | system | 8 |
16 | all | 80 |
1 SKIP -1
4 EOF 1
8 int_types (<class ‘int’>,)
9 sys
sys, fullname=sys, file=
10 version()
version(), module=xlwt.antlr, line:71 at site-packages\xlwt\antlr.py
11 error(fmt, *args)
error(fmt, *args), module=xlwt.antlr, line:82 at site-packages\xlwt\antlr.py
12 ifelse(cond, _then, _else)
ifelse(cond, _then, _else), module=xlwt.antlr, line:86 at site-packages\xlwt\antlr.py
13 is_string_type(x)
is_string_type(x), module=xlwt.antlr, line:93 at site-packages\xlwt\antlr.py
14 assert_string_type(x)
assert_string_type(x), module=xlwt.antlr, line:98 at site-packages\xlwt\antlr.py
15 illegalarg_ex(func)
illegalarg_ex(func), module=xlwt.antlr, line:1677 at site-packages\xlwt\antlr.py
16 runtime_ex(func)
runtime_ex(func), module=xlwt.antlr, line:1682 at site-packages\xlwt\antlr.py
17 rightmost(ast)
rightmost(ast), module=xlwt.antlr, line:2204 at site-packages\xlwt\antlr.py
18 cmptree(s, t, partial)
cmptree(s, t, partial), module=xlwt.antlr, line:2210 at site-packages\xlwt\antlr.py
19 make(*nodes)
make(*nodes), module=xlwt.antlr, line:2800 at site-packages\xlwt\antlr.py
20 dup(t, factory)
dup(t, factory), module=xlwt.antlr, line:2831 at site-packages\xlwt\antlr.py
21 dupList(t, factory)
dupList(t, factory), module=xlwt.antlr, line:2842 at site-packages\xlwt\antlr.py
22 dupTree(t, factory)
dupTree(t, factory), module=xlwt.antlr, line:2852 at site-packages\xlwt\antlr.py
23 int
int, int, module=builtins
24 str
str, str, module=builtins
25 range
range, range, module=builtins
26 xlwt.antlr.ANTLRException
ANTLRException, xlwt.antlr.ANTLRException, module=xlwt.antlr
27 xlwt.antlr.RecognitionException
RecognitionException, xlwt.antlr.RecognitionException, module=xlwt.antlr
28 xlwt.antlr.NoViableAltException
NoViableAltException, xlwt.antlr.NoViableAltException, module=xlwt.antlr
29 xlwt.antlr.NoViableAltForCharException
NoViableAltForCharException, xlwt.antlr.NoViableAltForCharException, module=xlwt.antlr
30 xlwt.antlr.SemanticException
SemanticException, xlwt.antlr.SemanticException, module=xlwt.antlr
31 xlwt.antlr.MismatchedCharException
MismatchedCharException, xlwt.antlr.MismatchedCharException, module=xlwt.antlr
1 CHAR=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.MismatchedCharException’>
2 NONE=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.MismatchedCharException’>
3 NOT_CHAR=2 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.MismatchedCharException’>
4 NOT_RANGE=4 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.MismatchedCharException’>
5 NOT_SET=6 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.MismatchedCharException’>
6 RANGE=3 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.MismatchedCharException’>
7 SET=5 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.MismatchedCharException’>
8 appendCharName()
kind=method class=MismatchedCharException objtype=function
32 xlwt.antlr.MismatchedTokenException
MismatchedTokenException, xlwt.antlr.MismatchedTokenException, module=xlwt.antlr
1 NONE=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.MismatchedTokenException’>
2 NOT_RANGE=4 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.MismatchedTokenException’>
3 NOT_SET=6 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.MismatchedTokenException’>
4 NOT_TOKEN=2 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.MismatchedTokenException’>
5 RANGE=3 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.MismatchedTokenException’>
6 SET=5 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.MismatchedTokenException’>
7 TOKEN=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.MismatchedTokenException’>
8 appendTokenName()
kind=method class=MismatchedTokenException objtype=function
33 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamException
TokenStreamException, xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamException, module=xlwt.antlr
34 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamIOException
TokenStreamIOException, xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamIOException, module=xlwt.antlr
35 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException
TokenStreamRecognitionException, xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException, module=xlwt.antlr
36 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamRetryException
TokenStreamRetryException, xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamRetryException, module=xlwt.antlr
37 xlwt.antlr.CharStreamException
CharStreamException, xlwt.antlr.CharStreamException, module=xlwt.antlr
38 xlwt.antlr.CharStreamIOException
CharStreamIOException, xlwt.antlr.CharStreamIOException, module=xlwt.antlr
39 xlwt.antlr.TryAgain
TryAgain, xlwt.antlr.TryAgain, module=xlwt.antlr
40 xlwt.antlr.Token
Token, xlwt.antlr.Token, module=xlwt.antlr
1 EOF=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.Token’>
2 EOF_TYPE=1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.Token’>
3 INVALID_TYPE=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.Token’>
4 MIN_USER_TYPE=4 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.Token’>
5 NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD=3 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.Token’>
6 SKIP=-1 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.Token’>
7 badToken=[“”,<INVALID_TYPE>] kind:data type:Token class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.Token’>
8 getColumn()
kind=method class=Token objtype=function
9 getFilename()
kind=method class=Token objtype=function
10 getLine()
kind=method class=Token objtype=function
11 getText()
kind=method class=Token objtype=function
12 getType()
kind=method class=Token objtype=function
13 isEOF()
kind=method class=Token objtype=function
14 setColumn()
kind=method class=Token objtype=function
15 setFilename()
kind=method class=Token objtype=function
16 setLine()
kind=method class=Token objtype=function
17 setText()
kind=method class=Token objtype=function
18 setType()
kind=method class=Token objtype=function
19 toString()
kind=method class=Token objtype=function
41 xlwt.antlr.CommonToken
CommonToken, xlwt.antlr.CommonToken, module=xlwt.antlr
1 getColumn()
kind=method class=CommonToken objtype=function
2 getLine()
kind=method class=CommonToken objtype=function
3 getText()
kind=method class=CommonToken objtype=function
4 setColumn()
kind=method class=CommonToken objtype=function
5 setLine()
kind=method class=CommonToken objtype=function
6 setText()
kind=method class=CommonToken objtype=function
7 toString()
kind=method class=CommonToken objtype=function
42 xlwt.antlr.CommonHiddenStreamToken
CommonHiddenStreamToken, xlwt.antlr.CommonHiddenStreamToken, module=xlwt.antlr
1 getHiddenAfter()
kind=method class=CommonHiddenStreamToken objtype=function
2 getHiddenBefore()
kind=method class=CommonHiddenStreamToken objtype=function
3 setHiddenAfter()
kind=method class=CommonHiddenStreamToken objtype=function
4 setHiddenBefore()
kind=method class=CommonHiddenStreamToken objtype=function
43 xlwt.antlr.Queue
Queue, xlwt.antlr.Queue, module=xlwt.antlr
1 append()
kind=method class=Queue objtype=function
2 elementAt()
kind=method class=Queue objtype=function
3 length()
kind=method class=Queue objtype=function
4 removeFirst()
kind=method class=Queue objtype=function
5 reset()
kind=method class=Queue objtype=function
44 xlwt.antlr.InputBuffer
InputBuffer, xlwt.antlr.InputBuffer, module=xlwt.antlr
1 LA()
kind=method class=InputBuffer objtype=function
2 commit()
kind=method class=InputBuffer objtype=function
3 consume()
kind=method class=InputBuffer objtype=function
4 fill()
kind=method class=InputBuffer objtype=function
5 getLAChars()
kind=method class=InputBuffer objtype=function
6 getMarkedChars()
kind=method class=InputBuffer objtype=function
7 isMarked()
kind=method class=InputBuffer objtype=function
8 mark()
kind=method class=InputBuffer objtype=function
9 reset()
kind=method class=InputBuffer objtype=function
10 rewind()
kind=method class=InputBuffer objtype=function
11 syncConsume()
kind=method class=InputBuffer objtype=function
45 xlwt.antlr.CharBuffer
CharBuffer, xlwt.antlr.CharBuffer, module=xlwt.antlr
1 fill()
kind=method class=CharBuffer objtype=function
46 xlwt.antlr.LexerSharedInputState
LexerSharedInputState, xlwt.antlr.LexerSharedInputState, module=xlwt.antlr
1 LA()
kind=method class=LexerSharedInputState objtype=function
2 reset()
kind=method class=LexerSharedInputState objtype=function
47 xlwt.antlr.TokenStream
TokenStream, xlwt.antlr.TokenStream, module=xlwt.antlr
1 nextToken()
kind=method class=TokenStream objtype=function
48 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamIterator
TokenStreamIterator, xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamIterator, module=xlwt.antlr
1 next()
kind=method class=TokenStreamIterator objtype=function
49 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamSelector
TokenStreamSelector, xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamSelector, module=xlwt.antlr
1 addInputStream()
kind=method class=TokenStreamSelector objtype=function
2 getCurrentStream()
kind=method class=TokenStreamSelector objtype=function
3 getStream()
kind=method class=TokenStreamSelector objtype=function
4 nextToken()
kind=method class=TokenStreamSelector objtype=function
5 pop()
kind=method class=TokenStreamSelector objtype=function
6 push()
kind=method class=TokenStreamSelector objtype=function
7 retry()
kind=method class=TokenStreamSelector objtype=function
8 select()
kind=method class=TokenStreamSelector objtype=function
50 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamBasicFilter
TokenStreamBasicFilter, xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamBasicFilter, module=xlwt.antlr
1 discard()
kind=method class=TokenStreamBasicFilter objtype=function
2 nextToken()
kind=method class=TokenStreamBasicFilter objtype=function
51 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter
TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter, xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter, module=xlwt.antlr
1 LA()
kind=method class=TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter objtype=function
2 consume()
kind=method class=TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter objtype=function
3 consumeFirst()
kind=method class=TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter objtype=function
4 getDiscardMask()
kind=method class=TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter objtype=function
5 getHiddenAfter()
kind=method class=TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter objtype=function
6 getHiddenBefore()
kind=method class=TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter objtype=function
7 getHideMask()
kind=method class=TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter objtype=function
8 getInitialHiddenToken()
kind=method class=TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter objtype=function
9 hide()
kind=method class=TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter objtype=function
10 nextToken()
kind=method class=TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter objtype=function
52 xlwt.antlr.StringBuffer
StringBuffer, xlwt.antlr.StringBuffer, module=xlwt.antlr
1 append()
kind=method class=StringBuffer objtype=function
2 getString()
kind=method class=StringBuffer objtype=function
3 length()
kind=method class=StringBuffer objtype=function
4 setLength()
kind=method class=StringBuffer objtype=function
5 toString()
kind=method class=StringBuffer objtype=function
53 xlwt.antlr.Reader
Reader, xlwt.antlr.Reader, module=xlwt.antlr
1 read()
kind=method class=Reader objtype=function
54 xlwt.antlr.CharScanner
CharScanner, xlwt.antlr.CharScanner, module=xlwt.antlr
1 EOF_CHAR= kind:data type:str class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.CharScanner’>
2 NO_CHAR=0 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.CharScanner’>
3 LA()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
4 append()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
5 commit()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
6 consume()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
7 consumeUntil_bitset()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
8 consumeUntil_char()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
9 default()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
10 filterdefault()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
11 getCaseSensitive()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
12 getCaseSensitiveLiterals()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
13 getColumn()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
14 getCommitToPath()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
15 getFilename()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
16 getInputBuffer()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
17 getInputState()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
18 getLine()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
19 getTabSize()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
20 getText()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
21 getTokenObject()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
22 makeToken()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
23 mark()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
24 match()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
25 matchNot()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
26 matchRange()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
27 newline()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
28 panic()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
29 raise_NoViableAlt()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
30 reportError()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
31 reportWarning()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
32 resetText()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
33 rewind()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
34 setCaseSensitive()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
35 setColumn()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
36 setCommitToPath()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
37 setFilename()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
38 setInput()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
39 setInputState()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
40 setLine()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
41 setTabSize()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
42 setText()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
43 setTokenObjectClass()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
44 set_return_token()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
45 tab()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
46 testForLiteral()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
47 testLiteralsTable()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
48 toLower()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
49 traceIn()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
50 traceIndent()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
51 traceOut()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
52 uponEOF()
kind=method class=CharScanner objtype=function
55 xlwt.antlr.CharScannerIterator
CharScannerIterator, xlwt.antlr.CharScannerIterator, module=xlwt.antlr
1 next()
kind=method class=CharScannerIterator objtype=function
56 xlwt.antlr.BitSet
BitSet, xlwt.antlr.BitSet, module=xlwt.antlr
1 BITS=64 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.BitSet’>
2 LOG_BITS=6 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.BitSet’>
3 MOD_MASK=63 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.BitSet’>
4 NIBBLE=4 kind:data type:int class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.BitSet’>
5 add()
kind=method class=BitSet objtype=function
6 at()
kind=method class=BitSet objtype=function
7 bitMask()
kind=method class=BitSet objtype=function
8 member()
kind=method class=BitSet objtype=function
9 off()
kind=method class=BitSet objtype=function
10 set()
kind=method class=BitSet objtype=function
11 wordNumber()
kind=method class=BitSet objtype=function
57 xlwt.antlr.TokenBuffer
TokenBuffer, xlwt.antlr.TokenBuffer, module=xlwt.antlr
1 LA()
kind=method class=TokenBuffer objtype=function
2 LT()
kind=method class=TokenBuffer objtype=function
3 consume()
kind=method class=TokenBuffer objtype=function
4 fill()
kind=method class=TokenBuffer objtype=function
5 getInput()
kind=method class=TokenBuffer objtype=function
6 mark()
kind=method class=TokenBuffer objtype=function
7 reset()
kind=method class=TokenBuffer objtype=function
8 rewind()
kind=method class=TokenBuffer objtype=function
9 syncConsume()
kind=method class=TokenBuffer objtype=function
58 xlwt.antlr.ParserSharedInputState
ParserSharedInputState, xlwt.antlr.ParserSharedInputState, module=xlwt.antlr
1 reset()
kind=method class=ParserSharedInputState objtype=function
59 xlwt.antlr.Parser
Parser, xlwt.antlr.Parser, module=xlwt.antlr
1 LA()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
2 LT()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
3 addASTChild()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
4 addMessageListener()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
5 addParserListener()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
6 addParserMatchListener()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
7 addParserTokenListener()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
8 addSemanticPredicateListener()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
9 addSyntacticPredicateListener()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
10 addTraceListener()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
11 consume()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
12 consumeUntil()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
13 defaultDebuggingSetup()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
14 getAST()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
15 getASTFactory()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
16 getFilename()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
17 getInputState()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
18 getTokenName()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
19 getTokenNames()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
20 getTokenTypeToASTClassMap()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
21 isDebugMode()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
22 makeASTRoot()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
23 mark()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
24 match()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
25 matchNot()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
26 removeMessageListener()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
27 removeParserListener()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
28 removeParserMatchListener()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
29 removeParserTokenListener()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
30 removeSemanticPredicateListener()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
31 removeSyntacticPredicateListener()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
32 removeTraceListener()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
33 reportError()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
34 reportWarning()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
35 rewind()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
36 setASTFactory()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
37 setASTNodeClass()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
38 setASTNodeType()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
39 setDebugMode()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
40 setFilename()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
41 setIgnoreInvalidDebugCalls()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
42 setInputState()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
43 setTokenBuffer()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
44 traceIn()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
45 traceIndent()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
46 traceOut()
kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
60 xlwt.antlr.LLkParser
LLkParser, xlwt.antlr.LLkParser, module=xlwt.antlr
1 LA()
kind=method class=LLkParser objtype=function
2 LT()
kind=method class=LLkParser objtype=function
3 consume()
kind=method class=LLkParser objtype=function
4 set_k()
kind=method class=LLkParser objtype=function
5 trace()
kind=method class=LLkParser objtype=function
6 traceIn()
kind=method class=LLkParser objtype=function
7 traceOut()
kind=method class=LLkParser objtype=function
61 xlwt.antlr.TreeParserSharedInputState
TreeParserSharedInputState, xlwt.antlr.TreeParserSharedInputState, module=xlwt.antlr
62 xlwt.antlr.TreeParser
TreeParser, xlwt.antlr.TreeParser, module=xlwt.antlr
1 addASTChild()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
2 getAST()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
3 getASTFactory()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
4 getTokenName()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
5 getTokenNames()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
6 makeASTRoot()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
7 match()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
8 matchNot()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
9 reportError()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
10 reportWarning()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
11 setASTFactory()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
12 setASTNodeClass()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
13 setASTNodeType()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
14 traceIn()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
15 traceIndent()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
16 traceOut()
kind=method class=TreeParser objtype=function
63 xlwt.antlr.AST
AST, xlwt.antlr.AST, module=xlwt.antlr
1 addChild()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
2 equals()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
3 equalsList()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
4 equalsListPartial()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
5 equalsTree()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
6 equalsTreePartial()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
7 findAll()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
8 findAllPartial()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
9 getColumn()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
10 getFirstChild()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
11 getLine()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
12 getNextSibling()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
13 getNumberOfChildren()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
14 getText()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
15 getType()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
16 initialize()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
17 setFirstChild()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
18 setNextSibling()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
19 setText()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
20 setType()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
21 toString()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
22 toStringList()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
23 toStringTree()
kind=method class=AST objtype=function
64 xlwt.antlr.ASTNULLType
ASTNULLType, xlwt.antlr.ASTNULLType, module=xlwt.antlr
1 getText()
kind=method class=ASTNULLType objtype=function
2 getType()
kind=method class=ASTNULLType objtype=function
65 xlwt.antlr.BaseAST
BaseAST, xlwt.antlr.BaseAST, module=xlwt.antlr
1 tokenNames=None kind:data type:NoneType class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.BaseAST’>
2 verboseStringConversion=False kind:data type:bool class:<class ‘xlwt.antlr.BaseAST’>
3 addChild()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
4 doWorkForFindAll()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
5 equals()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
6 equalsList()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
7 equalsListPartial()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
8 equalsTree()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
9 equalsTreePartial()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
10 findAll()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
11 findAllPartial()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
12 getColumn()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
13 getFirstChild()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
14 getLine()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
15 getNextSibling()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
16 getNumberOfChildren()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
17 getText()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
18 getTokenNames()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
19 getType()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
20 removeChildren()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
21 setFirstChild()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
22 setNextSibling()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
23 setText()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
24 setType()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
25 toString()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
26 toStringList()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
27 toStringTree()
kind=method class=BaseAST objtype=function
static method
28 setVerboseStringConversion()
kind=static method class=BaseAST objtype=staticmethod
66 xlwt.antlr.CommonAST
CommonAST, xlwt.antlr.CommonAST, module=xlwt.antlr
1 getColumn()
kind=method class=CommonAST objtype=function
2 getLine()
kind=method class=CommonAST objtype=function
3 getText()
kind=method class=CommonAST objtype=function
4 getType()
kind=method class=CommonAST objtype=function
5 initialize()
kind=method class=CommonAST objtype=function
6 setText()
kind=method class=CommonAST objtype=function
7 setType()
kind=method class=CommonAST objtype=function
67 xlwt.antlr.CommonASTWithHiddenTokens
CommonASTWithHiddenTokens, xlwt.antlr.CommonASTWithHiddenTokens, module=xlwt.antlr
1 getHiddenAfter()
kind=method class=CommonASTWithHiddenTokens objtype=function
2 getHiddenBefore()
kind=method class=CommonASTWithHiddenTokens objtype=function
3 initialize()
kind=method class=CommonASTWithHiddenTokens objtype=function
68 xlwt.antlr.ASTPair
ASTPair, xlwt.antlr.ASTPair, module=xlwt.antlr
1 advanceChildToEnd()
kind=method class=ASTPair objtype=function
2 copy()
kind=method class=ASTPair objtype=function
3 toString()
kind=method class=ASTPair objtype=function
69 xlwt.antlr.ASTFactory
ASTFactory, xlwt.antlr.ASTFactory, module=xlwt.antlr
1 create()
kind=method class=ASTFactory objtype=function
2 dup()
kind=method class=ASTFactory objtype=function
3 dupList()
kind=method class=ASTFactory objtype=function
4 dupTree()
kind=method class=ASTFactory objtype=function
5 error()
kind=method class=ASTFactory objtype=function
6 getASTNodeClass()
kind=method class=ASTFactory objtype=function
7 getASTNodeType()
kind=method class=ASTFactory objtype=function
8 getTokenTypeToASTClassMap()
kind=method class=ASTFactory objtype=function
9 maptype()
kind=method class=ASTFactory objtype=function
10 setASTNodeClass()
kind=method class=ASTFactory objtype=function
11 setASTNodeType()
kind=method class=ASTFactory objtype=function
12 setTokenTypeASTNodeType()
kind=method class=ASTFactory objtype=function
13 setTokenTypeToASTClassMap()
kind=method class=ASTFactory objtype=function
70 xlwt.antlr.ASTVisitor
ASTVisitor, xlwt.antlr.ASTVisitor, module=xlwt.antlr
1 visit()
kind=method class=ASTVisitor objtype=function
71 doc
72 loader <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x0000000002C4E888>
73 spec ModuleSpec(name=‘xlwt.antlr’, loader=<_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x0000000002C4E888>, origin=‘…\lib\site-packages\xlwt\antlr.py’)
74 print_function _Feature((2, 6, 0, ‘alpha’, 2), (3, 0, 0, ‘alpha’, 0), 65536)
75 ASTNULL <xlwt.antlr.ASTNULLType object at 0x0000000002EAB048>
ExcelMagic, fullname=xlwt.ExcelMagic, file=xlwt\ExcelMagic.py
序号 | 类别 | 数量 |
1 | int | 98 |
4 | str | 5 |
8 | dict | 5 |
13 | residual | 2 |
14 | system | 8 |
16 | all | 110 |
1 MAX_ROW 65536
2 MAX_COL 256
3 ptgExp 1
4 ptgTbl 2
5 ptgAdd 3
6 ptgSub 4
7 ptgMul 5
8 ptgDiv 6
9 ptgPower 7
10 ptgConcat 8
11 ptgLT 9
12 ptgLE 10
13 ptgEQ 11
14 ptgGE 12
15 ptgGT 13
16 ptgNE 14
17 ptgIsect 15
18 ptgUnion 16
19 ptgRange 17
20 ptgUplus 18
21 ptgUminus 19
22 ptgPercent 20
23 ptgParen 21
24 ptgMissArg 22
25 ptgStr 23
26 ptgExtend 24
27 ptgAttr 25
28 ptgSheet 26
29 ptgEndSheet 27
30 ptgErr 28
31 ptgBool 29
32 ptgInt 30
33 ptgNum 31
34 ptgArrayR 32
35 ptgFuncR 33
36 ptgFuncVarR 34
37 ptgNameR 35
38 ptgRefR 36
39 ptgAreaR 37
40 ptgMemAreaR 38
41 ptgMemErrR 39
42 ptgMemNoMemR 40
43 ptgMemFuncR 41
44 ptgRefErrR 42
45 ptgAreaErrR 43
46 ptgRefNR 44
47 ptgAreaNR 45
48 ptgMemAreaNR 46
49 ptgMemNoMemNR 47
50 ptgNameXR 57
51 ptgRef3dR 58
52 ptgArea3dR 59
53 ptgRefErr3dR 60
54 ptgAreaErr3dR 61
55 ptgArrayV 64
56 ptgFuncV 65
57 ptgFuncVarV 66
58 ptgNameV 67
59 ptgRefV 68
60 ptgAreaV 69
61 ptgMemAreaV 70
62 ptgMemErrV 71
63 ptgMemNoMemV 72
64 ptgMemFuncV 73
65 ptgRefErrV 74
66 ptgAreaErrV 75
67 ptgRefNV 76
68 ptgAreaNV 77
69 ptgMemAreaNV 78
70 ptgMemNoMemNV 79
71 ptgFuncCEV 88
72 ptgNameXV 89
73 ptgRef3dV 90
74 ptgArea3dV 91
75 ptgRefErr3dV 92
76 ptgAreaErr3dV 93
77 ptgArrayA 96
78 ptgFuncA 97
79 ptgFuncVarA 98
80 ptgNameA 99
81 ptgRefA 100
82 ptgAreaA 101
83 ptgMemAreaA 102
84 ptgMemErrA 103
85 ptgMemNoMemA 104
86 ptgMemFuncA 105
87 ptgRefErrA 106
88 ptgAreaErrA 107
89 ptgRefNA 108
90 ptgAreaNA 109
91 ptgMemAreaNA 110
92 ptgMemNoMemNA 111
93 ptgFuncCEA 120
94 ptgNameXA 121
95 ptgRef3dA 122
96 ptgArea3dA 123
97 ptgRefErr3dA 124
98 ptgAreaErr3dA 125
99 biff_records {0: ‘DIMENSIONS’, 1: ‘BLANK’, 2: ‘INTEGER’, 3: ‘NUMBER’, 4: ‘LABEL’, 5: ‘BOOLERR’, 6: ‘FORMULA’, 7: ‘STRING’, 8: ‘ROW’, …
100 all_funcs_by_name {‘ABS’: (24, 1, 1, ‘V’, ‘V’), ‘ACCRINT’: (-1, 6, 7, ‘V’, ‘VVVVVVV’), ‘ACCRINTM’: (-1, 3, 5, ‘V’, ‘VVVVV’), ‘ACOS’: (99, …
101 PtgNames {1: ‘ptgExp’, 2: ‘ptgTbl’, 3: ‘ptgAdd’, 4: ‘ptgSub’, 5: ‘ptgMul’, 6: ‘ptgDiv’, 7: ‘ptgPower’, 8: ‘ptgConcat’, 9: ‘ptgLT’…
102 error_msg_by_code {0: ‘#NULL!’, 7: ‘#DIV/0!’, 15: ‘#VALUE!’, 23: ‘#REF!’, 29: ‘#NAME?’, 36: ‘#NUM!’, 42: ‘#N/A’}
Utils, fullname=xlwt.Utils, file=xlwt\Utils.py
序号 | 类别 | 数量 |
1 | int | 2 |
4 | str | 4 |
8 | dict | 1 |
9 | module | 1 |
10 | class | 1 |
11 | function | 9 |
13 | residual | 8 |
14 | system | 8 |
15 | private | 5 |
16 | all | 26 |
1 MAX_ROW 65536
2 MAX_COL 256
3 re
re, fullname=re, file=re.py
4 col_by_name(colname)
col_by_name(colname), module=xlwt.Utils, line:16 at site-packages\xlwt\Utils.py
'A' > 0, 'Z' > 25, 'AA' > 26,等等
5 cell_to_rowcol(cell)
cell_to_rowcol(cell), module=xlwt.Utils, line:28 at site-packages\xlwt\Utils.py
将A1表示法中的Excel单元格引用字符串转换为数字row/col表示法。返回:row, col, row abs, col abs
6 cell_to_rowcol2(cell)
cell_to_rowcol2(cell), module=xlwt.Utils, line:46 at site-packages\xlwt\Utils.py
将A1表示法中的Excel单元格引用字符串转换为数字 row/col表示法。返回:row, col
7 rowcol_to_cell(row, col, row_abs=False, col_abs=False)
rowcol_to_cell(row, col, row_abs=False, col_abs=False), module=xlwt.Utils, line:64 at site-packages\xlwt\Utils.py
8 rowcol_pair_to_cellrange(row1, col1, row2, col2, row1_abs=False, col1_abs=False, row2_abs=False, col2_abs=False)
rowcol_pair_to_cellrange(row1, col1, row2, col2, row1_abs=False, col1_abs=False, row2_abs=False, col2_abs=False), module=xlwt.Utils, line:88 at site-packages\xlwt\Utils.py
9 cellrange_to_rowcol_pair(cellrange)
cellrange_to_rowcol_pair(cellrange), module=xlwt.Utils, line:103 at site-packages\xlwt\Utils.py
将A1表示法中的单元格范围字符串转换为数字 row/col对。返回:row1, col1, row2, col2
10 cell_to_packed_rowcol(cell)
cell_to_packed_rowcol(cell), module=xlwt.Utils, line:142 at site-packages\xlwt\Utils.py
### 11 valid_sheet_name(sheet_name)
> valid_sheet_name(sheet_name), module=xlwt.Utils, line:155 at site-packages\xlwt\Utils.py
### 12 quote_sheet_name(unquoted_sheet_name)
> quote_sheet_name(unquoted_sheet_name), module=xlwt.Utils, line:163 at site-packages\xlwt\Utils.py
## 类
### 13 range
> range, range, module=builtins
## 私有或局部
> 14 _re_cell_ex re.compile('(\\$?)([A-I]?[A-Z])(\\$?)(\\d+)', re.IGNORECASE)
> 15 _re_row_range re.compile('\\$?(\\d+):\\$?(\\d+)')
> 16 _re_col_range re.compile('\\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]):\\$?([A-I]?[A-Z])', re.IGNORECASE)
> 17 _re_cell_range re.compile('\\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\\$?\\d+):\\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\\$?\\d+)', re.IGNORECASE)
> 18 _re_cell_ref re.compile('\\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\\$?\\d+)', re.IGNORECASE)
## 剩余
> 19 __doc__
> 20 __loader__ <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x0000000002C54348>
> 21 __spec__ ModuleSpec(name='xlwt.Utils', loader=<_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x0000000002C54348>, origin='...\\lib\\site-packages\\xlwt\\Utils.py')
> 22 _re_cell_ex re.compile('(\\$?)([A-I]?[A-Z])(\\$?)(\\d+)', re.IGNORECASE)
> 23 _re_row_range re.compile('\\$?(\\d+):\\$?(\\d+)')
> 24 _re_col_range re.compile('\\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]):\\$?([A-I]?[A-Z])', re.IGNORECASE)
> 25 _re_cell_range re.compile('\\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\\$?\\d+):\\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\\$?\\d+)', re.IGNORECASE)
> 26 _re_cell_ref re.compile('\\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\\$?\\d+)', re.IGNORECASE)
## 【xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser】
> ExcelFormulaParser, fullname=xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser, file=xlwt\ExcelFormulaParser.py
## 统计序号|类别|数量
## 常量
### int
> 1 MAX_ROW 65536
> 2 MAX_COL 256
> 3 ptgExp 1
> 4 ptgTbl 2
> 5 ptgAdd 3
> 6 ptgSub 4
> 7 ptgMul 5
> 8 ptgDiv 6
> 9 ptgPower 7
> 10 ptgConcat 8
> 11 ptgLT 9
> 12 ptgLE 10
> 13 ptgEQ 11
> 14 ptgGE 12
> 15 ptgGT 13
> 16 ptgNE 14
> 17 ptgIsect 15
> 18 ptgUnion 16
> 19 ptgRange 17
> 20 ptgUplus 18
> 21 ptgUminus 19
> 22 ptgPercent 20
> 23 ptgParen 21
> 24 ptgMissArg 22
> 25 ptgStr 23
> 26 ptgExtend 24
> 27 ptgAttr 25
> 28 ptgSheet 26
> 29 ptgEndSheet 27
> 30 ptgErr 28
> 31 ptgBool 29
> 32 ptgInt 30
> 33 ptgNum 31
> 34 ptgArrayR 32
> 35 ptgFuncR 33
> 36 ptgFuncVarR 34
> 37 ptgNameR 35
> 38 ptgRefR 36
> 39 ptgAreaR 37
> 40 ptgMemAreaR 38
> 41 ptgMemErrR 39
> 42 ptgMemNoMemR 40
> 43 ptgMemFuncR 41
> 44 ptgRefErrR 42
> 45 ptgAreaErrR 43
> 46 ptgRefNR 44
> 47 ptgAreaNR 45
> 48 ptgMemAreaNR 46
> 49 ptgMemNoMemNR 47
> 50 ptgNameXR 57
> 51 ptgRef3dR 58
> 52 ptgArea3dR 59
> 53 ptgRefErr3dR 60
> 54 ptgAreaErr3dR 61
> 55 ptgArrayV 64
> 56 ptgFuncV 65
> 57 ptgFuncVarV 66
> 58 ptgNameV 67
> 59 ptgRefV 68
> 60 ptgAreaV 69
> 61 ptgMemAreaV 70
> 62 ptgMemErrV 71
> 63 ptgMemNoMemV 72
> 64 ptgMemFuncV 73
> 65 ptgRefErrV 74
> 66 ptgAreaErrV 75
> 67 ptgRefNV 76
> 68 ptgAreaNV 77
> 69 ptgMemAreaNV 78
> 70 ptgMemNoMemNV 79
> 71 ptgFuncCEV 88
> 72 ptgNameXV 89
> 73 ptgRef3dV 90
> 74 ptgArea3dV 91
> 75 ptgRefErr3dV 92
> 76 ptgAreaErr3dV 93
> 77 ptgArrayA 96
> 78 ptgFuncA 97
> 79 ptgFuncVarA 98
> 80 ptgNameA 99
> 81 ptgRefA 100
> 82 ptgAreaA 101
> 83 ptgMemAreaA 102
> 84 ptgMemErrA 103
> 85 ptgMemNoMemA 104
> 86 ptgMemFuncA 105
> 87 ptgRefErrA 106
> 88 ptgAreaErrA 107
> 89 ptgRefNA 108
> 90 ptgAreaNA 109
> 91 ptgMemAreaNA 110
> 92 ptgMemNoMemNA 111
> 93 ptgFuncCEA 120
> 94 ptgNameXA 121
> 95 ptgRef3dA 122
> 96 ptgArea3dA 123
> 97 ptgRefErr3dA 124
> 98 ptgAreaErr3dA 125
> 99 SKIP -1
> 101 EOF_TYPE 1
> 102 EOF 1
> 105 TRUE_CONST 4
> 107 STR_CONST 6
> 108 NUM_CONST 7
> 109 INT_CONST 8
> 110 FUNC_IF 9
> 111 FUNC_CHOOSE 10
> 112 NAME 11
> 113 QUOTENAME 12
> 114 EQ 13
> 115 NE 14
> 116 GT 15
> 117 LT 16
> 118 GE 17
> 119 LE 18
> 120 ADD 19
> 121 SUB 20
> 122 MUL 21
> 123 DIV 22
> 124 POWER 23
> 125 PERCENT 24
> 126 LP 25
> 127 RP 26
> 128 LB 27
> 129 RB 28
> 130 COLON 29
> 131 COMMA 30
> 132 SEMICOLON 31
> 133 REF2D 32
> 134 REF2D_R1C1 33
> 135 BANG 34
> 136 CONCAT 35
### list
> 137 _tokenNames ['<0>', 'EOF', '<2>', 'NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD', 'TRUE_CONST', 'FALSE_CONST', 'STR_CONST', 'NUM_CONST', 'INT_CONST', 'FUNC_I...
### dict
> 138 biff_records {0: 'DIMENSIONS', 1: 'BLANK', 2: 'INTEGER', 3: 'NUMBER', 4: 'LABEL', 5: 'BOOLERR', 6: 'FORMULA', 7: 'STRING', 8: 'ROW', ...
> 139 all_funcs_by_name {'ABS': (24, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'), 'ACCRINT': (-1, 6, 7, 'V', 'VVVVVVV'), 'ACCRINTM': (-1, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'), 'ACOS': (99, ...
> 140 PtgNames {1: 'ptgExp', 2: 'ptgTbl', 3: 'ptgAdd', 4: 'ptgSub', 5: 'ptgMul', 6: 'ptgDiv', 7: 'ptgPower', 8: 'ptgConcat', 9: 'ptgLT'...
> 141 error_msg_by_code {0: '#NULL!', 7: '#DIV/0!', 15: '#VALUE!', 23: '#REF!', 29: '#NAME?', 36: '#NUM!', 42: '#N/A'}
> 142 _RVAdelta {'R': 0, 'V': 32, 'A': 64}
> 143 _RVAdeltaRef {'R': 0, 'V': 32, 'A': 64, 'D': 32}
> 144 _RVAdeltaArea {'R': 0, 'V': 32, 'A': 64, 'D': 0}
## 模块
### 145 xlwt.antlr
> antlr, fullname=xlwt.antlr, file=xlwt\antlr.py
### 146 struct
> struct, fullname=struct, file=struct.py
### 147 xlwt.Utils
> Utils, fullname=xlwt.Utils, file=xlwt\Utils.py
## 函数
### 148 upack1(s, encoding='ascii')
> upack1(s, encoding='ascii'), module=xlwt.UnicodeUtils, line:105 at site-packages\xlwt\UnicodeUtils.py
### 149 mk_tokenSet_0()
> mk_tokenSet_0(), module=xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser, line:664 at site-packages\xlwt\ExcelFormulaParser.py
## 类
### 150 xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser.FormulaParseException
> FormulaParseException, xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser.FormulaParseException, module=xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser
### 151 xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser.Parser
> Parser, xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser.Parser, module=xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser
#### method
> #### 1 expr()
> kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
> #### 2 expr_list()
> kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
> #### 3 formula()
> kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
> #### 4 prec0_expr()
> kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
> #### 5 prec1_expr()
> kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
> #### 6 prec2_expr()
> kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
> #### 7 prec3_expr()
> kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
> #### 8 prec4_expr()
> kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
> #### 9 prec5_expr()
> kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
> #### 10 primary()
> kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
> #### 11 sheet()
> kind=method class=Parser objtype=function
## 私有或局部
> 152 _RVAdelta {'R': 0, 'V': 32, 'A': 64}
> 153 _RVAdeltaRef {'R': 0, 'V': 32, 'A': 64, 'D': 32}
> 154 _RVAdeltaArea {'R': 0, 'V': 32, 'A': 64, 'D': 0}
> 155 _tokenNames ['<0>', 'EOF', '<2>', 'NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD', 'TRUE_CONST', 'FALSE_CONST', 'STR_CONST', 'NUM_CONST', 'INT_CONST', 'FUNC_I...
> 156 _tokenSet_0 o1oooooooo|10|ooo1111111|20|11111o1ooo|30|11ooo1oooo|40|oooooooooo|50|oooooooooo|60|oooooooooo|70|oooooooooo|80|oooooooooo|90|oooooooooo|100|oooooooooo|110|oooooooooo|120|oooooooo
## 剩余
> 157 __doc__
> 158 __loader__ <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x0000000002C49888>
> 159 __spec__ ModuleSpec(name='xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser', loader=<_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x0000000002C49888>, origin='...\\lib\\site-packages\\xlwt\\ExcelFormulaParser.py')
> 160 _tokenSet_0 o1oooooooo|10|ooo1111111|20|11111o1ooo|30|11ooo1oooo|40|oooooooooo|50|oooooooooo|60|oooooooooo|70|oooooooooo|80|oooooooooo|90|oooooooooo|100|oooooooooo|110|oooooooooo|120|oooooooo
## 【xlwt.ExcelFormulaLexer】
> ExcelFormulaLexer, fullname=xlwt.ExcelFormulaLexer, file=xlwt\ExcelFormulaLexer.py
## 统计序号|类别|数量
## 常量
### int
> 1 EOF 1
### str
> 2 int_const_pattern \d+\b
> 3 flt_const_pattern(?:(?: \d* \. \d+ ) # .1 .12 .123 etc 9.1 etc 98.1 etc|(?: \d+ \. ) # 1. 12. 123. etc...
> 4 str_const_pattern "(?:[^"]|"")*"
> 5 ref2d_r1c1_pattern [Rr]0*[1-9][0-9]*[Cc]0*[1-9][0-9]*
> 6 ref2d_pattern \$?[A-I]?[A-Z]\$?0*[1-9][0-9]*
> 7 true_pattern TRUE\b
> 8 false_pattern FALSE\b
> 9 if_pattern IF\b
> 10 choose_pattern CHOOSE\b
> 11 name_pattern \w[\.\w]*
> 12 quotename_pattern '(?:[^']|'')*'
> 13 ne_pattern <>
> 14 ge_pattern >=
> 15 le_pattern <=
### tuple
> 16 pattern_type_tuples (('\n (?:\n (?: \\d* \\. \\d+ ) # .1 .12 .123 etc 9.1 etc 98.1 etc\n |\n (?: \\d+ \\. ) # 1. 12....
### list
> 17 _toktype [None, 7, 8, 6, 33, 32, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18]
### dict
> 18 single_char_lookup {'=': 13, '<': 16, '>': 15, '+': 19, '-': 20, '*': 21, '/': 22, ':': 29, ';': 31, ',': 30, '(': 25, ')': 26, '&': 35, '%...
## 模块
### 19 xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser
> ExcelFormulaParser, fullname=xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser, file=xlwt\ExcelFormulaParser.py
## 函数
### 20 compile(pattern, flags=0)
> compile(pattern, flags=0), module=re, line:234 at re.py
## 类
### 21 xlwt.antlr.CommonToken
> CommonToken, xlwt.antlr.CommonToken, module=xlwt.antlr
#### method
> #### 1 getColumn()
> kind=method class=CommonToken objtype=function
> #### 2 getLine()
> kind=method class=CommonToken objtype=function
> #### 3 getText()
> kind=method class=CommonToken objtype=function
> #### 4 setColumn()
> kind=method class=CommonToken objtype=function
> #### 5 setLine()
> kind=method class=CommonToken objtype=function
> #### 6 setText()
> kind=method class=CommonToken objtype=function
> #### 7 toString()
> kind=method class=CommonToken objtype=function
### 22 xlwt.antlr.TokenStream
> TokenStream, xlwt.antlr.TokenStream, module=xlwt.antlr
#### method
> #### 1 nextToken()
> kind=method class=TokenStream objtype=function
### 23 xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamException
> TokenStreamException, xlwt.antlr.TokenStreamException, module=xlwt.antlr
### 24 xlwt.ExcelFormulaLexer.Lexer
> Lexer, xlwt.ExcelFormulaLexer.Lexer, module=xlwt.ExcelFormulaLexer
#### method
> #### 1 curr_ch()
> kind=method class=Lexer objtype=function
> #### 2 isEOF()
> kind=method class=Lexer objtype=function
> #### 3 is_whitespace()
> kind=method class=Lexer objtype=function
> #### 4 match_pattern()
> kind=method class=Lexer objtype=function
> #### 5 nextToken()
> kind=method class=Lexer objtype=function
> #### 6 next_ch()
> kind=method class=Lexer objtype=function
## 私有或局部
> 25 _re re.compile('(\n (?:\n (?: \\d* \\. \\d+ ) # .1 .12 .123 etc 9.1 etc 98.1 etc\n |\n (?: \\d+ \\. ) # 1. 12. 123. etc\n )\n # followed by optional exponent part\n (?: [Ee] [+-]? \\, re.IGNORECASE|re.VERBOSE)
> 26 _toktype [None, 7, 8, 6, 33, 32, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18]
## 剩余
> 27 __doc__
> 28 __loader__ <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x0000000002C4E6C8>
> 29 __spec__ ModuleSpec(name='xlwt.ExcelFormulaLexer', loader=<_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x0000000002C4E6C8>, origin='...\\lib\\site-packages\\xlwt\\ExcelFormulaLexer.py')
> 30 print_function _Feature((2, 6, 0, 'alpha', 2), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0), 65536)
> 32 VERBOSE 64
> 33 _re re.compile('(\n (?:\n (?: \\d* \\. \\d+ ) # .1 .12 .123 etc 9.1 etc 98.1 etc\n |\n (?: \\d+ \\. ) # 1. 12. 123. etc\n )\n # followed by optional exponent part\n (?: [Ee] [+-]? \\, re.IGNORECASE|re.VERBOSE)
## 【xlwt.ExcelFormula】
> ExcelFormula, fullname=xlwt.ExcelFormula, file=xlwt\ExcelFormula.py
## 统计序号|类别|数量
## 常量
## 模块
### 1 xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser
> ExcelFormulaParser, fullname=xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser, file=xlwt\ExcelFormulaParser.py
### 2 xlwt.ExcelFormulaLexer
> ExcelFormulaLexer, fullname=xlwt.ExcelFormulaLexer, file=xlwt\ExcelFormulaLexer.py
### 3 struct
> struct, fullname=struct, file=struct.py
## 类
### 4 xlwt.antlr.ANTLRException
> ANTLRException, xlwt.antlr.ANTLRException, module=xlwt.antlr
### 5 xlwt.ExcelFormula.Formula
> Formula, xlwt.ExcelFormula.Formula, module=xlwt.ExcelFormula
#### method
> #### 1 get_references()
> kind=method class=Formula objtype=function
> #### 2 patch_references()
> kind=method class=Formula objtype=function
> #### 3 rpn()
> kind=method class=Formula objtype=function
偏移量 大小 内容0 2 公式数据(sz)的大小2 sz 公式数据(RPN令牌数组)[2+sz] var. (可选)指定令牌的附加数据
> #### 4 text()
> kind=method class=Formula objtype=function
## 【struct】
> struct, fullname=struct, file=struct.py