fitbit手表中文说明书_Fitbit OS达到3.0版,这是新功能

news/2025/1/1 13:55:07/


Over the last couple of years, Fitbit has graduated from a company that makes fitness trackers to a full smartwatch manufacturer. And today’s update for the Ionic and Versa is a big one for Fitbit watch owners.

在过去的几年中,Fitbit毕业于一家将健身追踪器生产为完整的智能手表制造商的公司。 而今天对Ionic和Versa的更新对于Fitbit手表用户来说是一个很大的更新。

Fitbit OS 3.0 is rolling out today to Ionic and Versa watches, bringing a slew of pretty nice features along with it. The main theme here seems to be the ability to do more directly from your watch instead of having to interact with the p


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