
news/2024/9/23 18:25:42/

1 高斯消去法


2 列主元消去法

列主元素消去法是为控制舍入误差而提出来的一种算法,列主元素消去法计算基本上能控制舍入误差的影响,其基本思想是:在进行第 k(k=1,2,...,n-1)步消元时,从第k列的 akk及其以下的各元素中选取绝对值最大的元素,然后通过行变换将它交换到主元素akk的位置上,再进行消元。


列主元消去法的基本思想是:在进行第 步消元时,从第k列的 及其以下的各元素中选取绝对值最大的元素,然后通过行变换将它交换到主元素 的位置上,再进行消元。

The column main element elimination method is an algorithm proposed to control the round-off error. The column main element elimination method can basically control the influence of round-off error. Its basic idea is: when performing the elimination in step k (k=1,2,..., n-1), select the element with the largest absolute value from the akk and the following elements in column k, and then exchange it to the position of the main element akk through line transformation, and then perform the elimination.

The elimination process of the Gaussian elimination method from step k to step k+1 must meet the conditions. And this element is called the principal element (prime) of step k. Obviously, the Gaussian elimination method generates principal components in the natural order of the equation arrangement, so that once calculations occur, they will fail,

Moreover, even if its absolute value is small, using it as a divisor will cause a sharp increase in the order of magnitude and rounding errors of other elements, resulting in unreliable final calculation results. In order to avoid such problems that may arise in the application of Gaussian elimination methods, various elimination methods such as column principal element and full principal element have been developed. The basic point of these methods is to make certain technical modifications to the process of Gaussian elimination, comprehensively or locally selecting the element with the highest absolute value as the main element, thus forming the corresponding principal component (prime) elimination method. The column principal component (prime) elimination method is widely used among various principal component elimination methods due to its simple processing and relatively low computational complexity.

The basic idea of the column principal element elimination method is to select the element with the highest absolute value from the elements in the k-th column and below, and then exchange it to the position of the main element through row transformation before performing the elimination.

3 求行列式值的全选主元高斯消去法C#源程序

using System;namespace Zhou.CSharp.Algorithm
{/// <summary>/// 矩阵类/// 作者:周长发/// 改进:深度混淆/// https://blog.csdn.net/beijinghorn/// </summary>public partial class Matrix{/// <summary>/// 求行列式值的全选主元高斯消去法/// </summary>/// <param name="src">源矩阵</param>/// <returns>行列式的值</returns>public static double ComputeDetGauss(Matrix src){int i, j, k, nis = 0, js = 0, z, u, v;double f, det, q, d;// 初值f = 1.0;det = 1.0;// 消元for (k = 0; k <= src.Columns - 2; k++){q = 0.0;for (i = k; i <= src.Columns - 1; i++){for (j = k; j <= src.Columns - 1; j++){z = i * src.Columns + j;d = Math.Abs(src[z]);if (d > q){q = d;nis = i;js = j;}}}if (Math.Abs(q) < float.Epsilon){det = 0.0;return (det);}if (nis != k){f = -f;for (j = k; j <= src.Columns - 1; j++){u = k * src.Columns + j;v = nis * src.Columns + j;d = src[u];src[u] = src[v];src[v] = d;}}if (js != k){f = -f;for (i = k; i <= src.Columns - 1; i++){u = i * src.Columns + js;v = i * src.Columns + k;d = src[u];src[u] = src[v];src[v] = d;}}z = k * src.Columns + k;det = det * src[z];for (i = k + 1; i <= src.Columns - 1; i++){d = src[i * src.Columns + k] / src[z];for (j = k + 1; j <= src.Columns - 1; j++){u = i * src.Columns + j;src[u] = src[u] - d * src[k * src.Columns + j];}}}// 求值det = f * det * src[src.Columns * src.Columns - 1];return (det);}}






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