turtle.bgpic(r'res/bg.png') #这样设置62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333431346334。def bgpic(self, picname=None):
"""Set background image or return name of current backgroundimage.
Optional argument:
picname -- a string, name of a gif-file or "nopic".
If picname is a filename, set the corresponding image as background.
If picname is "nopic", delete backgroundimage, if present.
If picname is None, return the filename of the current backgroundimage.
Example (for a TurtleScreen instance named screen):
>>> screen.bgpic()
>>> screen.bgpic("landscape.gif")
>>> screen.bgpic()
if picname is None:
return self._bgpicname
if picname not in self._bgpics:
self._bgpics[picname] = self._image(picname)
self._setbgpic(self._bgpic, self._bgpics[picname])
self._bgpicname = picname