【外企面试系列】必备口语短语与例句 - BC系列

news/2024/10/23 7:35:45/
  1. back and forth 来回地,反复地
  • The children were running back and forth between the playground and the swings. (孩子们在游乐场和秋千之间来回奔跑。)
  • We went back and forth on the decision before finally making up our minds. (我们在这个决定上反复权衡,最终下定决心。)
  1. back of 在…后面
  • The parking lot is at the back of the building. (停车场在建筑物的后面。)
  • The important information is usually at the back of the book. (重要的信息通常在书的后面。)
  1. back up后备,支援
  • Make sure you have a back up of your important files. (确保你有重要文件的备份。)
  • The team needed some extra back up to win the game. (这个团队需要一些额外的支援才能赢得比赛。)
  1. bare of几乎没有,缺乏
  • The desert was bare of vegetation. (沙漠上几乎没有植被。)
  • The room was bare of furniture except for a single chair. (房间里除了一把椅子几乎没有家具。)
  1. be able to do能够
  • With enough practice, you’ll be able to play the guitar. (通过足够的练习,你将能够弹吉他。)
  • I’m not able to attend the meeting tomorrow due to a prior engagement. (由于之前有约,我不能参加明天的会议。)
  1. be around差不多
  • I think the meeting will be around 2 o’clock. (我想会议差不多是在2点左右。)
  • We’ve known each other for around 10 years. (我们认识彼此差不多10年了。)
  1. be available to sb.可用,可供
  • The manager is available to answer any questions you may have. (经理可以回答你可能有的任何问题。)
  • The report will be available to download from the website starting next week. (该报告将从下周开始可供从网站下载。)
  1. be bound to一定
  • If you don’t study, you’re bound to fail the exam. (如果你不学习,你一定会考试失败。)
  • With such a talented team, they’re bound to win the championship. (有如此出色的团队,他们一定会赢得冠军。)
  1. be capable of doing能够
  • He’s capable of speaking multiple languages fluently. (他能够流利地说多种语言。)
  • The new software is capable of handling large amounts of data. (新软件能够处理大量的数据。)
  1. be concerned with 关心…,涉足…
  • The company is concerned with reducing its carbon footprint. (公司关心减少自己的碳排放。)
  • The research is concerned with the effects of climate change on agriculture. (这项研究关注气候变化对农业的影响。)
  1. be dying to渴望
  • She’s been dying to see that movie for months. (她渴望看那部电影已经数月了。)
  • He’s dying to try the new restaurant in town. (他渴望尝试镇上的新餐厅。)
  1. be fed up with受够了be tired of
  • I’m fed up with all the traffic on my commute. (我受够了通勤路上的交通拥堵。)
  • She’s fed up with her job and is looking for something new. (她对自己的工作感到厌倦,正在寻找新的工作。)
  1. be in hospital 住院
  • He’s been in hospital for a week with a broken leg. (他因为腿骨折已经住院一周了。)
  • She’s going to be in hospital for a few days after the surgery. (手术后她将在医院住几天。)
  1. be in season 上市的
  • The farmer’s market only sells produce that’s in season. (农夫市场只卖上市的农产品。)
  1. in peak season旺季
  • The hotel is fully booked during peak season. (旺季期间酒店已经订满。)
  1. be in the mood to do sth. 想做
  • I’m not really in the mood to go out tonight. (今晚我不是很想出去。)
  • She’s in the mood to try something new for dinner. (她想尝试新的晚餐菜式。)
  1. be pressed for time时间不够
  • Sorry, I can’t talk right now, I’m pressed for time. (对不起,我现在没时间说话。)
  • We’re a bit pressed for time, so let’s try to finish this quickly. (我们有点时间紧迫,所以让我们尽快完成这个任务。)
  1. be tied up with忙于
  • I’m sorry I can’t make it to the meeting, I’m tied up with another project. (很抱歉我不能参加会议,我正忙于另一个项目。)
  • She’s tied up with work and won’t be able to come to the party. (她忙于工作,不能参加聚会。)
  1. be under the weather 身体不好
  • I’m feeling a bit under the weather today, so I’m going to stay home. (我今天感觉有点不舒服,所以我要呆在家里。)
  • He’s been under the weather for a few days and hasn’t been able to come to work. (他身体不舒服几天了,不能来上班。)
  1. beat around the bush 拐弯没角
  • Stop beating around the bush and just tell me what you want. (别拐弯抹角了,直接告诉我你想要什么。)
  • He’s always beating around the bush and never gets to the point. (他总是拐弯抹角,从不直接点题。)
  1. beat the crowd 避开人群
  • We left early to beat the crowd at the amusement park. (我们早早离开,以避开游乐园的人群。)
  • If you want to get a good spot at the concert, you need to beat the crowd. (如果你想在音乐会上获得一个好位置,你需要避开人群。)
  1. before long 不久以后
  • We’ll be there before long, just be patient. (我们很快就会到那里,耐心等待。)
  • Before long, the sun will set and it will be dark. (不久以后,太阳将落山,天就会黑下来。)
  1. behind schedule 误点
  • The train is behind schedule and won’t arrive for another hour. (火车误点了,还要再等一个小时才到。)
  • We’re behind schedule on this project and need to work harder to catch up. (我们在这个项目上误点了,需要更加努力赶上进度。)
  1. bent on sth. 下定决心做…
  • She’s bent on becoming a doctor and won’t let anything stop her. (她下定决心要成为一名医生,不会让任何事情阻止她。)
  • He’s bent on winning the competition and has been practicing every day. (他下定决心要赢得比赛,一直在每天练习。)
  1. beside point 离题的,不相干的
  • That’s beside the point, we need to focus on the main issue. (那是离题的,我们需要集中精力处理主要问题。)
  • Bringing up his past mistakes is beside the point and won’t help us solve the problem. (提出他过去的错误是离题的,不会帮助我们解决问题。)
  1. beyond one’s ability超越某人的能力
  • The task was beyond his abilities and he had to ask for help. (这项任务超出了他的能力范围,他不得不寻求帮助。)
  • Climbing the mountain was beyond my abilities, so I had to turn back. (攀登这座山超出了我的能力范围,所以我不得不回头。)
  1. beyond question 毫无疑问
  • It’s beyond question that she’s the best candidate for the job. (毫无疑问,她是这个职位的最佳人选。)
  • The evidence is beyond question and proves his innocence. (证据毫无疑问,证明了他的清白。)
  1. book on reserve 须留的图书
  • I need to put this book on reserve because it’s always checked out. (我需要把这本书须留,因为它总是被借走。)
  • The library requires a deposit to put a book on reserve. (图书馆需要交押金才能把书须留。)
  1. booked up 订完了
  • I’m sorry, but all the tables are booked up for tonight. (很抱歉,今晚所有的桌子都订完了。)
  • The hotel is booked up for the weekend, so we’ll have to stay somewhere else. (酒店周末都订完了,所以我们得去别的地方住。)
  1. bound for开往
  • The train is bound for New York City. (这趟火车开往纽约市。)
  • The plane is bound for Singapore and will take off in 30 minutes. (这架飞机开往新加坡,将在30分钟内起飞。)
  1. break down抛锚
  • My car broke down on the way to work this morning. (今天早上我去上班的路上车子抛锚了。)
  • The elevator broke down and we had to take the stairs. (电梯出故障了,我们只能走楼梯。)
  1. break though突破
  • She finally broke through her writer’s block and finished her novel. (她终于突破了写作障碍,完成了她的小说。)
  • The company’s new product is expected to break through the market and become a best-seller. (公司的新产品预计会突破市场,成为畅销品。)
  1. break up with和某人分手be through with / be finished with
  • He broke up with his girlfriend last month. (他上个月和他的女朋友分手了。)
  • After years of fighting, she finally decided to break up with her business partner. (经过多年的争吵,她终于决定和她的商业合伙人分手。)
  1. bring about 使…发生
  • The new law brought about significant changes in the education system. (新法律在教育系统中带来了重大的变革。)
  • His invention brought about a revolution in the field of technology. (他的发明在技术领域引起了一场革命。)
  1. bring someone up to date 帮某人赶上
  • Can you bring me up to date on what happened while I was gone? (你能告诉我我不在的时候发生了什么吗?)
  • I need to bring my colleague up to date on the latest project developments. (我需要帮我的同事赶上最新的项目进展。)
  1. help someone catch up 帮某人赶上
  • I need to help my friend catch up with the rest of the class after missing a week of school. (我需要帮助我的朋友在缺了一周学校后赶上班上其他同学。)
  • Our team needs to work together to help the new employee catch up with our project. (我们团队需要一起努力帮助新员工赶上我们的项目。)
  1. by accident 偶然
  • I found this book by accident while browsing the shelves. (我在浏览书架时偶然发现了这本书。)
  • She met her future husband by accident when she missed her train. (她因为错过火车而偶然遇到了她的未来丈夫。)
  1. by air 通过航空途径
  • I prefer to travel by air rather than by car. (我更喜欢乘飞机旅行,而不是开车。)
  • The package was shipped by air and arrived the next day. (包裹通过航空途径运送,第二天就到了。)
  1. by all means 尽一切办法,务必
  • By all means, let’s go see the new movie tonight. (尽一切办法,我们今晚去看那部新电影吧。)
  • If you need any help, by all means, let me know. (如果你需要任何帮助,务必告诉我。)
  1. by and by 不久,迟早
  • By and by, she became one of the most successful businesswomen in the country. (迟早,她成为了全国最成功的女商人之一。)
  • We’ll get through this rough patch by and by, just have patience. (我们迟早会度过这个艰难时期,只要有耐心。)
  1. by chance 偶然,碰巧
  • I met my old friend by chance at the grocery store. (我在杂货店偶然遇到了我的老朋友。)
  • By chance, I found a rare book at the used bookstore. (碰巧,在二手书店我找到了一本珍贵的书。)
  1. by far 最,…得多
  • This is by far the best pizza I’ve ever had. (这是我吃过的最好吃的披萨,毫无疑问。)
  • She is by far the most talented musician in the orchestra. (她是乐团中最有才华的音乐家,远远超过其他人。)
  1. by hand 用手,用体力
  • The pottery was made by hand using traditional techniques. (这些陶器是用传统技艺手工制作的。)
  • We had to move all the furniture by hand because the elevator was broken. (由于电梯坏了,我们不得不用体力把所有家具搬走。)
  1. by itself 自动地,独自地
  • The machine turns off by itself after it’s done running. (这个机器在运行完毕后会自动关闭。)
  • The picture is beautiful by itself, but it looks even better with a nice frame. (这张照片本身就很美,但用一个漂亮的相框装起来会更好看。)
  1. by means of 用,依靠
  • We can solve this problem by means of negotiation. (我们可以通过谈判解决这个问题。)
  • The company increased its profits by means of cost-cutting measures. (公司通过削减成本来增加了利润。)
  1. by mistake 错误地,无意地
  • I deleted the file by mistake and now I can’t find it. (我错误地删除了这个文件,现在找不到了。)
  • He took my bag by mistake because it looked similar to his own. (他无意地拿了我的包,因为它看起来和他自己的很相似。)
  1. by no means 决不,并没有
  • By no means should you give up on your dreams. (你决不应该放弃你的梦想。)
  • This is by no means the end of the story, there’s more to come. (这并不是故事的结局,还有更多的内容。)
  1. by oneself 单独地,独自地
  • He built the entire house by himself, without any help. (他独自一人建造了整座房子,没有任何帮助。)
  • She decided to go on the trip by herself to clear her mind. (她决定独自一人去旅行,让自己的思维清晰起来。)
  1. by reason of 由于
  • The game was postponed by reason of the heavy rain. (由于大雨,比赛被推迟了。)
  • He was granted asylum by reason of his political beliefs. (由于他的政治信仰,他获得了庇护。)
  1. by the way 顺便说说
  • By the way, have you heard about the new restaurant that just opened downtown? (顺便说说,你听说了刚在市中心开业的新餐厅吗?)
  • Oh, by the way, could you pick up some milk on your way home? (哦,顺便说一下,你回家的路上能买点牛奶吗?)
  1. by virtue of 借助,由于
  • He won the race by virtue of his speed and endurance. (他凭借自己的速度和耐力赢得了比赛。)
  • By virtue of his hard work and dedication, he earned a promotion at work. (由于他的努力工作和奉献精神,他在工作中获得了晋升。)
  1. by way of 经由,通过…方法
  • We can get to the beach by way of this hiking trail. (我们可以通过这条徒步小道到达海滩。)
  • I communicated with her by way of email since she lives in a different country. (由于她住在另一个国家,我通过电子邮件与她沟通。)
  1. call off 取消
  • They had to call off the picnic due to the bad weather. (由于天气不好,他们不得不取消野餐。)
  • The wedding was called off at the last minute because the bride got cold feet. (新娘临时退缩,婚礼被取消了。)
  1. call on 号召,邀请,点某人的名,拜访
  • The president called on the nation to come together in times of crisis. (总统号召全国在危机时刻团结一致。)
  • I’m going to call on my friend after work to see how she’s doing. (下班后我要去拜访我的朋友,看看她最近怎么样。)
  1. capable of 能够
  • With hard work and dedication, anyone is capable of achieving their goals. (通过努力工作和奉献精神,任何人都能够实现自己的目标。)
  • This machine is capable of producing thousands of products per hour. (这台机器能够每小时生产数千个产品。)
  1. careful of/about/with 小心,注意
  • Be careful of the slippery floor. (小心滑地。)
  • He’s always careful about what he eats because he has a sensitive stomach. (他总是小心注意自己吃什么,因为他的胃比较敏感。)
  1. certain of/about 确信,肯定
  • I’m certain of his innocence. (我确信他是无辜的。)
  • Are you certain about the time of the meeting? (你确定会议的时间吗?)
  1. chair a meeting 主持会议
  • The CEO will chair the meeting tomorrow. (明天CEO将主持会议。)
  • She’s been asked to chair the committee for the upcoming project. (她被要求主持即将开始的项目委员会。)
  1. charge sb. with sth. 控告
  • The police charged him with theft. (警方控告他犯有盗窃罪。)
  • The prosecutor decided to charge the suspect with murder. (检察官决定控告嫌疑人谋杀罪。)
  1. clear of 没有,不接触
  • Make sure the area is clear of any obstacles before starting the construction. (在开始建设之前,请确保该地区没有任何障碍物。)
  • He’s trying to stay clear of any drama in the office. (他试图避免卷入办公室的任何纷争。)
  1. clever at 善于
  • She’s very clever at solving puzzles. (她非常善于解决难题。)
  • He’s clever at finding ways to save money. (他擅长想办法节省开支。)
  1. close to 接近,亲近
  • The store is close to the train station. (商店离火车站很近。)
  • She’s very close to her grandmother. (她和她的祖母关系非常亲密。)
  1. come in contact with 与…取得联系
  • I’ve never come in contact with anyone famous before. (我以前从未与任何名人接触过。)
  • He came in contact with the virus while traveling abroad. (他在国外旅行期间接触了病毒。)
  1. come out of sth. alive 大难不死
  • Despite the dangerous situation, everyone came out of the accident alive. (尽管情况危险,每个人都大难不死地从事故中走了出来。)
  • He was lucky to come out of the war alive. (他很幸运能够在战争中生还。)
  1. come up (with) 提出,拿出
  • She always comes up with creative ideas for our team projects. (她总是能够为我们的团队项目想出富有创意的想法。)
  • Can you come up with a plan to increase sales this quarter? (你能否提出一个计划来增加本季度的销售额?)
  1. comparable to/with比作/比较
  • The new smartphone is comparable to the latest model from Apple. (这款新智能手机可以与苹果最新款相比。)
  • The growth of the company this year is not comparable with its performance last year. (公司今年的增长与去年的表现无法比较。)
  • The complexity of the situation is comparable to solving a Rubik’s Cube. (这种情况的复杂程度可以比作解决魔方。)
  1. conscious of察觉到,意识到
  • She was conscious of someone following her in the dark alley. (她意识到有人在暗巷里跟踪她。)
  • The speaker was conscious of the audience’s reactions during his speech. (演讲者在演讲期间察觉到了听众的反应。)
  • We need to be conscious of our carbon footprint and reduce our impact on the environment. (我们需要意识到我们的碳足迹,减少对环境的影响。)
  1. consequent on随之而来
  • The increase in demand for the product was consequent on its positive reviews. (对该产品的需求增加是由于它的好评。)
  • The company’s success was consequent on the hard work of its employees. (公司的成功是由于员工的努力工作。)
  • The delay in delivery was consequent on the bad weather conditions. (交货延迟是由于恶劣的天气条件。)
  1. considerate towards体谅,体贴
  • She is always considerate towards her coworkers and tries to help them whenever possible. (她总是很体贴同事,尽可能地帮助他们。)
  • He was very considerate towards his girlfriend and always put her needs first. (他对女友非常体贴,总是把她的需求放在第一位。)
  • The hotel staff were very considerate towards their guests and went out of their way to make their stay comfortable. (酒店工作人员非常体贴客人,竭尽全力让他们的住宿舒适。)
  1. contemporary with与…同时代
  • Shakespeare was a contemporary with Queen Elizabeth I. (莎士比亚与伊丽莎白一世同时代。)
  • The jazz musician Duke Ellington was contemporary with Louis Armstrong. (爵士音乐家杜克·艾灵顿与路易斯·阿姆斯特朗同时代。)
  • The philosopher Immanuel Kant was contemporary with the American Revolution. (哲学家伊曼纽尔·康德与美国革命同时代。)
  1. content with满足于
  • She was content with her life as a teacher and didn’t aspire to become a principal. (她满足于自己作为一名教师的生活,不渴望成为校长。)
  • He was content with a simple lifestyle and didn’t need a lot of material possessions. (他满足于简单的生活方式,不需要很多物质财富。)
  • They were content with their modest home and didn’t feel the need to upgrade to a larger one. (他们对自己的普通住宅感到满意,不觉得需要升级到更大的房子。)
  1. contrary to违反
  • His actions were contrary to the company’s code of conduct. (他的行为违反了公司的行为准则。)
  • Her beliefs were contrary to the mainstream view of society. (她的信仰与社会主流观点相违反。)
  • The politician’s statements were contrary to the facts of the situation. (政治家的言论与事实相违反。)
  1. cost someone an arm and a leg代价很大
  • Sample sentence: The designer shoes she wanted to buy cost her an arm and a leg, so she decided to buy a cheaper alternative.
  • Chinese meaning: 她想买的那双设计师鞋代价很大,所以她决定买一个更便宜的替代品。
  1. count down倒计时
  • Sample sentence: We are counting down the days until our vacation starts.
  • Chinese meaning: 我们正在倒计时直到我们的假期开始。
  1. count one’s chickens before they are hatched过于乐观
  • Sample sentence: He was counting his chickens before they were hatched when he started planning his victory party before the election results were announced.
  • Chinese meaning: 当他在选举结果宣布之前就开始计划他的胜利派对时,他过于乐观了。
  1. count on依靠
  • Sample sentence: I can always count on my best friend to be there for me when I need her.
  • Chinese meaning: 我总是可以依靠我最好的朋友在我需要她的时候。
  1. count on依靠
  • Sample sentence: You can count on me to finish the project on time.
  • Chinese meaning: 你可以依靠我按时完成这个项目。
  1. count the day期待
  • Sample sentence: She was counting the days until her wedding day.
  • Chinese meaning: 她期待着自己的婚礼日子的到来。
  1. count the day期待
  • Sample sentence: We are counting the days until the release of the new album.
  • Chinese meaning: 我们期待着新专辑的发布日子的到来。
  1. counter to与…相反
  • Sample sentence: His actions were counter to what he had promised earlier.
  • Chinese meaning: 他的行动与他之前的承诺相反。
  1. crazy about热衷,着迷
  • Sample sentence: She is crazy about playing the guitar and practices every day.
  • Chinese meaning: 她热衷于弹吉他,每天都练习。
  1. critical of挑剔,批评
  • Sample sentence: He is very critical of her work and always finds something to complain about.
  • Chinese meaning: 他对她的工作非常挑剔,总是能找到一些要抱怨的地方。
  1. cry in one’s beer借酒消愁
  • Sample sentence: After his girlfriend broke up with him, he went to the bar to cry in his beer.
  • Chinese meaning: 在女友分手后,他去酒吧借酒消愁。
  1. cry on one’s shoulder依靠
  • Sample sentence: Whenever she needs someone to talk to, she knows she can cry on her best friend’s shoulder.
  • Chinese meaning: 每当她需要有人倾听时,她知道她可以依靠她最好的朋友。
  1. curious about好奇,想知道
  • Sample sentence: He is curious about how the new technology works and wants to learn more.
  • Chinese meaning: 他好奇新技术的工作原理并想要了解更多。
  1. cut down on 减少
  • Sample sentence: In an effort to be healthier, she is trying to cut down on her sugar intake.
  • Chinese meaning: 为了更健康,她正试图减少摄入的糖分。
  1. cut down削减
  • Sample sentence: The company is planning to cut down on its expenses to save money.
  • Chinese meaning: 公司计划削减开支以节省钱。
  1. cut in插入
  • Sample sentence: He cut in the conversation to add his own opinion.
  • Chinese meaning: 他插入谈话并发表自己的意见。
  1. cut off切断
  • Sample sentence: The phone was cut off because the bill was not paid.
  • Chinese meaning: 电话被切断了,因为账单没有支付。
  1. cut out切除
  • Sample sentence: The doctor had to cut out the infected tissue to prevent the spread of the infection.
  • Chinese meaning: 医生不得不切除受感染的组织,以防止感染的扩散。
  1. cut someone short打断
  • Sample sentence: She cut him short because she didn’t want to hear any more excuses.
  • Chinese meaning: 她打断了他,因为她不想再听任何借口。
  1. cut through抄近路
  • Sample sentence: To avoid traffic, we decided to cut through the park.
  • Chinese meaning: 为了避开交通,我们决定抄近路穿过公园。
  1. cut up切碎
  • Sample sentence: She cut up the vegetables for the salad.
  • Chinese meaning: 她把蔬菜切碎做沙拉。



一文详解!接口测试 API 自动化测试框架

目录 前言 框架定位 框架架构图 框架介绍 技术栈 Case 展示 执行展示 框架优势: 前言 接口测试 API 自动化测试框架可以提高测试效率和自动化程度,通常包括 HTTP 客户端、测试数据管理、测试报告生成、测试用例管理和调度等功能。下面是一个常用…

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[ICNN 1993] Optimal brain surgeon and general network pruning

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