
Camera sensors come in different sizes. The one in your smartphone is a lot smaller than the one in my Canon 5D MKIII, a professional DSLR. For high quality mirrorless and DSLR cameras, there are two main sensor sizes: 35mm (generally referred to as “full frame”) and APS-C (normally called a “crop sensor” or “crop camera”). Let’s look at the difference between the two.
相机传感器有不同的尺寸。 智能手机中的一部比我的专业数码单反相机佳能5D MKIII中的一部要小得多。 对于高质量的无反光镜和DSLR相机,有两种主要的传感器尺寸:35mm(通常称为“全画幅”)和APS-C(通常称为“裁剪传感器”或“裁剪相机”)。 让我们看一下两者之间的区别。
传感器尺寸,解释 (Sensor Size, Explained)
The size of the sensor is just that: the physical size of the sensor. A 35mm sensor is actually 36mm x 24mm. It’s the same size as the 35mm film it replaced. A crop sensor is called that because it’s cropped to a smaller size than a 35mm sensor (or piece of film). Exactly how much smaller and what that means we’ll get to in a minute.
传感器的大小就是:传感器的物理大小。 35mm传感器实际上是36mm x 24mm。 它与替换的35毫米胶片大小相同。 裁切传感器之所以被称为是因为裁切后的尺寸小于35mm传感器(或胶片)的尺寸。 确切地说,它的大小是多少,这意味着我们在一分钟之内就会明白。

Sensor size has nothing to do with the number of megapixels. You can get 20 megapixel full frame sensors and 20 megapixel crop sensors. A 10 megapixel full frame sensor will still be physically bigger than a 24 megapixel crop sensor. The difference is that on a crop sensor, each individual photosite (the tiny little sensors that detect the light for each pixel) is going to be smaller.
传感器的大小与百万像素的数量无关。 您可以获得20百万像素全画幅传感器和20百万像素裁切传感器。 10兆像素全帧传感器在物理上仍将比24兆像素裁切传感器大。 区别在于,在作物传感器上,每个单独的photoite(用于检测每个像素的光的微小传感器)都将更小。
全画幅相机的画质更好,尤其是在弱光条件下 (Full Frame Cameras Are Better Quality, Especially in Low Light)
Since the photosites on a full frame camera are larger, all else being equal, a full frame camera will be better in low light situations than a crop sensor camera. More photons fall on each photosite, so they have more data to work with.
由于在其他条件相同的情况下,全画幅相机的光点更大,因此,在光线不足的情况下,全画幅相机会比农作物传感器相机更好。 更多的光子落在每个photoite上,因此它们具有更多的数据可使用。

Each photosite is likely to be of higher quality as well. Full frame cameras are more expensive and there is just more space on the sensor for high quality components. This means you normally are able to use a higher ISO setting before starting to see digital noise in your photos.
每个光地点也可能具有更高的质量。 全画幅相机价格更高,并且传感器上只有更多空间可容纳高品质的组件。 这意味着您通常可以使用较高的ISO设置,然后才能开始查看照片中的数字噪音。
These same effects also hold true when you’ve lots of light to work with: full frame cameras are better at resolving accurate colors.
作物传感器使用相同的镜头具有不同的视野 (Crop Sensors Have a Different Field of View With the Same Lens)
While the low light performance is a nice benefit of full frame cameras, it is far from the most noticeable difference. Full frame cameras and crop sensor cameras often use the same lenses, and even when they don’t, the crop sensor lenses are described as if they are full frame lenses.
虽然低照度性能是全画幅相机的一个不错的好处,但它与最明显的区别相去甚远。 全画幅相机和作物传感器相机经常使用相同的镜头,即使他们不这样做,所描述的作物传感器的镜头,如果他们是全画幅镜头。
Imagine you have a Pringles tube with the bottom cut out. If you hold it a few inches from your face, you’ll see a circular image. This is similar to what your lens is actually projecting into your camera.
想象一下,您有一个Pringles管,其底部被切掉了。 如果将其放在距离脸几英寸的地方,您会看到一个圆形图像。 这类似于您的镜头实际投射到相机中的镜头。
Now take the imaginary lid and cut a 36mm x 24mm rectangle in it. Put the lid on and what you see through the hole is how much of the image projection a full frame camera is actually capturing. It takes a rectangular crop and ignores the rest of the projection.
现在拿上假想的盖子,在其中切成36mm x 24mm的矩形。 盖上盖子,从Kong中看到的是一台全画幅相机实际捕获的图像投影量。 它采用矩形裁剪,而忽略其余的投影。
Grab another imaginary lid and cut a second rectangle, this time make it a little over half the size of the first; around 22.5mm x 15mm. That’s roughly the size of a crop sensor. This time, the rectangular crop is throwing away even more information.
抓住另一个假想的盖子,切出第二个矩形,这次使它变成第一个矩形的一半多一点; 约22.5mm x 15mm。 这大约是作物传感器的大小。 这次,矩形农作物浪费了更多的信息。
This is where are thought experiment gets a little trickier. If both our full frame Pringles tube and crop sensor Pringles tube have the same number of megapixels, even though the hole in the crop tube is smaller, the image it produces is the exact same resolution as the one produced by the full frame tube. On your computer screen, the images will appear the exact same size.
这是实验被认为比较棘手的地方。 如果我们的全画幅Pringles管和作物传感器的Pringles管都具有相同的百万像素数,即使作物管中的Kong较小,它产生的图像的分辨率也将与全画幅管所产生的分辨率完全相同。 在计算机屏幕上,图像将显示完全相同的尺寸。
The difference is, however, the image taken with the crop sensor Pringles tube will appear as if it’s zoomed in.
Let’s look at this with some real photos. Below is an image I shot with my full frame 5D MKIII and a 50mm lens.
让我们看一些真实的照片。 下面是我用全画幅5D MKIII和50mm镜头拍摄的图像。

And here is an image shot with my crop sensor Canon 650D from the same spot with the exact same 50mm lens.

As you can see, the image shot with crop sensor camera appears zoomed in. In reality, it’s because the sensor has taken a tighter crop from the lens’ projection.
作物因子和焦距 (Crop Factor and Focal Length)
How a crop sensor camera effects the photos you take is entirely predictable. Crop sensor cameras have a “crop factor” which describes how much they appear to magnify the image they take. For Canon cameras, the crop factor is about 1.6. For Nikon cameras, it’s about 1.5.
作物传感器相机如何影响您拍摄的照片是完全可以预测的。 作物传感器相机具有一个“裁剪系数”,该系数描述了相机看起来能放大多少图像。 对于佳能相机,裁切系数约为1.6。 对于尼康相机,约为1.5。
What the crop factor tells us is the full frame equivalent focal length (and thus field of view) that you get from a crop sensor camera. To use it, you just multiply the actual focal length of the lens by the crop factor.
修剪因子告诉我们的是,从修剪传感器相机获得的全帧等效焦距(因此也就是视场)。 要使用它,只需将镜头的实际焦距乘以裁切系数即可。
Continuing the example from above, the 50mm lens on my 650D is equivalent to an 80mm lens on my 5D MKIII; just multiply the lens focal length, 50mm, by the crop factor, 1.6, and that’s what you get. We can prove this in practice. Below is a photo I shot with my 5D MKIII and my 85mm lens.
继续上面的示例,我的650D上的50mm镜头等效于我的5D MKIII上的80mm镜头; 只需将镜头焦距50mm乘以裁切因数1.6,就可以得到。 我们可以在实践中证明这一点。 下面是我用5D MKIII和85mm镜头拍摄的照片。

And here it is side-by-side with the photo I took on my 650D with the 50mm lens. As you can see, the photos look pretty similar.
这是与我用50mm镜头在650D上拍摄的照片并排放置的。 如您所见,这些照片看起来非常相似。

哪个适合您? (Which Is Right for You?)
Full frame cameras, in general, are higher quality and better made than crop sensor cameras. They’re the flagship models with all the latest features. Most manufacturers’ crop sensor cameras are their entry or mid-level models. However, the gap isn’t as big as it used to be. Modern entry level cameras are better than the ones professionals were using just a few years ago. It’s not likely you’ll notice the difference in image quality unless you’re shooting in very specific circumstances.
通常,全画幅相机比作物传感器相机具有更高的质量和更好的制作质量。 它们是具有所有最新功能的旗舰机型。 大多数制造商的农作物传感器相机是他们的入门级或中级型号。 但是,差距并不像以前那样大。 现代入门级相机比几年前专业人士使用的相机要好。 除非您在非常特殊的环境下拍摄,否则您不太可能会注意到图像质量的差异。
Since full frame cameras tend to have a lot of extras, like improved autofocus or build quality, sensor size is only one factor in choosing a camera. The biggest reason I bought my Canon 5D MKIII wasn’t that it was a full frame camera, but that it was weather sealed and made fully of metal. It means I can carry it anywhere when I travel without having to worry too much. If you want a small, light camera, then you’re probably better off with a crop sensor. Even the mirrorless full frame cameras are pretty big when you put a zoom lens on them.
由于全画幅相机往往具有很多其他功能,例如改进的自动对焦或制造质量,因此传感器尺寸只是选择相机的一个因素。 我购买佳能5D MKIII的最大原因不是因为它是全画幅相机,而是因为它是全天候密封的并且完全由金属制成。 这意味着我旅行时可以随身携带,而不必担心太多。 如果您想要一个小型,轻便的相机,那么最好使用作物传感器。 当您在镜头上安装变焦镜头时,即使是无反光镜的全画幅相机也相当大。
There are even professional level crop bodies, like the Canon 7D MKII for sports or wildlife photographers. Rather than a downside, the crop factor actually helps them get closer to the action.
甚至还有专业级的农作物,例如适合运动或野生动植物摄影师使用的佳能7D MKII 。 收成因素实际上没有帮助,而是帮助他们更接近实际行动。
Title photo credit: Michael Toyama/Flickr
标题照片来源: Michael Toyama / Flickr
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/74932/photography-with-htg-what-is-a-full-frame-camera-do-i-need-one/