
One decision that a lot of improving photographers face when it’s time to buy or upgrade their DSLR or mirrorless camera is whether they should buy a new crop sensor camera or an older, second-hand full frame camera. There are arguments to both sides so let’s dig in.
很多需要改进的摄影师在购买或升级数码单反相机或无反光镜相机时都面临的一个决定是,他们应该购买新的作物传感器相机还是旧的二手全画幅相机。 双方都有争论,让我们深入探讨。
If you’re reading this article, you’re probably already familiar with the differences between full frame and crop sensor cameras. If you’re not, you should check out our full article on the subject, but, in brief, there are two main formats of DSLR and mirrorless cameras: 35mm or full frame and crop sensor or APS-C. Full frame cameras are based off the 35mm film standard while APS-C cameras use a sensor that’s about two-thirds the size. Professional cameras tend to use full frame sensors while consumer and entry-level cameras use crop sensors.
如果您正在阅读本文,您可能已经熟悉全画幅相机和作物传感器相机之间的区别。 如果不是这样,您应该阅读有关该主题的完整文章 ,但总而言之,DSLR和无反光镜相机有两种主要格式:35毫米或全画幅和裁剪传感器或APS-C。 全画幅相机基于35mm胶片标准,而APS-C相机使用的传感器尺寸约为三分之二。 专业相机倾向于使用全画幅传感器,而消费级和入门级相机则使用作物传感器。
Brand new full-frame cameras, like the Canon 5D Mark IV, cost a few thousand dollars. Even the Canon 6D Mark II starts at $1,600 on Amazon, although its list price is $2,000. Crop sensor models are a lot cheaper. The Canon Rebel T7i is $749 while our sister site’s pick for the best beginner DSLR, the Nikon D3400, is just $400—with an 18-55mm lens.
全新的全画幅相机(如佳能5D Mark IV )售价数千美元。 佳能6D Mark II在亚马逊上的起价为1600美元,尽管其标价为2,000美元。 作物传感器型号便宜很多。 佳能Rebel T7i的价格为749美元,而我们姊妹网站推荐的入门级最佳数码单反相机 Nikon D3400仅为400美元,带有18-55mm镜头。
The thing is, you can buy second-hand full frame cameras for crop sensor money. You can get a good Canon 5D Mark II, one of the most successful professional cameras ever made, for around $600. A Canon 5D Mark III, the camera I use, can be had for less than a grand if it’s a bit beat up or about $1,300 if it’s in good condition. This means that, especially for improving photographers, there’s a choice to be made.
事实是,您可以购买二手全画幅相机以获取农作物传感器的收益。 您可以以600美元左右的价格获得优质的佳能5D Mark II ,这是有史以来最成功的专业相机之一。 我使用的佳能5D Mark III相机价格稍低一些,如果状况良好,则价格约为1300美元。 这意味着,特别是对于提高摄影水平的人,可以选择。
家用和专业相机 (Consumer and Professional Cameras)
As I mentioned above, full frame sensors get used in professional cameras while crop sensors get used in consumer cameras. The differences between the two are worth highlighting.
如上所述,全画幅传感器用于专业相机,而作物传感器则用于消费相机。 两者之间的差异值得一提。
Build quality: Professional cameras are designed to take a beating. They’re made out of aluminum alloys, often have weather sealing, and generally work anywhere. Consumer cameras are meant for vacations and family photos. They’re made from plastic, and a proper rainstorm might not be good for them.
制作质量:专业相机的设计旨在击败对手。 它们由铝合金制成,通常具有防风雨密封,通常可在任何地方使用。 消费类相机专用于度假和家庭照。 它们是用塑料制成的,适当的暴雨可能对他们不利。
Better controls: Consumer cameras have lots of automatic modes, so you don’t really have to think about taking pictures. Professional cameras give you a lot more manual controls. Expect to see things like dedicated shutter speed and aperture dials, custom presets, and a more ergonomic layout.
更好的控制:消费类相机具有许多自动模式,因此您实际上不必考虑拍照。 专业相机为您提供更多手动控制。 期望看到诸如专用的快门速度和光圈转盘,自定义预设以及更符合人体工程学的布局等内容。
Multiple card slots: Multiple storage card slots let you shoot to two cards at once, so all your photos are backed up. Consumer cameras only have one.
多个 存储 卡插槽: 多个存储卡插槽可让您一次拍摄两张卡,因此可以备份所有照片。 消费类相机只有一个。
Different lens mounts: Consumer and professional cameras have different lens mounts. In general, full frame lenses will work on crop sensor cameras while the reverse is not true. If you have a lot of DX or EF-S lenses, this might be a dealbreaker.
不同的镜头座:消费者和专业相机具有不同的镜头座。 通常, 全画幅镜头将在作物传感器相机上工作,而反之则不成立 。 如果您有很多DX或EF-S镜头,这可能是一个大难题。
Better autofocus: Professional bodies—or at least recent ones—tend to have better autofocus with more points than consumer bodies.
And we haven’t even talked about image quality yet!
Although, that’s where things get a bit trickier and really, it depends on what two cameras you’re comparing. For example, a 5D III has a 22.3 megapixel full frame sensor while the T7i has a 24.2 megapixel crop sensor. They both have the same ISO range of 100-25,600. The 5D III, despite being older, definitely has the superior sensor. On the other hand, the 5D II has a 21.1 megapixel sensor and an ISO range of 100-6400. In good light, it is better than a T7i but in low light things are a lot less cut and dried.
虽然那确实有些棘手,但实际上,这取决于您要比较的是两个摄像机。 例如,5D III具有22.3百万像素全帧传感器,而T7i具有24.2百万像素裁切传感器。 它们的ISO范围均为100-25,600。 5D III尽管较旧,但绝对具有出色的传感器。 另一方面,5D II具有21.1百万像素传感器和ISO范围100-6400。 在光线充足的情况下,它比T7i更好,但在光线不足的情况下,切割和干燥的东西少得多。
As a general rule, I’d say that any full frame camera released in the last decade is, if not as good as, at least in the same ballpark as a brand new crop sensor camera in most situations. Camera quality matters less than lens quality anyway.
一般说来,我想说过去十年中发布的任何全画幅相机在大多数情况下都至少与全新的作物传感器相机在同一个球场。 无论如何,相机质量的重要性要小于镜头质量 。
购买旧的二手相机会给您带来的损失 (What You Lose By Buying an Older Second-Hand Camera)
It’s probably clear by now that, as long as a full frame camera isn’t too old or too badly beaten up, it’s likely to be better in many ways than a brand new crop sensor camera. Again though, things aren’t sewn up yet.
到目前为止,很明显,只要全画幅相机不会太老或打得太烂,它在许多方面可能会比全新的作物传感器相机更好。 同样,事情还没有缝合。
When you go with an older camera, you give up a lot of newer features. An incomplete list of things you probably won’t get includes:
当您使用旧相机时,您会放弃许多新功能。 您可能不会得到的不完整的清单包括:
- Wifi or Bluetooth connectivity Wifi或蓝牙连接
- A touchscreen 触摸屏
- A tilt-swivel screen 倾斜旋转屏幕
- 4K, high speed, or slow motion video shooting 4K,高速或慢动作视频拍摄
- A fast burst mode—which is an issue if you shoot sports or wildlife photography 快速连拍模式-如果您拍摄运动或野外摄影时会遇到问题
These may or may not be things you’ll miss. You also don’t get the comfort and protection that comes with buying a brand new product. We’ll look at where to buy a good second-hand camera next but don’t expect an extended warranty or a replacement if something breaks.
这些可能或可能不是您会想念的东西。 您也不会获得购买全新产品所带来的舒适感和保护。 接下来,我们将看看在哪里可以买到一台好的二手相机,但是,如果出现故障,不要指望延长保修期或更换它。
在哪里购买好的二手相机 (Where to Buy a Good Second-Hand Camera)
Buying a second-hand camera can be a bit risky. You don’t really know what you’re getting, especially if you buy from some stranger off Craigslist.
购买二手相机可能会有点冒险。 您实际上并不知道自己会得到什么,尤其是如果您从Craigslist的某个陌生人那里购买。
My advice is to buy from one of two places: your local camera shop or a reputable online marketplace like MPB.com and B&H.
我的建议是从两个地方之一购买:您当地的照相馆或信誉良好的在线市场,例如MPB.com和B&H 。
With your local camera shop, you can go in and check the cameras out. The staff will also be able to advise you on your options. They will have cleaned up and checked out anything they’re selling so they’re unlikely to try and sell you a broken camera. They might even offer some kind of warranty.
在当地的相机商店,您可以进出相机。 工作人员还可以为您提供选择建议。 他们将清理并检查出他们要出售的任何物品,因此不太可能尝试向您出售损坏的相机。 他们甚至可能提供某种保修。

It’s much the same with MPB.com and B&H. They’re two of the largest used camera marketplaces online. Anything they stock, they’ve tested and made sure it’s in working order. MPB.com offers a six-month warranty while B&H offers a 90-day one.
MPB.com和B&H几乎相同。 它们是在线上使用过的最大的两个相机市场。 他们所存的任何东西,都已经过测试,并确保它工作正常。 MPB.com提供六个月的保修,而B&H提供90天的保修。
You will pay a bit of a premium buying local or from MPB.com or B&H but, in my opinion, it’s worth it.
那么,该选择哪一个呢? (So, Which to Choose?)
Which option you go with is up to you. If you’re reading this article, there’s a good chance you’re looking for reassurance that image quality hasn’t changed massively in the last two years or that a touchscreen is now considered an essential feature—don’t worry. Good cameras are built to last and, if you buy one that’s been vetted and has a warranty, you’ll be alright. I think the manual controls, rugged build, and larger sensor are worth the tradeoff, especially if you plan on getting better at photography. If you go this way, check out our guide to moving to a full frame camera.
哪种选择取决于您。 如果您正在阅读本文,那么您很有可能会放心,在过去两年中图像质量没有发生太大变化,或者触摸屏现在被认为是必不可少的功能-不用担心。 优质的相机经久耐用,而且,如果您购买经过审查并具有保修的相机,也可以。 我认为手动控制,坚固的机身和更大的传感器是值得取舍的,特别是如果您打算在摄影上做得更好的话。 如果您采用这种方式, 请查看我们的全画幅相机指南 。
On the other hand, cameras have come on in the last few years. If you want the latest features—and I can’t fault you, Wifi control is awesome—then you need to get a new camera. The latest crop sensor cameras are incredible so go with which suits you best.
另一方面,在最近几年中已经出现了相机。 如果您想要最新的功能(我不能打扰您,Wifi控制非常棒),那么您需要购买一台新相机。 最新的作物传感器相机令人难以置信,因此最适合您。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/395182/should-you-buy-a-second-hand-full-frame-camera-or-a-new-crop-sensor-camera/