
news/2025/2/11 21:48:35/

🌼遥远的她(吉他版) - 張子铭 - 单曲 - 网易云音乐 

🌼New Boy - 房东的猫/陈婧霏 - 单曲 - 网易云音乐 






let's begin! 

        as a pupil addicted to computer games, I've been tried a lot of games, such as CF, GTA, QQ Speed, Gragon Oath......and a lot more minority games in PC and mobile phone. I've spent an amount of time in them, maybe more than 10,000 hours. That's why I do badly in my daily life, including school life and after-school life. And I am addicted in Internet novel too. I've read lots of novels more than 500 chapters, each of them gave me the pleasure. What I want to say is, computer games and Internet novels are the escape of real life and  improvement. 

        In the past, I studied depending on my mood, slept depending on my mood, exercised depending on my mood, did everything the same. I had no access to know CSDN and Luogu, did not realize many excellent peers focus on something useful for their future development and make an effort to specialize in it. Fortunately, it's not too late for me to spend time to improve my scores, exercice, growth and future salary.

        I envy the guys do well in every aspects, no matter in school study, exercise, music hobbies and so on. I know they have sacrifice a lot more relaxed time. When I paly computer games, play with friends, sleep enough, they focus on their study and their parents' expectation. Sometimes I feel sympathy for them, although their study academic performance are better than mine. Somebody ask me why I work hard in my fresh year(study 5 hours a day), that' s because they don't know my past. As a nauty boy do not like school and teacher, I repeated a grade twice for my temporary absence from school. Temporary from school at home for what? For my favourate computer games. To get me off the computer games, my mom leave me 300 RMB and leave me alone for two weeks. She thought a concentrated period of time in computer games can ruin my game addiction. However, she failed. Through the two weeks, I order lunch and dinner from restaurant without breakfast. And play until 3 o'clock in the morning, then sleep until 12 o'clock. I enjoy those days, that's why I repeated a grade for the first time.

        Finish the primary school time, I entered my middle school. I really lived a fruitful life in these six years, excepted weekends at home and winter and summer vacation. I worked hard at school but abandoned myself in vacation as much as possible. I played computer games 12 hours a day, without leave my little room. I avoided conversation with anyone, including my parents. But, thanks to middle school's thick atmosphere of learning and strict control of mobile phones, I entered a good university. Then I abandoned myself, lost control in computer games again in my fresh year, I escape skip classes and play games through the night without rest. And in the second semester of fresh year, because of Corona Virus Disease, I never attended online courses, and finally failed all tests in final examination. That's why I joined the army.....I feel no hope of my future, I do not what to spend time in anything useful, just what to ruin myself.

In the army, I learned lots of interpersonal communication skills, and know how to solve problems by create conflicts and solve conflicts, including but not limited to fighting and quarrel. The most important thing is showing your attitude. Nobody will bully me again.

Now come the future parts. What I need to assure is 6 hours a day on learning. 

很水的百度的直译 ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓











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