
news/2024/12/23 6:25:55/


We all like jokes that are cracked at the expense of someone else’s code.


Developers are usually very quiet and introverted. We take a bunch of ‘tickets’ and convert them into code while being seated at our desk all day. Strange, innit?

开发人员通常非常安静且内向。 我们整天坐在办公桌前拿一堆“门票” ,并将它们转换为代码。 奇怪吗

If you’re not a developer and here to check what developers find funny, you’re going to be disappointed. It’s not that we don’t like jokes, we just like a certain level of nerdiness in our jokes.

如果您不是开发人员,而是在这里查看哪些开发人员觉得有趣,那么您将感到失望。 并不是说我们不喜欢笑话,我们只是喜欢笑话中的某种书呆子。

If you’re a programmer worth your salt (heh!), you’re going to love this collection of programming jokes below. These are sourced from around the internet & intended to make your week a little bearable.

如果您是一个值得花钱的程序员(嘿!),那么您会喜欢下面的这套编程笑话。 这些都是从互联网上获取的,目的是使您的一周更加愉快。

Note: A lot of the best programming jokes on the Internet come from xkcd. This webcomic was created by is a webcomic created by Randall Munroe in 2005. The comic’s tagline describes it as “A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language”. Munroe states on the comic’s website that the name of the comic is not an initialism, but “just a word with no phonetic pronunciation”.

注意:互联网上许多最好的编程笑话都来自xkcd 。 该网络漫画由Randall Munroe于2005年创建。该漫画的标语将其描述为“浪漫,讽刺,数学和语言的网络漫画”。 芒罗在漫画的网站上指出,漫画的名称不是缩写,而是“只是一个没有语音发音的单词”。

Let’s start:


1.技术支持 (1. Tech Support)

The worst nightmare for any developer is to contact customer support for an internet problem. The customer service agents sometimes (I’m being polite, read ALWAYS) fail to understand that restarting computers does not always work. Well, we’re developers and understand how these things work, so a lot of the time we know how to fix the problem, provided you connect us to a fellow developer.

对于任何开发人员来说,最糟糕的噩梦是与客户支持部门联系以解决互联网问题。 客户服务代理有时(我很礼貌,请务必阅读)无法理解重启计算机并不总是有效。 好吧,我们是开发人员,并且了解这些事情的工作原理,因此,在很多情况下,只要您将我们与其他开发人员建立联系,我们就会知道如何解决问题。

SHIBBOLEET: I’m going to try it the next time I call any customer support service. I wish, someday, it comes true.

SHIBBOLEET:下次我致电任何客户支持服务时,都将尝试它。 我希望有一天能成真。

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XKCD 806 XKCD 806

2. MVP (2. MVP)

Making an MVP is all about trying to create a list of features (when actually all you do is create a list of bugs) while heading towards the launch date. Solve a couple of king-sized bugs and forget about the rest (if only it were that simple).

制作MVP就是要在准备发布日期的同时尝试创建功能列表(实际上,您要做的只是创建错误列表)。 解决几个特大的错误,而忽略其余的错误(如果只是那么简单的话)。

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Monkey User — MVP 猴子用户-MVP

3.古代人的智慧 (3. Wisdom of the Ancients)

One of the only things I hate about StackOverflow is questions that have been unanswered or with answers that bash the person with the question about how stupid the question is! Just answer it, Genius!

我讨厌StackOverflow的唯一一件事是尚未回答的问题或带有使这个问题有多愚蠢的问题的人感到烦恼的答案! 回答吧,天才!

I once was in this situation where I came across a problem and found absolutely nothing on the web. Even StackOverflow had a question with no upvotes or answers but with 6.7k views.

我曾经在这种情况下遇到问题,却在网上找不到任何东西。 甚至StackOverflow也有一个问题,没有投票或答案,但有6.7k的视图。

What did I do? I’ll admit I tried for exactly 32 hours and rewrote my code.

我做了什么 我承认我尝试了32小时并重新编写了代码。

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XKCD 979 XKCD 979

4.仍然值得 (4. Still Worthy)

The feeling you get when you spend all-day fixing bugs and get to compile your code successfully at the end. The satisfaction is unparalleled.

当您花费一整天时间修复错误并最终成功编译代码时会感到。 满意度是无与伦比的。

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5.海龟 (5. Turtles)

Life is simple. The turtle lives on thinking & believing in only one true fact, the fact that it is a turtle. Humans tend to overthink and complicate things which is why we probably don't live as long as turtles do.

生活是简单的。 乌龟只依靠思考并相信一个真实的事实,那就是它是一只乌龟。 人类倾向于过度思考和使事情复杂化,这就是为什么我们可能不像乌龟那样活着的原因。

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XKCD 889 XKCD 889

6.懈怠 (6. Slacking Off)

Code takes time to compile & deploy. Programmers can do nothing productive while a build is in progress. But I wish I could have sword fights like this at work. Presenting the best & most honest xkcd comic of all time!

代码需要时间来编译和部署。 在构建过程中,程序员无法进行任何有效的工作。 但是我希望我可以在工作中像这样打剑。 展示有史以来最好最诚实的xkcd漫画!

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XKCD 303 XKCD 303

To be honest, I am writing this as my code compiles and deploys.


I now realise that 4 of the 6 hilarious jokes are xkcd. Randall Munroe is a genius!

我现在意识到6个搞笑笑话中有4个是xkcd。 兰德尔·芒罗(Randall Munroe)是个天才!

奖金 (Bonus)

It's not a bug, its a feature :)

这不是一个错误,这是一个功能 :)

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Monkey User — Fix 猴子用户-修复

翻译自: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/6-programming-jokes-that-will-make-you-lol-131b8cae4dc5




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