【那些年踩过的坑-前端篇- Mac版本】Mac电脑如何升级node.js

news/2024/12/29 16:49:24/


      • 一 、mac可以用node.js的多版本管理器n来升级和切换
      • 二、使用Homebrew

一 、mac可以用node.js的多版本管理器n来升级和切换


  1. sudo npm cache clean -f //清除node.js的cache
Last login: Sat Nov  2 12:39:55 on console
beiluo@beiluodeMBP ~ % sudo npm cache clean -f Password:
npm warn using --force Recommended protections disabled.
  1. sudo npm install -g n //使用npm安装n模块
beiluo@beiluodeMBP ~ % sudo npm install -g nchanged 1 package in 655ms
  1. npm view node versions // 查看node所有版本 ,
    如果遇到报错,就是权限不够 ,加sudo 命令
beiluo@beiluodeMBP ~ % npm view node versions
npm error code EACCES
npm error syscall open
npm error path /Users/beiluo/.npm/_cacache/tmp/1ea86a7c
npm error errno EACCES
npm error
npm error Your cache folder contains root-owned files, due to a bug in
npm error previous versions of npm which has since been addressed.
npm error
npm error To permanently fix this problem, please run:
npm error   sudo chown -R 501:20 "/Users/beiluo/.npm"
npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /Users/beiluo/.npm/_logs/2024-11-02T13_55_50_158Z-debug-0.log

sudo npm view node versions

beiluo@beiluodeMBP ~ % sudo npm view node versions
['0.0.0',    '0.1.14',   '0.1.15',   '0.1.16',  '0.1.17',  '0.1.18','0.1.19',   '0.1.20',   '0.1.21',   '0.1.22',  '0.1.23',  '0.1.24','0.1.25',   '0.1.26',   '0.1.27',   '0.1.28',  '0.1.29',  '0.1.30','0.1.31',   '0.1.32',   '0.1.33',   '0.1.90',  '0.1.91',  '0.1.92','0.1.93',   '0.1.94',   '0.1.95',   '0.1.96',  '0.1.97',  '0.1.98','0.1.99',   '0.1.100',  '0.1.101',  '0.1.102', '0.1.103', '0.1.104','0.2.0',    '0.2.1',    '0.2.2',    '0.2.3',   '0.2.4',   '0.2.5','0.2.6',    '0.3.0',    '0.3.1',    '0.3.2',   '0.3.3',   '0.3.4','0.3.5',    '0.3.6',    '0.3.7',    '0.3.8',   '0.4.0',   '0.4.1','0.4.2',    '0.4.3',    '0.4.4',    '0.4.5',   '0.4.6',   '0.4.7','0.4.8',    '0.4.9',    '0.4.10',   '0.4.11',  '0.4.12',  '0.5.0','0.5.1',    '0.5.2',    '0.5.3',    '0.5.4',   '0.5.5',   '0.5.6','0.5.7',    '0.5.8',    '0.5.9',    '0.5.10',  '0.6.0',   '0.6.1','0.6.2',    '0.6.3',    '0.6.4',    '0.6.5',   '0.6.6',   '0.6.7','0.6.8',    '0.6.9',    '0.6.10',   '0.6.11',  '0.6.12',  '0.6.13','0.6.14',   '0.6.15',   '0.6.16',   '0.6.17',  '0.6.18',  '0.6.19','0.6.20',   '0.6.21',   '0.7.0',    '0.7.1',   '0.7.2',   '0.7.3','0.7.4',    '0.7.5',    '0.7.6',    '0.7.7',   '0.7.8',   '0.7.9','0.7.10',   '0.7.11',   '0.7.12',   '0.8.0',   '0.8.1',   '0.8.2','0.8.3',    '0.8.4',    '0.8.5',    '0.8.6',   '0.8.7',   '0.8.8','0.8.9',    '0.8.10',   '0.8.11',   '0.8.12',  '0.8.13',  '0.8.14','0.8.15',   '0.8.16',   '0.8.17',   '0.8.18',  '0.8.19',  '0.8.20','0.8.21',   '0.8.22',   '0.8.23',   '0.8.24',  '0.8.25',  '0.8.26','0.8.27',   '0.8.28',   '0.9.0',    '0.9.1',   '0.9.2',   '0.9.3','0.9.4',    '0.9.5',    '0.9.6',    '0.9.7',   '0.9.8',   '0.9.9','0.9.10',   '0.9.11',   '0.9.12',   '0.10.0',  '0.10.1',  '0.10.2','0.10.3',   '0.10.4',   '0.10.5',   '0.10.6',  '0.10.7',  '0.10.8','0.10.9',   '0.10.10',  '0.10.11',  '0.10.12', '0.10.13', '0.10.14','0.10.15',  '0.10.16',  '0.10.17',  '0.10.18', '0.10.19', '0.10.20','0.10.21',  '0.10.22',  '0.10.23',  '0.10.24', '0.10.25', '0.10.26','0.10.27',  '0.10.28',  '0.10.29',  '0.10.30', '0.10.31', '0.10.32','0.10.33',  '0.10.34',  '0.10.35',  '0.10.36', '0.10.37', '0.10.38','0.10.39',  '0.10.40',  '0.10.41',  '0.10.42', '0.10.43', '0.10.44','0.10.45',  '0.10.46',  '0.10.47',  '0.10.48', '0.11.0',  '0.11.1','0.11.2',   '0.11.3',   '0.11.4',   '0.11.5',  '0.11.6',  '0.11.7','0.11.8',   '0.11.9',   '0.11.10',  '0.11.11', '0.11.12', '0.11.13','0.11.14',  '0.11.15',  '0.11.16',  '0.12.0',  '0.12.1',  '0.12.2','0.12.3',   '0.12.4',   '0.12.5',   '0.12.6',  '0.12.7',  '0.12.8','0.12.9',   '0.12.10',  '0.12.11',  '0.12.12', '0.12.13', '0.12.14','0.12.15',  '0.12.16',  '0.12.17',  '0.12.18', '4.0.0',   '4.1.0','4.1.1',    '4.1.2',    '4.2.0',    '4.2.1',   '4.2.2',   '4.2.3','4.2.4',    '4.2.5',    '4.2.6',    '4.3.0',   '4.3.1',   '4.3.2','4.4.0',    '4.4.1',    '4.4.2',    '4.4.3',   '4.4.4',   '4.4.5','4.4.6',    '4.4.7',    '4.5.0',    '4.6.0',   '4.6.1',   '4.6.2','4.7.0',    '4.7.1',    '4.7.2',    '4.7.3',   '4.8.0',   '4.8.1','4.8.2',    '4.8.3',    '4.8.4',    '4.8.6',   '4.8.7',   '4.9.0','4.9.1',    '5.0.0',    '5.1.0',    '5.1.1',   '5.2.0',   '5.3.0','5.4.0',    '5.4.1',    '5.5.0',    '5.6.0',   '5.7.0',   '5.7.1','5.8.0',    '5.9.0',    '5.9.1',    '5.10.0',  '5.10.1',  '5.11.0','5.11.1',   '5.12.0',   '6.0.0',    '6.1.0',   '6.2.0',   '6.2.1','6.2.2',    '6.3.0',    '6.3.1',    '6.4.0',   '6.5.0',   '6.6.0','6.7.0',    '6.8.0',    '6.8.1',    '6.9.0',   '6.9.1',   '6.9.2','6.9.3',    '6.9.4',    '6.9.5',    '6.10.0',  '6.10.1',  '6.10.2','6.10.3',   '6.11.0',   '6.11.1',   '6.11.5',  '6.12.0',  '6.12.1','6.12.2',   '6.12.3',   '6.13.0',   '6.14.0',  '6.14.1',  '6.14.2','6.14.3',   '6.14.4',   '6.15.1',   '6.16.0',  '6.17.0',  '6.17.1','7.0.0',    '7.1.0',    '7.2.0',    '7.2.1',   '7.3.0',   '7.4.0','7.5.0',    '7.6.0',    '7.7.0',    '7.7.1',   '7.7.2',   '7.7.3','7.7.4',    '7.8.0',    '7.9.0',    '7.10.0',  '7.10.1',  '8.0.0','8.1.0',    '8.1.1',    '8.1.2',    '8.1.3',   '8.1.4',   '8.2.0','8.2.1',    '8.3.0',    '8.4.0',    '8.5.0',   '8.6.0',   '8.7.0','8.8.0',    '8.8.1',    '8.9.0',    '8.9.1',   '8.9.2',   '8.9.4','8.10.0',   '8.11.0',   '8.11.1',   '8.11.2',  '8.11.3',  '8.11.4','8.12.0',   '8.13.0',   '8.14.0',   '8.14.1',  '8.15.0',  '8.15.1','8.16.0',   '8.16.1',   '8.16.2',   '8.17.0',  '9.0.0',   '9.1.0','9.2.0',    '9.3.0',    '9.4.0',    '9.5.0',   '9.6.0',   '9.6.1','9.7.0',    '9.8.0',    '9.9.0',    '9.10.0',  '9.10.1',  '9.11.0','9.11.2',   '10.0.0',   '10.1.0',   '10.2.0',  '10.3.0',  '10.4.0','10.4.1',   '10.5.0',   '10.6.0',   '10.7.0',  '10.8.0',  '10.9.0','10.10.0',  '10.11.0',  '10.12.0',  '10.13.0', '10.14.0', '10.14.1','10.14.2',  '10.15.0',  '10.15.1',  '10.15.2', '10.15.3', '10.16.0','10.16.1',  '10.16.2',  '10.16.3',  '10.17.0', '10.18.0', '10.18.1','10.19.0',  '10.20.0',  '10.20.1',  '10.21.0', '10.22.0', '10.22.1','10.23.0',  '10.23.2',  '10.24.0',  '10.24.1', '11.0.0',  '11.1.0','11.2.0',   '11.3.0',   '11.4.0',   '11.5.0',  '11.6.0',  '11.7.0','11.8.0',   '11.9.0',   '11.10.0',  '11.11.0', '11.12.0', '11.13.0','11.14.0',  '11.15.0',  '12.0.0',   '12.1.0',  '12.2.0',  '12.3.0','12.3.1',   '12.4.0',   '12.5.0',   '12.6.0',  '12.7.0',  '12.8.0','12.8.1',   '12.9.0',   '12.9.1',   '12.10.0', '12.11.0', '12.11.1','12.12.0',  '12.13.0',  '12.13.1',  '12.14.0', '12.14.1', '12.15.0','12.16.0',  '12.16.1',  '12.16.2',  '12.16.3', '12.17.0', '12.18.0','12.18.1',  '12.18.2',  '12.18.3',  '12.18.4', '12.19.0', '12.19.1','12.20.0',  '12.20.1',  '12.21.0',  '12.22.1', '12.22.2', '12.22.3','12.22.4',  '12.22.5',  '12.22.6',  '12.22.7', '12.22.8', '12.22.9','12.22.10', '12.22.11', '12.22.12', '13.0.0',  '13.0.1',  '13.1.0','13.2.0',   '13.3.0',   '13.4.0',   '13.5.0',  '13.6.0',  '13.7.0','13.8.0',   '13.9.0',   '13.10.0',  '13.10.1', '13.11.0', '13.12.0','13.13.0',  '13.14.0',  '14.0.0',   '14.1.0',  '14.2.0',  '14.3.0','14.4.0',   '14.5.0',   '14.6.0',   '14.7.0',  '14.8.0',  '14.9.0','14.10.0',  '14.10.1',  '14.11.0',  '14.12.0', '14.13.0', '14.13.1','14.14.0',  '14.15.0',  '14.15.1',  '14.15.2', '14.16.0', '14.16.1','14.17.1',  '14.17.2',  '14.17.3',  '14.17.4', '14.17.5', '14.17.6','14.18.0',  '14.18.1',  '14.18.2',  '14.18.3', '14.19.0', '14.19.1','14.19.2',  '14.19.3',  '14.20.0',  '14.20.1', '14.21.0', '14.21.2','14.21.3',  '15.0.0',   '15.0.1',   '15.1.0',  '15.2.0',  '15.2.1','15.3.0',   '15.4.0',   '15.7.0',   '15.8.0',  '15.10.0', '15.12.0','15.14.0',  '16.0.0',   '16.1.0',   '16.3.0',  '16.4.0',  '16.4.1','16.5.0',   '16.6.0',   '16.6.1',   '16.6.2',  '16.7.0',  '16.8.0','16.9.0',   '16.9.1',   '16.10.0',  '16.11.0', '16.11.1', '16.12.0','16.13.0',  '16.13.1',  '16.13.2',  '16.14.0', '16.14.1', '16.14.2','16.15.0',  '16.15.1',  '16.16.0',  '16.17.0', '16.17.1', '16.18.0','16.18.1',  '16.19.0',  '16.19.1',  '16.20.0', '16.20.1', '16.20.2','17.0.0',   '17.0.1',   '17.1.0',   '17.2.0',  '17.3.0',  '17.3.1','17.4.0',   '17.5.0',   '17.6.0',   '17.7.0',  '17.7.1',  '17.7.2','17.9.1',   '18.0.0',   '18.1.0',   '18.2.0',  '18.3.0',  '18.4.0','18.5.0',   '18.6.0',   '18.7.0',   '18.8.0',  '18.9.0',  '18.9.1','18.10.0',  '18.11.0',  '18.12.0',  '18.12.1', '18.13.0', '18.14.0','18.14.1',  '18.14.2',  '18.15.0',  '18.16.0', '18.16.1', '18.17.0','18.17.1',  '18.18.0',  '18.18.1',  '18.18.2', '18.19.0', '18.19.1','18.20.0',  '18.20.1',  '18.20.2',  '18.20.3', '18.20.4', '19.0.0','19.0.1',   '19.1.0',   '19.2.0',   '19.3.0',  '19.4.0',  '19.5.0','19.6.0',   '19.6.1',   '19.7.0',   '19.8.0',  '19.8.1',  '20.0.0','20.1.0',   '20.2.0',   '20.3.0',   '20.3.1',  '20.4.0',  '20.5.0','20.5.1',   '20.6.0',   '20.6.1',   '20.7.0',  '20.8.0',  '20.8.1','20.9.0',   '20.10.0',  '20.11.0',  '20.11.1', '20.12.0', '20.12.1','20.12.2',  '20.13.0',  '20.13.1',  '20.14.0', '20.15.0', '20.15.1','20.16.0',  '20.17.0',  '20.18.0',  '21.0.0',  '21.1.0',  '21.2.0','21.3.0',   '21.4.0',   '21.5.0',   '21.6.0',  '21.6.1',  '21.6.2','21.7.0',   '21.7.1',   '21.7.2',   '21.7.3',  '22.0.0',  '22.1.0','22.2.0',   '22.3.0',   '22.4.0',   '22.4.1',  '22.5.0',  '22.5.1','22.6.0',   '22.7.0',   '22.8.0',   '22.9.0',  '22.10.0', '22.11.0','23.0.0',   '23.1.0'
  1. sudo n latest // 升级到最新版本
sudo n latest

sudo n stable // 升级到稳定版本

sudo n stable

sudo n xx.xx // 升级到具体版本号

sudo n xx.xx
  1. node -v //查看当前安装的版本号
node -v
  1. n //检查目前安装了哪些版本的node,会出现已安装的node版本,选一个就可以直接切换了
beiluo@beiluodeMBP ~ % node -v
beiluo@beiluodeMBP ~ % nο node/22.11.0node/23.1.0Use up/down arrow keys to select a version, return key to install, d to delete, q to quit


  1. 如果尚未安装Homebrew,请安装:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
  1. 使用Homebrew更新Node.js:
brew updatebrew upgrade node

另一个报错:报错信息提示你在尝试使用npm init vite初始化一个Vite项目时遇到了权限错误。EACCES错误表明你没有足够的权限去写入指定的文件路径。

beiluo@beiluodeMBP readit-demo % npm init vite
npm error code EACCES
npm error syscall open
npm error path /Users/beiluo/.npm/_cacache/tmp/88a817fe
npm error errno EACCES
npm error
npm error Your cache folder contains root-owned files, due to a bug in
npm error previous versions of npm which has since been addressed.
npm error
npm error To permanently fix this problem, please run:
npm error   sudo chown -R 501:20 "/Users/beiluo/.npm"
npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /Users/beiluo/.npm/_logs/2024-11-02T15_37_14_948Z-debug-0.log


sudo chown -R 501:20 "/Users/beiluo/.npm"




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如何更新已经发布的 NPM 组件库

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