
news/2024/9/23 4:45:28/



display current-configuration
display this
| begin    直到过滤出匹配的项目,剩下内容全部显示出来。| exclude  输出不匹配所有行。`| include  只输出匹配所有行。3.诊断信息查询
display diagnostic-information


虚拟类型终端(Virtual Type Terminal)是一种虚拟线路端口,使用远程登录(telnet、ssh)方式进行访问,最多支持21个用户同时访问。用户界面的用户级别(level)管理
1.Password验证,需要在用户界面配置Level。[MYWS-ui-console0]dis th
user-interface con 0 authentication-mode password  //配置password验证user privilege level 15     //配置用户权限级别set authentication password cipher PASSWORD  //设置登录密码


2.AAA验证,需要在AAA视图下配置Level。[MYWS-ui-console0]dis th
user-interface vty 0 4
authentication-mode aaa    
protocol inbound ssh    
local-user NAME password irreversible-cipher PASSWORD
local-user NAME service-type ssh   
local-user NAME privilege level (1-15)   
[MYWS]dis user-interface    //可查看到设备当前支持的用户界面以及它们的绝对编号Idx  Type     Tx/Rx      Modem Privi ActualPrivi Auth  Int     
+ 0    CON 0    9600       -     3     3           N     -       34   VTY 0               -     0     -           P     -       35   VTY 1               -     0     -           P     -       36   VTY 2               -     0     -           P     -       37   VTY 3               -     0     -           P     -       38   VTY 4               -     0     -           P     -       50   VTY 16              -     0     -           P     -       51   VTY 17              -     0     -           P     -       52   VTY 18              -     0     -           P     -       53   VTY 19              -     0     -           P     -       54   VTY 20              -     0     -           P     -       67   LTT 0    9600       -     0     -           N     -       68   LTT 1    9600       -     0     -           N     -       69   LTT 2    9600       -     0     -           N     -       70   LTT 3    9600       -     0     -           N     -       71   LTT 4    9600       -     0     -           N     -       72   LTT 5    9600       -     0     -           N     -       73   LTT 6    9600       -     0     -           N     -       74   LTT 7    9600       -     0     -           N     -       75   LTT 8    9600       -     0     -           N     -       76   LTT 9    9600       -     0     -           N     -       77   LTT 10   9600       -     0     -           N     -       78   LTT 11   9600       -     0     -           N     -       79   LTT 12   9600       -     0     -           N     -       80   LTT 13   9600       -     0     -           N     -       81   LTT 14   9600       -     0     -           N     -       82   LTT 15   9600       -     0     -           N     -       83   LTT 16   9600       -     0     -           N     -       
UI(s) not in async mode -or- with no hardware support: 
1-32  +    : Current UI is active.    //当前用户界面处于活动状态。F    : Current UI is active and work in async mode. //当前用户界面是活动的,在异步模式下工作。Idx  : Absolute index of UIs.//用户界面的绝对索引。Type : Type and relative index of UIs.//UI 的类型和相对索引。Privi: The privilege of UIs.//UI 的特权。ActualPrivi: The actual privilege of user-interface.//用户界面的实际特权。Auth : The authentication mode of UIs.//UI 的身份验证模式。A: Authenticate use AAA. //使用 AAA 进行身份验证。N: Current UI need not authentication. //当前用户界面不需要身份验证。P: Authenticate use current UI's password. //使用当前用户界面的密码进行身份验证。Int  : The physical location of UIs.//UI 的物理位置。


[MYWS]user-interface ?INTEGER<0,34-48,50-54>   The first user terminal interface to be configuredconsole                  Primary user terminal interfacecurrent                  The current user terminal interfacemaximum-vty              The maximum number of VTY users, the default valueis 5vty                      The virtual user terminal interface [MYWS]user-interface maximum-vty ?INTEGER<0-15>  The maximum number of VTY users, the default value is 5//VTY 用户的最大数量,默认值为5[MYWS]user-interface maximum-vty 15  //可以根据实际使用需求设置最大数2. 配置Console用户界面的物理属性(默认一般不调整:传输速率-9600 bit/s,不进行流控、不进行校验、停止位-1、数据位-8)user-interface con 0 
(speed、flow-control、parity、stopbits、databits)3. 设置用户超时断连功能
user-interface con 0 或者 vty界面
[MYWS-ui-console0]idle-timeout ?INTEGER<0-35791>  Set the number of minutes before a terminal user timesout(default: 10minutes)//设置终端用户超时前的分钟数(默认为10分钟)4.清除在线用户
kill user-interface 参数
执行命令send 参数
<MYWS>send ?INTEGER<0-54>  Specify a user terminal interface and configure it all            All user terminal interfacesconsole        Primary user terminal interfacevty            The virtual user terminal interface <MYWS>send all ?<cr>  <MYWS>send all Enter message, end with CTRL+Z or Enter; abort with CTRL+C:
Warning: Send the message? [Y/N]:y6. 安全加固(限制那些用户能否登陆成功)比较实用
[MYWS]user-interface vty 0 4
[MYWS-ui-vty0-4]acl ?INTEGER<2000-3999>  Apply basic or advanced ACLipv6                Filter IPv6 addresses[MYWS-ui-vty0-4]acl ?
[MYWS-ui-vty0-4]acl 2000 ?inbound   Filter login connections from the current user interfaceoutbound  Filter logout connections from the current user interface[MYWS-ui-vty0-4]acl 2000 


display users all
display user-interface console 0
display user-interface maximum-vty
display user-interface vty 0
display ssh server ip-block all
display ssh server ip-block list
display vty ip-block list
display vty ip-block all
display vty mode




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