Rust Course学习(编写测试)

news/2024/9/22 21:05:44/

如果友友你的计算机上没有安装Rust,可以直接安装:Rust 程序设计语言 (

Introduce 介绍

       Testing in Rust involves writing code specifically designed to verify that other code works as expected. It’s important because it helps ensure the reliability, correctness, and robustness of Rustprograms by detecting bugs, regressions, and edge cases early in the development process.

     To start experimenting with tests, we need to create a library crate, we can do that by running the following command.

cargo new testing_in_rust --libv

       Creating a new library crate 
       创建一个新的库crate,可以参考小北之前的 文件。

      In the file we already have a pre-written test, let’s break it down to understand it better.
      在 文件中,我们已经有了一个预先编写的测试,让我们分解它以更好地理解它。

pub fn add(left: usize, right: usize) -> usize {left + right
mod tests {use super::*;#[test]fn it_works() {let result = add(2, 2);assert_eq!(result, 4);}
  • The #[cfg(test)] attribute indicates that the module contains test code, which will only be compiled when running tests.
  • #[cfg(test)] 属性表示模块包含测试代码,只有在运行测试时才会编译这些代码。
  • mod tests { ... } defines a module named tests specifically for organizing test code.
  • mod tests { ... } 定义了一个名为 tests 的模块,专门用于组织测试代码。
  • use super::*; imports items from the parent module (super) into the test module's scope, allowing access to the add function.
  • use super::*; 将项目从父模块( super )导入到测试模块的作用域中,允许访问 add 函数。
  • #[test] attribute marks a function as a test case. In this case, fn it_works() { ... } is the test case.
  • #[test] 属性将函数标记为测试用例。在本例中, fn it_works() { ... } 是测试用例。
  • Inside it_works(), let result = add(2, 2); calls the add function with arguments 2 and 2, storing the result in result.
  • 在 it_works() 中, let result = add(2, 2); 使用参数 2 和 2 调用 add 函数,并将结果存储在 result 中。
  • assert_eq!(result, 4); verifies that result is equal to 4. If the assertion fails, the test case fails, indicating that the add function did not produce the expected result.
  • assert_eq!(result, 4); 验证 result 等于 4 。如果断言失败,则测试用例失败,表明 add 函数没有产生预期的结果。
  • Running this test will verify that the add function correctly adds two usize values and returns the expected result, 4.
  • 运行此测试将验证 add 函数是否正确地将两个 usize 值相加并返回预期结果 4
  • To run the tests we can use the cargo test command
  • 要运行测试,我们可以使用 cargo test 命令
    cargo test



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