
news/2024/9/23 6:38:08/


1、使用接口隔离原则 (ISP)

将较大的接口划分为更小、更具体的接口,以遵守 ISP,并确保实现类只需要实现它们使用的方法。

// Bad example  // A single interface for both lights and thermostats  
public interface IDevice  
{  void TurnOn();  void TurnOff();  void SetTemperature(int temperature);  
}  public class SmartLight : IDevice  
{  public void TurnOn()  {  Console.WriteLine("Smart light turned on");  }  public void TurnOff()  {  Console.WriteLine("Smart light turned off");  }  public void SetTemperature(int temperature)  {  // Unsupported operation for a light  Console.WriteLine("Cannot set temperature for a light");  }  
}  // Good example   // Interface for a light device  
public interface ILight  
{  void TurnOn();  void TurnOff();  
}  // Interface for a thermostat device  
public interface IThermostat  
{  void SetTemperature(int temperature);  
}  // A smart light class implementing ILight  
public class SmartLight : ILight  
{  public void TurnOn()  {  Console.WriteLine("Smart light turned on");  }  public void TurnOff()  {  Console.WriteLine("Smart light turned off");  }  
}  // A smart thermostat class implementing IThermostat  
public class SmartThermostat : IThermostat  
{  public void SetTemperature(int temperature)  {  Console.WriteLine($"Thermostat set to {temperature}°C");  }  



// Interface representing a shape  
public interface IShape  
{  double CalculateArea();  
}  // Rectangle implementation of the IShape interface  
public class Rectangle : IShape  
{  public double Width { get; }  public double Height { get; }  public Rectangle(double width, double height)  {  Width = width;  Height = height;  }  public double CalculateArea()  {  return Width \* Height;  }  
}  // Circle implementation of the IShape interface  
public class Circle : IShape  
{  public double Radius { get; }  public Circle(double radius)  {  Radius = radius;  }  public double CalculateArea()  {  return Math.PI * Radius * Radius;  }  

我们有一个 IShape 接口,它表示一个形状,并使用 CalculateArea() 方法来计算其面积。

我们有实现 IShape 接口的 Rectangle 和 Circle 形状类,每个类都提供自己特定于该形状的 CalculateArea() 方法的实现。

该设计允许通过添加实现 IShape 接口的新形状类来轻松扩展,而无需修改现有代码。例如,如果我们想为 Square 扩展它,我们可以简单地创建一个新的类 Square 使用它自己的 CalculateArea() 方法实现 IShape。

// Square implementation of the IShape interface  
public class Square : IShape  
{  public double SideLength { get; }  public Square(double sideLength)  {  SideLength = sideLength;  }  public double CalculateArea()  {  return SideLength * SideLength;  }  



// Immutable interface representing coordinates  
public interface ICoordinates  
{  // Readonly properties for latitude and longitude  double Latitude { get; }  double Longitude { get; }  
}  public class Coordinates : ICoordinates  
{  public double Latitude { get; }  public double Longitude { get; }  // Constructor to initialize the latitude and longitude  public Coordinates(double latitude, double longitude)  {  Latitude = latitude;  Longitude = longitude;  }  


// Interface representing a component that can be composed into other classes  
public interface IComponent  
{  void Process();  
}  // Example class implementing the IComponent interface  
public class Component : IComponent  
{  public void Process()  {  Console.WriteLine("Performing action in Component");  }  
}  // Example class demonstrating composition  
public class CompositeComponent  
{  private readonly IComponent _component;  public CompositeComponent(IComponent component)  {  _component = component;  }  public void Execute()  {  _component.Process();  }  



public interface IVehicle  
{  void Start();  void Stop();  void Accelerate(int speed);  void Accelerate(double accelerationRate);  




// Generic interface for a data access layer  
public interface IDataAccessLayer<T>  
{  Task<T> GetByIdAsync(int id);  Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetAllAsync();  


// Interface representing a service for processing orders  
public interface IOrderService  
{  Task ProcessAsync(Order order);  
}  // Interface representing a service for processing orders (version 2)  
public interface IOrderServiceV2  
{  Task ProcessAsync(OrderV2 order);  


利用 .NET 中的协方差和逆变,在处理接口实现时允许更灵活的类型转换。
// Covariant interface for reading data  
public interface IDataReader<out T>  
{  T ReadData();  
}  // Contravariant interface for writing data  
public interface IDataWriter<in T>  
{  void WriteData(T data);  


FAT 接口包含太多成员,这使得它们难以实现和维护。将大型接口拆分为更小、更集中的接口。
// Bad example   public interface IDataRepository  
{  Task<Data> GetByIdAsync(int id);  Task AddAsync(Data data);  Task GenerateReportAsync();  Task<bool> ValidateAsync(Data data);  
} // Good example  // Interface for data retrieval operations  
public interface IDataRepository  
{  Task<Data> GetByIdAsync(int id);  Task CreateAsync(Data data);  
}  // Interface for data reporting operations  
public interface IDataReporting  
{  Task GenerateReportAsync();  
}  // Interface for data validation  
public interface IDataValidation  
{  Task<bool> ValidateAsync(Data data);  


public interface IInterface1  
{  void Method();  
}  public interface IInterface2  
{  void Method();  
}  public class MyClass : IInterface1, IInterface2  
{  // Explicit implementation of IInterface1.Method  void IInterface1.Method()  {  Console.WriteLine("IInterface1.Method");  }  // Explicit implementation of IInterface2.Method  void IInterface2.Method()  {  Console.WriteLine("IInterface2.Method");  }  



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