1,将QNX imge转换成android sparse镜像
root@ubuntu:~/workspace/$ file qnx_img.img
qnx_img.img: DOS/MBR boot sector
使用python tools/mksparse.py $镜像文件 转换为android sparse镜像
mksparse.py通常位于QNX 源码路径下的target目录中
root@ubuntu:~/workspace/$ file qnx_img.img.sparse
qnx_img.img.sparse: Android sparse image, version: 1.0, Total of 786432 4096-byte output blocks in 1674 input chunks.
2,android sparse镜像转换为qnx6镜像,这个工具需要安装一下,通过apt-get就可以安装
simg2img $image_file.sparse $image_file.sparse.qnx6
3, 通过loop设备挂载qnx6 镜像
sudo losetup $loop_device $image_file.sparse.qnx6
sudo mount -t qnx6 $loop_device $mount_path
#!/bin/bash# Function to display help information
display_help() {echo "Usage: $0 mount/umount image_file loop_device mount_path"echo "Example: $0 mount qnx.img /dev/loop27 /mnt"echo "Example:" $0 umount /dev/loop27 /mnt
}# Parse command line arguments
action=$1# Perform the specified action
case $action in"mount")if [ "$#" -ne 4 ]; thenecho "Error: Insufficient number of arguments for 'mount'."display_helpexit 1fiimage_file=$2loop_device=$3mount_path=$4sudo umount $mount_pathecho "================step1: create spare imge"python tools/mksparse.py $2echo "================step2: create qnx6 imge"simg2img $image_file.sparse $image_file.sparse.qnx6echo "================step3: map to loop devices"sudo losetup -d $loop_devicesudo losetup $loop_device $image_file.sparse.qnx6echo "================step4: mount devices!"sudo mount -o rw -t qnx6 $loop_device $mount_pathecho "Mounted $image_file on $loop_device at $mount_path";;"umount")if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; thenecho "Error: Insufficient number of arguments for 'mount'."display_helpexit 1filoop_device=$2mount_path=$3sudo umount $mount_pathsudo losetup -d $loop_deviceecho "Unmounted $image_file from $loop_device at $mount_path";;*)echo "Error: Unknown action '$action'."display_helpexit 1;;
esacexit 0