
news/2024/10/17 21:15:10/


  • Online-Security-Videos – 红日Web安全攻防视频
  • Online-Security-Videos – 西安鹏程网络安全攻防课程
  • Online-Security-Videos – Vulhub系列视频
  • Online-Security-Videos – 米斯特Web安全攻防视频
  • Online-Security-Videos – SSRF漏洞利用与getshell实战


  • WebGoat – WebGoat漏洞练习环境
  • Damn Vulnerable Web Application – Damn Vulnerable Web Application(漏洞练习平台)
  • sqli-labs – 数据库注入练习平台
  • kali-linux – kali linux安装教程


  • Metasploit Unleashed – 免费的metasploit教程
  • PTES – 渗透测试执行标准
  • OWASP – 开放式Web应用程序安全项目
  • PENTEST-WIKI – 开源安全测试方法手册
  • Vulnerability Assessment Framework – 渗透测试框架
  • XSS-Payloads – Xss构造语句


  • Java-Web-Videos – 【第一阶段】JavaWeb基础
  • Java-Web-Videos – 【第二阶段】JavaWeb进阶
  • Java-Web-Videos – 【第三阶段】Mysql&jdbc
  • Java-Web-Videos – 【第四阶段】Linux



  • Web-Security – Web安全思维导图


  • Android-Security – 移动安全思维导图


  • Security – 安全开发思维导图


  • Security – CTF思维导图


  • Security – 业务安全思维导图



  • Docker-DSVW – DSVW渗透测试平台
  • Docker-DVWA_Wooyun – DVWA_Wooyun渗透测试平台
  • Docker-DVWA – DVWA渗透测试平台
  • Docker-WAVSEP – WAVSEP渗透测试平台
  • Docker-WebGoat – WebGoat渗透测试平台
  • Docker-bWAPP – bWAPP渗透测试平台
  • Docker-ActiveMQ任意文件写入漏洞(CVE-2016-3088) – ActiveMQ任意文件写入漏洞(CVE-2016-3088)
  • Docker-Apache 解析漏洞复现环境 – Apache 解析漏洞复现环境
  • Docker-fastjson 反序列化导致任意命令执行漏洞 – fastjson 反序列化导致任意命令执行漏洞
  • Docker-ffmpeg 任意文件读取漏洞/SSRF漏洞 (CVE-2016-1897/CVE-2016-1898) – ffmpeg 任意文件读取漏洞/SSRF漏洞 (CVE-2016-1897/CVE-2016-1898)
  • Docker-Flask(Jinja2) 服务端模板注入漏洞 – Flask(Jinja2) 服务端模板注入漏洞
  • Docker-PHP-FPM Fastcgi 未授权访问漏洞 – PHP-FPM Fastcgi 未授权访问漏洞
  • Docker-GlassFish 任意文件读取漏洞 – GlassFish 任意文件读取漏洞
  • Docker-HTTPoxy漏洞(CVE-2016-5385)测试环境 – HTTPoxy漏洞(CVE-2016-5385)测试环境
  • Docker-Imagetragick漏洞(CVE-2016–3714)测试环境 – Imagetragick漏洞(CVE-2016–3714)测试环境


  • Docker-CVE-2014-0160 – 心脏出血漏洞(CVE-2014-0160)测试环境
  • Docker-GIT-SHELL 沙盒绕过(CVE-2017-8386) – GIT-SHELL 沙盒绕过(CVE-2017-8386)
  • Docker-Gitlab 任意文件读取漏洞(CVE-2016-9086) – Gitlab 任意文件读取漏洞(CVE-2016-9086)
  • Docker-Jenkins-CI 远程代码执行漏洞(CVE-2017-1000353) – Jenkins-CI 远程代码执行漏洞(CVE-2017-1000353)
  • Docker-Nginx 解析漏洞复现 – Nginx 解析漏洞复现


  • ActiveMQ – ActiveMQ的PUT 上传getshellExP CVE-2016-3088


  • Shellcode Tutorial – Tutorial on how to write shellcode.
  • Shellcode Examples – Shellcodes database.
  • Exploit Writing Tutorials – Tutorials on how to develop exploits.
  • shellsploit – New Generation Exploit Development Kit.
  • Voltron – Hacky debugger UI for hackers.


  • Social Engineering Framework – 社会工程学资料和信息



  • Kali – 一个Linux发行版,用来做数字取证和渗透测试。
  • ArchStrike – Arch GNU/Linux repository for security professionals and enthusiasts.
  • BlackArch – Arch GNU/Linux-based distribution for penetration testers and security researchers.
  • Network Security Toolkit (NST) – 网络安全工具包发行版
  • Pentoo -着眼于安全的基于Gentoo的 LiveCD
  • BackBox – 基于Ubuntu的发行版,用于渗透测试及安全评估
  • Parrot – Distribution similar to Kali, with multiple architecture.
  • Buscador – GNU/Linux virtual machine that is pre-configured for online investigators.
  • Fedora Security Lab – Provides a safe test environment to work on security auditing, forensics, system rescue and teaching security testing methodologies.
  • The Pentesters Framework – Distro organized around the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES), providing a curated collection of utilities that eliminates often unused toolchains.


  • Metasploit Framework – 应用最广的渗透测试软件
  • burp suite – 抓包工具,针对Web应用执行安全检测
  • ExploitPack – Graphical tool for penetration testing with a bunch of exploits.
  • BeEF – Command and control server for delivering exploits to commandeered Web browsers.
  • faraday – Collaborative penetration test and vulnerability management platform.
  • evilgrade – The update explotation framework.
  • routersploit – Automated penetration testing software for router.
  • redsnarf – Post-exploitation tool for grabbing credentials.
  • Bella – Pure Python post-exploitation data mining & remote administration tool for Mac OS.
  • Offensive Web Testing Framework (OWTF) – Python-based framework for pentesting Web applications based on the OWASP Testing Guide.


  • docker pull kalilinux/kali-linux-docker official Kali Linux
  • docker pull owasp/zap2docker-stable – official OWASP ZAP
  • docker pull wpscanteam/wpscan – official WPScan
  • docker pull citizenstig/dvwa – Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA)
  • docker pull wpscanteam/vulnerablewordpress – Vulnerable WordPress Installation
  • docker pull hmlio/vaas-cve-2014-6271 – Vulnerability as a service: Shellshock
  • docker pull hmlio/vaas-cve-2014-0160 – Vulnerability as a service: Heartbleed
  • docker pull opendns/security-ninjas – Security Ninjas
  • docker pull diogomonica/docker-bench-security – Docker Bench for Security
  • docker pull ismisepaul/securityshepherd – OWASP Security Shepherd
  • docker pull danmx/docker-owasp-webgoat – OWASP WebGoat Project docker image
  • docker-compose build && docker-compose up – OWASP NodeGoat
  • docker pull citizenstig/nowasp – OWASP Mutillidae II Web Pen-Test Practice Application
  • docker pull bkimminich/juice-shop – OWASP Juice Shop
  • docker pull kalilinux/kali-linux-docker – Kali Linux Docker Image
  • docker pull remnux/metasploit – docker-metasploit


  • Nexpose – 漏洞管理&风险控制软件
  • Nessus – 漏洞,配置,和合规检测
  • OpenVAS – 开源漏洞扫描器
  • Vuls – Agentless vulnerability scanner for GNU/Linux and FreeBSD, written in Go.


  • Brakeman – Static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications.
  • cppcheck – Extensible C/C++ static analyzer focused on finding bugs.
  • FindBugs – Free software static analyzer to look for bugs in Java code.
  • sobelow – Security-focused static analysis for the Phoenix Framework.


  • Nikto – Web服务器和Web应用程序漏洞扫描程序
  • Arachni – Scriptable framework for evaluating the security of web applications.
  • w3af – Web应用程序攻击和审计框架
  • Wapiti – Black box web application vulnerability scanner with built-in fuzzer.
  • SecApps – In-browser web application security testing suite.
  • WebReaver – Commercial, graphical web application vulnerability scanner designed for macOS.
  • WPScan – 黑盒wordpress扫描工具
  • cms-explorer – Reveal the specific modules, plugins, components and themes that various websites powered by content management systems are running.
  • joomscan – Joomla vulnerability scanner.


  • zmap – 开源网络端口扫描器
  • nmap – 免费的安全扫描器,用于网络勘测和安全审计
  • pig – GNU/Linux packet crafting tool.
  • scanless – Utility for using websites to perform port scans on your behalf so as not to reveal your own IP.
  • tcpdump/libpcap – Common packet analyzer that runs under the command line.
  • Wireshark – 一个Unix和Windows系统的传输协议分析工具
  • Network Tools – Different network tools: ping, lookup, whois, etc.
  • netsniff-ng – Swiss army knife for for network sniffing.
  • Intercepter-NG – Multifunctional network toolkit.
  • SPARTA – Network infrastructure penetration testing tool.
  • dnschef – Highly configurable DNS proxy for pentesters.
  • DNSDumpster – Online DNS recon and search service.
  • CloudFail – Unmask server IP addresses hidden behind Cloudflare by searching old database records and detecting misconfigured DNS.
  • dnsenum – Perl script that enumerates DNS information from a domain, attempts zone transfers, performs a brute force dictionary style attack, and then performs reverse look-ups on the results.
  • dnsmap – Passive DNS network mapper.
  • dnsrecon – DNS enumeration script.
  • dnstracer – Determines where a given DNS server gets its information from, and follows the chain of DNS servers.
  • passivedns-client – Library and query tool for querying several passive DNS providers.
  • passivedns – Network sniffer that logs all DNS server replies for use in a passive DNS setup.
  • Mass Scan – TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes.
  • Zarp – Network attack tool centered around the exploitation of local networks.
  • mitmproxy – Interactive SSL-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
  • Morpheus – Automated ettercap TCP/IP Hijacking tool.
  • mallory – HTTP/HTTPS proxy over SSH.
  • SSH MITM – Intercept SSH connections with a proxy; all plaintext passwords and sessions are logged to disk.
  • Netzob – Reverse engineering, traffic generation and fuzzing of communication protocols.
  • DET – Proof of concept to perform data exfiltration using either single or multiple channel(s) at the same time.
  • pwnat – Punches holes in firewalls and NATs.
  • dsniff – Collection of tools for network auditing and pentesting.
  • tgcd – Simple Unix network utility to extend the accessibility of TCP/IP based network services beyond firewalls.
  • smbmap – Handy SMB enumeration tool.
  • scapy – Python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library.
  • Dshell – Network forensic analysis framework.
  • Debookee (macOS) – Intercept traffic from any device on your network.
  • Dripcap – Caffeinated packet analyzer.
  • PRET – Printer Exploitation Toolkit offers commands useful for printer attacks and fuzzing.
  • Praeda – Automated multi-function printer data harvester for gathering usable data during security assessments.


  • Aircrack-ng – Set of tools for auditing wireless networks.
  • Kismet – Wireless network detector, sniffer, and IDS.
  • Reaver – Brute force attack against WiFi Protected Setup.
  • Wifite – Automated wireless attack tool.


  • SSLyze – SSL configuration scanner.
  • sslstrip – Demonstration of the HTTPS stripping attacks.
  • sslstrip2 – SSLStrip version to defeat HSTS.
  • tls_prober – Fingerprint a server’s SSL/TLS implementation.

Web exploitation

  • OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) – Feature-rich, scriptable HTTP intercepting proxy and fuzzer for penetration testing web applications.
  • Fiddler – Free cross-platform web debugging proxy with user-friendly companion tools.
  • Burp Suite – Integrated platform for performing security testing of web applications.
  • autochrome – Easy to install a test browser with all the appropriate setting needed for web application testing with native Burp support, from NCCGroup.
  • WordPress Exploit Framework – Ruby framework for developing and using modules which aid in the penetration testing of WordPress powered websites and systems.
  • WPSploit – Exploit WordPress-powered websites with Metasploit.
  • SQLmap – Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool.
  • tplmap – Automatic server-side template injection and Web server takeover tool.
  • weevely3 – Weaponized web shell.
  • Wappalyzer – Wappalyzer uncovers the technologies used on websites.
  • WhatWeb – Website fingerprinter.
  • BlindElephant – Web application fingerprinter.
  • wafw00f – Identifies and fingerprints Web Application Firewall (WAF) products.
  • fimap – Find, prepare, audit, exploit and even Google automatically for LFI/RFI bugs.
  • Kadabra – Automatic LFI exploiter and scanner.
  • Kadimus – LFI scan and exploit tool.
  • liffy – LFI exploitation tool.
  • Commix – Automated all-in-one operating system command injection and exploitation tool.
  • DVCS Ripper – Rip web accessible (distributed) version control systems: SVN/GIT/HG/BZR.
  • GitTools – Automatically find and download Web-accessible .git repositories.

Hex Editors

  • HexEdit.js – Browser-based hex editing.
  • Hexinator – World’s finest (proprietary, commercial) Hex Editor.
  • Frhed – Binary file editor for Windows.


  • Kaitai Struct – File formats and network protocols dissection language and web IDE, generating parsers in C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby.
  • Veles – Binary data visualization and analysis tool.
  • Hachoir – Python library to view and edit a binary stream as tree of fields and tools for metadata extraction.


  • John the Ripper – Fast password cracker.
  • Hashcat – The more fast hash cracker.
  • CeWL – Generates custom wordlists by spidering a target’s website and collecting unique words.


  • LOIC – Open source network stress tool for Windows.
  • JS LOIC – JavaScript in-browser version of LOIC.
  • SlowLoris – DoS tool that uses low bandwidth on the attacking side.
  • HOIC – Updated version of Low Orbit Ion Cannon, has ‘boosters’ to get around common counter measures.
  • T50 – Faster network stress tool.
  • UFONet – Abuses OSI layer 7 HTTP to create/manage ‘zombies’ and to conduct different attacks using; GET/POST, multithreading, proxies, origin spoofing methods, cache evasion techniques, etc.


  • Social Engineer Toolkit (SET) – Open source pentesting framework designed for social engineering featuring a number of custom attack vectors to make believable attacks quickly.
  • King Phisher – Phishing campaign toolkit used for creating and managing multiple simultaneous phishing attacks with custom email and server content.
  • Evilginx – MITM attack framework used for phishing credentials and session cookies from any Web service.
  • wifiphisher – Automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks.
  • Catphish – Tool for phishing and corporate espionage written in Ruby.


  • IDA Pro – Windows, GNU/Linux or macOS hosted multi-processor disassembler and debugger.
  • IDA Free – The freeware version of IDA v5.0.
  • WDK/WinDbg – Windows Driver Kit and WinDbg.
  • OllyDbg – x86 debugger for Windows binaries that emphasizes binary code analysis.
  • Radare2 – Open source, crossplatform reverse engineering framework.
  • x64dbg – Open source x64/x32 debugger for windows.
  • Immunity Debugger – Powerful way to write exploits and analyze malware.
  • Evan’s Debugger – OllyDbg-like debugger for GNU/Linux.
  • Medusa disassembler – Open source interactive disassembler.
  • plasma – Interactive disassembler for x86/ARM/MIPS. Generates indented pseudo-code with colored syntax code.
  • peda – Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB.
  • dnSpy – Tool to reverse engineer .NET assemblies.


  • ctf-tools – Collection of setup scripts to install various security research tools easily and quickly deployable to new machines.
  • Pwntools – Rapid exploit development framework built for use in CTFs.
  • RsaCtfTool – Decrypt data enciphered using weak RSA keys, and recover private keys from public keys using a variety of automated attacks.


  • Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) – Dictionary of common names (i.e., CVE Identifiers) for publicly known security vulnerabilities.
  • National Vulnerability Database (NVD) – United States government’s National Vulnerability Database provides additional meta-data (CPE, CVSS scoring) of the standard CVE List along with a fine-grained search engine.
  • US-CERT Vulnerability Notes Database – Summaries, technical details, remediation information, and lists of vendors affected by software vulnerabilities, aggregated by the United States Computer Emergency Response Team (US-CERT).
  • Full-Disclosure – Public, vendor-neutral forum for detailed discussion of vulnerabilities, often publishes details before many other sources.
  • Bugtraq (BID) – Software security bug identification database compiled from submissions to the SecurityFocus mailing list and other sources, operated by Symantec, Inc.
  • Exploit-DB – Non-profit project hosting exploits for software vulnerabilities, provided as a public service by Offensive Security.
  • Microsoft Security Bulletins – Announcements of security issues discovered in Microsoft software, published by the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC).
  • Microsoft Security Advisories – Archive of security advisories impacting Microsoft software.
  • Mozilla Foundation Security Advisories – Archive of security advisories impacting Mozilla software, including the Firefox Web Browser.
  • Packet Storm – Compendium of exploits, advisories, tools, and other security-related resources aggregated from across the industry.
  • CXSecurity – Archive of published CVE and Bugtraq software vulnerabilities cross-referenced with a Google dork database for discovering the listed vulnerability.
  • SecuriTeam – Independent source of software vulnerability information.
  • Vulnerability Lab – Open forum for security advisories organized by category of exploit target.
  • Zero Day Initiative – Bug bounty program with publicly accessible archive of published security advisories, operated by TippingPoint.
  • Vulners – Security database of software vulnerabilities.
  • Inj3ct0r (Onion service) – Exploit marketplace and vulnerability information aggregator.
  • Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB) – Historical archive of security vulnerabilities in computerized equipment, no longer adding to its vulnerability database as of April, 2016. Continued by Risk Based Security as a commercial VDB.


  • Offensive Security Training – Training from BackTrack/Kali developers.
  • SANS Security Training – Computer Security Training & Certification.
  • Open Security Training – Training material for computer security classes.
  • CTF Field Guide – Everything you need to win your next CTF competition.
  • ARIZONA CYBER WARFARE RANGE – 24×7 live fire exercises for beginners through real world operations; capability for upward progression into the real world of cyber warfare.
  • Cybrary – Free courses in ethical hacking and advanced penetration testing. Advanced penetration testing courses are based on the book ‘Penetration Testing for Highly Secured Enviroments’.
  • Computer Security Student – Many free tutorials, great for beginners, $10/mo membership unlocks all content.
  • European Union Agency for Network and Information Security – ENISA Cyber Security Training material.


  • DEF CON – Annual hacker convention in Las Vegas.
  • Black Hat – Annual security conference in Las Vegas.
  • BSides – Framework for organising and holding security conferences.
  • CCC – Annual meeting of the international hacker scene in Germany.
  • DerbyCon – Annual hacker conference based in Louisville.
  • PhreakNIC – Technology conference held annually in middle Tennessee.
  • ShmooCon – Annual US East coast hacker convention.
  • CarolinaCon – Infosec conference, held annually in North Carolina.
  • CHCon – Christchurch Hacker Con, Only South Island of New Zealand hacker con.
  • SummerCon – One of the oldest hacker conventions, held during Summer.
  • Hack.lu – Annual conference held in Luxembourg.
  • Hackfest – Largest hacking conference in Canada.
  • HITB – Deep-knowledge security conference held in Malaysia and The Netherlands.
  • Troopers – Annual international IT Security event with workshops held in Heidelberg, Germany.
  • Hack3rCon – Annual US hacker conference.
  • ThotCon – Annual US hacker conference held in Chicago.
  • LayerOne – Annual US security conference held every spring in Los Angeles.
  • DeepSec – Security Conference in Vienna, Austria.
  • SkyDogCon – Technology conference in Nashville.
  • SECUINSIDE – Security Conference in Seoul.
  • DefCamp – Largest Security Conference in Eastern Europe, held anually in Bucharest, Romania.
  • AppSecUSA – Annual conference organised by OWASP.
  • BruCON – Annual security conference in Belgium.
  • Infosecurity Europe – Europe’s number one information security event, held in London, UK.
  • Nullcon – Annual conference in Delhi and Goa, India.
  • RSA Conference USA – Annual security conference in San Francisco, California, USA.
  • Swiss Cyber Storm – Annual security conference in Lucerne, Switzerland.
  • Virus Bulletin Conference – Annual conference going to be held in Denver, USA for 2016.
  • Ekoparty – Largest Security Conference in Latin America, held annually in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • 44Con – Annual Security Conference held in London.
  • BalCCon – Balkan Computer Congress, annualy held in Novi Sad, Serbia.
  • FSec – FSec – Croatian Information Security Gathering in Varaždin, Croatia.


  • 2600: The Hacker Quarterly – American publication about technology and computer “underground.”
  • Phrack Magazine – By far the longest running hacker zine.




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