Leetcode—2525.根据规则将箱子分类 实现代码
char * categorizeBox(int length, int width, int height, int mass){long long volume;long long len (long long)length;long long wid (long long)width;long long heig (long lo…
【Edabit 算法 ★☆☆☆☆☆】 Basic Variable Assignment
bugs functional_programming language_fundametals strings
Instructions A student learning JavaScript was trying to make a function. His code should concatenate a passed string name with string "E…
【Edabit 算法 ★☆☆☆☆☆】 Return Something to Me!
strings language_fundamentals
Instructions Write a function that returns the string "something" joined with a space " " and the given argument a. Examples
giveMeSomething(“is bett…