[Leetcode学习-C语言]Two Sum

news/2025/2/12 2:20:41/

题目连接:LeetCode - The World's Leading Online Programming Learning Platform


用 hash 拉链法 构造hash函数,才能写这么题小题。

typedef struct Node {  // 得自己做个hash 拉链法struct Node *next;int val;int sign;}Node, * pNode;void insert(int val, int sign, int hash, pNode nodeList[]) {pNode newNode = (pNode) malloc(1 * sizeof(Node));newNode->val = val;newNode->sign = sign;newNode->next=NULL; // leetCode的检测问题需要置空//printf("  a");if(nodeList[hash]) {pNode node = nodeList[hash];while(node->next) {node = node->next;}node->next = newNode;} else {nodeList[hash] = newNode;}}
int* twoSum(int* nums, int numsSize, int target, int* returnSize){*returnSize = 2; // leetCode需要指定返回多少数字int *result = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*2); // leetCode避免内存被清空int point1, point2, find = 0;pNode nodeList[10000] = {0}; // 这里能写成动态分配内存就好了// for(int i = 0; i < numsSize; i ++) printf("%d ", nums[i]);for(int i = 0; i < numsSize; i ++) {int val = target - nums[i];int hash = abs(val % numsSize);  // 做取余//printf("%d  ", hash);if(nodeList[hash]) {pNode nodeI = nodeList[hash];//printf("  %d|%d  ", nodeI->val, val);while(nodeI) {if((nodeI->val) == val) {point1 = nodeI->sign;point2 = i;find = 1;break;}nodeI = nodeI->next;}}if(find) break;insert(nums[i], i, abs(nums[i] % numsSize), nodeList);}result[0] = point1;result[1] = point2;//printf("\n%d %d", point1, point2);return result;



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