
news/2024/12/2 13:40:45/


  • 代码实现


#define MaxVertexNum 100//给顶点类型设置为char(其实本质是给char取了个别名叫VertexType),也就是说顶点为'A'点,'B'点等。
typedef char VertexType;//同理,给边的类型设置为int,其实对于邻接矩阵法来说,边为1代表有连接,边为0代表无连接。
typedef int EdgeType;typedef struct {//建立一个一维数组,存储对应的顶点,也就是G=(V,E)中的VVertexType Vertex[MaxVertexNum];//建立一个二维数组,存储对应的边的集合,也就是G=(V,E)中的EEdgeType Edge[MaxVertexNum][MaxVertexNum];//定义顶点的数量和边的数量(英文中arc有弧的意思,这里指边)int vexnum, arcnum;
} MGraph;void FindVertex(MGraph *G, VertexType x, VertexType y, int *index_x, int *index_y);//初始化邻接矩阵的图
void InitGraph(MGraph *G) {G->vexnum = 0;G->arcnum = 0;
bool InsertVertex(MGraph *G, VertexType vertex) {//如果顶点已满,添加失败if (G->vexnum >= MaxVertexNum)return false;G->Vertex[G->vexnum] = vertex;G->vexnum++;return true;
void FindVertex(MGraph *G, VertexType x, VertexType y, int *index_x, int *index_y) {(*index_x) = -1;(*index_y) = -1;//定义x顶点和y顶点的索引
//遍历赋值,找出x和y的索引for (int i = 0; i < (*G).vexnum; i++) {if ((*G).Vertex[i] == x)(*index_x) = i;else if ((*G).Vertex[i] == y)(*index_y) = i;if ((*index_x) != -1 && (*index_y) != -1)break;}
}bool Adjacent(MGraph G, VertexType x, VertexType y) {int index_x;int index_y;FindVertex(&G, x, y, &index_x, &index_y);//如果有索引未找到,那么就说明不存在边(或者说其中某个点不存在)if (index_x == -1 || index_y == -1)return false;//如果有边,那么edge就为1return G.Edge[index_x][index_y] == 1;
bool AddEdgeU(MGraph *G, VertexType x, VertexType y) {//先判断顶点是否存在int index_x;int index_y;FindVertex(G, x, y, &index_x, &index_y);//如果有索引未找到,那么就说明不存在某个顶点if (index_x == -1 || index_y == -1)return false;G->Edge[index_x][index_y] = 1;G->Edge[index_y][index_x] = 1;return true;
bool AddEdgeD(MGraph *G, VertexType x, VertexType y) {//先判断顶点是否存在int index_x;int index_y;FindVertex(G, x, y, &index_x, &index_y);//如果有索引未找到,那么就说明不存在某个顶点if (index_x == -1 || index_y == -1)return false;G->Edge[index_x][index_y] = 1;return true;
bool PrintGraph(MGraph G) {printf("\t");for(int i = 0;i<G.vexnum;i++)printf("%c\t",G.Vertex[i]);printf("\n");for (int i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++) {printf("%c\t",G.Vertex[i]);for (int j = 0; j < G.vexnum; j++)printf("%d\t", G.Edge[i][j]);printf("\n");}
}int main() {//创建图MGraph G;//初始化图InitGraph(&G);//插入顶点InsertVertex(&G, 'A');InsertVertex(&G, 'B');InsertVertex(&G, 'C');InsertVertex(&G, 'D');InsertVertex(&G, 'E');//插入边AddEdgeU(&G, 'A', 'B');AddEdgeU(&G, 'A', 'C');AddEdgeU(&G, 'B', 'D');AddEdgeU(&G, 'C', 'D');AddEdgeU(&G, 'C', 'E');AddEdgeU(&G, 'D', 'E');//打印图邻接矩阵PrintGraph(G);//判断是否存在A-B边if(!Adjacent(G,'A','B'))printf("不存在A-B边!\n");else{printf("存在A-B边!\n");}return 0;



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