首先 gcp 的dataflow 是1个ETL 组件, 它是基于Apache beam的
Apache beam 是1个较新的开源ETL 框架。
对于我们常用的ETL tool Spring batch 有下面的区别
- spring batch 更偏向batch (后台处理)的ETL, 而apache beam 同时支持batch 和 streaming 的ETL, 对streaming 的ETL 有更好的支持
- spring batch 基于java,apache beam SDK 支持 java, python 和 GO
- spring batch 更加轻量级, 但是依赖于1个关系数据存储ETL job(配置, 历史记录)数据. 而且不需要开发人员去设置. 而 Apache Beam本身并没有内置的作业执行历史记录功能 , 这些数据需要自己去记录处理(在runner上)
- spring batch 的运行环境需要自己搭建, 而apache beam 这是1个SDK,它只定义 ETL pipeline的流程, 它需要额外的runner去执行
apache beam 暂时支持下面的runner
GCP dataflow
Apache Flink
Apache Spark
AWS data analysic
Java direct runner(调试用)
所以讲, dataflow 只是1个runner , 核心还是apache beam SDK
流式处理可以应用于各种场景,如实时分析、实时监控、实时推荐、欺诈检测等。流式处理框架(如Apache Flink、Apache Kafka Streams、Apache Beam等)提供了方便的工具和API来开发和部署流式处理应用程序。
public void process() {log.info("processing3...");DataflowPipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs("").as(DataflowPipelineOptions.class);options.setJobName("dataflow-exam3");options.setProject(this.projectId);options.setRegion("europe-west1");options.setTempLocation("gs://jason-hsbc-dataflow/tmp");options.setSubnetwork("regions/europe-west1/subnetworks/subnet-1");options.setNumWorkers(1);options.setStreaming(true);options.setDefaultWorkerLogLevel(DataflowWorkerLoggingOptions.Level.INFO);options.setNumberOfWorkerHarnessThreads(2);//options.setGcpCredential(new File(...));options.setRunner(DataflowRunner.class);log.info(getCurrentAccountName());Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline.create(options);/*** * The effect of using the @UnknownKeyFor annotation is to tell the Apache Beam framework that the PCollection does not need to be grouped or associated based on a specific key.* As a result, Apache Beam can perform more efficient parallel computations and optimizations for operations that do not require key associations.** * When the @NonNull annotation is applied to a PCollection element type, it indicates that elements in the PCollection are not allowed to be null.* This means that when processing data streams, the Apache Beam framework checks elements for non-nullability and issues warnings or errors at compile time to avoid potential null pointer exceptions.the @Initialized annotation informs the compiler that the variable has been properly initialized by marking it at variable declaration time to help detect possible null pointer exceptionsand improve the reliability and readability of the code. However, it should be noted that the @Initialized annotation is only an auxiliary tool, and correct logic and design still need to be ensured in the actual programming process.*/PCollection<@UnknownKeyFor @NonNull @Initialized PubsubMessage> message = pipeline.apply("Read Pub/Sub Messages", PubsubIO.readMessagesWithAttributesAndMessageId().fromSubscription("projects/jason-hsbc/subscriptions/SubscriptionA1"));PCollection<KV<String, String>> combinedMsg = message.apply("Extract", ParDo.of(new ExtractMessageAttributeFn())).apply("appying windowing", Window.into(FixedWindows.of(Duration.standardMinutes(1)))).apply("Group by fileName", GroupByKey.create()).apply("Combine Message",ParDo.of(new CombinedMessagesFn()));combinedMsg.apply("Write to GCS", ParDo.of(new WriteToGCSFn(this.bucketName,this.projectId)));//yupipeline.run().waitUntilFinish();pipeline.run();log.info("processing3... end!");}
上面定义了1个dataflow pipeline, 它会从pubsub 里读取消息, 并把数据作为文件存储到GCS中
我们知道pubsub 是1个streaming 传输的工具, 如果这个job 执行一次就接受, 其实意义不大。
假如这个dataflow pipeling 定义的是1个batch的job而非streaming, 我们需要引入其他组件 才能持续监控pubsub的消息
data sender -> pubsub topic -> pubusb trigger -> cloud functioin -> dataflow job
datasender -> pubsub topic -> push 类型的subscription -> http 服务(cloud run/GKE) -> dataflow job
但是上面代码例子, 它有一行
显式制定这个job 是streaming的
但是其实dataflow 本身也会根据一些规则去决定这个job是否为streaming(例如数据源是否为pubsub等)
waitUntilFinish() 的作用
代码的最后 有两个方法触发dataflow job方法
分别是 pipeline.run() 和 pipeline.run().waitUntilFinish()
前者会直接执行完成, 不会等待job的状态去执行下一行代码
但是, 如果是1个streaming的job的话, waitUntilFinish() 是无意义的, 因为streaming的job就是要长期运行(监控数据源)的啊