算法笔记/USACO Guide GOLD金组DP 1. Introduction to DP

news/2024/12/19 9:52:07/

USACO Guide中金组的内容分为一下六个章节

  • DP
  • 数学
  • 图论
  • 数据结构
  • 一些附加主题


  • 初入DP
  • 背包DP
  • 图表中的路线
  • 最长递增序列
  • 状态压缩DP
  • 区间DP
  • 数位DP


Dynamic Programming (DP) is an important algorithmic technique in Competitive Programming from the gold division to competitions like the International Olympiad of Informatics. By breaking down the full task into sub-problems, DP avoids the redundant computations of brute force solutions.

动态规划(DP)是信奥中需要掌握的一种重要算法能力,从金组到国际信息学奥林匹克竞赛(IOI)等。通过将整个任务分解为子问题,DP 避免了强力解决方案的冗余计算。

There are two uses for dynamic programming:


  • Finding an optimal solution: We want to find a solution that is as large as possible or as small as possible.
  • Counting the number of solutions: We want to calculate the total number of possible solutions.
  • 寻找最优解:当题目要求找到尽可能大或尽可能小的解决方案时可以使用DP。
  • 计算解决方案的数量:想要计算可能的解决方案的总数时可以使用DP。

We will first see how dynamic programming can be used to find an optimal solution, and then we will use the same idea for counting the solutions. Understanding dynamic programming is a milestone in every competitive programmer’s career. While the basic idea is simple, the challenge is how to apply dynamic programming to different problems. This chapter introduces a set of classic problems that are a good starting point.



Coin Problem 硬币问题


Given a set of coin values coins = {c1, c2,..., ck} and a target sum of money n, our task is to form the sum n using as few coins as possible.

今有面值 = {c1, c2,..., ck} 元的硬币各无限枚,想要凑出 n 元,问需要的最少硬币数量。


Let solve(x) denote the minimum number of coins required for a sum x. The values of the function depend on the values of the coins. 

可以使用递推的方式解决这个问题。假设 solve(x) 函数表示总和 x 所需的最小硬币数量,并且该函数的值取决于硬币的面值。

For example, if coins = {1,3,4}, the first values of the function are as follows:

比如,现在我们有的硬币面值有 1, 3, 4 拿来凑钱币那么函数的答案如下:

solve(0) = 0

solve(1) = 1

solve(2) = 2

solve(3) = 1

solve(4) = 1

solve(5) = 2

solve(6) = 2

solve(7) = 2

solve(8) = 2

solve(9) = 3

solve(10) = 3


solve(x) = min(solve(x−1)+1, solve(x−3)+1, solve(x−4)+1). 

Longest increasing subsequence 最长递增子序列



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