
news/2025/1/15 23:04:50/

摘 要

关键词:汽车 销售 爬虫 SSM


Computer has now become an integral part of people’s office and life. The mature use of computer in the scope of work has greatly improved the work efficiency of staff, simplified the complexity and accelerated the social and economic development.In life, people can learn more about the global current events, hear the latest trend music, watch movies and TV plays through the computer Internet, and provide more convenient conditions for people to shop.

With the development of computer, more and more enterprises have established their own daily work management software, including automobile sales.Automobile sellers will have their own sales system, through which they can purchase and sell vehicles and make statistics on the sales of sales personnel.With the support of computer technology, the automobile sales management system has developed to be able to collect data, process data, store data and mine data and other functions in one, which can provide good service support for automobile dealers.

This design of an automobile sales analysis and management system, which can carry out statistical analysis on the daily sales, quarterly sales and annual sales of the current sales vehicles, and accurate information input for the warehousing and warehousing of vehicles.The sales of sales personnel are registered and counted, and the financial situation and profitability of the whole store can be counted.Meanwhile, the above data can be directly fed back to the management personnel in the form of charts.In addition, the designed sales analysis and management system also has a crawler function, which can access the car evaluation information, fresh information and other content of the vehicles sold by the store from the home of the car, so that the management personnel can analyze the market reputation of the vehicles sold at present.

The design of the automobile sales analysis and management system is based on the SSM framework for the development of the back-end system.The database is developed and designed by MySQL.After understanding all the user requirements, the system finally realized the normal operation.

Key words: auto sales crawler SSM

目 录

摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
1.3 系统概述 1
1.4 开发工具及技术 2
1.4.1 Mysql数据库简介 2
1.4.2 SSM框架简介 2
1.4.3 B/S结构 3
1.4.4爬虫技术 3
1.4.5汽车销售技术 3
第2章 系统分析 4
2.1 需求调研 4
2.2 系统可行性分析 4
2.2.1 技术及开发方法可行性 4
2.2.2 操作可行性 4
2.2.3 经济可行性 5
2.2.4 法律可行性 5
2.3 设计的基本思想 5
2.4 性能需求 5
2.4.1 系统的安全性 5
2.4.2 数据的完整性 5
2.5 系统用户用例图 6
第3章 系统总体框架 7
3.1 系统模型结构 7
3.2 系统功能模块简介 7
第4章 系统分析与设计 8
4.1 数据库的分析与设计 8
4.1.1 数据库的概念结构设计 8
4.2 数据库的逻辑结构设计 8
4.3爬虫技术的代码展示 10
4.4汽车销售代码结构 11
第5章 系统主要功能实现 12
5.1 销售经理登录首页 12
5.2 客户管理 12
5.3 车辆销售管理 12
5.4 爬虫数据 13
5.5 汽车销售人员管理界面 13
5.6 车辆库存管理 14
第六章 系统测试 15
6.1测试目的 15
6.2单元测试 15
6.4集成测试 16
6.5性能测试 16
6.6测试结果 16
结 论 17
致 谢 18
参考文献 19



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