
embedded/2024/10/15 18:31:09/


处理器 Intel® Core™ i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz
机带 RAM 16.0 GB (15.9 GB 可用)
集显 Intel® UHD Graphics 630
独显 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050


outputs = pipe(prompt, max_new_tokens=256, do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, top_k=50, top_p=0.95)


测试tinyLlama 1.1B效果不错,比Qwen1.8B经过量化的都好很多
'''# Install transformers from source - only needed for versions <= v4.34
# pip install git+
# pip install accelerateimport os
from datetime import datetime
import torchos.environ['TF_ENABLE_ONEDNN_OPTS'] = '0'
from transformers import pipeline'''
pipe = pipeline("text-generation", model="TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, device_map="auto")# We use the tokenizer's chat template to format each message - see
messages = [{"role": "system","content": "You are a friendly chatbot who always responds in the style of a pirate",},# {"role": "user", "content": "How many helicopters can a human eat in one sitting?"},{"role": "user", "content": "你叫什么名字?"},
prompt = pipe.tokenizer.apply_chat_template(messages, tokenize=False, add_generation_prompt=True)
outputs = pipe(prompt, max_new_tokens=256, do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, top_k=50, top_p=0.95)
'''# <|system|>
# You are a friendly chatbot who always responds in the style of a pirate.</s>
# <|user|>
# How many helicopters can a human eat in one sitting?</s>
# <|assistant|>
# ...
def load_pipeline():pipe = pipeline("text-generation", model="TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16,device_map="auto")return pipedef generate_text(content, length=20):"""根据给定的prompt生成文本"""messages = [{"role": "提示","content": "这是个友好的聊天机器人...",},# {"role": "user", "content": "How many helicopters can a human eat in one sitting?"},{"role": "user", "content": content},]prompt = pipe.tokenizer.apply_chat_template(messages, tokenize=False, add_generation_prompt=True)datetime1 = = pipe(prompt, max_new_tokens=256, do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, top_k=50, top_p=0.95)print(outputs[0]["generated_text"])datetime2 = = datetime2 - datetime1print("时间间隔", time12_interval)if False:outputs = pipe(prompt, max_new_tokens=32, do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, top_k=50, top_p=0.95)print(outputs[0]["generated_text"])datetime3 = = datetime3 - datetime2print("时间间隔2", time23_interval)outputs = pipe(prompt, max_new_tokens=32, do_sample=False, top_k=50)print(outputs[0]["generated_text"])datetime4 = = datetime4 - datetime3print("时间间隔3", time34_interval)outputs = pipe(prompt, max_new_tokens=32, do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, top_k=30, top_p=0.95)print(outputs[0]["generated_text"])datetime5 = = datetime5 - datetime4print("时间间隔4", time45_interval)outputs = pipe(prompt, max_new_tokens=32, do_sample=False, top_k=30)print(outputs[0]["generated_text"])datetime6 = = datetime6 - datetime5print("时间间隔5", time56_interval)outputs = pipe(prompt, max_new_tokens=12, do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, top_k=50, top_p=0.95)print(outputs[0]["generated_text"])datetime7 = = datetime7 - datetime6print("时间间隔6", time67_interval)'''结论:修改top_p不会显著降低推理时间,并且中英文相同的问题,中文问题推理时间是英文的两倍do_sample修改成False基本不会降低推理时间只有max_new_tokens才能显著降低推理时间,但是max_new_tokens与推理时间不是呈线性关系比如max_new_tokens=256,推理时间2分钟当max_new_tokens=32的时候,推理时间才会变成约1分钟因此,不如将max_new_tokens设置大些用于获取比较完整的答案'''return outputsif __name__ == "__main__":'''main function'''global pipepipe = load_pipeline()# print('load pipe ok')while True:prompt = input("请输入一个提示(或输入'exit'退出):")if prompt.lower() == 'exit':breaktry:generated_text = generate_text(prompt)print("生成的文本:")print(generated_text[0]["generated_text"])except Exception as e:print("发生错误:", e)
Certainly! Opening a door is a simple process that involves several steps. Here are the general steps to follow to open a door:1. Turn off the lock: Turn off the lock with the key by pressing the "lock" button.2. Press the handle: Use the handle to push the door open. If the door is mechanical, you may need to turn a knob or pull the door handle to activate the door.3. Release the latch: Once the door is open, release the latch by pulling it backward.4. Slide the door: Slide the door forward by pushing it against the wall with your feet or using a push bar.5. Close the door: Once the door is open, close it by pressing the lock button or pulling the handle backward.6. Use a second key: If the lock has a second key, make sure it is properly inserted and then turn it to the correct position to unlock the door.Remember to always double-check the locks before opening a door, as some locks can be tricky to open. If you're unsure about the correct procedure for opening a door,
时间间隔 0:04:23.561065
Certainly! Opening a door is a simple process that involves several steps. Here are the general steps to follow to open a door:1. Turn off the lock: Turn off the lock with the key by pressing the "lock" button.2. Press the handle: Use the handle to push the door open. If the door is mechanical, you may need to turn a knob or pull the door handle to activate the door.3. Release the latch: Once the door is open, release the latch by pulling it backward.4. Slide the door: Slide the door forward by pushing it against the wall with your feet or using a push bar.5. Close the door: Once the door is open, close it by pressing the lock button or pulling the handle backward.6. Use a second key: If the lock has a second key, make sure it is properly inserted and then turn it to the correct position to unlock the door.Remember to always double-check the locks before opening a door, as some locks can be tricky to open. If you're unsure about the correct procedure for opening a door,



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