试试DeepSeek写prompt+stable diffusion生成漫画

embedded/2025/2/8 4:40:25/

#deepseek   #stable diffusion




Prompt 1: 魔法觉醒
"一个平凡的少年在阁楼发现一本古老的魔法书,书页散发着微弱的蓝光。画面风格为漫画风格,背景是昏暗的阁楼,书架和杂物堆满角落,少年表情惊讶,手中捧着魔法书,书页上的符文若隐若现。整体色调偏暗,突出魔法书的光芒。"Prompt 2: 初次施法
"少年站在森林空地,手持魔法书,尝试念出咒语。他的指尖冒出微弱的火花,周围树木被风吹动,落叶飞舞。画面风格为漫画风格,背景是茂密的森林,阳光透过树叶洒下斑驳的光影,少年表情专注又带点紧张。整体色调明亮,突出魔法的动态感。"Prompt 3: 魔法失控
"少年施法时魔法失控,火焰和闪电在他周围环绕,形成一个小型魔法风暴。画面风格为漫画风格,背景是夜晚的森林,火焰和闪电照亮周围,少年表情惊慌,头发和衣服被风吹乱。整体色调对比强烈,突出魔法的破坏力和紧张氛围。"Prompt 4: 导师现身


转化为stable diffusionprompt:

Prompt 1: 魔法觉醒
"A young boy discovers an ancient magic book in a dimly lit attic, the book emits a faint blue glow. Comic book style, dark and cluttered attic background filled with shelves and杂物, the boy looks surprised, holding the book with glowing runes visible on its pages. Dark overall色调, highlighting the glow of the magic book. Highly detailed, cinematic lighting, vibrant colors for the magic glow, soft shadows, intricate details on the book and attic environment. --v 5 --ar 16:9 --style comic --model dreamshaperXL_v21TurboDPMSDE"Prompt 2: 初次施法
"A young boy stands in a forest clearing, holding a magic book, attempting to cast a spell. Sparks flicker at his fingertips, trees sway in the wind, and leaves swirl around him. Comic book style, dense forest background with sunlight filtering through the trees, the boy looks focused yet slightly nervous. Bright overall色调, emphasizing the dynamic motion of magic. Highly detailed, vibrant colors for the magic sparks, soft sunlight, and intricate forest details. --v 5 --ar 16:9 --style comic --model dreamshaperXL_v21TurboDPMSDE"Prompt 3: 魔法失控
"The boy's spell goes out of control, flames and lightning swirl around him, creating a small magical storm. Comic book style, nighttime forest background illuminated by the chaotic magic, the boy looks panicked, his hair and clothes blown by the wind. High-contrast overall色调, emphasizing the destructive power and tension of the magic. Highly detailed, dramatic lighting, vibrant colors for the flames and lightning, dark and moody atmosphere. --v 5 --ar 16:9 --style comic --model dreamshaperXL_v21TurboDPMSDE"Prompt 4: 导师现身
"A mysterious magic导师 appears, using a staff to calm the magical storm. The导师 wears a long robe and smiles gently, while the boy looks at him with admiration. Comic book style, moonlit forest background, the magical glow gradually fades, transitioning from tension to calm. Soft overall色调, highlighting the导师's神秘感和 the healing power of magic. Highly detailed, cinematic lighting, soft moonlight, vibrant yet calming colors for the magic effects. --v 5 --ar 16:9 --style comic --model dreamshaperXL_v21TurboDPMSDE"


Prompt 1: 魔法觉醒

Prompt 2: 初次施法

Prompt 3: 魔法失控

Prompt 4: 导师现身





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