


pandas.DataFrame.to_csv%E5%87%BD%E6%95%B0-toc" style="margin-left:120px;">7、pandas.read_clipboard函数









pandas.read_fwf%E5%87%BD%E6%95%B0-toc" style="margin-left:120px;">8、pandas.DataFrame.to_clipboard函数









pandas.read_excel%E5%87%BD%E6%95%B0-toc" style="margin-left:120px;">9、pandas.read_excel函数

















python"># 7、pandas.read_clipboard函数
pandas.read_clipboard(sep='\\s+', dtype_backend=_NoDefault.no_default, **kwargs)
Read text from clipboard and pass to read_csv().Parses clipboard contents similar to how CSV files are parsed using read_csv().Parameters:
sepstr, default ‘\s+’
A string or regex delimiter. The default of '\\s+' denotes one or more whitespace characters.dtype_backend{‘numpy_nullable’, ‘pyarrow’}, default ‘numpy_nullable’
Back-end data type applied to the resultant DataFrame (still experimental). Behaviour is as follows:"numpy_nullable": returns nullable-dtype-backed DataFrame (default)."pyarrow": returns pyarrow-backed nullable ArrowDtype DataFrame.New in version 2.0.**kwargs
See read_csv() for the full argument list.Returns:
A parsed DataFrame object.

7-2-1、sep(可选,默认值为'\\s+')表示使用正则表达式来匹配一个或多个空白字符(如空格、制表符等)作为字段之间的分隔符,这意味着,如果你的数据是通过空格、制表符等分隔的,你可以直接使用默认值,但如果你使用的是逗号(CSV 格式)或其他分隔符,你应该相应地更改这个参数,比如sep=','。




        从用户的系统剪贴板中读取文本数据,并将其解析为pandas DataFrame对象。


        返回值是一个pandas DataFrame对象,该对象包含了剪贴板中解析后的数据,其中每行代表数据表中的一行,每列代表数据表中的一个字段。DataFrame的索引、列名和数据类型等属性会根据剪贴板中的数据和函数的参数设置自动推断和设置。


        从Pandas 1.0.0开始,dtype_backend参数已被弃用,并且可能在未来的版本中移除。在大多数情况下,用户不需要直接设置这个参数。

python"># 7、pandas.read_clipboard函数
# 7-1、先复制以下内容
# Name	Age	City
# Alice	30	New York
# Bob	25	Los Angeles
# Charlie	35	Chicago# 7-2、使用pandas.read_clipboard()函数读取剪切板的信息
import pandas as pd
# 读取剪贴板中的数据,指定分隔符为制表符
df = pd.read_clipboard(sep='\t')
# 显示 DataFrame
python">#       Name  Age         City  
# 0    Alice   30     New York  
# 1      Bob   25  Los Angeles  
# 2  Charlie   35        Chicago
python"># 8、pandas.DataFrame.to_clipboard函数
DataFrame.to_clipboard(*, excel=True, sep=None, **kwargs)
Copy object to the system clipboard.Write a text representation of object to the system clipboard. This can be pasted into Excel, for example.Parameters:
excelbool, default True
Produce output in a csv format for easy pasting into excel.True, use the provided separator for csv pasting.False, write a string representation of the object to the clipboard.sepstr, default '\t'
Field delimiter.**kwargs
These parameters will be passed to DataFrame.to_csv.





        将pandas DataFrame对象的内容复制到系统的剪贴板中。





python"># 8、pandas.DataFrame.to_clipboard函数
# 8-1、将pandas DataFrame对象的内容复制到系统的剪贴板中
import pandas as pd
# 创建一个示例 DataFrame
data = {'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'],'Age': [24, 30, 22],'City': ['New York', 'San Francisco', 'Los Angeles']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# 将 DataFrame 的内容复制到剪贴板
df.to_clipboard(index=False)  # 注意:虽然这里写了 index=False,但 to_clipboard 并不接受这个参数
# 此时,你可以在其他应用程序中粘贴 DataFrame 的内容# 8-2、在打开的excel、word及编辑器中粘贴操作(注:Ctrl+V)
python"># Name	Age	City
# Alice	24	New York
# Bob	30	San Francisco
# Charlie	22	Los Angeles
python"># 9、pandas.read_excel函数
pandas.read_excel(io, sheet_name=0, *, header=0, names=None, index_col=None, usecols=None, dtype=None, engine=None, converters=None, true_values=None, false_values=None, skiprows=None, nrows=None, na_values=None, keep_default_na=True, na_filter=True, verbose=False, parse_dates=False, date_parser=_NoDefault.no_default, date_format=None, thousands=None, decimal='.', comment=None, skipfooter=0, storage_options=None, dtype_backend=_NoDefault.no_default, engine_kwargs=None)
Read an Excel file into a pandas DataFrame.Supports xls, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb, odf, ods and odt file extensions read from a local filesystem or URL. Supports an option to read a single sheet or a list of sheets.Parameters:
iostr, bytes, ExcelFile, xlrd.Book, path object, or file-like object
Any valid string path is acceptable. The string could be a URL. Valid URL schemes include http, ftp, s3, and file. For file URLs, a host is expected. A local file could be: file://localhost/path/to/table.xlsx.If you want to pass in a path object, pandas accepts any os.PathLike.By file-like object, we refer to objects with a read() method, such as a file handle (e.g. via builtin open function) or StringIO.Deprecated since version 2.1.0: Passing byte strings is deprecated. To read from a byte string, wrap it in a BytesIO object.sheet_namestr, int, list, or None, default 0
Strings are used for sheet names. Integers are used in zero-indexed sheet positions (chart sheets do not count as a sheet position). Lists of strings/integers are used to request multiple sheets. Specify None to get all worksheets.Available cases:Defaults to 0: 1st sheet as a DataFrame1: 2nd sheet as a DataFrame"Sheet1": Load sheet with name “Sheet1”[0, 1, "Sheet5"]: Load first, second and sheet named “Sheet5” as a dict of DataFrameNone: All worksheets.headerint, list of int, default 0
Row (0-indexed) to use for the column labels of the parsed DataFrame. If a list of integers is passed those row positions will be combined into a MultiIndex. Use None if there is no header.namesarray-like, default None
List of column names to use. If file contains no header row, then you should explicitly pass header=None.index_colint, str, list of int, default None
Column (0-indexed) to use as the row labels of the DataFrame. Pass None if there is no such column. If a list is passed, those columns will be combined into a MultiIndex. If a subset of data is selected with usecols, index_col is based on the subset.Missing values will be forward filled to allow roundtripping with to_excel for merged_cells=True. To avoid forward filling the missing values use set_index after reading the data instead of index_col.usecolsstr, list-like, or callable, default None
If None, then parse all columns.If str, then indicates comma separated list of Excel column letters and column ranges (e.g. “A:E” or “A,C,E:F”). Ranges are inclusive of both sides.If list of int, then indicates list of column numbers to be parsed (0-indexed).If list of string, then indicates list of column names to be parsed.If callable, then evaluate each column name against it and parse the column if the callable returns True.Returns a subset of the columns according to behavior above.dtypeType name or dict of column -> type, default None
Data type for data or columns. E.g. {‘a’: np.float64, ‘b’: np.int32} Use object to preserve data as stored in Excel and not interpret dtype, which will necessarily result in object dtype. If converters are specified, they will be applied INSTEAD of dtype conversion. If you use None, it will infer the dtype of each column based on the data.engine{‘openpyxl’, ‘calamine’, ‘odf’, ‘pyxlsb’, ‘xlrd’}, default None
If io is not a buffer or path, this must be set to identify io. Engine compatibility :openpyxl supports newer Excel file formats.calamine supports Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb) and OpenDocument (.ods) file formats.odf supports OpenDocument file formats (.odf, .ods, .odt).pyxlsb supports Binary Excel files.xlrd supports old-style Excel files (.xls).When engine=None, the following logic will be used to determine the engine:If path_or_buffer is an OpenDocument format (.odf, .ods, .odt), then odf will be used.Otherwise if path_or_buffer is an xls format, xlrd will be used.Otherwise if path_or_buffer is in xlsb format, pyxlsb will be used.Otherwise openpyxl will be used.convertersdict, default None
Dict of functions for converting values in certain columns. Keys can either be integers or column labels, values are functions that take one input argument, the Excel cell content, and return the transformed content.true_valueslist, default None
Values to consider as True.false_valueslist, default None
Values to consider as False.skiprowslist-like, int, or callable, optional
Line numbers to skip (0-indexed) or number of lines to skip (int) at the start of the file. If callable, the callable function will be evaluated against the row indices, returning True if the row should be skipped and False otherwise. An example of a valid callable argument would be lambda x: x in [0, 2].nrowsint, default None
Number of rows to parse.na_valuesscalar, str, list-like, or dict, default None
Additional strings to recognize as NA/NaN. If dict passed, specific per-column NA values. By default the following values are interpreted as NaN: ‘’, ‘#N/A’, ‘#N/A N/A’, ‘#NA’, ‘-1.#IND’, ‘-1.#QNAN’, ‘-NaN’, ‘-nan’, ‘1.#IND’, ‘1.#QNAN’, ‘<NA>’, ‘N/A’, ‘NA’, ‘NULL’, ‘NaN’, ‘None’, ‘n/a’, ‘nan’, ‘null’.keep_default_nabool, default True
Whether or not to include the default NaN values when parsing the data. Depending on whether na_values is passed in, the behavior is as follows:If keep_default_na is True, and na_values are specified, na_values is appended to the default NaN values used for parsing.If keep_default_na is True, and na_values are not specified, only the default NaN values are used for parsing.If keep_default_na is False, and na_values are specified, only the NaN values specified na_values are used for parsing.If keep_default_na is False, and na_values are not specified, no strings will be parsed as NaN.Note that if na_filter is passed in as False, the keep_default_na and na_values parameters will be ignored.na_filterbool, default True
Detect missing value markers (empty strings and the value of na_values). In data without any NAs, passing na_filter=False can improve the performance of reading a large file.verbosebool, default False
Indicate number of NA values placed in non-numeric columns.parse_datesbool, list-like, or dict, default False
The behavior is as follows:bool. If True -> try parsing the index.list of int or names. e.g. If [1, 2, 3] -> try parsing columns 1, 2, 3 each as a separate date column.list of lists. e.g. If [[1, 3]] -> combine columns 1 and 3 and parse as a single date column.dict, e.g. {‘foo’ : [1, 3]} -> parse columns 1, 3 as date and call result ‘foo’If a column or index contains an unparsable date, the entire column or index will be returned unaltered as an object data type. If you don`t want to parse some cells as date just change their type in Excel to “Text”. For non-standard datetime parsing, use pd.to_datetime after pd.read_excel.Note: A fast-path exists for iso8601-formatted dates.date_parserfunction, optional
Function to use for converting a sequence of string columns to an array of datetime instances. The default uses dateutil.parser.parser to do the conversion. Pandas will try to call date_parser in three different ways, advancing to the next if an exception occurs: 1) Pass one or more arrays (as defined by parse_dates) as arguments; 2) concatenate (row-wise) the string values from the columns defined by parse_dates into a single array and pass that; and 3) call date_parser once for each row using one or more strings (corresponding to the columns defined by parse_dates) as arguments.Deprecated since version 2.0.0: Use date_format instead, or read in as object and then apply to_datetime() as-needed.date_formatstr or dict of column -> format, default None
If used in conjunction with parse_dates, will parse dates according to this format. For anything more complex, please read in as object and then apply to_datetime() as-needed.New in version 2.0.0.thousandsstr, default None
Thousands separator for parsing string columns to numeric. Note that this parameter is only necessary for columns stored as TEXT in Excel, any numeric columns will automatically be parsed, regardless of display format.decimalstr, default ‘.’
Character to recognize as decimal point for parsing string columns to numeric. Note that this parameter is only necessary for columns stored as TEXT in Excel, any numeric columns will automatically be parsed, regardless of display format.(e.g. use ‘,’ for European data).New in version 1.4.0.commentstr, default None
Comments out remainder of line. Pass a character or characters to this argument to indicate comments in the input file. Any data between the comment string and the end of the current line is ignored.skipfooterint, default 0
Rows at the end to skip (0-indexed).storage_optionsdict, optional
Extra options that make sense for a particular storage connection, e.g. host, port, username, password, etc. For HTTP(S) URLs the key-value pairs are forwarded to urllib.request.Request as header options. For other URLs (e.g. starting with “s3://”, and “gcs://”) the key-value pairs are forwarded to Please see fsspec and urllib for more details, and for more examples on storage options refer here.dtype_backend{‘numpy_nullable’, ‘pyarrow’}, default ‘numpy_nullable’
Back-end data type applied to the resultant DataFrame (still experimental). Behaviour is as follows:"numpy_nullable": returns nullable-dtype-backed DataFrame (default)."pyarrow": returns pyarrow-backed nullable ArrowDtype DataFrame.New in version 2.0.engine_kwargsdict, optional
Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to excel engine.Returns:
DataFrame or dict of DataFrames
DataFrame from the passed in Excel file. See notes in sheet_name argument for more information on when a dict of DataFrames is returned.



9-2-3、header(可选,默认值为0)指定作为列名的行,默认为0(第一行)。如果文件没有列名,则可以使用None 并通过names参数提供列名。





















9-2-24、storage_options(可选,默认值为None)字典,对于支持的文件类型(如AWS S3、Google Cloud Storage),可以传递额外的存储选项。






9-4-1、当只读取一个工作表时,pandas.read_excel()函数返回一个pandas DataFrame对象,该对象包含了指定工作表中的所有数据。DataFrame是pandas中用于存储和操作结构化数据的主要数据结构,它类似于Excel中的表格,有行和列。





python"># 9、pandas.read_excel函数
# 9-1、基本读取
import pandas as pd
# 读取 Excel 文件中的第一个工作表
df = pd.read_excel('Pandas_read_excel数据.xlsx')
print(df.head())# 9-2、读取指定工作表
import pandas as pd
# 读取名为 'Sheet2' 的工作表
df = pd.read_excel('Pandas_read_excel数据.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet2')
print(df.head())# 9-3、指定列名和索引列
import pandas as pd
# 指定第一行作为列名,第二列作为索引列
df = pd.read_excel('Pandas_read_excel数据.xlsx', header=0, index_col=1)
print(df.head())# 9-4、读取特定列
import pandas as pd
# 只读取第1, 2, 3列
df = pd.read_excel('Pandas_read_excel数据.xlsx', usecols=[0, 1, 2])
print(df.head())# 9-5、数据类型转换
import pandas as pd
# 将第一列作为字符串读取
df = pd.read_excel('Pandas_read_excel数据.xlsx', dtype={0: str})
print(df.head())# 9-6、使用自定义缺失值
import pandas as pd
# 将 'NA' 和 'Missing' 视为缺失值
df = pd.read_excel('Pandas_read_excel数据.xlsx', na_values=['NA', 'Missing'])
print(df.head())# 9-7、跳过行和读取特定行数
import pandas as pd
# 跳过前两行,读取接下来的10行
df = pd.read_excel('Pandas_read_excel数据.xlsx', skiprows=2, nrows=10)
print(df.head())# 9-8、日期解析
import pandas as pd
# 解析第一列为日期
df = pd.read_excel('Pandas_read_excel数据.xlsx', parse_dates=[0])
print(df.head())# 9-9、读取尾部行
import pandas as pd
# 跳过最后两行
df = pd.read_excel('Pandas_read_excel数据.xlsx', skipfooter=2)
python"># 9-1、基本读取
#         生产日期 班别  机台 设备品牌      设备型号  ... 生产周期(s)  单重(g)  包装规格 当班产量(pc) 当日库存(pc)
# 0 2024-07-04  A   1  YZM  UN160SM2  ...    38.0  23.40   506     3236    12148
# 1 2024-07-04  A   3  YZM  UN160SM2  ...    38.6  15.80   612     2448   120000
# 2 2024-07-04  A   5  YZM    UN160A  ...    30.1   2.85  2500     4800     2205
# 3 2024-07-04  A   7  NaN    UN120A  ...    28.6   2.40  3500     8500    31244
# 4 2024-07-04  A   8   ZD   EM150-V  ...    33.0   4.60  3000     2800      417
# [5 rows x 16 columns]# 9-2、读取指定工作表
#         生产日期 班别  机台 设备品牌      设备型号  ... 生产周期(s)  单重(g)  包装规格 当班产量(pc) 当日库存(pc)
# 0 2024-07-04  A   1  YZM  UN160SM2  ...    38.0  23.40   506     3236    12148
# 1 2024-07-04  A   3  YZM  UN160SM2  ...    38.6  15.80   612     2448   120000
# 2 2024-07-04  A   5  YZM    UN160A  ...    30.1   2.85  2500     4800     2205
# 3 2024-07-04  A   7  NaN    UN120A  ...    28.6   2.40  3500     8500    31244
# 4 2024-07-04  A   8   ZD   EM150-V  ...    33.0   4.60  3000     2800      417
# [5 rows x 16 columns]# 9-3、指定列名和索引列
#          生产日期  机台 设备品牌      设备型号  ...  单重(g)  包装规格 当班产量(pc) 当日库存(pc)
# 班别                                ...
# A  2024-07-04   1  YZM  UN160SM2  ...  23.40   506     3236    12148
# A  2024-07-04   3  YZM  UN160SM2  ...  15.80   612     2448   120000
# A  2024-07-04   5  YZM    UN160A  ...   2.85  2500     4800     2205
# A  2024-07-04   7  NaN    UN120A  ...   2.40  3500     8500    31244
# A  2024-07-04   8   ZD   EM150-V  ...   4.60  3000     2800      417
# [5 rows x 15 columns]# 9-4、读取特定列
#         生产日期 班别  机台
# 0 2024-07-04  A   1
# 1 2024-07-04  A   3
# 2 2024-07-04  A   5
# 3 2024-07-04  A   7
# 4 2024-07-04  A   8# 9-5、数据类型转换
#                   生产日期 班别  机台 设备品牌  ...  单重(g)  包装规格 当班产量(pc) 当日库存(pc)
# 0  2024-07-04 00:00:00  A   1  YZM  ...  23.40   506     3236    12148
# 1  2024-07-04 00:00:00  A   3  YZM  ...  15.80   612     2448   120000
# 2  2024-07-04 00:00:00  A   5  YZM  ...   2.85  2500     4800     2205
# 3  2024-07-04 00:00:00  A   7  NaN  ...   2.40  3500     8500    31244
# 4  2024-07-04 00:00:00  A   8   ZD  ...   4.60  3000     2800      417
# [5 rows x 16 columns]# 9-6、使用自定义缺失值
#         生产日期 班别  机台 设备品牌      设备型号  ... 生产周期(s)  单重(g)  包装规格 当班产量(pc) 当日库存(pc)
# 0 2024-07-04  A   1  YZM  UN160SM2  ...    38.0  23.40   506     3236    12148
# 1 2024-07-04  A   3  YZM  UN160SM2  ...    38.6  15.80   612     2448   120000
# 2 2024-07-04  A   5  YZM    UN160A  ...    30.1   2.85  2500     4800     2205
# 3 2024-07-04  A   7  NaN    UN120A  ...    28.6   2.40  3500     8500    31244
# 4 2024-07-04  A   8   ZD   EM150-V  ...    33.0   4.60  3000     2800      417
# [5 rows x 16 columns]# 9-7、跳过行和读取特定行数
#   2024-07-04 00:00:00  A   3  YZM UN160SM2  ...  38.6  15.8   612   2448  120000
# 0          2024-07-04  A   5  YZM   UN160A  ...  30.1  2.85  2500   4800    2205
# 1          2024-07-04  A   7  NaN   UN120A  ...  28.6  2.40  3500   8500   31244
# 2          2024-07-04  A   8   ZD  EM150-V  ...  33.0  4.60  3000   2800     417
# 3          2024-07-04  A   8   ZD  EM150-V  ...  33.0  4.60  3000   3000     312
# 4          2024-07-04  A  12   HT   HA2600  ...  23.2  8.80  1000  14500  143100
# [5 rows x 16 columns]# 9-8、日期解析
#         生产日期 班别  机台 设备品牌      设备型号  ... 生产周期(s)  单重(g)  包装规格 当班产量(pc) 当日库存(pc)
# 0 2024-07-04  A   1  YZM  UN160SM2  ...    38.0  23.40   506     3236    12148
# 1 2024-07-04  A   3  YZM  UN160SM2  ...    38.6  15.80   612     2448   120000
# 2 2024-07-04  A   5  YZM    UN160A  ...    30.1   2.85  2500     4800     2205
# 3 2024-07-04  A   7  NaN    UN120A  ...    28.6   2.40  3500     8500    31244
# 4 2024-07-04  A   8   ZD   EM150-V  ...    33.0   4.60  3000     2800      417
# [5 rows x 16 columns]# 9-9、读取尾部行
#         生产日期 班别  机台 设备品牌      设备型号  ... 生产周期(s)  单重(g)  包装规格 当班产量(pc) 当日库存(pc)
# 0 2024-07-04  A   1  YZM  UN160SM2  ...    38.0  23.40   506     3236    12148
# 1 2024-07-04  A   3  YZM  UN160SM2  ...    38.6  15.80   612     2448   120000
# 2 2024-07-04  A   5  YZM    UN160A  ...    30.1   2.85  2500     4800     2205
# 3 2024-07-04  A   7  NaN    UN120A  ...    28.6   2.40  3500     8500    31244
# 4 2024-07-04  A   8   ZD   EM150-V  ...    33.0   4.60  3000     2800      417
# [5 rows x 16 columns]





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一、 Linux **目录结构 **1、 树形目录结构2、根目录 &#xff08;1&#xff09;所有分区、目录、文件等的位置起点 &#xff08;2&#xff09;整个树形目录的结构中&#xff0c;使用独立的一个“/”表示 3、常见子目录的作用 根目录作用/root系统管理员 root 的宿主目录/hom…


目录 windows下载安装pycharmGPU租借网站AutoDlfeaturize好易智算 GPU租借GPU选择选择镜像充值 然后创建镜像创建成功 复制SSH登录信息 远程进入镜像 在Pycharm中进行ssh连接新建SFTP配置SSH复制ssh根据复制的信息填写ssh配置测试连接 将代码同步到远程镜像上设置mappings将本地…


前言:本文就前期学习快速排序算法的一些疑惑点进行详细解答,并且给出基础快速排序算法的优化版本 一.再谈快速排序 快速排序算法的核心是分治思想,分治策略分为以下三步: 分解:将原问题分解为若干相似,规模较小的子问题解决:如果子问题规模较小,直接解决;否则递归解决子问题合…


【MySQL】简单的CURD操作 前言 ​ 今天我们要一起学习的是MySQL中简单的CURD操作&#xff0c;Create(创建), Retrieve(读取)&#xff0c;Update(更新)&#xff0c;Delete&#xff08;删除&#xff09;。 正文 Create创建 创建数据的基本方式insert语法&#xff1a; INSER…

Spring 6.1.10版本源码编译

每篇一句 我们对时间的感知其实非常主观&#xff0c;我们越习惯于我们的生活方式&#xff0c;生活里面的新鲜感就越少&#xff0c;我们对时间 的感知就越快&#xff0c;生命就越短。 1.源码下载 进入Spring官网 按照上图步骤进入如下Spring Framework链…

CleanMyMac残留项可以删除吗 mac清理卸载残留文件怎么清理 如何清除MacBook上残留的软件垃圾

如果您不知道Mac电脑如何删除文件&#xff0c;不知道如何删除残留文件&#xff0c;不用担心&#xff0c;本篇文章为大家介绍删除普通文件和删除应用卸载后残留文件的方法。 苹果电脑怎么删除文件&#xff1f; 对于一般的文件&#xff0c;在Mac上将其删除掉不是一件很难的事&a…


问题样子解决办法直接看 问题样子 问题描述&#xff1a;从centos换到ubantu后&#xff0c;xshell能直接连接上&#xff08;没有更改ssh配置信息&#xff09;&#xff0c;但是vscode连不上&#xff08;配置文件因为端口号和ip是一样的&#xff0c;也没法改&#xff09; 猜测…


问题&#xff1a; 使用 implementation ‘androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.7.0’ 出现无法运行的问题&#xff0c;编译都没有问题 AGPBI: {“kind”:“error”,“text”:“java.lang.NullPointerException”,“sources”:[{“file”:“C:\Users\10557\.gradle\caches\transfor…


随着技术的飞速发展&#xff0c;蓝牙耳机已经成为人们生活中不可缺少的一环&#xff0c;外观、音质以及实用性已经成为人们在购买时最主要的考虑因素。悠律凝声环RingBuds Pro开放式蓝牙耳机&#xff0c;凭借其特有的轻奢时尚外观&#xff0c;斩获2024年度MUSE缪斯创意奖金奖&a…

scRNA-data数据如何画3D PCA图?

愿武艺晴小朋友一定得每天都开心 ## Identify the 10 most highly variable genes;提取前2000个基因的表达矩阵: CLP_ProB_PreB <- FindVariableFeatures(CLP_ProB_PreB,selection.method = "vst",nfeatures = 2000) top2000 <- head(VariableFeatures(CLP…


Yarn 是一个快速、可靠且安全的 JavaScript 包管理器&#xff0c;最初由 Facebook 开发&#xff0c;旨在提供比 npm 更快的依赖安装速度和更一致的包管理体验。以下是 Yarn 的安装与配置教程&#xff1a; 安装 Yarn 方法 1: 使用 npm 安装 如果你的系统已经安装了 Node.js …


目录 1.安装grafana并启动 2.浏览器访问 3.导入zabbix数据&#xff0c;对接grafana 4.如何导入模板 5.使用zabbix监控nginx并发量连接数 5.1 修改nginx配置 5.2 编写监控数据脚本 5.3 设置键值 5.4 在zabbix web端完成自定义监控项 5.5 连接到grafana 以上一篇博客&l…

【Verilog HDL-1】基本、向量、模块

HDL习题 1 阻塞型赋值‘’与非阻塞型赋值‘<’ 阻塞型赋值 b a ba ba&#xff1a;适用于纯组合电路 非阻塞型赋值 b < a b<a b<a&#xff1a;适用与时序逻辑电路 2 wire线型,assign连续赋值 wire a,b,c; assign b a; assign c a;与编程语言不同&#xff…


Emacs是一款强大的文本编辑器&#xff0c;有着许多独特的优点&#xff0c;使得它在某些编程和编辑任务上非常高效。以下是Emacs的一些主要优点&#xff1a; ### Emacs的优点 1. **高度可定制化** - Emacs可以通过Lisp编程语言进行高度定制&#xff0c;用户可以根据自己的需…


思路&#xff1a;在uniapp中对微信小程序进行分包&#xff0c;和原生微信小程序进行分包的操作基本上没区别&#xff0c;主要就是在pages.json中进行配置。 如图&#xff0c;我新增了一个包diver-page 此时需要在pages.json中的subPackages数组中新增一项 root代表这个包的根…


nginx的正向代理和反向代理&#xff1a; 正向代理以及缓存配置&#xff1a; 代理&#xff1a;客户端不再是直接访问服务端&#xff0c;通过代理服务器访问服务端。 正向代理&#xff1a;面向客户端&#xff0c;我们通过代理服务器的IP地址访问目标范围端。 服务端只知道代理…

Cmake qt_add_library

目录 基本用法 参数说明 示例 创建一个新的Qt项目 创建CMakeLists.txt ​​​​​创建库的源文件 创建主程序文件 构建项目 在Qt中&#xff0c;qt_add_library 是一个用于在CMake构建系统中添加库的命令。这个命令通常用于创建一个新的Qt库&#xff0c;并将其添加到CMa…


COCO数据集回顾&#xff1a;CV02_超强数据集&#xff1a;MSCOCO数据集的简单介绍-CSDN博客 1.1 简介 在目标检测领域中&#xff0c;mAP&#xff08;mean Average Precision&#xff0c;平均精度均值&#xff09;是一个广泛使用的性能评估指标&#xff0c;用于衡量目标检测模型…