临时关闭Pcie ACS 重定向服务

ops/2024/11/13 11:12:55/

1. 背景


1.1 pcie p2p配置,地址匹配举例

我们以新思的DesignWare ® Cores举例,业界大部分IC设计都是采用新思的pcie ip。

 pcie一般都会有iATU模块,通过配置iATU实现inbound和outbound规则,atu inbound配置有bar匹配和地址匹配,bar匹配只需要一条规则,但是只能配置连续的地址空间,地址匹配可以配置多条规则来匹配不连续的EP侧地址;

EP1 InBound 配置:

base_addr: Bar0 ; target_addr: 0x900000000 (ep的ddr地址)  ; limit_addr长度: 0x10000000

EP2 OutBound 配置: 

base_addr:0x900000000 (ep的ddr地址) ; target_addr: Bar0 ; limit_addr长度: 0x100000000


outbound 具体配置流程:

Define Outbound Region 1 as:
64 kB I/O region from  0x80000000_d000000 to  0x80000000_d000ffff , to be mapped to  0x00010000 in
the PCIe I/O space.
1. Setup the Region Base and Limit Address Registers.
Write  0xd0000000 to Address { 0x208 } to set the Lower Base Address.
Write  0x80000000 to Address { 0x20C } to set the Upper Base Address.
Write  0xd000ffff to Address { 0x210 } to set the Limit Address.
2. Setup the Target Address Registers.
Write  0x00010000 to Address { 0x214 } to set the Lower Target Address.
Write  0x00000000 to Address { 0x218 } to set the Upper Target Address.
3. Configure the region through the Region Control 1 Register.
Write  0x00000002 to Address { 0x200 } to define the type of the region to be I/O.
4. Enable the region.
Write  0x80000000 to Address { 0x204 } to enable the region.

inbound 地址匹配流程:

Define Inbound Region 0 as, MEM region matching TLPs with addresses in the range  0x00010000 to
0x0005ffff mapped to  0x1000_0000_2000_0000 -  0x1000_0000_2004_ffff in your application
memory space.
1. Setup the Region Base and Limit Address Registers.
Write  0x00010000 to Address { 0x108 } to set the Lower Base Address.
Write  0x00000000 to Address { 0x10C } to set the Upper Base Address.
Write  0x0005ffff to Address { 0x110 } to set the Limit Address
2. Setup the Target Address Registers.
Write  0x20000000 to Address { 0x114 } to set the Lower Target Address.
Write  0x10000000 to Address { 0x118 } to set the Upper Target Address.
3. Configure the region through the Region Control 1 Register.
Write  0x00000000 to Address { 0x100 } to define the type of the region to be MEM.
4. Enable the region.
Write  0x80000000 to Address { 0x104 } to enable the region in address match mode.

2. 查看拓扑

lspci -vt  查看pcie拓扑

3. 设置ACS访问控制


pcie spec 关于ACS控制寄存器描述如下:


setpci -v -s 68:10.0 ECAP_ACS+6.w=0

4. 永久关闭可以在BISO里关闭:

重启操作系统开机时按del进入BIOS关闭ACS功能,不关VT-d只关闭ACS功能,具体路径:Path: Advanced -> Chipset Configuration -> North Bridge -> IIO Configuration -> Intel VT for Directed I/O (VT-d) -> ACS Control -> Enable / Disable.



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