
news/2024/10/23 5:31:12/在tensorflow2.0版本以上失效的解决_我也想学习的博客-CSDN博客



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# ==============================================================================
"""Hyperparameter values."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_functionimport json
import numbers
import reimport six## from import hparam_pb2
## from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
## from tensorflow.python.util import compat
## from tensorflow.python.util import deprecation# Define the regular expression for parsing a single clause of the input
# (delimited by commas).  A legal clause looks like:
#   <variable name>[<index>]? = <rhs>
# where <rhs> is either a single token or [] enclosed list of tokens.
# For example:  "var[1] = a" or "x = [1,2,3]"
PARAM_RE = re.compile(r"""(?P<name>[a-zA-Z][\w\.]*)      # variable name: "var" or "x"(\[\s*(?P<index>\d+)\s*\])?  # (optional) index: "1" or None\s*=\s*((?P<val>[^,\[]*)            # single value: "a" or None|\[(?P<vals>[^\]]*)\])       # list of values: None or "1,2,3"($|,\s*)""", re.VERBOSE)def _parse_fail(name, var_type, value, values):"""Helper function for raising a value error for bad assignment."""raise ValueError('Could not parse hparam \'%s\' of type \'%s\' with value \'%s\' in %s' %(name, var_type.__name__, value, values))def _reuse_fail(name, values):"""Helper function for raising a value error for reuse of name."""raise ValueError('Multiple assignments to variable \'%s\' in %s' % (name,values))def _process_scalar_value(name, parse_fn, var_type, m_dict, values,results_dictionary):"""Update results_dictionary with a scalar value.Used to update the results_dictionary to be returned by parse_values whenencountering a clause with a scalar RHS (e.g.  "s=5" or "arr[0]=5".)Mutates results_dictionary.Args:name: Name of variable in assignment ("s" or "arr").parse_fn: Function for parsing the actual value.var_type: Type of named variable.m_dict: Dictionary constructed from regex parsing.m_dict['val']: RHS value (scalar)m_dict['index']: List index value (or None)values: Full expression being parsedresults_dictionary: The dictionary being updated for return by the parsingfunction.Raises:ValueError: If the name has already been used."""try:parsed_value = parse_fn(m_dict['val'])except ValueError:_parse_fail(name, var_type, m_dict['val'], values)# If no index is providedif not m_dict['index']:if name in results_dictionary:_reuse_fail(name, values)results_dictionary[name] = parsed_valueelse:if name in results_dictionary:# The name has already been used as a scalar, then it# will be in this dictionary and map to a non-dictionary.if not isinstance(results_dictionary.get(name), dict):_reuse_fail(name, values)else:results_dictionary[name] = {}index = int(m_dict['index'])# Make sure the index position hasn't already been assigned a value.if index in results_dictionary[name]:_reuse_fail('{}[{}]'.format(name, index), values)results_dictionary[name][index] = parsed_valuedef _process_list_value(name, parse_fn, var_type, m_dict, values,results_dictionary):"""Update results_dictionary from a list of values.Used to update results_dictionary to be returned by parse_values whenencountering a clause with a list RHS (e.g.  "arr=[1,2,3]".)Mutates results_dictionary.Args:name: Name of variable in assignment ("arr").parse_fn: Function for parsing individual values.var_type: Type of named variable.m_dict: Dictionary constructed from regex parsing.m_dict['val']: RHS value (scalar)values: Full expression being parsedresults_dictionary: The dictionary being updated for return by the parsingfunction.Raises:ValueError: If the name has an index or the values cannot be parsed."""if m_dict['index'] is not None:raise ValueError('Assignment of a list to a list index.')elements = filter(None, re.split('[ ,]', m_dict['vals']))# Make sure the name hasn't already been assigned a valueif name in results_dictionary:raise _reuse_fail(name, values)try:results_dictionary[name] = [parse_fn(e) for e in elements]except ValueError:_parse_fail(name, var_type, m_dict['vals'], values)def _cast_to_type_if_compatible(name, param_type, value):"""Cast hparam to the provided type, if compatible.Args:name: Name of the hparam to be cast.param_type: The type of the hparam.value: The value to be cast, if compatible.Returns:The result of casting `value` to `param_type`.Raises:ValueError: If the type of `value` is not compatible with param_type.* If `param_type` is a string type, but `value` is not.* If `param_type` is a boolean, but `value` is not, or vice versa.* If `param_type` is an integer type, but `value` is not.* If `param_type` is a float type, but `value` is not a numeric type."""fail_msg = ("Could not cast hparam '%s' of type '%s' from value %r" %(name, param_type, value))# Some callers use None, for which we can't do any casting/checking. :(if issubclass(param_type, type(None)):return value# Avoid converting a non-string type to a string.if (issubclass(param_type, (six.string_types, six.binary_type)) andnot isinstance(value, (six.string_types, six.binary_type))):raise ValueError(fail_msg)# Avoid converting a number or string type to a boolean or vice versa.if issubclass(param_type, bool) != isinstance(value, bool):raise ValueError(fail_msg)# Avoid converting float to an integer (the reverse is fine).if (issubclass(param_type, numbers.Integral) andnot isinstance(value, numbers.Integral)):raise ValueError(fail_msg)# Avoid converting a non-numeric type to a numeric type.if (issubclass(param_type, numbers.Number) andnot isinstance(value, numbers.Number)):raise ValueError(fail_msg)return param_type(value)def parse_values(values, type_map):"""Parses hyperparameter values from a string into a python map.`values` is a string containing comma-separated `name=value` pairs.For each pair, the value of the hyperparameter named `name` is set to`value`.If a hyperparameter name appears multiple times in `values`, a ValueErroris raised (e.g. 'a=1,a=2', 'a[1]=1,a[1]=2').If a hyperparameter name in both an index assignment and scalar assignment,a ValueError is raised.  (e.g. 'a=[1,2,3],a[0] = 1').The hyperparameter name may contain '.' symbols, which will result in anattribute name that is only accessible through the getattr and setattrfunctions.  (And must be first explicit added through add_hparam.)WARNING: Use of '.' in your variable names is allowed, but is not wellsupported and not recommended.The `value` in `name=value` must follows the syntax according to thetype of the parameter:*  Scalar integer: A Python-parsable integer point value.  E.g.: 1,100, -12.*  Scalar float: A Python-parsable floating point value.  E.g.: 1.0,-.54e89.*  Boolean: Either true or false.*  Scalar string: A non-empty sequence of characters, excluding comma,spaces, and square brackets.  E.g.: foo, bar_1.*  List: A comma separated list of scalar values of the parameter typeenclosed in square brackets.  E.g.: [1,2,3], [1.0,1e-12], [high,low].When index assignment is used, the corresponding type_map key should be thelist name.  E.g. for "arr[1]=0" the type_map must have the key "arr" (not"arr[1]").Args:values: String.  Comma separated list of `name=value` pairs where'value' must follow the syntax described above.type_map: A dictionary mapping hyperparameter names to types.  Note everyparameter name in values must be a key in type_map.  The values mustconform to the types indicated, where a value V is said to conform to atype T if either V has type T, or V is a list of elements of type T.Hence, for a multidimensional parameter 'x' taking float values,'x=[0.1,0.2]' will parse successfully if type_map['x'] = float.Returns:A python map mapping each name to either:* A scalar value.* A list of scalar values.* A dictionary mapping index numbers to scalar values.(e.g. "x=5,L=[1,2],arr[1]=3" results in {'x':5,'L':[1,2],'arr':{1:3}}")Raises:ValueError: If there is a problem with input.* If `values` cannot be parsed.* If a list is assigned to a list index (e.g. 'a[1] = [1,2,3]').* If the same rvalue is assigned two different values (e.g. 'a=1,a=2','a[1]=1,a[1]=2', or 'a=1,a=[1]')"""results_dictionary = {}pos = 0while pos < len(values):m = PARAM_RE.match(values, pos)if not m:raise ValueError('Malformed hyperparameter value: %s' % values[pos:])# Check that there is a comma between parameters and move past it.pos = m.end()# Parse the values.m_dict = m.groupdict()name = m_dict['name']if name not in type_map:raise ValueError('Unknown hyperparameter type for %s' % name)type_ = type_map[name]# Set up correct parsing function (depending on whether type_ is a bool)if type_ == bool:def parse_bool(value):if value in ['true', 'True']:return Trueelif value in ['false', 'False']:return Falseelse:try:return bool(int(value))except ValueError:_parse_fail(name, type_, value, values)parse = parse_boolelse:parse = type_# If a singe value is providedif m_dict['val'] is not None:_process_scalar_value(name, parse, type_, m_dict, values,results_dictionary)# If the assigned value is a list:elif m_dict['vals'] is not None:_process_list_value(name, parse, type_, m_dict, values,results_dictionary)else:  # Not assigned a list or value_parse_fail(name, type_, '', values)return results_dictionaryclass HParams(object):"""Class to hold a set of hyperparameters as name-value pairs.A `HParams` object holds hyperparameters used to build and train a model,such as the number of hidden units in a neural net layer or the learning rateto use when training.You first create a `HParams` object by specifying the names and values of thehyperparameters.To make them easily accessible the parameter names are added as directattributes of the class.  A typical usage is as follows:```python# Create a HParams object specifying names and values of the model# hyperparameters:hparams = HParams(learning_rate=0.1, num_hidden_units=100)# The hyperparameter are available as attributes of the HParams object:hparams.learning_rate ==> 0.1hparams.num_hidden_units ==> 100```Hyperparameters have type, which is inferred from the type of their valuepassed at construction type.   The currently supported types are: integer,float, boolean, string, and list of integer, float, boolean, or string.You can override hyperparameter values by calling the[`parse()`](#HParams.parse) method, passing a string of comma separated`name=value` pairs.  This is intended to make it possible to overrideany hyperparameter values from a single command-line flag to whichthe user passes 'hyper-param=value' pairs.  It avoids having to defineone flag for each hyperparameter.The syntax expected for each value depends on the type of the parameter.See `parse()` for a description of the syntax.Example:```python# Define a command line flag to pass name=value pairs.# For example using argparse:import argparseparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Train my model.')parser.add_argument('--hparams', type=str,help='Comma separated list of "name=value" pairs.')args = parser.parse_args()...def my_program():# Create a HParams object specifying the names and values of the# model hyperparameters:hparams = tf.HParams(learning_rate=0.1, num_hidden_units=100,activations=['relu', 'tanh'])# Override hyperparameters values by parsing the command linehparams.parse(args.hparams)# If the user passed `--hparams=learning_rate=0.3` on the command line# then 'hparams' has the following attributes:hparams.learning_rate ==> 0.3hparams.num_hidden_units ==> 100hparams.activations ==> ['relu', 'tanh']# If the hyperparameters are in json format use parse_json:hparams.parse_json('{"learning_rate": 0.3, "activations": "relu"}')```"""_HAS_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTES = True  # Required for pytype checks.def __init__(self, hparam_def=None, model_structure=None, **kwargs):"""Create an instance of `HParams` from keyword arguments.The keyword arguments specify name-values pairs for the hyperparameters.The parameter types are inferred from the type of the values passed.The parameter names are added as attributes of `HParams` object, so theycan be accessed directly with the dot notation `hparams._name_`.Example:```python# Define 3 hyperparameters: 'learning_rate' is a float parameter,# 'num_hidden_units' an integer parameter, and 'activation' a string# parameter.hparams = tf.HParams(learning_rate=0.1, num_hidden_units=100, activation='relu')hparams.activation ==> 'relu'```Note that a few names are reserved and cannot be used as hyperparameternames.  If you use one of the reserved name the constructor raises a`ValueError`.Args:hparam_def: Serialized hyperparameters, encoded as a hparam_pb2.HParamDefprotocol buffer. If provided, this object is initialized bydeserializing hparam_def.  Otherwise **kwargs is used.model_structure: An instance of ModelStructure, defining the featurecrosses to be used in the Trial.**kwargs: Key-value pairs where the key is the hyperparameter name andthe value is the value for the parameter.Raises:ValueError: If both `hparam_def` and initialization values are provided,or if one of the arguments is invalid."""# Register the hyperparameters and their type in _hparam_types.# This simplifies the implementation of parse().# _hparam_types maps the parameter name to a tuple (type, bool).# The type value is the type of the parameter for scalar hyperparameters,# or the type of the list elements for multidimensional hyperparameters.# The bool value is True if the value is a list, False otherwise.self._hparam_types = {}self._model_structure = model_structureif hparam_def:
##       self._init_from_proto(hparam_def)
##       if kwargs:
##         raise ValueError('hparam_def and initialization values are '
##                          'mutually exclusive')raise ValueError('hparam_def has been disabled in this version')else:for name, value in six.iteritems(kwargs):self.add_hparam(name, value)##   def _init_from_proto(self, hparam_def):
##     """Creates a new HParams from `HParamDef` protocol buffer.
##     Args:
##       hparam_def: `HParamDef` protocol buffer.
##     """
##     assert isinstance(hparam_def, hparam_pb2.HParamDef)
##     for name, value in hparam_def.hparam.items():
##       kind = value.WhichOneof('kind')
##       if kind.endswith('_value'):
##         # Single value.
##         if kind.startswith('int64'):
##           # Setting attribute value to be 'int' to ensure the type is compatible
##           # with both Python2 and Python3.
##           self.add_hparam(name, int(getattr(value, kind)))
##         elif kind.startswith('bytes'):
##           # Setting attribute value to be 'str' to ensure the type is compatible
##           # with both Python2 and Python3. UTF-8 encoding is assumed.
##           self.add_hparam(name, compat.as_str(getattr(value, kind)))
##         else:
##           self.add_hparam(name, getattr(value, kind))
##       else:
##         # List of values.
##         if kind.startswith('int64'):
##           # Setting attribute value to be 'int' to ensure the type is compatible
##           # with both Python2 and Python3.
##           self.add_hparam(name, [int(v) for v in getattr(value, kind).value])
##         elif kind.startswith('bytes'):
##           # Setting attribute value to be 'str' to ensure the type is compatible
##           # with both Python2 and Python3. UTF-8 encoding is assumed.
##           self.add_hparam(
##               name, [compat.as_str(v) for v in getattr(value, kind).value])
##         else:
##           self.add_hparam(name, [v for v in getattr(value, kind).value])def add_hparam(self, name, value):"""Adds {name, value} pair to hyperparameters.Args:name: Name of the hyperparameter.value: Value of the hyperparameter. Can be one of the following types:int, float, string, int list, float list, or string list.Raises:ValueError: if one of the arguments is invalid."""# Keys in kwargs are unique, but 'name' could the name of a pre-existing# attribute of this object.  In that case we refuse to use it as a# hyperparameter name.if getattr(self, name, None) is not None:raise ValueError('Hyperparameter name is reserved: %s' % name)if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):if not value:raise ValueError('Multi-valued hyperparameters cannot be empty: %s' % name)self._hparam_types[name] = (type(value[0]), True)else:self._hparam_types[name] = (type(value), False)setattr(self, name, value)def set_hparam(self, name, value):"""Set the value of an existing hyperparameter.This function verifies that the type of the value matches the type of theexisting hyperparameter.Args:name: Name of the hyperparameter.value: New value of the hyperparameter.Raises:ValueError: If there is a type mismatch."""param_type, is_list = self._hparam_types[name]if isinstance(value, list):if not is_list:raise ValueError('Must not pass a list for single-valued parameter: %s' % name)setattr(self, name, [_cast_to_type_if_compatible(name, param_type, v) for v in value])else:if is_list:raise ValueError('Must pass a list for multi-valued parameter: %s.' % name)setattr(self, name, _cast_to_type_if_compatible(name, param_type, value))def del_hparam(self, name):"""Removes the hyperparameter with key 'name'.Args:name: Name of the hyperparameter."""if hasattr(self, name):delattr(self, name)del self._hparam_types[name]def parse(self, values):"""Override hyperparameter values, parsing new values from a string.See parse_values for more detail on the allowed format for values.Args:values: String.  Comma separated list of `name=value` pairs where'value' must follow the syntax described above.Returns:The `HParams` instance.Raises:ValueError: If `values` cannot be parsed."""type_map = dict()for name, t in self._hparam_types.items():param_type, _ = ttype_map[name] = param_typevalues_map = parse_values(values, type_map)return self.override_from_dict(values_map)def override_from_dict(self, values_dict):"""Override hyperparameter values, parsing new values from a dictionary.Args:values_dict: Dictionary of name:value pairs.Returns:The `HParams` instance.Raises:ValueError: If `values_dict` cannot be parsed."""for name, value in values_dict.items():self.set_hparam(name, value)return self##   @deprecation.deprecated(None, 'Use `override_from_dict`.')def set_from_map(self, values_map):"""DEPRECATED. Use override_from_dict."""return self.override_from_dict(values_dict=values_map)def set_model_structure(self, model_structure):self._model_structure = model_structuredef get_model_structure(self):return self._model_structuredef to_json(self, indent=None, separators=None, sort_keys=False):"""Serializes the hyperparameters into JSON.Args:indent: If a non-negative integer, JSON array elements and object memberswill be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level of 0, ornegative, will only insert newlines. `None` (the default) selects themost compact representation.separators: Optional `(item_separator, key_separator)` tuple. Default is`(', ', ': ')`.sort_keys: If `True`, the output dictionaries will be sorted by key.Returns:A JSON string."""return json.dumps(self.values(),indent=indent,separators=separators,sort_keys=sort_keys)def parse_json(self, values_json):"""Override hyperparameter values, parsing new values from a json object.Args:values_json: String containing a json object of name:value pairs.Returns:The `HParams` instance.Raises:ValueError: If `values_json` cannot be parsed."""values_map = json.loads(values_json)return self.override_from_dict(values_map)def values(self):"""Return the hyperparameter values as a Python dictionary.Returns:A dictionary with hyperparameter names as keys.  The values are thehyperparameter values."""return {n: getattr(self, n) for n in self._hparam_types.keys()}def get(self, key, default=None):"""Returns the value of `key` if it exists, else `default`."""if key in self._hparam_types:# Ensure that default is compatible with the parameter type.if default is not None:param_type, is_param_list = self._hparam_types[key]type_str = 'list<%s>' % param_type if is_param_list else str(param_type)fail_msg = ("Hparam '%s' of type '%s' is incompatible with "'default=%s' % (key, type_str, default))is_default_list = isinstance(default, list)if is_param_list != is_default_list:raise ValueError(fail_msg)try:if is_default_list:for value in default:_cast_to_type_if_compatible(key, param_type, value)else:_cast_to_type_if_compatible(key, param_type, default)except ValueError as e:raise ValueError('%s. %s' % (fail_msg, e))return getattr(self, key)return defaultdef __contains__(self, key):return key in self._hparam_typesdef __str__(self):return str(sorted(self.values().items()))def __repr__(self):return '%s(%s)' % (type(self).__name__, self.__str__())@staticmethoddef _get_kind_name(param_type, is_list):"""Returns the field name given parameter type and is_list.Args:param_type: Data type of the hparam.is_list: Whether this is a list.Returns:A string representation of the field name.Raises:ValueError: If parameter type is not recognized."""if issubclass(param_type, bool):# This check must happen before issubclass(param_type, six.integer_types),# since Python considers bool to be a subclass of int.typename = 'bool'elif issubclass(param_type, six.integer_types):# Setting 'int' and 'long' types to be 'int64' to ensure the type is# compatible with both Python2 and Python3.typename = 'int64'elif issubclass(param_type, (six.string_types, six.binary_type)):# Setting 'string' and 'bytes' types to be 'bytes' to ensure the type is# compatible with both Python2 and Python3.typename = 'bytes'elif issubclass(param_type, float):typename = 'float'else:raise ValueError('Unsupported parameter type: %s' % str(param_type))suffix = 'list' if is_list else 'value'return '_'.join([typename, suffix])##   def to_proto(self, export_scope=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
##     """Converts a `HParams` object to a `HParamDef` protocol buffer.
##     Args:
##       export_scope: Optional `string`. Name scope to remove.
##     Returns:
##       A `HParamDef` protocol buffer.
##     """
##     hparam_proto = hparam_pb2.HParamDef()
##     for name in self._hparam_types:
##       # Parse the values.
##       param_type, is_list = self._hparam_types.get(name, (None, None))
##       kind = HParams._get_kind_name(param_type, is_list)
##       if is_list:
##         if kind.startswith('bytes'):
##           v_list = [compat.as_bytes(v) for v in getattr(self, name)]
##         else:
##           v_list = [v for v in getattr(self, name)]
##         getattr(hparam_proto.hparam[name], kind).value.extend(v_list)
##       else:
##         v = getattr(self, name)
##         if kind.startswith('bytes'):
##           v = compat.as_bytes(getattr(self, name))
##         setattr(hparam_proto.hparam[name], kind, v)
##     return hparam_proto##   @staticmethod
##   def from_proto(hparam_def, import_scope=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
##     return HParams(hparam_def=hparam_def)## ops.register_proto_function(
##     'hparams',
##     proto_type=hparam_pb2.HParamDef,
##     to_proto=HParams.to_proto,
##     from_proto=HParams.from_proto)



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