GoLand 2023 Crack函数的支持

news/2024/10/22 13:18:07/

GoLand 2023 Crack函数的支持





  GoLand makes it very easy to read, write, and change Go code. On-the-fly error detection and suggestions for fixes, quick and safe refactorings with one-step undo, intelligent code completion, dead code detection, and documentation hints help all Go developers, from newbies to experienced professionals, to create fast, efficient, and reliable code.


  Coding assistance

  Smart completion - The IDE helps you write new code by auto-completing statements for you. Ctrl+Shift+Space gives you a list of the most relevant symbols applicable in the current context. When you choose a suggestion, it adds corresponding package import statements on the fly.

  Inspections and quick-fixes - The IDE provides built-in inspections that check your code on the fly as you type it. When they find problematic code, they provide you with quick-fixes which you can apply simply by pressing Alt+Enter.

  Refactorings - Includes Rename and Extract, allowing you quickly and safely change your code.

  Quick navigation - It only takes one click to switch to a super method, implementation, usages, declaration, and more. Jump to any class, file or symbol, or even any IDE action or tool window in one click.

  Quick popups - When you need more information about a symbol at the caret, use quick popups.

  Code generation - In some cases the IDE can generate trivial code for you. For example, if you click Ctrl+O, the IDE will help you implement any interface by generating its methods.

  Detecting recursive calls - If you have a recursive call inside your function, the IDE will detect it and mark it on the gutter, making your code even easier to read and understand.

  Expression type - The Expression Type action is available via Alt+ and is always at hand when you need to know the type of any expression at the caret.

  Exit points highlighting - Every function may have more than one return and panic statements. To quickly find them all, press Ctrl+Shift+F7 when the caret is at a func, return, or panic keyword. This helps you understand more quickly how a function works.

  Finding usages - The Find Usages feature finds all places in the code where a symbol is used, and also groups the usages by type.

  Formatter - The built-in formatter provides the same functionality as go fmt.



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