文章目录 1.LAMMPS介绍 2.使用python编写data文件 1.使用python编写简单data文件 2.使用python编写晶体data文件 3.使用python编写晶体(旋转)data文件
LAMMPS(Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator),主要用于分子动力学模拟 ,但也可用于能量最小化和蒙特卡洛模拟,可模拟几个粒子到几十亿粒子 的体系。 代码开源免费,使用C++编写 ,目前由美国桑迪亚国家实验室(Sandia National Laboratory,SNL)进行维护。 可在笔记本/台式机上运行,可安装在MacOS、Linux和Windows 上。 常见的输入文件 : 1.structure.dat(data文件 ,包含体系大小、原子数、原子类型、各类型质量、各原子位置,也可包含原子速度) 2.filename.in(input文件 ,包含运行程序的参数,也可包含势函数或经验势) 3.pot.mod(potential文件 ,包含有关势参数) 常见的输出文件 : 1.final-structure.dat(data文件 :与输入data文件相同,但包含最终体系的信息。可以作为另一个模拟的初始输入data文件) 2.md.lammpstrj(轨迹文件 :每N步的原子位置,用于进一步可视化分析) 3.log.lammps(日志文件 :存储所有LAMMPS执行的操作。当出现错误时,可以查看) 4.out.filename(输出文件 :包含所执行的操作的摘要,错误信息,以及热力学数据)
import numpy as npn_atoms = 1000
system_size = 20.0 positions = [ ]
for i in range ( n_atoms) : positions. append( np. random. rand( 3 ) * system_size) with open ( "random.data" , "w" ) as fdata: fdata. write( "random atoms - written\n\n" ) fdata. write( "{} atoms\n" . format ( n_atoms) ) fdata. write( "{} atom types\n" . format ( 1 ) ) fdata. write( "{} {} xlo xhi\n" . format ( 0.0 , system_size) ) fdata. write( "{} {} ylo yhi\n" . format ( 0.0 , system_size) ) fdata. write( "{} {} zlo zhi\n" . format ( 0.0 , system_size) ) fdata. write( "\n" ) fdata. write( "Atoms\n\n" ) for i, pos in enumerate ( positions) : fdata. write( "{} 1 {} {} {}\n" . format ( i+ 1 , * pos) )
import numpy as nplattice_parameter = 4.046
basis = np. array( [ [ 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ] , [ 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 ] , [ 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ] ] ) * lattice_parameter
base_atoms = np. array( [ [ 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ] , [ 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.0 ] , [ 0.5 , 0.0 , 0.5 ] , [ 0.0 , 0.5 , 0.5 ] ] ) * lattice_parameter
system_size = 10 positions = [ ]
for i in range ( system_size) : for j in range ( system_size) : for k in range ( system_size) : base_position = np. array( [ i, j, k] ) cart_position = np. inner( basis. T, base_position) for atom in base_atoms: positions. append( cart_position + atom) with open ( "crystalline.data" , "w" ) as fdata: fdata. write( "crystalline Al atoms - written\n\n" ) fdata. write( "{} atoms\n" . format ( len ( positions) ) ) fdata. write( "{} atom types\n" . format ( 1 ) ) fdata. write( "{} {} xlo xhi\n" . format ( 0.0 , system_size* lattice_parameter) ) fdata. write( "{} {} ylo yhi\n" . format ( 0.0 , system_size* lattice_parameter) ) fdata. write( "{} {} zlo zhi\n" . format ( 0.0 , system_size* lattice_parameter) ) fdata. write( "\n" ) fdata. write( "Atoms\n\n" ) for i, pos in enumerate ( positions) : fdata. write( "{} 1 {} {} {}\n" . format ( i+ 1 , * pos) )
import numpy as np
import itertools as its
import math
def rotation_matrix ( axis, angle) : a = math. cos( angle/ 2.0 ) s = math. sin( angle/ 2.0 ) b = axis[ 0 ] * sc = axis[ 1 ] * sd = axis[ 2 ] * sreturn np. array( [ [ a* a+ b* b- c* c- d* d, 2 * ( b* c- a* d) , 2 * ( b* d+ a* c) ] , [ 2 * ( b* c+ a* d) , a* a+ c* c- b* b- d* d, 2 * ( c* d- a* b) ] , [ 2 * ( b* d- a* c) , 2 * ( c* d+ a* b) , a* a+ d* d- b* b- c* c] ] ) lattice_parameter = 4.046
basis = np. array( [ [ 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ] , [ 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 ] , [ 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ] ] ) * lattice_parameter
base_atoms = np. array( [ [ 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ] , [ 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.0 ] , [ 0.5 , 0.0 , 0.5 ] , [ 0.0 , 0.5 , 0.5 ] ] ) * lattice_parameter
axis = [ 1 , 1 , 0 ]
angle = np. pi/ 6
rot = rotation_matrix( axis, angle)
basis = np. matmul( rot. T, basis)
base_atoms = np. array( [ np. matmul( rot, atom) for atom in base_atoms] ) system_size = 20
system_basis = np. array( [ [ 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ] , [ 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 ] , [ 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ] ] ) * system_size
inv_basis = np. linalg. inv( basis)
inv_system = np. linalg. inv( system_basis)
corners = np. array( list ( its. product( [ 0.0 , system_size] , repeat = 3 ) ) )
extents = np. array( [ np. matmul( inv_basis. T, corner) for corner in corners] )
mins = [ int ( np. min ( [ m, 0 ] ) ) for m in np. floor( np. min ( extents, axis = 0 ) ) ]
maxs = [ int ( np. max ( [ m, 0 ] ) ) + 1 for m in np. ceil( np. max ( extents, axis = 0 ) ) ] positions = [ ]
for i in range ( mins[ 0 ] , maxs[ 0 ] ) : for j in range ( mins[ 1 ] , maxs[ 1 ] ) : for k in range ( mins[ 2 ] , maxs[ 2 ] ) : base_position = np. array( [ i, j, k] ) cart_position = np. inner( basis. T, base_position) for atom in base_atoms: atom_pos = cart_position + atomsystem_pos = np. matmul( inv_system. T, atom_pos) if all ( system_pos >= 0.0 ) and all ( system_pos < 1.0 ) : positions. append( atom_pos) with open ( "rotate_crystalline.data" , "w" ) as fdata: fdata. write( "rotate crystalline Al atoms - written\n\n" ) fdata. write( "{} atoms\n" . format ( len ( positions) ) ) fdata. write( "{} atom types\n" . format ( 1 ) ) fdata. write( "{} {} xlo xhi\n" . format ( 0.0 , system_size) ) fdata. write( "{} {} ylo yhi\n" . format ( 0.0 , system_size) ) fdata. write( "{} {} zlo zhi\n" . format ( 0.0 , system_size) ) fdata. write( "\n" ) fdata. write( "Atoms\n\n" ) for i, pos in enumerate ( positions) : fdata. write( "{} 1 {} {} {}\n" . format ( i+ 1 , * pos) )