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项目文件请看我githubJavaFxChineseChess/src/application at master · Lokisuper-lilu/JavaFxChineseChess (



package application;import;import application.Qizi.CanNotMoveToException;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane;
import javafx.scene.control.TextArea;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.*;
import javafx.scene.shape.Line;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;
import javafx.scene.text.FontPosture;
import javafx.scene.text.FontWeight;public class Main extends Application {private Pane pane = new Pane();static Qizi scelet;static Qizi points[][] = new Qizi[15][15];String record;int whos = 1;static int winner = 0;Label label = new Label("当前为红方回合");int clicktime = 1;String Savemove = "";TextArea Savemoves = new TextArea();@Overridepublic void start(Stage primaryStage) {drawLines();insetQizi();Savemoves.setWrapText(true);Savemoves.setEditable(false);pane.setOnMouseClicked(e -> {int awsl = isWin();if (awsl == 0) {if (e.getButton() == MouseButton.SECONDARY) {scelet = null;}if (scelet != null) {if (whos == 1 && scelet.isRed != 1) {scelet.UnSceletced();return;} else if (whos == 0 && scelet.isRed == 1) {scelet.UnSceletced();return;}if (clicktime == 2) {trytomove(e.getX(), e.getY());if (whos == 0) {label.setText("当前是黑方回合");} else if (whos == 1) {label.setText("当前是红方回合");}} else {clicktime = 2;}}} else if (awsl == 1) {label.setText("红方胜利");label.setFont(Font.font("Times New Roman", FontWeight.BLACK, FontPosture.ITALIC, 60));}});Button restart = new Button("重启游戏");restart.setOnAction(e -> {restart();});ScrollPane domoves = new ScrollPane(Savemoves);BorderPane panes = new BorderPane();HBox tops=new HBox();tops.getChildren().addAll(restart,label);tops.setPadding(new Insets(5,5,5,5));panes.setLeft(pane);panes.setTop(tops);panes.setRight(domoves);domoves.setPrefSize(300, 600);panes.setPadding(new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5));Scene scene = new Scene(panes, 800, 600);primaryStage.setScene(scene);;}private void moveBing(Qizi the, int x, int y, int tox, int toy) {if (the.way != 1 && tox != x) {playMusic2();return;}if (toy == y + 1) {playMusic2();return;}if (toy < y - 1) {playMusic2();return;}if (points[tox][toy] != null) {if (points[tox][toy].isRed != 1) {points[tox][toy].die();} else {playMusic2();return;}}points[x][y] = null;points[tox][toy] = the;the.x = tox;the.y = toy;the.setX(Mainnumber.xToPx(tox) - the.getWidth() / 2);the.setY(Mainnumber.yToPx(toy) - the.getHeight() / 2);if (toy == 4) {the.way = 1;}the.UnSceletced();whos = 0;playMusic1();clicktime = 1;Savemove = "红方:兵" + x + "平" + tox + "," + y + "进" + toy + "\n" + Savemove;Savemoves.setText(Savemove);}private void moveZu(Qizi the, int x, int y, int tox, int toy) {if (the.way != 1 && tox != x) {playMusic2();return;}if (toy == y - 1) {playMusic2();return;}if (toy > y + 1) {playMusic2();return;}if (points[tox][toy] != null) {if (points[tox][toy].isRed != 0) {points[tox][toy].die();} else {playMusic2();return;}}points[x][y] = null;points[tox][toy] = the;the.x = tox;the.y = toy;the.setX(Mainnumber.xToPx(tox) - the.getWidth() / 2);the.setY(Mainnumber.yToPx(toy) - the.getHeight() / 2);the.UnSceletced();if (toy == 5) {the.way = 1;}whos = 1;playMusic1();clicktime = 1;Savemove = "黑方:卒" + x + "平" + tox + "," + y + "进" + toy + "\n" + Savemove;Savemoves.setText(Savemove);}private void moveShuai(Qizi the, int x, int y, int tox, int toy) {if (tox < 3 || tox > 5) {playMusic2();return;}if (toy < 7) {playMusic2();return;}if (points[tox][toy] != null) {if (points[tox][toy].isRed != 1) {points[tox][toy].die();} else {playMusic2();return;}}points[x][y] = null;points[tox][toy] = the;the.x = tox;the.y = toy;the.setX(Mainnumber.xToPx(tox) - the.getWidth() / 2);the.setY(Mainnumber.yToPx(toy) - the.getHeight() / 2);the.UnSceletced();whos = 0;playMusic1();clicktime = 1;Savemove = "红方:帅" + x + "平" + tox + "," + y + "进" + toy + "\n" + Savemove;Savemoves.setText(Savemove);}private void moveJiang(Qizi the, int x, int y, int tox, int toy) {if (tox < 3 || tox > 5) {playMusic2();return;}if (toy > 2) {playMusic2();return;}if (points[tox][toy] != null) {if (points[tox][toy].isRed != 0) {points[tox][toy].die();} else {playMusic2();return;}}points[x][y] = null;points[tox][toy] = the;the.x = tox;the.y = toy;the.setX(Mainnumber.xToPx(tox) - the.getWidth() / 2);the.setY(Mainnumber.yToPx(toy) - the.getHeight() / 2);the.UnSceletced();whos = 1;playMusic1();clicktime = 1;Savemove = "黑方:将" + x + "平" + tox + "," + y + "进" + toy + "\n" + Savemove;Savemoves.setText(Savemove);}private void moveredma(Qizi the, int x, int y, int tox, int toy) {boolean ans = false;if (tox < 0 || tox > 8 || toy < 0 || toy > 9) {playMusic2();return;} else if (Main.points[tox][toy] != null && Main.points[tox][toy].isRed == 1) {playMusic2();return;} else if (((Math.abs(tox - x) == 2 && Math.abs(toy - y) == 1)|| (Math.abs(tox - x) == 1 && Math.abs(toy - y) == 2))) {if (Math.abs(tox - x) == 2 && Math.abs(toy - y) == 1) {if (tox > x && Main.points[x + 1][y] == null) {ans = true;} else if (tox < x && Main.points[x - 1][y] == null) {ans = true;} else {playMusic2();return;}} else {if (toy > y && Main.points[x][y + 1] == null) {ans = true;} else if (toy < y && Main.points[x][y - 1] == null) {ans = true;} else {playMusic2();return;}}} else {playMusic2();return;}if (ans) {if (points[tox][toy] != null) {if (points[tox][toy].isRed == 1) {playMusic2();return;} else {points[tox][toy].die();}}points[x][y] = null;points[tox][toy] = the;the.x = tox;the.y = toy;the.setX(Mainnumber.xToPx(tox) - the.getWidth() / 2);the.setY(Mainnumber.yToPx(toy) - the.getHeight() / 2);the.UnSceletced();playMusic1();clicktime = 1;whos = 0;Savemove = "红方:馬" + x + "平" + tox + "," + y + "进" + toy + "\n" + Savemove;Savemoves.setText(Savemove);}}private void moveblackma(Qizi the, int x, int y, int tox, int toy) {boolean ans = false;if (tox < 0 || tox > 8 || toy < 0 || toy > 9) {playMusic2();return;} else if (Main.points[tox][toy] != null && Main.points[tox][toy].isRed != 1) {playMusic2();return;} else if (((Math.abs(tox - x) == 2 && Math.abs(toy - y) == 1)|| (Math.abs(tox - x) == 1 && Math.abs(toy - y) == 2))) {if (Math.abs(tox - x) == 2 && Math.abs(toy - y) == 1) {if (tox > x && Main.points[x + 1][y] == null) {ans = true;} else if (tox < x && Main.points[x - 1][y] == null) {ans = true;} else {playMusic2();return;}} else {if (toy > y && Main.points[x][y + 1] == null) {ans = true;} else if (toy < y && Main.points[x][y - 1] == null) {ans = true;} else {playMusic2();return;}}} else {playMusic2();return;}if (ans) {if (points[tox][toy] != null) {if (points[tox][toy].isRed != 1) {playMusic2();return;} else {points[tox][toy].die();}}points[x][y] = null;points[tox][toy] = the;the.x = tox;the.y = toy;the.setX(Mainnumber.xToPx(tox) - the.getWidth() / 2);the.setY(Mainnumber.yToPx(toy) - the.getHeight() / 2);the.UnSceletced();playMusic1();clicktime = 1;whos = 1;Savemove = "黑方:馬" + x + "平" + tox + "," + y + "进" + toy + "\n" + Savemove;Savemoves.setText(Savemove);}}private void moveredju(Qizi the, int x, int y, int tox, int toy) {int count = 0;if (tox != x && toy != y) {playMusic2();return;} else {// 没有移动if (tox == the.x && toy == the.y)count = 1;// 对角线移动if (tox != the.x && toy != the.y)count = 1;// 判断中间有子。情况一if (tox > the.x && toy == the.y) {for (int temp = the.x + 1; temp < tox; temp++) {if (Main.points[temp][y] != null)count = 1;}}// 情况二if (tox < the.x && toy != the.y) {for (int temp = the.x - 1; temp > tox; temp--) {if (Main.points[temp][y] != null)count = 1;}}// 情况三if (tox == the.x && toy > the.y) {for (int temp = the.y + 1; temp < toy; temp++) {if (Main.points[x][temp] != null)count = 1;}}// 情况四if (tox == the.x && toy < the.y) {for (int temp = the.y - 1; temp > toy; temp--) {if (Main.points[x][temp] != null)count = 1;}}// count==0,可以移动,且目标点不为己方子}if (count == 0) {if (points[tox][toy] != null) {if (points[tox][toy].isRed == 1) {playMusic2();return;} else {points[tox][toy].die();}}points[x][y] = null;points[tox][toy] = the;the.x = tox;the.y = toy;the.setX(Mainnumber.xToPx(tox) - the.getWidth() / 2);the.setY(Mainnumber.yToPx(toy) - the.getHeight() / 2);the.UnSceletced();playMusic1();clicktime = 1;whos = 0;Savemove = "红方:車" + x + "平" + tox + "," + y + "进" + toy + "\n" + Savemove;Savemoves.setText(Savemove);} else if (count == 1) {playMusic2();return;}}private void moveblackju(Qizi the, int x, int y, int tox, int toy) {int count = 0;if (tox != x && toy != y) {playMusic2();return;} else {// 没有移动if (tox == the.x && toy == the.y)count = 1;// 对角线移动if (tox != the.x && toy != the.y)count = 1;// 判断中间有子。情况一if (tox > the.x && toy == the.y) {for (int temp = the.x + 1; temp < tox; temp++) {if (Main.points[temp][y] != null)count = 1;}}// 情况二if (tox < the.x && toy != the.y) {for (int temp = the.x - 1; temp > tox; temp--) {if (Main.points[temp][y] != null)count = 1;}}// 情况三if (tox == the.x && toy > the.y) {for (int temp = the.y + 1; temp < toy; temp++) {if (Main.points[x][temp] != null)count = 1;}}// 情况四if (tox == the.x && toy < the.y) {for (int temp = the.y - 1; temp > toy; temp--) {if (Main.points[x][temp] != null)count = 1;}}// count==0,可以移动,且目标点不为己方子}if (count == 0) {if (points[tox][toy] != null) {if (points[tox][toy].isRed != 1) {playMusic2();return;} else {points[tox][toy].die();}}points[x][y] = null;points[tox][toy] = the;the.x = tox;the.y = toy;the.setX(Mainnumber.xToPx(tox) - the.getWidth() / 2);the.setY(Mainnumber.yToPx(toy) - the.getHeight() / 2);the.UnSceletced();playMusic1();clicktime = 1;whos = 1;Savemove = "黑方:車" + x + "平" + tox + "," + y + "进" + toy + "\n" + Savemove;Savemoves.setText(Savemove);} else if (count == 1) {playMusic2();return;}}private void moveredpao(Qizi the, int x, int y, int tox, int toy) {int count = 0;// 记录两点之间棋子个数// 下列为6种情况if (tox != the.x && toy != the.y) {playMusic2();return;}if (tox == the.x && toy > the.y) {for (int tem = the.y + 1; tem < toy; tem++) {if (Main.points[x][tem] != null) {count++;}}}if (tox == the.x && toy < the.y) {for (int tem = toy + 1; tem < the.y; tem++) {if (Main.points[x][tem] != null) {count++;}}}if (toy == the.y && tox > the.x) {for (int tem = the.x + 1; tem < tox; tem++) {if (Main.points[tem][y] != null) {count++;}}}if (toy == the.y && tox < the.x) {for (int tem = tox + 1; tem < the.x; tem++) {if (Main.points[tem][y] != null) {count++;}}}if (Main.points[tox][toy] == null) {// 目的地是否有棋子以及是否为己方棋子if (count != 0) {playMusic2();return;}} else {if (count != 1 || Main.points[tox][toy].isRed == 1) {playMusic2();return;} else if (count == 1) {Main.points[tox][toy].die();count = 0;}}if (count == 0) {points[x][y] = null;points[tox][toy] = the;the.x = tox;the.y = toy;the.setX(Mainnumber.xToPx(tox) - the.getWidth() / 2);the.setY(Mainnumber.yToPx(toy) - the.getHeight() / 2);the.UnSceletced();playMusic1();clicktime = 1;whos = 0;Savemove = "红方:炮" + x + "平" + tox + "," + y + "进" + toy + "\n" + Savemove;Savemoves.setText(Savemove);} else {playMusic2();return;}}private void moveblackpao(Qizi the, int x, int y, int tox, int toy) {int count = 0;// 记录两点之间棋子个数// 下列为6种情况if (tox != the.x && toy != the.y) {playMusic2();return;}if (tox == the.x && toy > the.y) {for (int tem = the.y + 1; tem < toy; tem++) {if (Main.points[x][tem] != null) {count++;}}}if (tox == the.x && toy < the.y) {for (int tem = toy + 1; tem < the.y; tem++) {if (Main.points[x][tem] != null) {count++;}}}if (toy == the.y && tox > the.x) {for (int tem = the.x + 1; tem < tox; tem++) {if (Main.points[tem][y] != null) {count++;}}}if (toy == the.y && tox < the.x) {for (int tem = tox + 1; tem < the.x; tem++) {if (Main.points[tem][y] != null) {count++;}}}if (Main.points[tox][toy] == null) {// 目的地是否有棋子以及是否为己方棋子if (count != 0) {playMusic2();return;}} else {if (count != 1 || Main.points[tox][toy].isRed == 0) {playMusic2();return;} else if (count == 1) {Main.points[tox][toy].die();count = 0;}}if (count == 0) {points[x][y] = null;points[tox][toy] = the;the.x = tox;the.y = toy;the.setX(Mainnumber.xToPx(tox) - the.getWidth() / 2);the.setY(Mainnumber.yToPx(toy) - the.getHeight() / 2);the.UnSceletced();playMusic1();clicktime = 1;whos = 1;Savemove = "黑方:炮" + x + "平" + tox + "," + y + "进" + toy + "\n" + Savemove;Savemoves.setText(Savemove);} else {playMusic2();return;}}private void moveredxiang(Qizi the, int x, int y, int tox, int toy) {int midx = (tox + x) / 2;int midy = (toy + y) / 2;if (points[midx][midy] != null) {playMusic2();return;}if (toy <= 4) {playMusic2();return;}if ((tox - x == 2 && toy - y == 2) || (tox - x == 2 && toy - y == -2) || (tox - x == -2 && toy - y == 2)|| (tox - x == -2 && toy - y == -2)) {if (points[tox][toy] != null) {if (points[tox][toy].isRed == 1) {playMusic2();return;} else {points[tox][toy].die();}}points[x][y] = null;points[tox][toy] = the;the.x = tox;the.y = toy;the.setX(Mainnumber.xToPx(tox) - the.getWidth() / 2);the.setY(Mainnumber.yToPx(toy) - the.getHeight() / 2);the.UnSceletced();playMusic1();clicktime = 1;whos = 0;Savemove = "红方:象" + x + "," + y + "填" + tox + "," + toy + "\n" + Savemove;Savemoves.setText(Savemove);}}private void moveblackxiang(Qizi the, int x, int y, int tox, int toy) {int midx = (tox + x) / 2;int midy = (toy + y) / 2;if (points[midx][midy] != null) {playMusic2();return;}if (toy >= 5) {playMusic2();return;}if ((tox - x == 2 && toy - y == 2) || (tox - x == 2 && toy - y == -2) || (tox - x == -2 && toy - y == 2)|| (tox - x == -2 && toy - y == -2)) {if (points[tox][toy] != null) {if (points[tox][toy].isRed == 1) {playMusic2();return;} else {points[tox][toy].die();}}points[x][y] = null;points[tox][toy] = the;the.x = tox;the.y = toy;the.setX(Mainnumber.xToPx(tox) - the.getWidth() / 2);the.setY(Mainnumber.yToPx(toy) - the.getHeight() / 2);the.UnSceletced();playMusic1();clicktime = 1;whos = 1;Savemove = "黑方:象" + x + "," + y + "填" + tox + "," + toy + "\n" + Savemove;Savemoves.setText(Savemove);}}private void moveredshi(Qizi the, int x, int y, int tox, int toy) {if (tox < 3 || tox > 5) {playMusic2();return;}if (toy < 7) {playMusic2();return;}if (tox == x || toy == y) {playMusic2();return;}if (Math.abs(tox - x) + Math.abs(toy - y) != 2) {playMusic2();return;}if (points[tox][toy] != null) {if (points[tox][toy].isRed != 1) {points[tox][toy].die();} else {playMusic2();return;}}points[x][y] = null;points[tox][toy] = the;the.x = tox;the.y = toy;the.setX(Mainnumber.xToPx(tox) - the.getWidth() / 2);the.setY(Mainnumber.yToPx(toy) - the.getHeight() / 2);the.UnSceletced();playMusic1();clicktime = 1;whos = 0;Savemove = "红方:士" + x + "," + y + "斜" + tox + "," + toy + "\n" + Savemove;Savemoves.setText(Savemove);}private void moveblackshi(Qizi the, int x, int y, int tox, int toy) {if (tox < 3 || tox > 5) {playMusic2();return;}if (toy > 2) {playMusic2();return;}if (tox == x || toy == y) {playMusic2();return;}if (Math.abs(tox - x) + Math.abs(toy - y) != 2) {playMusic2();return;}if (points[tox][toy] != null) {if (points[tox][toy].isRed == 1) {points[tox][toy].die();} else {playMusic2();return;}}points[x][y] = null;points[tox][toy] = the;the.x = tox;the.y = toy;the.setX(Mainnumber.xToPx(tox) - the.getWidth() / 2);the.setY(Mainnumber.yToPx(toy) - the.getHeight() / 2);the.UnSceletced();playMusic1();clicktime = 1;whos = 1;Savemove = "黑方:士" + x + "," + y + "斜" + tox + "," + toy + "\n" + Savemove;Savemoves.setText(Savemove);}private int isWin() {if (winner == 1) {return 1;}if (winner == 2) {label.setText("黑方胜利");label.setTranslateX(250);label.setTranslateY(275);label.setFont(Font.font("Times New Roman", FontWeight.BLACK, FontPosture.ITALIC, 60));return 2;}return 0;}private void trytomove(double s, double b) {int x, y;switch ( {case 1:x = scelet.x;y = scelet.y;moveBing(scelet, x, y, Mainnumber.pxToX(s), Mainnumber.pxToY(b));break;case 2:x = scelet.x;y = scelet.y;moveZu(scelet, x, y, Mainnumber.pxToX(s), Mainnumber.pxToY(b));break;case 3:x = scelet.x;y = scelet.y;moveShuai(scelet, x, y, Mainnumber.pxToX(s), Mainnumber.pxToY(b));break;case 4:x = scelet.x;y = scelet.y;moveJiang(scelet, x, y, Mainnumber.pxToX(s), Mainnumber.pxToY(b));break;case 5:x = scelet.x;y = scelet.y;moveredma(scelet, x, y, Mainnumber.pxToX(s), Mainnumber.pxToY(b));break;case 6:x = scelet.x;y = scelet.y;moveblackma(scelet, x, y, Mainnumber.pxToX(s), Mainnumber.pxToY(b));break;case 7:x = scelet.x;y = scelet.y;moveredju(scelet, x, y, Mainnumber.pxToX(s), Mainnumber.pxToY(b));break;case 8:x = scelet.x;y = scelet.y;moveblackju(scelet, x, y, Mainnumber.pxToX(s), Mainnumber.pxToY(b));break;case 9:x = scelet.x;y = scelet.y;moveredpao(scelet, x, y, Mainnumber.pxToX(s), Mainnumber.pxToY(b));break;case 10:x = scelet.x;y = scelet.y;moveblackpao(scelet, x, y, Mainnumber.pxToX(s), Mainnumber.pxToY(b));break;case 11:x = scelet.x;y = scelet.y;moveredxiang(scelet, x, y, Mainnumber.pxToX(s), Mainnumber.pxToY(b));break;case 12:x = scelet.x;y = scelet.y;moveblackxiang(scelet, x, y, Mainnumber.pxToX(s), Mainnumber.pxToY(b));break;case 13:x = scelet.x;y = scelet.y;moveredshi(scelet, x, y, Mainnumber.pxToX(s), Mainnumber.pxToY(b));break;case 14:x = scelet.x;y = scelet.y;moveblackshi(scelet, x, y, Mainnumber.pxToX(s), Mainnumber.pxToY(b));break;}}private void drawLines() {final int ge =;final int xtoright = Mainnumber.xtoright;final int xtoleft = Mainnumber.xtoleft;final int ytotop = Mainnumber.ytotop;final int ytobottom = Mainnumber.ytobottom;for (int xh1 = ytotop; xh1 <= ytobottom; xh1 = xh1 + ge) {Line newLine = new Line();newLine.setStartX(xtoleft);newLine.setStartY(xh1);newLine.setEndX(xtoright);newLine.setEndY(xh1);pane.getChildren().add(newLine);}for (int xh1 = xtoleft; xh1 <= xtoright; xh1 = xh1 + ge) {Line newtopLine = new Line();newtopLine.setStartY(ytotop);newtopLine.setStartX(xh1);newtopLine.setEndY(ytotop + 4 * ge);newtopLine.setEndX(xh1);Line newbottomLine = new Line();newbottomLine.setStartY(ytotop + 5 * ge);newbottomLine.setStartX(xh1);newbottomLine.setEndY(ytobottom);newbottomLine.setEndX(xh1);pane.getChildren().addAll(newtopLine, newbottomLine);}Line line = new Line(xtoleft, ytotop + 4 * ge, xtoleft, ytotop + 5 * ge);pane.getChildren().add(line);line = new Line(xtoright, ytotop + 4 * ge, xtoright, ytotop + 5 * ge);pane.getChildren().add(line);Line crossLine1 = new Line(xtoleft + 3 * ge, ytotop, xtoleft + 5 * ge, ytotop + 2 * ge);Line crossLine2 = new Line(xtoleft + 3 * ge, ytotop + 2 * ge, xtoleft + 5 * ge, ytotop);pane.getChildren().addAll(crossLine1, crossLine2);crossLine1 = new Line(xtoleft + 3 * ge, ytobottom, xtoleft + 5 * ge, ytobottom - 2 * ge);crossLine2 = new Line(xtoleft + 3 * ge, ytobottom - 2 * ge, xtoleft + 5 * ge, ytobottom);pane.getChildren().addAll(crossLine1, crossLine2);}private void insetQizi() {Jiang shuai = new Jiang(4, 9, 1);Jiang jiang = new Jiang(4, 0, 0);Shi redshi1 = new Shi(3, 9, 1);Shi redshi2 = new Shi(5, 9, 1);Ju redju1 = new Ju(0, 9, 1);Ju redju2 = new Ju(8, 9, 1);Pao redpao2 = new Pao(7, 7, 1);Pao redpao1 = new Pao(1, 7, 1);Xiang redxiang1 = new Xiang(2, 9, 1);Xiang redxiang2 = new Xiang(6, 9, 1);Ma redma1 = new Ma(1, 9, 1);Ma redma2 = new Ma(7, 9, 1);Bing bing1 = new Bing(0, 6, 1);Bing bing2 = new Bing(2, 6, 1);Bing bing3 = new Bing(4, 6, 1);Bing bing4 = new Bing(6, 6, 1);Bing bing5 = new Bing(8, 6, 1);Shi hshi1 = new Shi(3, 0, 0);Shi hshi2 = new Shi(5, 0, 0);Ju hju1 = new Ju(0, 0, 0);Ju hju2 = new Ju(8, 0, 0);Pao hpao2 = new Pao(7, 2, 0);Pao hpao1 = new Pao(1, 2, 0);Xiang hxiang1 = new Xiang(2, 0, 0);Xiang hxiang2 = new Xiang(6, 0, 0);Ma hma1 = new Ma(1, 0, 0);Ma hma2 = new Ma(7, 0, 0);Bing zu1 = new Bing(0, 3, 0);Bing zu2 = new Bing(2, 3, 0);Bing zu3 = new Bing(4, 3, 0);Bing zu4 = new Bing(6, 3, 0);Bing zu5 = new Bing(8, 3, 0);pane.getChildren().addAll(jiang, shuai, redshi1, redshi2, redju1, redju2, redpao1, redpao2, redxiang1,redxiang2, redma2, redma1, bing1, bing2, bing3, bing4, bing5, hma2, hma1, hxiang2, hxiang1, hpao1,hpao2, hju1, hju2, hshi2, hshi1, zu1, zu5, zu4, zu3, zu2);}static void playMusic1() {try {Media xq = new Media("Bgm/go.mp3");MediaPlayer bf = new MediaPlayer(xq);;} catch (Exception e) {System.out.print(e);}}static void playMusic2() {String s1 = new File("Bgm/nomove.mp3").toURI().toString();Media xq = new Media(s1);MediaPlayer bf = new MediaPlayer(xq);;}private void restart() {pane.getChildren().clear();drawLines();insetQizi();Savemove = "";Savemoves.setText(Savemove);label.setText("当前是红方回合");label.setFont(Font.font("Time New Roman",FontWeight.BOLD,FontPosture.REGULAR,20));clicktime=1;whos = 1;}public static void main(String[] args) {launch(args);}


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