
news/2024/12/4 11:21:32/

Boot Camp: Apple Keyboard (Ultra–thin USB) keyboard mapping in Windows


Learn how Boot Camp maps Microsoft Windows functions and special keys to the external Apple Keyboard (Ultra–thin USB), as well as which keys to use for various functions.

Products Affected

Boot Camp, Keyboards, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7

This article explains how Boot Camp maps Microsoft Windows functions and special keys to the external Apple Keyboard (Ultra–thin USB), as well as which keys to use for various functions.

Apple (Ultra–thin USB) keyboard

Sample Apple Keyboard (Ultra–thin USB)

Key mappings for Microsoft Windows features

Below is a chart of keyboard functions specific to the Microsoft Windows, and equivalent key combinations as they are mapped to Apple keyboards by the Apple Keyboard Support driver.


PC keyboard some keys highlighted


Print Screen PC Print Screen key F14 Key
Scroll Lock PC Scroll Lock key  
Pause/Break PC Pause key  Mac fn (function) key
Backspace delete PC Backspace key  Mac Delete key
Insert PC Insert key  Mac fn (function) keyMac Enter keypad
Number lock PC numlock key  Mac Clear key
Alt (Option) PC Alt key  Mac Option key
Enter PC Enter key Mac Return key 
AltGr / Alt GR PC Alt key (right) (Right Alt key)  Mac Option key
Forward delete PC forward delete key  Mac Forward Delete key
Applications PC applications key --
Windows logo (Start menu) PC period delete keypad Mac Command key 


Key mappings for Boot Camp features

Some keys are only available on a keyboard designed for Apple computers. They are either named differently or simply not available on a Windows-compatible keyboard.

Apple Keyboard (Ultra–thin USB) keyboards provide certain keys that are not available on Windows/PC keyboards.

Apple Keyboard (Ultra-thin USB) Boot Camp feature keys


Brightness down -- Mac F1 and brightness up key 
Brightness up --  Mac F2 and brightness down key
Volume down --  Mac F11 and volume down key
Volume up --  Mac F12 and volume up key
Mute --  Mac F10 and volume mute key
Media eject --  Mac eject key
Media eject secondary optical drive -- Mac Option key Mac eject
Clear --  Mac Clear key
Fn (Function) --  Mac fn (function) key
Exposé --  Mac F3 and Expose key
Dashboard --  Mac F4 and Dashboard key
Rewind --  Mac F7 and rewind key
Play/Pause --  Mac F8 and play pause key
Fast Forward --  Mac F9 and fast forward key


Numeric keypad mappings

Apple external and built-in keyboards provide the same functionality as Microsoft-compatible numeric keypads.Note: The Apple Keyboard (Ultra–thin USB) does not utilize alternate numerical keyboard functions as seen on built-in Mac keyboards.

To enable numerical input, press Num Lock on a PC keyboard, or Clear on the Apple keyboard.

The chart below shows equivalent keystrokes.


Page Up PC 2 keypad Mac Page Up key (Numlock off)
Page Down PC 3 keypad Mac Page Down key (Numlock off)
Insert PC zero keypad Mac fn (function) keyMac Enter keypad (Numlock off)
Decimal Point PC period delete keypad Mac decimal point key (Numlock off)
Delete PC period delete keypad Mac decimal point key (Numlock off)
Up arrow PC 8 keypad  Mac 8 keypadMac up arrow(Numlock off)
Down arrow PC 2 keypad  Mac 2 keypadMac down arrow(Numlock off)
Left arrow PC 4 keypad  Mac 4 keypadMac left arrow(Numlock off)
Right arrow PC 6 keypad Mac 6 keypadMac right arrow (Numlock off)

Additional Information

Note: If you disable the Apple Keyboard Support driver in Windows, Windows will not recognize the extended Function keys, nor the (Fn) key.

Important: Apple does not provide technical phone support for installing, using, or recovering Microsoft Windows. Support is available for using Boot Camp Setup Assistant, as well as installing or restoring Boot Camp software while booted into Windows. Support articles and discussions may also be available on Apple's support website.

Important: Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute Apple’s recommendation or endorsement. Please  contact the vendor for additional information.
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